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a one stop merchandising solutions company
TARGETMEDIAcorporate profile
TARGETMEDIAcompany historyTarget Media has been formed in early 2006 after careful consideration based on the emerging business needs in Pakistan..As a sister concern of Graphic Images (The Production and Activation outlet) Target Media focuses specifically on the development, deployment and execution of Point of Purchase/Exposure materials for various brands. Today we are engaged in major design and execution activities in the areas of Point of Purchase/Merchandising Materials, Expo Stalls,Posters,Billboards, Retail Displays and Corporate Iconography.
TARGETMEDIAcompany historyAn important role in our successful growth has been our team -  hard working, dedicated and innovative, creating tempting solutions for the eyes of our clients audiences.At Target Media, our focus is on the fabrication/development of operational units of the POP material, and its installation countrywide. In short, this is a strong execution arm.Whereas, at Graphic Images, we handle the design and production of POS materials of the brands for our various clients, who award us the turnkey projects.This synergy enables us to provide unmatchedservices to our clients at higher efficiencies.
TARGETMEDIAstaff strengthTop Management		02
Project Management	    	02
Creative			02
Fabrication/assembly staff 	19
Client Servicing 		02
Administrative staff		03Project team members can be supplemented with additional staff depending on project requirements.
TARGETMEDIAservices offeredRetail display stands and merchandising itemsStall design, production and installations for Exhibitions / ExposDesign and production of banners, leaflets, brochures & corporate gift items (giveaways)Production and installation of signboards & hoardingsOutdoor media installation and  managementDesign and setup for Corporate  Events
TARGETMEDIAthe facilitiesCorporate office at DHA, Karachi, with Client service, Design and administration departments.Fabrication unit at SITE industrial area. A 1500 square yards well equipped facility, with complete  in-house setup of screen printing, woodwork, metal cutting/molding,  painting, polishing  and finishing, with 19 staff currently
TARGETMEDIAthe beliefs
TARGETMEDIAclient service philosophyComplete and total focus on the specific needs of the client. Meeting all commitments and deadlines without compromising on quality.Ethics, Efficiency and Professionalism should always be a part of our business norms.Knowledge and innovation are the keys to our success.
TARGETMEDIAWith us, You will experienceCreativityDelivery on CommitmentsProfessionalismTrustEthicsConfidentiality
TARGETMEDIAour PsWe may not be the practicing gurus of the essential P's of marketing, yet we have devised a set of our own P's, whichare the guiding principles for our business.    Passion  to innovate; hence lead

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TM Profile

  • 2. a one stop merchandising solutions company
  • 4. TARGETMEDIAcompany historyTarget Media has been formed in early 2006 after careful consideration based on the emerging business needs in Pakistan..As a sister concern of Graphic Images (The Production and Activation outlet) Target Media focuses specifically on the development, deployment and execution of Point of Purchase/Exposure materials for various brands. Today we are engaged in major design and execution activities in the areas of Point of Purchase/Merchandising Materials, Expo Stalls,Posters,Billboards, Retail Displays and Corporate Iconography.
  • 5. TARGETMEDIAcompany historyAn important role in our successful growth has been our team - hard working, dedicated and innovative, creating tempting solutions for the eyes of our clients audiences.At Target Media, our focus is on the fabrication/development of operational units of the POP material, and its installation countrywide. In short, this is a strong execution arm.Whereas, at Graphic Images, we handle the design and production of POS materials of the brands for our various clients, who award us the turnkey projects.This synergy enables us to provide unmatchedservices to our clients at higher efficiencies.
  • 11. Administrative staff 03Project team members can be supplemented with additional staff depending on project requirements.
  • 12. TARGETMEDIAservices offeredRetail display stands and merchandising itemsStall design, production and installations for Exhibitions / ExposDesign and production of banners, leaflets, brochures & corporate gift items (giveaways)Production and installation of signboards & hoardingsOutdoor media installation and managementDesign and setup for Corporate Events
  • 13. TARGETMEDIAthe facilitiesCorporate office at DHA, Karachi, with Client service, Design and administration departments.Fabrication unit at SITE industrial area. A 1500 square yards well equipped facility, with complete in-house setup of screen printing, woodwork, metal cutting/molding, painting, polishing and finishing, with 19 staff currently
  • 15. TARGETMEDIAclient service philosophyComplete and total focus on the specific needs of the client. Meeting all commitments and deadlines without compromising on quality.Ethics, Efficiency and Professionalism should always be a part of our business norms.Knowledge and innovation are the keys to our success.
  • 16. TARGETMEDIAWith us, You will experienceCreativityDelivery on CommitmentsProfessionalismTrustEthicsConfidentiality
  • 17. TARGETMEDIAour PsWe may not be the practicing gurus of the essential P's of marketing, yet we have devised a set of our own P's, whichare the guiding principles for our business. Passion to innovate; hence lead
  • 18. Processes Simple result oriented processes, leading to timely delivery of agreed quality. Productivity Our resource planning has not only been differentiating us from the ordinary vendors, but has also helped us enhance efficiencies and effectiveness even when going through mass production phases. Persistence In our dealings. In our quality. And in meeting the promises made
  • 22. TARGETMEDIAThere is no passion to be found playing small - in settlingfor a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.(Nelson Mandela)
  • 23. TARGETMEDIAContact:Corporate office: M-3, 9-C, Sunset lane -9, Phase-ll extension, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi. Ph: 021-35382053, 021-35387216 Fax: 021-35382143 E-mail: info@targetnmedia.com Web: www.targetnmedia.com