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John Dawson RESUME
19 Chappell Court,Sunbury, Vic 3429
Home ph: 03 9744 6752 Mobile: 0427 744 467 Email: jsdawson67@gmail.com
A sales management professional with many years' experience in FMCG industry,I have worked for many of
Australias bigbox retailers. I havea proven track record of developing new business and motivatinga team to
consistently exceed targets. I am in a constantstate of study and research with in marketing technics across a
broad range of industries with a view to its applicationswith in current positions.Now seeking a new
professional challenge.
Frequently received commendations from clients and suppliersserviceand attention to their needs
Harvey Norman receivingsales awardsfor increasingsales in theComputer Department by 63% in a two year
time frame.
Fundraising for Royal FlyingDoctors Service and community groups
Winingmultiplesales and marketingawards
Integrity, Passion and a driveto achieveagainstthe odds. Flexibility and open ness to learn new roll alongwith
new ideas.Take adviseand able to take constructivecriticism.Meeting Sales Goals,Negotiation,Sellingto
Customer Needs, Motivation for Sales,Sales Planning,BuildingRelationships,Coaching,ManagingProcesses,
Market Knowledge, Developing Budgets, Staffing
Independent Retail Consultant
Sales Training Development
August 2014 to Current
Workingwith a specialised recruitmentcompany on shortterm contractto identifyingand to work within the
business to improvetrainingareas through functional changes to increasethe bottom line.
Fixed term contract
Bunnings Sunbury
Kitchen and Plumbing Specialist Special Orders
Jun 2014 to August 2014
Customer Service Consultant
December 2013 to March 2014
To provide excellentcustomer serviceexperience across all facets of the Telstra services and productrange.
Fixed term contract part time
E & S Trading Co,
Sales Consultant
June 2008 to October 2013
E & S Tradingarean upmarket Retail Outlet for Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry products for clients completing
New Builds,renovations,restoration and redecoration of homes and commercial properties.
Completed many job company specific training.
CertificateIV in WorkplaceTrainingand Assessment 1998
CertificateIV Information Technology  (PC Support) 1996
Heavy Rigid Licence 2003
ForkliftLicence 2002
Markstar & HSE and other Occupational Health Safety tickets. 2002
Wormalds FireWarden Training,Vehicle,Miningand General 2002
Mal Garvan Customer Service TrainingCourse 1998
 Responsiblefor obtainingprofitableresults through the sales teamby developing the team through
motivation, counselling,skills development and product knowledge development.
 Manage the sales administration function,operational performancereporting,s treamliningprocesses
and systems wherever possible,and advisingsenior management on maximisingbusiness
relationshipsand creatingan environment where customer servicecan flourish.
 Assistin the development of the annual marketingplan,specifically advisingon:realisticforecasts for
each product (based on historical data,markettrends, competitive activity,promotional strategy and
sales effort), realistic costs of operatingthe sales force; and sales promotion programme plans.
 Plan and implement a specific appraisal systemthat describes the responsibilities and performance
standards for each member of the sales team, set individual sales and commission targets and
administer the commission plan.
Political and Religious history and its impacton modern day society.
Love of all things motor / transportrelated.
Technology and itemerging applicationsfor changeon current and future society.
Availableon request

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  • 1. John Dawson RESUME 19 Chappell Court,Sunbury, Vic 3429 Home ph: 03 9744 6752 Mobile: 0427 744 467 Email: jsdawson67@gmail.com Feb2015 CAREER OVERVIEW A sales management professional with many years' experience in FMCG industry,I have worked for many of Australias bigbox retailers. I havea proven track record of developing new business and motivatinga team to consistently exceed targets. I am in a constantstate of study and research with in marketing technics across a broad range of industries with a view to its applicationswith in current positions.Now seeking a new professional challenge. ACHIEVEMENTS Frequently received commendations from clients and suppliersserviceand attention to their needs Harvey Norman receivingsales awardsfor increasingsales in theComputer Department by 63% in a two year time frame. Fundraising for Royal FlyingDoctors Service and community groups Winingmultiplesales and marketingawards KEY STRENGTHS Integrity, Passion and a driveto achieveagainstthe odds. Flexibility and open ness to learn new roll alongwith new ideas.Take adviseand able to take constructivecriticism.Meeting Sales Goals,Negotiation,Sellingto Customer Needs, Motivation for Sales,Sales Planning,BuildingRelationships,Coaching,ManagingProcesses, Market Knowledge, Developing Budgets, Staffing
  • 2. CAREER HISTORY Independent Retail Consultant Sales Training Development August 2014 to Current Workingwith a specialised recruitmentcompany on shortterm contractto identifyingand to work within the business to improvetrainingareas through functional changes to increasethe bottom line. Fixed term contract Bunnings Sunbury Kitchen and Plumbing Specialist Special Orders Jun 2014 to August 2014 Telstra Customer Service Consultant December 2013 to March 2014 To provide excellentcustomer serviceexperience across all facets of the Telstra services and productrange. Fixed term contract part time E & S Trading Co, Sales Consultant June 2008 to October 2013 E & S Tradingarean upmarket Retail Outlet for Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry products for clients completing New Builds,renovations,restoration and redecoration of homes and commercial properties.
  • 3. EDUCATION & TRAINING Completed many job company specific training. CertificateIV in WorkplaceTrainingand Assessment 1998 CertificateIV Information Technology (PC Support) 1996 Heavy Rigid Licence 2003 ForkliftLicence 2002 Markstar & HSE and other Occupational Health Safety tickets. 2002 Wormalds FireWarden Training,Vehicle,Miningand General 2002 Mal Garvan Customer Service TrainingCourse 1998 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Responsiblefor obtainingprofitableresults through the sales teamby developing the team through motivation, counselling,skills development and product knowledge development. Manage the sales administration function,operational performancereporting,s treamliningprocesses and systems wherever possible,and advisingsenior management on maximisingbusiness relationshipsand creatingan environment where customer servicecan flourish. Assistin the development of the annual marketingplan,specifically advisingon:realisticforecasts for each product (based on historical data,markettrends, competitive activity,promotional strategy and sales effort), realistic costs of operatingthe sales force; and sales promotion programme plans. Plan and implement a specific appraisal systemthat describes the responsibilities and performance standards for each member of the sales team, set individual sales and commission targets and administer the commission plan. HOBBIES & INTERESTS Political and Religious history and its impacton modern day society. Love of all things motor / transportrelated. Technology and itemerging applicationsfor changeon current and future society. REFEREES Availableon request