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Toine Nagel
Toine Nagel
Guest Lecture
Subject: Strategic (Creative) Marketing
Date: September 23rd 2015
Location: Eindhoven University of Technology
For: European Venture Program Participants
(this presentation is published on: slideshare.net)
when hearing the word;
a lot of people think:
what ¾±²õ…
what ¾±²õ…
and of course
what ¾±²õ…
what ¾±²õ…
I call it ‘push’
what ¾±²õ…
I’m not telling you push doesn’t help
you sell a product…
I’m telling you ‘push’ dates back to
the ‘I’ era…
The era that life was about ego’s and
‘greed was good’…
what ¾±²õ…
what ¾±²õ…
The ‘greed era’ marketing guru’s
still talk about the same old
‘marketing mix’
Philip Kotler
the ‘father’ of marketing
what ¾±²õ…
Western society has evolved
Basic Needs have been fulfilled
Higher Needs is what we focus on
Peoples position in this pyramid depends on,
amongst others, education and social
Abraham Maslow’s
‘Hierarchy of Needs’ pyramid
what ¾±²õ…
Nowadays most of the economy isn’t physical anymore…
In The Netherlands the financial economy is 4 times bigger than the ‘real’ economy
what ¾±²õ…
The era you could convince or persuade is long gone
what ¾±²õ…
‘do you (the brand) and I (the consumer) feel a match?’
Modern marketing is about:
People relate on the ‘higher needs’ level…
To give people a chance to connect with you,
you have to be open about who you are, what
it is that drives you, what it is you stand for…
The first question, you as an entrepreneur, should ask yourself is:
The second question you should ask is:
‘what’s in it for me?’
from the prospective customers perspective
financially, socially, emotionally
The third question you should ask yourself is:
Are these facts, or arguments?
In many cases people don’t know why they did
what they did.
But before they arrive home they thought up a
whole lot of plausible arguments to explain their
(buying) behavior to their wives…
Big (innovative) commercial
success often starts with:
1) ‘Digging up’ consumer insights
2) Observing consumer behavior
3) Listening to complaints
Dutch (public) radio station; 3FM
And it was our task (being part of a team) to market these waves…
You could consider the ‘product’ to be; radio waves…
3FM logo < 2003
To do so we first had to make sure these waves had; economic value
(service design / value creation)
and even more important; psychological / emotional / social value
(service design / value creation)
target audience: 15 > 35
Why (are we on Earth)? What is it people want?
(Consumer Insights)
What is it people complain about?
Where it started:
My colleagues and I had huge success
with Radio 2’s Top 2000…
(up to 4,5 million votes | up to 11 million listeners
and viewers | in a country as small as 17 million
After the 2nd edition, December 2000,
3FM called us and said;
We want something like that!
Where it started:
In January 2001 we started the 3FM
project with;
‘The week of Dutch pop music’
(broadcasted February / around Valentines day)
Where it came to interaction /
dialogue (between DJ’s and audience)
we lead 3FM into a whole new World…
Keep in mind:
Internet was relatively new, the standard was
56k6 modems and some ISDN, there were no
Smartphones yet…
there was one DJ -Rob Stenders- who took his
Nokia 3210 to ‘the office’, and used it only for text
messaging. He even arranged a special 06 number:
And that was exactly what we needed!
Where it started:
That Nokia 3210 meant
interaction, wherever you want it,
whenever you want it…
Together with Vodafone we ‘tuned’
the system; we made multiple copies
of the 0654radio3 SIM card, put them
in a SIM box and squeezed more text
messages trough than theoretically
was possible …
The we created a Hotmail like
online platform DJ’s and producers
could use to send and receive
we’re still talking early 00’s, when 3FM was
(technically) connected with its audience.
Next step; how do we connect emotionally?
Where it started:
First steps in emotional connection:
At PinkPop you could set an
‘alarm clock’
(we’d learned that people came for a special act,
and then mist it while sleeping off the booze in their
You could subscribe for the latest
PinkPop News
(we’d learned that people, while camping on the
grounds, mist a whole lot of what was going on
(remember; no internet, no smartphones…)
You could even subscribe for the
PinkPop (camping) Weather Forecast…
All in all: Being connected to 3FM radio became an
‘experience’. 3FM became a ‘friend’ with whom you
experienced the greatest things, together creating
the best memories…
Toine Nagel |  Eurotech Universities | guest lecture
3FM logo 2003 >3FM logo < 2003
In 2003 new management arrived
and the old 3FM became the new 3FM
We sat down with the 3FM team and asked the same questions all over again,
and surprisingly enough; got partly new answers:
We are rebellious
We live for the music
Yes, we do bite (even do there is no hand feeding us)
We love new, we love underground
(and we can play it, because we don’t need to please advertisers)
More underground, more rebellious… (and some company secrets)
But… our heart is in the right place! (is this a typical Dutch proverb?)
‘heart is in the right place’…???
and out came the obvious question: (how do you?)
prove it!
The idea was born:
x-mass time became a period of
decadence. Expensive gifts, eating
more than you should…
while at the same time millions of
people all over the World are
That -from the hearth- bothered the
3FM team, and they wanted use their
‘toolbox’ to do something about it,
by locking themselves up, not eat for
(almost) a week, and use the power
of radio to do good
(‘Serious request’ was invented in 2003, and in its
original form was a bus, touring trough the country)
The idea was born:
Heart of the ‘Glass House’ concept
is people requesting to play certain
songs, which at it self is as old as
radio is.
People even are willing to pay for
to hear those songs. And that’s
something we found out during our
consumer insights research…
(3FM, being a public radio station, normally can’t
ask for money. But In the Serious Request setting
it’s not 3FM asking for money, it’s Red Cross asking
you for a donation…)
(Premium SMS, along with the 3333 short code, was
Introduced in 2004. You could say; it was premium
SMS that made Serious Request possible)
The idea was born:
Another big part of the ‘Glass House’
concept is the ‘minute of fame’.
People love to hear their own voice
on the radio, or having their names
mentioned. They are even are willing
to pay for it. Which again is something
we found out during our
consumer insights research…
The idea was born:
Another ‘force’ to be aware of in
the ‘Glass House’ concept is a
phenomena named:
‘collective consciousness’
also known as the ‘bystander effect’:
A group of bystanders watch a person drown.
Nobody undertakes any action… Luckily enough it
also works the other way around: When the first
rescuer jumps in the water, other members of the
group jump into action too…
With the ‘Glass House’ concept 3FM is the first
rescuer jumping… and many follow.
Eindhoven 2010
The idea was born:
The last very important ingredient
is of course;
an enthusiastic crowd!
That’s why the ‘Glass House’ /
Serious Request project always
takes place in ‘student cities’
That’s about it…
Although I’m proud of this project,
and of the results. What makes
me even more than proud is the
fantastic team I was privileged to
work with.
time for question
Toine Nagel - feel free to get in touch. You'll find me on:

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Toine Nagel | Eurotech Universities | guest lecture

  • 2. Toine Nagel Guest Lecture Subject: Strategic (Creative) Marketing Date: September 23rd 2015 Location: Eindhoven University of Technology For: European Venture Program Participants (this presentation is published on: slideshare.net)
  • 3. when hearing the word; a lot of people think: ‘marketing’ what ¾±²õ…
  • 5. and of course what ¾±²õ…
  • 7. I call it ‘push’ what ¾±²õ…
  • 8. I’m not telling you push doesn’t help you sell a product… I’m telling you ‘push’ dates back to the ‘I’ era… The era that life was about ego’s and ‘greed was good’… what ¾±²õ…
  • 9. what ¾±²õ… The ‘greed era’ marketing guru’s still talk about the same old ‘marketing mix’ Philip Kotler the ‘father’ of marketing
  • 10. what ¾±²õ… But… Western society has evolved Basic Needs have been fulfilled Higher Needs is what we focus on Peoples position in this pyramid depends on, amongst others, education and social background… Abraham Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ pyramid
  • 11. what ¾±²õ… Nowadays most of the economy isn’t physical anymore… In The Netherlands the financial economy is 4 times bigger than the ‘real’ economy
  • 12. what ¾±²õ… The era you could convince or persuade is long gone
  • 13. what ¾±²õ… ‘do you (the brand) and I (the consumer) feel a match?’ Modern marketing is about:
  • 14. ‘match’ People relate on the ‘higher needs’ level… how… To give people a chance to connect with you, you have to be open about who you are, what it is that drives you, what it is you stand for…
  • 15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPYeCltXpxw The first question, you as an entrepreneur, should ask yourself is: how…
  • 16. The second question you should ask is: how… ‘what’s in it for me?’ from the prospective customers perspective financially, socially, emotionally
  • 17. how… The third question you should ask yourself is: Are these facts, or arguments? In many cases people don’t know why they did what they did. But before they arrive home they thought up a whole lot of plausible arguments to explain their (buying) behavior to their wives…
  • 18. how… Big (innovative) commercial success often starts with: 1) ‘Digging up’ consumer insights 2) Observing consumer behavior 3) Listening to complaints
  • 21. And it was our task (being part of a team) to market these waves… You could consider the ‘product’ to be; radio waves… ³¦²¹²õ±ð… 3FM logo < 2003
  • 22. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… To do so we first had to make sure these waves had; economic value (service design / value creation) and even more important; psychological / emotional / social value (service design / value creation) target audience: 15 > 35
  • 23. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… Why (are we on Earth)? What is it people want? (Consumer Insights) What is it people complain about?
  • 24. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… Where it started: My colleagues and I had huge success with Radio 2’s Top 2000… (up to 4,5 million votes | up to 11 million listeners and viewers | in a country as small as 17 million inhabitants) After the 2nd edition, December 2000, 3FM called us and said; We want something like that!
  • 25. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… Where it started: In January 2001 we started the 3FM project with; ‘The week of Dutch pop music’ (broadcasted February / around Valentines day) Where it came to interaction / dialogue (between DJ’s and audience) we lead 3FM into a whole new World… Keep in mind: Internet was relatively new, the standard was 56k6 modems and some ISDN, there were no Smartphones yet… But… there was one DJ -Rob Stenders- who took his Nokia 3210 to ‘the office’, and used it only for text messaging. He even arranged a special 06 number: 0654radio3 And that was exactly what we needed!
  • 26. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… Where it started: That Nokia 3210 meant interaction, wherever you want it, whenever you want it… Together with Vodafone we ‘tuned’ the system; we made multiple copies of the 0654radio3 SIM card, put them in a SIM box and squeezed more text messages trough than theoretically was possible … The we created a Hotmail like online platform DJ’s and producers could use to send and receive we’re still talking early 00’s, when 3FM was (technically) connected with its audience. Next step; how do we connect emotionally?
  • 27. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… Where it started: First steps in emotional connection: At PinkPop you could set an ‘alarm clock’ (we’d learned that people came for a special act, and then mist it while sleeping off the booze in their tents...) You could subscribe for the latest PinkPop News (we’d learned that people, while camping on the grounds, mist a whole lot of what was going on (remember; no internet, no smartphones…) You could even subscribe for the PinkPop (camping) Weather Forecast… All in all: Being connected to 3FM radio became an ‘experience’. 3FM became a ‘friend’ with whom you experienced the greatest things, together creating the best memories…
  • 29. 3FM logo 2003 >3FM logo < 2003 ³¦²¹²õ±ð… In 2003 new management arrived and the old 3FM became the new 3FM
  • 30. We sat down with the 3FM team and asked the same questions all over again, and surprisingly enough; got partly new answers: ³¦²¹²õ±ð… We are rebellious We live for the music Yes, we do bite (even do there is no hand feeding us) We love new, we love underground (and we can play it, because we don’t need to please advertisers) More underground, more rebellious… (and some company secrets) But… our heart is in the right place! (is this a typical Dutch proverb?)
  • 31. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… ‘heart is in the right place’…??? and out came the obvious question: (how do you?) prove it!
  • 32. The idea was born: x-mass time became a period of decadence. Expensive gifts, eating more than you should… while at the same time millions of people all over the World are starving… That -from the hearth- bothered the 3FM team, and they wanted use their ‘toolbox’ to do something about it, by locking themselves up, not eat for (almost) a week, and use the power of radio to do good (‘Serious request’ was invented in 2003, and in its original form was a bus, touring trough the country) ³¦²¹²õ±ð… 2004
  • 33. The idea was born: Heart of the ‘Glass House’ concept is people requesting to play certain songs, which at it self is as old as radio is. People even are willing to pay for to hear those songs. And that’s something we found out during our consumer insights research… (3FM, being a public radio station, normally can’t ask for money. But In the Serious Request setting it’s not 3FM asking for money, it’s Red Cross asking you for a donation…) (Premium SMS, along with the 3333 short code, was Introduced in 2004. You could say; it was premium SMS that made Serious Request possible) ³¦²¹²õ±ð… 2007 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti0EHkj9jWE
  • 34. The idea was born: Another big part of the ‘Glass House’ concept is the ‘minute of fame’. People love to hear their own voice on the radio, or having their names mentioned. They are even are willing to pay for it. Which again is something we found out during our consumer insights research… ³¦²¹²õ±ð… 2009
  • 35. The idea was born: Another ‘force’ to be aware of in the ‘Glass House’ concept is a phenomena named: ‘collective consciousness’ also known as the ‘bystander effect’: A group of bystanders watch a person drown. Nobody undertakes any action… Luckily enough it also works the other way around: When the first rescuer jumps in the water, other members of the group jump into action too… With the ‘Glass House’ concept 3FM is the first rescuer jumping… and many follow. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… 2009
  • 36. Eindhoven 2010 The idea was born: The last very important ingredient is of course; an enthusiastic crowd! That’s why the ‘Glass House’ / Serious Request project always takes place in ‘student cities’
  • 38. That’s about it… Although I’m proud of this project, and of the results. What makes me even more than proud is the fantastic team I was privileged to work with. ³¦²¹²õ±ð… time for question Toine Nagel - feel free to get in touch. You'll find me on: