Curriculum development is a process through which an institute or the instructor designs or creates a plan for a course or program. Furthermore, it is not a stagnant approach and includes continuous improvement wherein, the content is reviewed, revised and updated according to the needs and demands.
Curriculum management is the process of developing, maintaining, and improving the quality of curricula for various educational intuitions. The curriculum manager is responsible for designing and developing the curriculum with a range of content, training programs, teaching methodologies, and assessment techniques for students, learners, and employees. The developed curriculum should meet the educational standards set by the government and academic bodies.
Curriculum and Course Planning_BINALET.pptxCedraBinalet1
The document discusses curriculum definitions and the process of curriculum development and course design. It provides definitions of curriculum from various scholars and outlines the key elements involved in curriculum planning including determining objectives, content, teaching methods, and assessment. It also describes the five phases of formal curriculum development as 1) defining learning outcomes, 2) selecting learning experiences, 3) choosing relevant content, 4) developing assessments, and 5) evaluating effectiveness. The five phases provide a systematic approach to curriculum design.
The document discusses key elements of developing an effective curriculum:
1) A curriculum combines various elements like content, strategies, and methods to ensure quality education and student excellence, but these elements must be properly balanced.
2) A curriculum relates to an entire study program and consists of courses and subjects organized coherently to help students achieve learning objectives.
3) Regular evaluation of the curriculum is important to identify problems and ensure continuous improvement.
The document discusses the vocationalization of education in developing countries from a political and economic perspective rather than just an educational one. It argues that vocationalization has been approached differently in developing countries compared to developed countries due to factors like their social and economic structures, role as price-takers on the world market, and development strategies used. Specifically, the problems arising from efforts to vocationalize school curriculums in developing countries are often more complex due to these contextual differences. While vocational education aims to improve workforce skills, political leaders in developing countries have not always implemented it in a way that considers their unique economic realities and resource constraints.
Curriculum Change, Planning and Transactionvalarpink
Curriculum Change
With changing time, curriculum should also change reflecting the needs and aspirations of the people. There cannot be a uniform curriculum for all the countries for all the time, because education is related to social, economic and political changes in the country. Curriculum content should be based on current information and not on the past information that has been proved to be false or outdated and unusable. There is therefore need for constantly changing and updating the curriculum content.
Higher education curriculum development focused on shaping future leaders through innovation involves designing educational programs that prepare students for leadership roles by incorporating innovative approaches, skills, and knowledge. The goal is to equip students with the ability to navigate complex and rapidly changing environments, think critically, and contribute to advancements in their respective fields.
The document discusses different models of curriculum, including:
1. The Tyler Model which focuses on educational purposes, experiences, organization, and assessment.
2. The Taba Model which involves 7 steps including diagnosis of needs, formulation of objectives, and evaluation.
3. The Saylor and Alexander Model which views curriculum development as consisting of specifying goals and objectives, designing the curriculum, implementing it, and evaluating it.
4. Models for students with disabilities including developmental, functional, and ecological approaches.
5. Characteristics of different types of curriculums such as integrated, activity-based, learner-centered, core, hidden, null, and spiral curriculums.
In this presentation, you will know the different topics that are useful in implementing a curriculum that will serve as your guide to create a better and effective curriculum that will benefit the students, teachers, and the community.
Credits to this websites for the content:,to%20emphasize%20appropriate%20learning%20experience,broken%20down%20into%2012%20steps.
Monitoring and Supervising Curriculum & Curriculum Revision and EvaluationShaharyar Shoukat
This document provides an overview of curriculum monitoring and supervision. It discusses:
- Definitions of curriculum and its key elements/components like goals, content, learning experiences, and evaluation approaches.
- The importance of curriculum monitoring in determining if a curriculum is still relevant/effective and making improvements.
- The role of curriculum supervision in planning, directing, supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum.
- The process of curriculum revision to update and improve curriculum according to changes in needs, knowledge, and practices. It outlines the steps involved in revising curriculum according to the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
The document discusses different models of curriculum, including:
1. The Tyler model which focuses on educational purposes, experiences, organization, and assessment.
2. The Taba model which outlines a 7-step grassroots approach involving teachers.
3. The Saylor and Alexander model which involves specifying goals/objectives, designing learning opportunities, implementation, and evaluation.
4. Models for students with disabilities including developmental, functional, and ecological approaches.
7 Time-Saving Tips and Strategies for Curriculum CreatorsKavika Roy
Curriculum creators are responsible for designing, developing, and improving curricula. Structuring the curriculum development process through strategies will help develop a comprehensive educational program that meets the expected industry standards.
Here, we discuss the role of curriculum development managers and tips to help them.
The document discusses different approaches and principles for curriculum content selection, including significance, validity, utility, learnability, feasibility, and interest. It also examines curriculum as a process and compares models for curriculum development, focusing on the deductive Tyler and Saylor models and inductive Taba model which starts with teacher-created units. Guiding principles for curriculum emphasize balance, articulation, sequence, integration, and continuity in content and stimulating learning across cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.
The document discusses three models of curriculum development:
1. Ralph Tyler's model emphasizes the planning phase and considers the school's purposes, educational experiences, organization of experiences, and evaluation.
2. Hilda Taba's model takes a grassroots approach, beginning with learner needs and moving through formulation of objectives, selection of content, organization, experiences, and evaluation.
3. Galen Saylor and William Alexander's model involves specifying goals and objectives, designing curriculum, implementing instructional plans, and conducting evaluation to determine if goals were met.
All three models utilize the basic steps of planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating the curriculum.
The document discusses curriculum approaches, determinants, and issues. It outlines four main curriculum approaches: behavioral, managerial, systems, and humanistic. It also identifies key determinants that influence curriculum development, including individual needs, social change, cultural change, and value systems. Finally, it lists several issues with curriculum, such as poor academic performance, overcrowded classrooms, lack of monitoring/evaluation, and ensuring proper scope, sequence, integration, and continuity.
This document discusses different approaches to curriculum, including behavioral, managerial, systems, and humanistic approaches. The behavioral approach specifies goals and objectives and evaluates learning outcomes based on these. The managerial approach views the principal as the curriculum leader who sets policies and priorities. The systems approach examines how different parts of the school system relate to each other. The humanistic approach considers the whole child and believes the learner should be at the center of the curriculum.
The document discusses the concept of curriculum. It defines curriculum as a template or design that enables learning to take place. It discusses curriculum theory, noting that curriculum theory provides meaning to a school's curriculum by explaining the relationships between its elements and directing its development, use, and evaluation. It also outlines four main approaches to curriculum - behavioral, managerial, systems, and humanistic. Additionally, it discusses aims and objectives of curriculum development at the secondary level, criteria for developing curriculum objectives, and characteristics and principles of curriculum construction. It concludes by discussing evaluation of curriculum and determination of curriculum in Pakistan.
Concept and process of instructions Relationship between curriculum.pptxAhmed Mehmood
Instruction refers to the methods and strategies that are used to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes to learners as part of a curriculum. It involves the selection of appropriate teaching methods and materials, the design of learning experiences, and the implementation and evaluation of instructional practices. Effective instruction is essential in curriculum development because it helps learners meet the goals and objectives of the curriculum.
Samy Elfadaly is the cofounder of Flexi Education and director of Taleem & Flexi Education. He has an MBA and is pursuing a Ph.D. in education. The presentation discusses key definitions related to curriculum, syllabus, and planning. It outlines the curriculum development process and techniques for effective curriculum planning, including collaboration, differentiation, and real-world connections. The goal is to understand curriculum concepts and practices and facilitate student learning.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- define curriculum
- define the concept of the curriculum model
- know the characteristics of a model curriculum
- know the different types of curriculum models
- The Framework Underlying All Curriculum Models
- Common elements of different Models
- The curriculum process
- Types of curriculum models
The document discusses the nursing curriculum. It defines curriculum and outlines the principles, determinants, types (knowledge-centered, competence-based, experience-based), development process, and models of curriculum (linear, cyclic, dynamic, Tyler). It also discusses curriculum revision, the roles of various stakeholders in development/revision, and importance of research for improving nursing curriculum and evidence-based practice.
This document discusses instructional planning and lesson planning for mathematics teaching. It explains that instructional planning is important as it provides direction for teaching and learning, results in smooth lessons with fewer disruptions, and allows teachers to assess student learning. The document also outlines the three phases of instructional planning: before, during, and after instruction. Teachers are expected to engage in planning at both the lesson level and course level. The document provides templates for the Daily Lesson Log and Detailed Lesson Plan that teachers in the Philippines are expected to complete as part of their planning.
Early childhood education (ECE), also known as nursery education, is a branch of education theory that relates to the teaching of children (formally and informally) from birth up to the age of eight. Traditionally, this is up to the equivalent of third grade. ECE is described as an important period in child development.
Topics to be Covered
Beginning of Pedagogy
What is Pedagogy?
Definition of Pedagogy
Features of Pedagogy
What Is Pedagogy In Teaching?
What Is Teacher Pedagogy?
What Is The Pedagogy Approach?
What are Pedagogy Approaches?
Teaching and Learning Pedagogical approaches?
Importance of Pedagogy in Teaching & Learning
Role of Pedagogy in Effective Learning
Pedagogy Impact on Learner
Pedagogical Skills
10 Innovative Learning Strategies For Modern Pedagogy
Types of Pedagogy
More Related Content
Similar to Topic: Curriculum Development Process.pptx (20)
In this presentation, you will know the different topics that are useful in implementing a curriculum that will serve as your guide to create a better and effective curriculum that will benefit the students, teachers, and the community.
Credits to this websites for the content:,to%20emphasize%20appropriate%20learning%20experience,broken%20down%20into%2012%20steps.
Monitoring and Supervising Curriculum & Curriculum Revision and EvaluationShaharyar Shoukat
This document provides an overview of curriculum monitoring and supervision. It discusses:
- Definitions of curriculum and its key elements/components like goals, content, learning experiences, and evaluation approaches.
- The importance of curriculum monitoring in determining if a curriculum is still relevant/effective and making improvements.
- The role of curriculum supervision in planning, directing, supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum.
- The process of curriculum revision to update and improve curriculum according to changes in needs, knowledge, and practices. It outlines the steps involved in revising curriculum according to the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
The document discusses different models of curriculum, including:
1. The Tyler model which focuses on educational purposes, experiences, organization, and assessment.
2. The Taba model which outlines a 7-step grassroots approach involving teachers.
3. The Saylor and Alexander model which involves specifying goals/objectives, designing learning opportunities, implementation, and evaluation.
4. Models for students with disabilities including developmental, functional, and ecological approaches.
7 Time-Saving Tips and Strategies for Curriculum CreatorsKavika Roy
Curriculum creators are responsible for designing, developing, and improving curricula. Structuring the curriculum development process through strategies will help develop a comprehensive educational program that meets the expected industry standards.
Here, we discuss the role of curriculum development managers and tips to help them.
The document discusses different approaches and principles for curriculum content selection, including significance, validity, utility, learnability, feasibility, and interest. It also examines curriculum as a process and compares models for curriculum development, focusing on the deductive Tyler and Saylor models and inductive Taba model which starts with teacher-created units. Guiding principles for curriculum emphasize balance, articulation, sequence, integration, and continuity in content and stimulating learning across cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.
The document discusses three models of curriculum development:
1. Ralph Tyler's model emphasizes the planning phase and considers the school's purposes, educational experiences, organization of experiences, and evaluation.
2. Hilda Taba's model takes a grassroots approach, beginning with learner needs and moving through formulation of objectives, selection of content, organization, experiences, and evaluation.
3. Galen Saylor and William Alexander's model involves specifying goals and objectives, designing curriculum, implementing instructional plans, and conducting evaluation to determine if goals were met.
All three models utilize the basic steps of planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating the curriculum.
The document discusses curriculum approaches, determinants, and issues. It outlines four main curriculum approaches: behavioral, managerial, systems, and humanistic. It also identifies key determinants that influence curriculum development, including individual needs, social change, cultural change, and value systems. Finally, it lists several issues with curriculum, such as poor academic performance, overcrowded classrooms, lack of monitoring/evaluation, and ensuring proper scope, sequence, integration, and continuity.
This document discusses different approaches to curriculum, including behavioral, managerial, systems, and humanistic approaches. The behavioral approach specifies goals and objectives and evaluates learning outcomes based on these. The managerial approach views the principal as the curriculum leader who sets policies and priorities. The systems approach examines how different parts of the school system relate to each other. The humanistic approach considers the whole child and believes the learner should be at the center of the curriculum.
The document discusses the concept of curriculum. It defines curriculum as a template or design that enables learning to take place. It discusses curriculum theory, noting that curriculum theory provides meaning to a school's curriculum by explaining the relationships between its elements and directing its development, use, and evaluation. It also outlines four main approaches to curriculum - behavioral, managerial, systems, and humanistic. Additionally, it discusses aims and objectives of curriculum development at the secondary level, criteria for developing curriculum objectives, and characteristics and principles of curriculum construction. It concludes by discussing evaluation of curriculum and determination of curriculum in Pakistan.
Concept and process of instructions Relationship between curriculum.pptxAhmed Mehmood
Instruction refers to the methods and strategies that are used to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes to learners as part of a curriculum. It involves the selection of appropriate teaching methods and materials, the design of learning experiences, and the implementation and evaluation of instructional practices. Effective instruction is essential in curriculum development because it helps learners meet the goals and objectives of the curriculum.
Samy Elfadaly is the cofounder of Flexi Education and director of Taleem & Flexi Education. He has an MBA and is pursuing a Ph.D. in education. The presentation discusses key definitions related to curriculum, syllabus, and planning. It outlines the curriculum development process and techniques for effective curriculum planning, including collaboration, differentiation, and real-world connections. The goal is to understand curriculum concepts and practices and facilitate student learning.
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- define curriculum
- define the concept of the curriculum model
- know the characteristics of a model curriculum
- know the different types of curriculum models
- The Framework Underlying All Curriculum Models
- Common elements of different Models
- The curriculum process
- Types of curriculum models
The document discusses the nursing curriculum. It defines curriculum and outlines the principles, determinants, types (knowledge-centered, competence-based, experience-based), development process, and models of curriculum (linear, cyclic, dynamic, Tyler). It also discusses curriculum revision, the roles of various stakeholders in development/revision, and importance of research for improving nursing curriculum and evidence-based practice.
This document discusses instructional planning and lesson planning for mathematics teaching. It explains that instructional planning is important as it provides direction for teaching and learning, results in smooth lessons with fewer disruptions, and allows teachers to assess student learning. The document also outlines the three phases of instructional planning: before, during, and after instruction. Teachers are expected to engage in planning at both the lesson level and course level. The document provides templates for the Daily Lesson Log and Detailed Lesson Plan that teachers in the Philippines are expected to complete as part of their planning.
Early childhood education (ECE), also known as nursery education, is a branch of education theory that relates to the teaching of children (formally and informally) from birth up to the age of eight. Traditionally, this is up to the equivalent of third grade. ECE is described as an important period in child development.
Topics to be Covered
Beginning of Pedagogy
What is Pedagogy?
Definition of Pedagogy
Features of Pedagogy
What Is Pedagogy In Teaching?
What Is Teacher Pedagogy?
What Is The Pedagogy Approach?
What are Pedagogy Approaches?
Teaching and Learning Pedagogical approaches?
Importance of Pedagogy in Teaching & Learning
Role of Pedagogy in Effective Learning
Pedagogy Impact on Learner
Pedagogical Skills
10 Innovative Learning Strategies For Modern Pedagogy
Types of Pedagogy
Concept of curriculum/Definitions/ElementsSobia Alvi
Topics to Be Covered
1. Concept of Curriculum
2. Etymology
3. Definitions of Curriculum
4. Four Types of Curricula
5. Key Concept of Curriculum
6. Elements of Curriculum
The concept of the curriculum refers to the variety of aims, objectives or directions of development that are set for teaching and learning; in other words, towards the knowledge, skills and attitudes or the ways of behaviour that the student is expected to learn (Salo, 1994). The construction of the goals, aims and objectives is based on the principles and concepts of society and its requirements, as well as its culture.
Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods.docxSobia Alvi
Content List
Topic: Concept of Qualitative & Quantitative Research Design
1. Quantitative Research
2. Qualitative Research
Topic: Comparison of Qualitative & Quantitative Research
1. Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Research A Comparison
Factors & Forces Influencing on Curriculum Development.pptxSobia Alvi
1. Factors influencing on curriculum Development
What is Curriculum?
Definitions of Curriculum
Curriculum Development
Factors affecting curriculum Development
2. Forces influencing curriculum development
Forces Influencing Curriculum Development
Internal Forces
External Forces
Process of Learning in Global Perspective.docxSobia Alvi
Content List
Global Perspective in Education
1. Global-perspective
2. Historical Context
3. Preparing for a Globalized World
4. A global perspective in education facilitates this by:
Addressing Global Challenges
1. Understanding Climate Change
2. Tackling Health Pandemics
3. Promoting Universal Human Rights
4. Broadening Horizons and Enriching Learning
5. Building Empathy and Social Skills
6. A Caveat: Avoiding Surface-level Globalization
7. Why is Global Learning Important?
Global Education
1. What is Global Education?
Process of Learning
Process of Learning in Global Perspective
Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
Global Curriculum Integration
Technology Integration
Language Learning
Global Competencies
International Collaboration
Inclusive Education
Environmental and Global Issues
Experiential Learning
Lifelong Learning
Global Citizenship Education
Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity
Cross-Cultural Communication
Global Curriculum Development
Access to Education
Technology and Digital Learning
International Collaboration and Exchange
Global Citizenship Education
Multilingual Education
Environmental and Sustainability Education
Life Skills and Employability
Steps of Learning in Global Perspective
Cultural Awareness
Global Curriculum Design
Language Acquisition
Technology Integration
International Collaboration
Inclusive Education
Environmental and Global Issues Integration
Experiential Learning Opportunities
Global Citizenship Education
Multilateral Language Development
Lifelong Learning Culture
Cross-Cultural Competence
Global Perspectives in Assessment
Ethical Considerations
Concept of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design.pptxSobia Alvi
Topic: Concept of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design
Content List
1. Quantitative Research Design
What is Quantitative Research
Characteristics of Quantitative Research
Quantitative Research: Key Advantages
Quantitative Research Methodology
7 Best Practices to Conduct Quantitative Research
Basic Research Design for Quantitative Studies
Strengths of Using Quantitative Methods
Limitations of Using Quantitative Methods
2. Qualitative research design
What is Qualitative Research?
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
Three Key Elements of Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research: Key Advantages
Basic Research Design for Qualitative Studies
Strengths of Using Qualitative Methods
Limitations of Using Qualitative Methods
5 Key Types of Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research Methods: The Top 4 Techniques
Qualitative Research Best Practices
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
3. Concept of Curriculum
Curriculum development is a process through which an institute or
the instructor designs or creates a plan for a course or program.
Furthermore, it is not a stagnant approach and includes continuous
improvement wherein, the content is reviewed, revised and
updated according to the needs and demands.
Curriculum management is the process of developing, maintaining,
and improving the quality of curricula for various educational
intuitions. The curriculum manager is responsible for designing and
developing the curriculum with a range of content, training
programs, teaching methodologies, and assessment techniques for
students, learners, and employees. The developed curriculum
should meet the educational standards set by the government and
academic bodies.
What is Curriculum Strategy?
Curriculum strategy involves the process of
defining goals, objectives, and levels to develop
a curriculum that adheres to the given
requirements (or finds solutions to the existing
problems/ gaps in teaching). It streamlines the
elements of the curriculum by defining the
relationships between them. What makes a
quality curriculum is the time and energy spent
developing the curriculum strategy.
5. Explicit
Also known as
overt or official
curriculum, it
details the steps to
follow to properly
implement the
curricula to arrive
at the intended
Implicit/ Hidden
Different learning
aspects contribute
to implicit
curricula. It is a
by-product of
explicit curricula.
Absent/ Excluded
Absent or null
curriculum is the
one that is not
taught or excluded
from the
curricula. It could
be intentional or
3 Types of Curriculum
6. Process of Curriculum Development
The curriculum development process consists of the following six
Step 1:
Assessing the educational needs
Step 2:
Formulating objectives and learning goals
Step 3:
Careful selection of learning experiences to accomplish these
Step 4:
The selecting the rich and valuable content through which teachers can
offer the learning experiences.
Step 5:
Organizing and integrating learning experiences with relevant content
keeping in mind the teaching-learning process
Step 6:
Timely and accurate evaluation of all the above phases.
7. Types of Curriculum Development Models
1) Learner-Centered Design
The learner-centered design focuses on the understanding that each learner has different characteristics. The
teachers or instructors are to give opportunities to the learners to take ownership of a project or assignment.
2) Subject-Centered Design
Subject-centered design is a traditional approach to curriculum that focuses on a particular
Subject matter or discipline rather than on the individual. Additionally, during the curriculum development process,
this approach includes four subtypes of curriculum designs: subject-area design, discipline design, broad-field
design, and correlation design.
3) Problem-Centered Design
Problem-centered design is an approach that focuses on developing problem-solving skills, thinking and
communication skills. This is a student-centric strategy wherein the learners are given problematic situations and
encouraged to solve them after careful observation.
10. Principles of Curriculum Development
The principles of the curriculum are norms, values, moralities, and philosophies that will benefit
teachers, students, and the whole education system. The curriculum and instructional strategy are
essential components of imparting knowledge to students.
Totality of Experiences
Conservation and Creativity
Character Formation
Mental Discipline
Social Fulfillment
12. Tips and Strategies for Curriculum Creators
Focus on the students rather than on creating the best lesson plan. The ultimate goal should
be to do whats best for the learners.
Talk to other experts, teachers, etc., from the industry and consider their inputs.
Make use of technology to design the curriculum. There are different software applications
to assist you.
Avoid pre-packaged curricula. The curriculum needs to be tailor made for the intended
Take time to design and develop the curriculum. Dont rush through the process or skip
Make changes to the curriculum if necessary. It is acceptable and even expected if the
curriculum doesnt align with the intended outcomes.
Create a proper evaluation and feedback system to get inputs about the curriculum. Take
feedback from students and teachers.
#3: Notes to presenter:
What is your purpose for sharing this reflection?
Is it at the end of a unit or project?
Are you sharing this reflection, at the attainment of a learning goal you set for yourself?
Is it at the end of a course?
State your purpose for the reflection or even the purpose of the learning experience or learning goal. Be clear and be specific in stating your purpose.
#4: Notes to presenter:
Description of what you learned in your own words on one side.
Include information about the topic
Details about the topic will also be helpful here.
Tell the story of your learning experience. Just like a story there should always be a beginning, middle and an end.
On the other side, you can add a graphic that provides evidence of what you learned.
Feel free to use more than one slide to reflect upon your process. It also helps to add some video of your process.
#5: Notes to presenter:
What did you think at first?
What obstacles did you encounter along the way?
How did you overcome those obstacles?
What images can you add to support your process?
This SmartArt allows you add images and text to help outline your process. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then pictures and words should help you communicate this reflection on learning perfectly! You can always click on Insert>SmartArt to change this graphic or select the graphic and click on the Design contextual menu to change the colors.
Feel free to use more than one slide to reflect upon your process. It also helps to add some video of your process.
#6: Notes to presenter:
What was important about this learning experience?
How is it relevant to your course, yourself, or your society or community?
Why is this significant?
This SmartArt allows you add images and text to help outline your process. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then pictures and words should help you communicate this reflection on learning perfectly! You can always click on Insert>SmartArt to change this graphic or select the graphic and click on the Design contextual menu to change the colors.