The North Carolina Sales InstituteJohn L. ChapmanThe document proposes the creation of the North Carolina Sales Institute (NCSI) to address the growing demand for sales talent. NCSI would offer undergraduate and executive education programs in professional selling and sales leadership through partnerships with companies. Research shows sales education programs help students become productive salespeople 50% faster with 30% less turnover, saving companies $200k per new hire. NCSI aims to develop the next generation of effective sales professionals through classroom and experiential learning while providing value to partner companies through access to top students, sales research, and networking opportunities.
The North Carolina Sales InstituteJohn L. ChapmanThe document proposes the creation of the North Carolina Sales Institute (NCSI) to address the growing demand for sales talent. NCSI would offer undergraduate and executive education programs in professional selling and sales leadership through partnerships with companies. Research shows sales education programs help students become productive salespeople 50% faster with 30% less turnover, saving companies $200k per new hire. NCSI aims to develop the next generation of effective sales professionals through classroom and experiential learning while providing value to partner companies through access to top students, sales research, and networking opportunities.
Re-desenhando um novo Paradigma para a ECOnomia - Filipe Moreira AlvesPROUTugalJean-Jacques Rousseau argues that the concept of private property has caused many problems. He claims that the first person who fenced off land and claimed it as their own, convincing others this was legitimate, established the foundations of civil society. However, this also led to crimes, wars, murders and other misfortunes as people forgot that the fruits of the earth belong to all people equally. If this initial act establishing private property ownership had not occurred, humanity may have been spared significant harms.
Desigualdades e Desastre Económico – Novas Evidências - Mark FriedmanPROUTugalEconomists link rising inequality to economic instability. Two primary causes of depressions are the concentration of wealth among few, which exploits many and blocks money circulation, spreading crises. The wealthy lobby for policies benefiting them like tax relief and deregulation, while average wages stagnate. This forces many into debt and risky loans from banks, encouraged by government with few facing consequences. Alternatives proposed include co-op based economies with local investment and equal incomes providing stability, full employment policies, and using automation for leisure not unemployment.
White paper the next decade in social media Anglo StudiesThis document provides summaries from 10 experts at Edelman on consumer trends and marketing insights for 2010. It includes the following summaries:
1. It discusses how engagement has become more complicated as consumers receive more information from various sources daily and are constantly on the move with mobile devices. It recommends finding influencers to engage and having a mobile aspect to every campaign.
2. It notes that advertising agencies are rebranding as content agencies but true engagement comes from exclusive content and distribution/conversation expertise. Brands should partner with entertainment and focus on multiplatform experiences beyond TV.
3. It examines the "Asian digital male" and notes a crisis of confidence with traditional markers of success being replaced by online identities and
Desenvolvimento de Comunidade Rural na Roménia - Denise DeshaiesPROUTugalThe AMURTEL Romania Master Unit in Buzau county applies a community supported agriculture model to create social and economic opportunities. The farm produces organic vegetables for 35 consumers in Bucharest while providing jobs for disadvantaged women and youth. In its first two years, the farm reached profitability, trained over 40 people in organic agriculture, and expanded production from 1 to 5 tons of vegetables. The model provides a stable market for produce while furthering the organization's social mission. Plans are underway to develop this multi-farm community supported agriculture network.
Passive voice by aliona antonevicAntonevicPassive voice is used when the focus is on the action rather than the subject performing the action. The passive voice construction uses the subject followed by a form of "to be" and the past participle of the verb. Several examples are provided that demonstrate how to transform sentences from active to passive voice by changing the subject and adding "by" plus the original subject.
Task 2ab8179The document describes the main character in a product and how she is similar to the character portrayed by Ashton Kutcher in the film "The Butterfly Effect." Specifically, the main character Grace appears ordinary but has mental damage from forgetting part of her past. Like Ashton Kutcher's character, she begins to remember her past after drawing a picture that triggers her memory. Both characters have the same facial expressions and body language showing confusion as they try to piece together their lost memories. - увеличение лояльности ваших покупателей и гостей — возможность превратить вашу точку интернет-доступа в инструмент повышения лояльности покупателей и гостей
CSR & HR - Presentation Jordi LesafferEChrThis document discusses Vigeo Rating, a company that provides Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings of companies. It has rated over 2,500 issuers globally using over 300 evaluation criteria across six domains. Vigeo uses a team of 70 analysts over a six day period to assess each company. The document outlines Vigeo's methodology, which begins with international standards and identifies managerial principles to develop evaluation criteria to measure company performance. It also discusses how non-financial ESG information can help investors reduce risks and identify opportunities, and that good ESG performance may lead to higher financial returns or at least prevent underperformance.
Civic Action Startup Pitch for Startup Weekend BangaloresamcassarThis document summarizes the failed efforts of Jyaanya India, a civic action startup, to create a mobile app or online platform to better connect Indian citizens to their government. They envisioned informational resources and tools for citizens to contact MPs, sign petitions, and participate in political campaigns. However, after initial research and planning, they hit roadblocks understanding how to genuinely engage citizens and MPs. They realized politicians only respond if their power is threatened, and citizens may not remain engaged. The startup was never officially launched as key questions around sustainable engagement with MPs and citizens remained unanswered. The founders learned the importance of deeply understanding problems from all angles before proposing solutions.
15:16museums and cultural proMelba Martinez. PhDThe document provides information about the various museums and cultural centers run by the City of Austin's Museum & Cultural Programs Division. It introduces each site along with its manager and gives brief descriptions of their focuses and upcoming events for 2015-2016. The division aims to enrich the community through exhibits, events, classes and public art that showcase Austin's history and diverse cultural heritage.
2. ESTADO:É o conxunto de institucións
creadas para regular a vida e actividades
das persoas que viven nun territorio
determinado común e están gobernados
por un mesmo poder.
Territorio. O estado está delimitado por
Población. Os habitantes teñen dereitos e
obrigas que son iguais para todos.
-Fai leis (fainas o Parñamento).
3. -Vixiar o cumprimento das leis e
administrar a xustiza.
-Manter a orde no interior e a protección
-Recaudar impostos.
-Dirección da ecónomia.
-Administración dos servizos públicos
(educación, sanidade…) e xestionar as
infraestructuras e os equipamentos
cidadáns votan en asamblea ou
mediante referendo.
representantes que falan polos
Non eleximos todos os cargos por
eleccións. As persoas que eleximos
forman o PARLAMENTO, e este elixe ó
5. Deben ser libres. Calquera cidadán
pode presentarse candidato.
Deben ser plurais, é dicir, ten que haber
máis dun partido entre os que elexir.
Debe haber sufraxio universal, é decir
que poden votar todos os maiores de
idade sen diferenzas de raza, relixión,
economía ou sexo.
Deben ser periódicas, teñen que haber
eleccións cada certo tempo.
6. Un partido político é un grupo de
persoas que teñen unhas ideas que
propoñen ao pobo para chegar ao
os obxectivos que pretenden acadar ao
chegar ó goberno.
VOTO. Podese escoller unha opción ou
votar en branco.
7. Poder lexislativo. É o Parlamento. Elabora
e vota as leis, tamén controla a acción
do Goberno.
Poder executivo. É o Goberno. Di a
política que ten que seguir o Estado e
vixia o poder xudicial.
Poder xudicial. Son os xuíces. Aplica as
leis e controla o Parlamento.
A división de poderes serve pora que
non haia abusos de ningún poder.
· Monarquía Parlamentaria: a máxima
autoridade é o rei ou a raíña pero a
soberanía tena o pobo. O xefe do Estado
tamén é o rei, pero non goberna; el xura
fidelidade á constitución e non pode ir
contra ela. O cargo é vitalicio e
hereditario.Ex.: España, Bélxica, Suecia…
· República Parlamentaria. O xefe do Estado
é o presidente da república, que é elexido
polo pobo. O goberno queda na mans do
primeiro ministro ou do presidente do
goberno.Ex.: Francia, Italia…
·Estado liberal: non intervén na economía
das empresasnin nas relacións sociais. As
condicións sociais e a economía
rexense pola lei do mercado (oferta e
·Estado social: intervén nalgúns ámbitos
ecónomicos e sociais. A finalidade é
conseguir a maior igualdade entre
todos os cidadáns. Organiza un sistema
de pensións, soldos mínimos, sanidade
pública, ensino obrigatorio, subsidios de
·Estados centralistas: as decisións tómanse
no goberno central que soe estar na
capital. Un exemplo é Francia.
·Estado descentralizado: as decisións
tómanas entre o goberno central e os
distintintos territorios que o integran. Un
exemplo disto é Alemaña.
11. Monarquía absoluta: o rei concentra
todo o poder. Afirman que actúan en
nome de Deus. O pobo non escolle ao
rei. Exemplos disto son: Omán, Arabia…
Ditadura: goberna unha soa persoa, co
apoio dun partido político, grupo étnico
ou do exército. Exemplos son: Korea do
norte, Cuba e países de África e Asia.
12. Estados Unidos ten un gran peso. Ten
unha gran potencia militar e dirixe o
espazo político internacional. Tamén ten
tendencia cara ao multilateralismo
baseado en establecer acordos entre
varios países.
Estados co islamismocomo guía política.
Estes países son violentos hacía a cultura
China, cun poder cada vez maior. Está
crecendo no ámbito militar.
13. O centro do mundo económicoson Canadá e
EE.UU., Xapón e a Unión Europea. Son países
ricos, favorecidos polo capitalismo.
Países en desenvolvemento: economi-camente
son moi activos, con vantaxes para as empresas
extranxeiras: man de obra preparada e
barata, escasas normas ambientais e gobernos
·Países de economias emerxentes:
Brasil, India, China, México e Sudáfrica. Teñen
economiascompetitivas de baixos precios.
Países pobres: localizanse en África
Subsahariana. Os países ricod explotan os seus
recursos. Viven situacións de pobreza que lle
·Globalización da economía. Na
actualidade as capitais inflúen dun país
a outro.
·Novas tecnoloxías da información.
·Organizacións supranacionais:
organizacións que ocupan varios
estados. Asumen parte da soberanía
dos estados, como a UE, a OPEP (Organización de Productores Exportadores
de Petróleo)…
·Ademais do Estado, as intitucións menores que el
tamén teñen poder.
Rexión – Calquer territorio que ten unha actividade
económica ben desenvolta e unha
personalidade cultural e social diferenciada.
Tipos de rexións:
-Nación sen Estado. Ex.: Quebec
-Rexións consolidadas e diferenciadas. Ex.: Baviera
-Cidades globais. Ex.: Nova York, Tokio, Londres…
Principio de subsidiaridade. As instituciñons máis
próximas á cidadanía toman decisións. Así
aténdense mellor as necesidades dos cidadáns.
16. Coordinan as rexións e cidades que
están no seu territorio.
Fomenta a distribución das riquezas.
Asegura o cumplimento das leis e a
igualdade de dereitos e deberes.
Creación e mantamento de
infraestructuras básicas.
Loita contra o terrorismo mundial e a
17. Os Tratados e Convenios internacionais
tratan sobre materias diversas.
As Declaracións Internacionais de
Dereitos recollen dereitos esenciais.
Como a Declaración Universal dos
Dereitos Humanos.
Hainas de ámbito mundial: ONU, OMC…
Hainas de ámbito continental ou
nacional: UE, Liga Árabe…
18. Foi creada cando rematou a segunda
guerra mundial, en 1945.
Formana todos os países.
Manten a Paz e a seguridade
Fomenta relacións de amizade,
basandose na igualdade e na libre
determinación dos pobos.
Fomentar a cooperación entre os países
Estimula o respeto cara os dereitos
19. ASAMBLEA XERAL: Todos os países
membros temporais e 5 membros permanentes (EE.UU., Rusia, China, Francia
e Inglaterra) que ademais de ter dereito
a veto, é decir que se poden opoñer á
20. UNICEF: protexe a infancia e a
UNESCO: o seu fin é acadar a Paz e o
benestar social a través da cultura.