Tugas ini menganalisis fungsi-fungsi matematika dengan menentukan domain masing-masing fungsi dan melakukan operasi antar fungsi seperti penjumlahan, pengurangan, dan perkalian.
1. Fungsi invers dari f(x) = x^2/3x adalah f^-1(x) = (3x)^(1/2)
2. Fungsi invers dari g o f untuk f(x) = 1/x dan g(x) = 2x - 4 pada nilai 10 adalah 8
3. Rumus fungsi awal dan fungsi invers meliputi fungsi-fungsi seperti polinomial, eksponensial, logaritma, dan lainnya beserta contoh penerapannya.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang fungsi rekursif dan beberapa contoh penerapannya seperti faktorial, deret Fibonacci, FPB, dan masalah menara Hanoi. Secara garis besar dibahas tentang pendefinisian fungsi rekursif, kelebihan dan kekurangannya, bentuk umum fungsi rekursif, dan beberapa contoh penerapan algoritma rekursif untuk menyelesaikan masalah matematika.
Dokumen tersebut membahas perbedaan antara perulangan rekursif dan iteratif serta contoh-contoh penerapannya seperti fungsi pangkat, faktorial, deret Fibonacci, dan masalah menara Hanoi. Rekursif melibatkan fungsi yang memanggil dirinya sendiri secara berulang, sedangkan iteratif menggunakan instruksi perulangan seperti for atau while.
Aofs 2014 brisbane_sexuality meaning among malay women_rosedianiRosediani Muhamad
This document discusses sexuality, sexual dysfunction, and Islam among Malay women in Malaysia. It begins by defining sexuality and exploring how it is shaped by various factors. It then summarizes research on the meaning of sexuality among women. The document discusses female sexual dysfunction prevalence and impact. It explores views of sexuality and gender roles in Malaysian and Islamic contexts. The aim of the study described was to understand the meaning and experience of sexuality among Malay women with sexual dysfunction and its effects on their well-being. The methodology, themes from interviews, and quotes are presented.
1) The document summarizes the results of a survey conducted to help design a new music magazine targeted towards teenagers. Most respondents were 16-18 years old. Equal numbers of males and females responded.
2) The majority of respondents said they do not currently read any magazines, indicating a gap in the market. Of those that did read magazines, females tended to prefer gossip and fashion magazines while males preferred music magazines like NME and Kerrang.
3) The survey found that pop/chart music was the most popular genre listened to by respondents, followed by rock. This suggests the magazine should focus on pop/chart music with elements of rock.
El documento declara que el trabajo de investigaci坦n fue completamente elaborado por el autor y no contiene plagio de ninguna otra persona u organizaci坦n, y que el autor pondr叩 a disposici坦n documentos que acrediten la autenticidad de la informaci坦n si es solicitado por la entidad COEDE (EMCH) de la Universidad Cat坦lica Los Angeles de Chimbote.
Long term media coverage of climate changeJari Lyytim辰ki
Research on long-term media coverage of environmental issues has focused predominantly on English-speaking industrialized countries and on single isolated topics. This presentation gives some highlights from a study of the Finnish newspaper coverage of climate change from 19902014. The coverage of climate change had three distinctive peaks, influenced by several factors including international climate policy negotiations, domestic energy debates, and mild and snowless winter weather.
El documento presenta un resumen de un blog sobre tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n aplicadas a la educaci坦n. El blog, titulado "Mis Apuntes de Tic's Aplicadas a la Educaci坦n", es escrito por Adri叩n Bonilla Cid y contiene notas sobre el uso de herramientas digitales en el aula.
Read all about the March Oklahoma Field federal Safety and helath Council meeting on weather preparedness, the January meeting with tips to prevent workplace violence, the 2012 OFFSHC annual report and Oklahoma local spring conferences for professional development.
2016 and the challenges facing media agencies in Eastern Europe by Rupert Sla...ICEEFEST2013
This document discusses trends in digital media and social networks. It notes that over 1.2 billion people are now connected on social networks and 1 in 4 people in developed countries own a smartphone. This represents a major shift as social sites are now the main way people access and share information online. The document suggests that within 5 years, as infrastructure, interfaces and access to the internet continue to evolve, digital media will have transformed societies and the course of history.
Cocina tu idea Sevilla Nov13 - Lienzo propuesta valorINLEA Foundation
C坦mo desarrollar el lienzo de propuesta de valor para entender las necesidades reales de tus clientes y crear el producto m鱈nimo viable
This document presents a science project on the cotton industry created by four students. It discusses the major steps in cotton production, including harvesting cotton balls, carding, yarn spinning, transforming fiber into fabric, and output/delivery. The steps of carding and yarn spinning are explained in more detail. In summary, the document outlines the cotton production process from harvesting cotton plants to transforming the fiber into fabric for clothing.
Read about the September meeting and the site tour of the TSI Boneyard during the partial government shutdown. The OFFSHC October newsletter also provides some details members shared at our last meeting.
Cocina tu idea Sevilla Nov13 - Principios Lean startupINLEA Foundation
Este documento habla sobre la metodolog鱈a de Lean Startup. Explica que el Producto M鱈nimo Viable es crucial para obtener retroalimentaci坦n temprana y aprender con los menores recursos posibles. Tambi辿n describe el embudo de conversi坦n y la importancia de medir continuamente el impacto de las mejoras para iterar r叩pidamente.
Swift Shift Real-Time Workforce ManagementDerek Frer
Have you ever spent an entire day calling staff to try to find cover for a shift? Time is the most precious resource available. We have seen first had the conflict between needing to service clients, adapt to unexpected changes, and the insane amount of energy that goes into calling through long lists of staff.
The good news is, Swift Shift is designed specifically to reduce that time and drudgery via automation, so your team can spend more time focusing on delivering quality care.
Swift Shift is an easy to use mobile app that helps managers and employees connect, communicate, and manage their shifts through text, email, and app notification.
Jakarta Pasca Ibu Kota Negara - Majalah TelstraDadang Solihin
Banyak pertanyaan tentang bagaimana nasib Jakarta setelah tidak menjadi Ibu Kota Negara lagi. Sebagian besar masyarakat berkomentar bahwa Jakarta akan menjadi pusat bisnis. Jakarta diproyeksikan akan menjadi pusat ekonomi nasional pasca pemindahan ibu kota negara. Tentunya hal ini akan membuat Jakarta tetap akan menjadi magnet bagi investor, masyarakat ataupun pemerintah. Kawasan penyangga Jakarta seperti Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi diproyeksikan akan menjadi kawasan aglomerasi dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup besar.
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Seminar dan油Knowledge Sharing Kepustakawanan yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Perpusdokinfo LPNK Ristek. Tanggal 28 November 2017
Danantara: Pesimis atau Optimis? Podcast Ikatan Alumni Lemhannas RI IKAL Lem...Dadang Solihin
Keberadaan Danantara: Pesimis atau Optimis?
Pendekatan terbaik adalah realistis dengan kecenderungan optimis.
Jika Danantara memiliki perencanaan yang matang, dukungan kebijakan yang kuat, dan mampu beradaptasi dengan tantangan yang ada, maka peluang keberhasilannya besar.
Namun, jika implementasinya tidak disertai dengan strategi mitigasi risiko yang baik, maka pesimisme terhadap dampaknya juga cukup beralasan.
Pada akhirnya, kunci suksesnya adalah bagaimana Danantara bisa dikelola secara efektif, inklusif, dan berkelanjutan, sehingga dampak positifnya lebih dominan dibandingkan risikonya.
Aofs 2014 brisbane_sexuality meaning among malay women_rosedianiRosediani Muhamad
This document discusses sexuality, sexual dysfunction, and Islam among Malay women in Malaysia. It begins by defining sexuality and exploring how it is shaped by various factors. It then summarizes research on the meaning of sexuality among women. The document discusses female sexual dysfunction prevalence and impact. It explores views of sexuality and gender roles in Malaysian and Islamic contexts. The aim of the study described was to understand the meaning and experience of sexuality among Malay women with sexual dysfunction and its effects on their well-being. The methodology, themes from interviews, and quotes are presented.
1) The document summarizes the results of a survey conducted to help design a new music magazine targeted towards teenagers. Most respondents were 16-18 years old. Equal numbers of males and females responded.
2) The majority of respondents said they do not currently read any magazines, indicating a gap in the market. Of those that did read magazines, females tended to prefer gossip and fashion magazines while males preferred music magazines like NME and Kerrang.
3) The survey found that pop/chart music was the most popular genre listened to by respondents, followed by rock. This suggests the magazine should focus on pop/chart music with elements of rock.
El documento declara que el trabajo de investigaci坦n fue completamente elaborado por el autor y no contiene plagio de ninguna otra persona u organizaci坦n, y que el autor pondr叩 a disposici坦n documentos que acrediten la autenticidad de la informaci坦n si es solicitado por la entidad COEDE (EMCH) de la Universidad Cat坦lica Los Angeles de Chimbote.
Long term media coverage of climate changeJari Lyytim辰ki
Research on long-term media coverage of environmental issues has focused predominantly on English-speaking industrialized countries and on single isolated topics. This presentation gives some highlights from a study of the Finnish newspaper coverage of climate change from 19902014. The coverage of climate change had three distinctive peaks, influenced by several factors including international climate policy negotiations, domestic energy debates, and mild and snowless winter weather.
El documento presenta un resumen de un blog sobre tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n aplicadas a la educaci坦n. El blog, titulado "Mis Apuntes de Tic's Aplicadas a la Educaci坦n", es escrito por Adri叩n Bonilla Cid y contiene notas sobre el uso de herramientas digitales en el aula.
Read all about the March Oklahoma Field federal Safety and helath Council meeting on weather preparedness, the January meeting with tips to prevent workplace violence, the 2012 OFFSHC annual report and Oklahoma local spring conferences for professional development.
2016 and the challenges facing media agencies in Eastern Europe by Rupert Sla...ICEEFEST2013
This document discusses trends in digital media and social networks. It notes that over 1.2 billion people are now connected on social networks and 1 in 4 people in developed countries own a smartphone. This represents a major shift as social sites are now the main way people access and share information online. The document suggests that within 5 years, as infrastructure, interfaces and access to the internet continue to evolve, digital media will have transformed societies and the course of history.
Cocina tu idea Sevilla Nov13 - Lienzo propuesta valorINLEA Foundation
C坦mo desarrollar el lienzo de propuesta de valor para entender las necesidades reales de tus clientes y crear el producto m鱈nimo viable
This document presents a science project on the cotton industry created by four students. It discusses the major steps in cotton production, including harvesting cotton balls, carding, yarn spinning, transforming fiber into fabric, and output/delivery. The steps of carding and yarn spinning are explained in more detail. In summary, the document outlines the cotton production process from harvesting cotton plants to transforming the fiber into fabric for clothing.
Read about the September meeting and the site tour of the TSI Boneyard during the partial government shutdown. The OFFSHC October newsletter also provides some details members shared at our last meeting.
Cocina tu idea Sevilla Nov13 - Principios Lean startupINLEA Foundation
Este documento habla sobre la metodolog鱈a de Lean Startup. Explica que el Producto M鱈nimo Viable es crucial para obtener retroalimentaci坦n temprana y aprender con los menores recursos posibles. Tambi辿n describe el embudo de conversi坦n y la importancia de medir continuamente el impacto de las mejoras para iterar r叩pidamente.
Swift Shift Real-Time Workforce ManagementDerek Frer
Have you ever spent an entire day calling staff to try to find cover for a shift? Time is the most precious resource available. We have seen first had the conflict between needing to service clients, adapt to unexpected changes, and the insane amount of energy that goes into calling through long lists of staff.
The good news is, Swift Shift is designed specifically to reduce that time and drudgery via automation, so your team can spend more time focusing on delivering quality care.
Swift Shift is an easy to use mobile app that helps managers and employees connect, communicate, and manage their shifts through text, email, and app notification.
Jakarta Pasca Ibu Kota Negara - Majalah TelstraDadang Solihin
Banyak pertanyaan tentang bagaimana nasib Jakarta setelah tidak menjadi Ibu Kota Negara lagi. Sebagian besar masyarakat berkomentar bahwa Jakarta akan menjadi pusat bisnis. Jakarta diproyeksikan akan menjadi pusat ekonomi nasional pasca pemindahan ibu kota negara. Tentunya hal ini akan membuat Jakarta tetap akan menjadi magnet bagi investor, masyarakat ataupun pemerintah. Kawasan penyangga Jakarta seperti Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi diproyeksikan akan menjadi kawasan aglomerasi dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup besar.
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Seminar dan油Knowledge Sharing Kepustakawanan yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Perpusdokinfo LPNK Ristek. Tanggal 28 November 2017
Danantara: Pesimis atau Optimis? Podcast Ikatan Alumni Lemhannas RI IKAL Lem...Dadang Solihin
Keberadaan Danantara: Pesimis atau Optimis?
Pendekatan terbaik adalah realistis dengan kecenderungan optimis.
Jika Danantara memiliki perencanaan yang matang, dukungan kebijakan yang kuat, dan mampu beradaptasi dengan tantangan yang ada, maka peluang keberhasilannya besar.
Namun, jika implementasinya tidak disertai dengan strategi mitigasi risiko yang baik, maka pesimisme terhadap dampaknya juga cukup beralasan.
Pada akhirnya, kunci suksesnya adalah bagaimana Danantara bisa dikelola secara efektif, inklusif, dan berkelanjutan, sehingga dampak positifnya lebih dominan dibandingkan risikonya.
Repositori Elib Perpustakaan Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN)Murad Maulana
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Diseminasi repositori perpustakaan BAPETEN yang diselenggarakan oleh Kepala Pusat Pengkajian Sistem dan Teknologi
Pengawasan Instalasi dan Bahan Nuklir (P2STPIBN) pada tanggal 25 Februari 2025
Puji dan syukur selalu kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga Kumpulan Cerpen dari para siswa-siswi SMA Negeri 2 Muara Badak para perlombaan Sumpah pemuda tahun 2024 dengan tema Semangat Persatuan dan Kebangkitan dan perlombaan hari Guru tahun 2024 dengan tema Guru yang menginspirasi, membangun masa depan ini dapat dicetak. Diharapkan karya ini menjadi motivasi tersendiri bagi peserta didik SMA Negeri 2 Muara Badak yang lain untuk ikut berkarya mengembangkan kreatifitas. Kumpulan Cerpen ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menunjang Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) juga sebagai buku penunjang program Literasi Sekolah (LS) untuk itu, saya sebagai Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Muara Badak sangat mengapresiasi hadirnya buku ini.
Dari pesantren ke dunia maya (diskusi berkala UAS Kencong Jember0.pptxSyarifatul Marwiyah
Tugas fungsi
1. Tugas Fungsi
1. Tentukan domain fungsi dari :
)( 2
)( 2
Carilah :
a. gf
b. gf
c. gf .