This document describes a method for quickly calculating the square of numbers ending in 5. It involves writing down 25 as the last two digits. Then, the first digit is multiplied by its successor and written in front of the 25. Examples provided show squaring 45, 85, and 125 using this method.
This document outlines Knolwledge Management Interactive Learning Chain, an e-learning platform that delivers events, products, services, and tools through a virtual channel. The platform allows users to [1] deliver specialized e-events, sell e-products, and use interactive IT tools in one place. [2] Professionals can use the e-platform to deliver e-courses, e-events, and e-consultancy anywhere, anytime on mobile devices. [3] The e-platform provides the most productive way to transfer information and knowledge using up-to-date IT resources, a modern e-platform, and an online store.
Bholakumar Sonar has over 15 years of experience in HVAC-R maintenance and repair. He is currently serving as Service In Charge for Delta Nutritives, where he oversees maintenance planning and budgeting for ice cream machinery across Western India. Previously, he has held roles in Australia maintaining automated ice cream vending machines and in India serving Carpigiani and other machinery importers. He aims to take on a challenging role utilizing his skills in HVAC-R equipment, project management, and customer satisfaction.
Мастер-класс Марка Лесуна ?Маркетинговый перевод: с чем его едят?, подготовленный специально для участников конкурса переводчиков английского языка и литературных редакторов Marketing. Transcreation. Copyediting, организованного компанией ?Палекс?. Марк попытался систематизировать и обобщить свой опыт и представления о том, что такое хороший перевод маркетингового текста, какие навыки помогают в этой работе и как понять, в каких случаях суть важнее слов оригинала
This document profiles a young, fashion-focused customer who enjoys yoga, coffee, shoes, food adventures and blogging. It provides several potential outfit options for her with different styles (active, casual, professional, fancy, lazy) with specific clothing and accessory items listed. It describes a store experience where she could find a complete outfit of a top, bottom and accessory quickly to wear together. The proposed marketing campaign is "Get dressed in the dark."
The document is a resume for Nichlaus Jay Rowe seeking a position as a technical project manager or electronics technician. It summarizes his experience over 12 years providing administrative, operations leadership and project management support. His background includes roles as a customer engineer, project manager, senior radio technician, lead electronics technician/manager, and aviation electronics technician in the US Navy. He has skills in leadership, project management, communication, troubleshooting, and repair of electronics equipment.
The document discusses the rationale for choosing certain equipment for an AS production. Specifically, it chose the Canon 700 camera for its spectacular focus and ability to provide various effective shots and angles. This allows footage to be imported straight from the SD card during editing, providing a less complicated process than the Sony ZX1 used previously. A Zoom Sound Box was also selected, which is attached to the camera to provide clearer sound files. Like the Canon 700, it saves files via SD card, making it easy to match sound with camera files during editing.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan proses kerja bengkel yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu: 1) penerimaan pekerjaan dan penugasan, 2) pelaksanaan pekerjaan, 3) kontrol kualitas dan pembuatan tagihan, 4) penyerahan kendaraan dan hubungan pelanggan. Setiap tahapan meliputi beberapa aktivitas administratif, teknis, dan hubungan pelanggan.
Jak powinna wygl?da? skuteczna komunikacja w sieci? Z jakich narz?dzi skorzysta? oraz na co zwróci? uwag?? Zobacz w jaki sposób anga?owa? i zwi?kszy? efektywno?? Twojej komunikacji. Ca?o?? dost?pna na
Ideative Studio is a consulting company specialized in marketing and communications with three departments: advertising and communications, foreign business, and marketing training. It aims to create innovative ideas that generate buzz for clients. Ideative works with a network of suppliers to quickly provide high-quality, low-cost solutions tailored to each client's needs. The company strives to not only provide creativity but also value and revenue for clients through unique, data-driven products and campaigns.
The document discusses high frequency trading (HFT) and new technologies for increasing speed. HFT uses algorithms and low latency technology to trade securities at extremely high speeds, responding to market events in milliseconds. A new technology called RAMSTORAGE is proposed that would use RAM as storage, which would be significantly faster than traditional hard drives or solid state drives. It claims RAMSTORAGE could revolutionize fields like cloud computing, big data, medical research and more by providing results much more quickly. However, some challenges are the volatility of data in RAM and the initially high costs compared to other storage.
The document discusses education in Pakistan. It defines education as the process of becoming an educated person with access to optimal states of mind. The constitution mandates free and compulsory secondary education. Literacy rates are around 55% overall but vary by province. Challenges include governance issues, teacher quality, curriculum quality, and financing. The national education plan aims to achieve universal primary and secondary education, promote equity, increase education funding, improve teacher training, and introduce reforms.
What the end of support of Windows 10 will mean?Atomu Hidaka
What is the end of Windows 10 support? We have investigated and considered the past end of Windows support to find out what will happen when support ends. Although the end of support for Windows 10 is only half a year away, there are not many people who understand from a technical point of view what will happen when support ends, so we have summarized the facts that have happened in the past.
Мастер-класс Марка Лесуна ?Маркетинговый перевод: с чем его едят?, подготовленный специально для участников конкурса переводчиков английского языка и литературных редакторов Marketing. Transcreation. Copyediting, организованного компанией ?Палекс?. Марк попытался систематизировать и обобщить свой опыт и представления о том, что такое хороший перевод маркетингового текста, какие навыки помогают в этой работе и как понять, в каких случаях суть важнее слов оригинала
This document profiles a young, fashion-focused customer who enjoys yoga, coffee, shoes, food adventures and blogging. It provides several potential outfit options for her with different styles (active, casual, professional, fancy, lazy) with specific clothing and accessory items listed. It describes a store experience where she could find a complete outfit of a top, bottom and accessory quickly to wear together. The proposed marketing campaign is "Get dressed in the dark."
The document is a resume for Nichlaus Jay Rowe seeking a position as a technical project manager or electronics technician. It summarizes his experience over 12 years providing administrative, operations leadership and project management support. His background includes roles as a customer engineer, project manager, senior radio technician, lead electronics technician/manager, and aviation electronics technician in the US Navy. He has skills in leadership, project management, communication, troubleshooting, and repair of electronics equipment.
The document discusses the rationale for choosing certain equipment for an AS production. Specifically, it chose the Canon 700 camera for its spectacular focus and ability to provide various effective shots and angles. This allows footage to be imported straight from the SD card during editing, providing a less complicated process than the Sony ZX1 used previously. A Zoom Sound Box was also selected, which is attached to the camera to provide clearer sound files. Like the Canon 700, it saves files via SD card, making it easy to match sound with camera files during editing.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan proses kerja bengkel yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu: 1) penerimaan pekerjaan dan penugasan, 2) pelaksanaan pekerjaan, 3) kontrol kualitas dan pembuatan tagihan, 4) penyerahan kendaraan dan hubungan pelanggan. Setiap tahapan meliputi beberapa aktivitas administratif, teknis, dan hubungan pelanggan.
Jak powinna wygl?da? skuteczna komunikacja w sieci? Z jakich narz?dzi skorzysta? oraz na co zwróci? uwag?? Zobacz w jaki sposób anga?owa? i zwi?kszy? efektywno?? Twojej komunikacji. Ca?o?? dost?pna na
Ideative Studio is a consulting company specialized in marketing and communications with three departments: advertising and communications, foreign business, and marketing training. It aims to create innovative ideas that generate buzz for clients. Ideative works with a network of suppliers to quickly provide high-quality, low-cost solutions tailored to each client's needs. The company strives to not only provide creativity but also value and revenue for clients through unique, data-driven products and campaigns.
The document discusses high frequency trading (HFT) and new technologies for increasing speed. HFT uses algorithms and low latency technology to trade securities at extremely high speeds, responding to market events in milliseconds. A new technology called RAMSTORAGE is proposed that would use RAM as storage, which would be significantly faster than traditional hard drives or solid state drives. It claims RAMSTORAGE could revolutionize fields like cloud computing, big data, medical research and more by providing results much more quickly. However, some challenges are the volatility of data in RAM and the initially high costs compared to other storage.
The document discusses education in Pakistan. It defines education as the process of becoming an educated person with access to optimal states of mind. The constitution mandates free and compulsory secondary education. Literacy rates are around 55% overall but vary by province. Challenges include governance issues, teacher quality, curriculum quality, and financing. The national education plan aims to achieve universal primary and secondary education, promote equity, increase education funding, improve teacher training, and introduce reforms.
What the end of support of Windows 10 will mean?Atomu Hidaka
What is the end of Windows 10 support? We have investigated and considered the past end of Windows support to find out what will happen when support ends. Although the end of support for Windows 10 is only half a year away, there are not many people who understand from a technical point of view what will happen when support ends, so we have summarized the facts that have happened in the past.