
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
 We are providing funding to send a couple
of staff to U-Learn 2010,
 6-8th October in Christchurch.
 (Priority will be given to staff who have not
been before to either U-Learn or
Learning@school, but all expressions of
interest will be considered.)
 Visit the link below for more information
on keynote speakers etc
 Please let me know if you would like to be
considered. This is a great opportunity to
meet and network with lots of interesting
U learn 2010
 The ULearn10 programme is structured
around three themes focusing on
aspects of learning and leading.
 Delegates are able to follow a theme
through the conference, or explore
different combinations of each theme.
 When making workshop selections, you
can choose to use 'Key Theme Alignment'
as a filter to view what is being offered in
each breakout.
Wednesday 6 October
7.30am onwards油油油 Registration opens
8.00am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Exhibition Hall opens
9.10am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Conference opening and welcome ( Town Hall Auditorium)
9.15am油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 CORE Professional Development and Travel Scholarship award
9.25am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Guest Speaker  Hon Anne Tolley
9.45am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Keynote  Lee Crockett ( Canada)
11.00am油油油 油油油油油油油油油油 Morning tea
11.45am油油油 油油油油油油油油油油 Breakout round 1
1.15pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Lunch
2.30pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Breakout round 2
4.20pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Keynote  Steve Wheeler (UK)
5.35pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Reception in Exhibition hall
6.35pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Dinner at your leisure
Thursday 7 October
7.30am-8.45am油油油 Earlybird workshop session
9.00am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Welcome to Day Two
9.15am 油油油 油油油油油油油油油油 Keynote  Lane Clark (Canada)
10.30am油油油 油油油油油油油油油 Morning tea
11.15am油油油 油油油油油油油油油 Breakout round 3
12.45pm油油油 油油 油 油 油油 Lunch
2.00pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Breakout round 4
3.30pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油 油 Afternoon tea
4.15pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Reflection/meeting time ( self organised)
7.30pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Conference dinner
Friday 8 October
9.00am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Breakout round 5
10.30am油油油 油油油油油油油油油 Morning tea
11.15am油油油 油油油油油油油油油 Breakout round 6
12.45pm油油油 油油 油 油 油油 Lunch
1.45pm油油油 油油油 油油 油 油油 Principal Sponsor Prizes
2.00pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Keynote  Stephen Heppell (UK) in Town Hall James Hay Theatre
3.15pm-3.30pm油油 Finale and closing
 Lane Clark, Canada
-Keynote abstract
 Lane Clark has a well-earned reputation as an expert in powerful
pedagogy and in the design and delivery of engaging curriculum.
Her authentic, transdisciplinary approach to learning is founded on
teaching students how to learn, how to think and how to use latest
technologies to enhance their learning.
 As a teacher, Lane has taught in the mainstream throughout the
primary and secondary levels; she has also worked with learners
from across the ability spectrum and in numerous multi-age
 As a workshop facilitator and consultant, Lane has worked
extensively with primary and secondary teachers, district level
consultants, faculty of education professors and students, parent
groups, school boards of directors, and business groups.
 The students, teachers, schools and districts who have worked
with Lane around the world have found her seminars and
workshops to be insightful, energising and most important,
practical and immediately transferable to the classroom.
 Her reputation as a dynamic and inspiring presenter is well earned
through her numerous international conference appearances each
year and her highly successful workshop programs conducted
throughout New Zealand, Australia, the US, Canada, and the UK
and Europe.
Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker
 Professor Steve Wheeler, U.K.
- Keynote Abstract
 Steve Wheeler is Associate Professor in Education and Information
Technology in the Faculty of Education at the University of Plymouth in
South West England. He is the technology mediated learning co-ordinator
for the Faculty and also convenes the University-wide e-learning research
 Steve is co-editor of the journal Interactive Learning Environments, and
serves on the boards of a number of other peer-reviewed journals including
ALT-J and IRRODL.He has an interest in e-learning, distance education, Web
2.0 tools, 3D MUVEs, and creativity. Steve is the chair of IFIP Working
Group 3.6 on distance education and is a fellow of the European Distance
and E-Learning Network (EDEN).
 He has published more than 150 scholarly articles, and his latest book,
published earlier this year by Information Age, is entitled Connected Minds,
Emerging Cultures. His e-learning blog Learning with es can be found at
Keynote Speaker
Professor Stephen Heppell U.K.
- Keynote Abstract
 Stephen founded and ran Ultralab for a quarter of a century,
building it into one of the most respected research centres in
e-Learning in the world. In 2004 he founded his own global and
flourishing policy and learning consultancy, Heppell.net, which now has
an enviable portfolio of international projects all round the world.
 Stephen was a founder board member for Teachers.TV - a UK public
service TV and broadband channel for professional development of
teachers. He is at the heart of a global revolution in learning space
design, with a string of major new building projects worldwide, including
a 0-21+ academy in the UK, and a complete makeover of a national
education system in the Caribbean.
In 2008 Stephen received the BETT for Outstanding Achievement in ICT
Education. He is credited with being the person who put the C into ICT.
 Money alone won't make the Internet fly. Ultimately, its success lies
with kids and other folk who don't follow dot-com stocks. That's where
Stephen Heppell comes in. He's a digital do-gooder, helping to bring
ordinary people into the Internet age.... looking about as threatening as
Santa Claus with his twinkling blue eyes and bushy beard - Wall Street
Journal, 2000. http://www.heppell.net
 Breakout 1
Macro to multi media and everything in between
- Don't forget photography as a top ICT tool!
Session Type: Presentation
With all the fuss about the latest IWBs and other new gadgets we often overlook one of the
simplest, cheapest and most accessible ICT tools there is...the humble digital camera! Used
well, the digital camera can enhance lessons, engage students, strengthen communication
skills and all at the push of a button! In this presentation you will learn some simple yet
effective skills to improve both your own and your students photography, will see how the
digital camera can be used across all curriculum areas and come away with a multitude of
ideas to enhance your students engagement in learning.
 Breakout 2
Social Networking using Edmodo and Blogs
- Connecting the classroom and the home for primary aged students and their
Session Type: Presentation
 Breakout 3
Blogs, e-Portfolios, LMS, and Apps - what fits where?
Session Type: Presentation
 Breakout 4
Making Numeracy Fun
Session Type: Equipment-based hands-on
 Breakout 5
Music, Multimedia and Movies  Kids can do it all! A case study of a student
produced full-length feature movie
Session Type: Presentation
 Breakout 6
eCompetencies -Linking eQuality Teaching- directly to the Key Competencies.
Session Type: Presentation
..DesktopULearn pixulearn10conferenceslidepres.pdf
..DesktopULearn pixulearn10conferenceslidepres.pdf

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U learn 2010

  • 1. We are providing funding to send a couple of staff to U-Learn 2010, 6-8th October in Christchurch. (Priority will be given to staff who have not been before to either U-Learn or Learning@school, but all expressions of interest will be considered.) Visit the link below for more information on keynote speakers etc 油 http://www.core-ed.org/ulearn/10 油 Please let me know if you would like to be considered. This is a great opportunity to meet and network with lots of interesting educationalists. 油 Thanks Jane
  • 3. The ULearn10 programme is structured around three themes focusing on aspects of learning and leading. Delegates are able to follow a theme through the conference, or explore different combinations of each theme. When making workshop selections, you can choose to use 'Key Theme Alignment' as a filter to view what is being offered in each breakout.
  • 4. Wednesday 6 October 7.30am onwards油油油 Registration opens 8.00am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Exhibition Hall opens 9.10am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Conference opening and welcome ( Town Hall Auditorium) 9.15am油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 CORE Professional Development and Travel Scholarship award 9.25am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Guest Speaker Hon Anne Tolley 9.45am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Keynote Lee Crockett ( Canada) 11.00am油油油 油油油油油油油油油油 Morning tea 11.45am油油油 油油油油油油油油油油 Breakout round 1 1.15pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Lunch 2.30pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Breakout round 2 4.20pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Keynote Steve Wheeler (UK) 5.35pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Reception in Exhibition hall 6.35pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油油 Dinner at your leisure Thursday 7 October 7.30am-8.45am油油油 Earlybird workshop session 9.00am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Welcome to Day Two 9.15am 油油油 油油油油油油油油油油 Keynote Lane Clark (Canada) 10.30am油油油 油油油油油油油油油 Morning tea 11.15am油油油 油油油油油油油油油 Breakout round 3 12.45pm油油油 油油 油 油 油油 Lunch 2.00pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Breakout round 4 3.30pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油 油 Afternoon tea 4.15pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Reflection/meeting time ( self organised) 7.30pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Conference dinner Friday 8 October 9.00am油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Breakout round 5 10.30am油油油 油油油油油油油油油 Morning tea 11.15am油油油 油油油油油油油油油 Breakout round 6 12.45pm油油油 油油 油 油 油油 Lunch 1.45pm油油油 油油油 油油 油 油油 Principal Sponsor Prizes 2.00pm油油油 油油油 油油油油油油油 Keynote Stephen Heppell (UK) in Town Hall James Hay Theatre 3.15pm-3.30pm油油 Finale and closing Programme
  • 5. Lane Clark, Canada -Keynote abstract Lane Clark has a well-earned reputation as an expert in powerful pedagogy and in the design and delivery of engaging curriculum. Her authentic, transdisciplinary approach to learning is founded on teaching students how to learn, how to think and how to use latest technologies to enhance their learning. As a teacher, Lane has taught in the mainstream throughout the primary and secondary levels; she has also worked with learners from across the ability spectrum and in numerous multi-age settings. As a workshop facilitator and consultant, Lane has worked extensively with primary and secondary teachers, district level consultants, faculty of education professors and students, parent groups, school boards of directors, and business groups. The students, teachers, schools and districts who have worked with Lane around the world have found her seminars and workshops to be insightful, energising and most important, practical and immediately transferable to the classroom. Her reputation as a dynamic and inspiring presenter is well earned through her numerous international conference appearances each year and her highly successful workshop programs conducted throughout New Zealand, Australia, the US, Canada, and the UK and Europe. Keynote Speaker
  • 6. Keynote Speaker Professor Steve Wheeler, U.K. - Keynote Abstract Steve Wheeler is Associate Professor in Education and Information Technology in the Faculty of Education at the University of Plymouth in South West England. He is the technology mediated learning co-ordinator for the Faculty and also convenes the University-wide e-learning research network. Steve is co-editor of the journal Interactive Learning Environments, and serves on the boards of a number of other peer-reviewed journals including ALT-J and IRRODL.He has an interest in e-learning, distance education, Web 2.0 tools, 3D MUVEs, and creativity. Steve is the chair of IFIP Working Group 3.6 on distance education and is a fellow of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN). He has published more than 150 scholarly articles, and his latest book, published earlier this year by Information Age, is entitled Connected Minds, Emerging Cultures. His e-learning blog Learning with es can be found at http://steve-wheeler.blogspot.com 油
  • 7. Keynote Speaker Professor Stephen Heppell U.K. - Keynote Abstract Stephen founded and ran Ultralab for a quarter of a century, building it into one of the most respected research centres in e-Learning in the world. In 2004 he founded his own global and flourishing policy and learning consultancy, Heppell.net, which now has an enviable portfolio of international projects all round the world. Stephen was a founder board member for Teachers.TV - a UK public service TV and broadband channel for professional development of teachers. He is at the heart of a global revolution in learning space design, with a string of major new building projects worldwide, including a 0-21+ academy in the UK, and a complete makeover of a national education system in the Caribbean. In 2008 Stephen received the BETT for Outstanding Achievement in ICT Education. He is credited with being the person who put the C into ICT. Money alone won't make the Internet fly. Ultimately, its success lies with kids and other folk who don't follow dot-com stocks. That's where Stephen Heppell comes in. He's a digital do-gooder, helping to bring ordinary people into the Internet age.... looking about as threatening as Santa Claus with his twinkling blue eyes and bushy beard - Wall Street Journal, 2000. http://www.heppell.net
  • 8. Breakout 1 Macro to multi media and everything in between - Don't forget photography as a top ICT tool! Session Type: Presentation With all the fuss about the latest IWBs and other new gadgets we often overlook one of the simplest, cheapest and most accessible ICT tools there is...the humble digital camera! Used well, the digital camera can enhance lessons, engage students, strengthen communication skills and all at the push of a button! In this presentation you will learn some simple yet effective skills to improve both your own and your students photography, will see how the digital camera can be used across all curriculum areas and come away with a multitude of ideas to enhance your students engagement in learning. Breakout 2 Social Networking using Edmodo and Blogs - Connecting the classroom and the home for primary aged students and their families! Session Type: Presentation Breakout 3 Blogs, e-Portfolios, LMS, and Apps - what fits where? Session Type: Presentation Breakout 4 Making Numeracy Fun Session Type: Equipment-based hands-on Breakout 5 Music, Multimedia and Movies Kids can do it all! A case study of a student produced full-length feature movie Session Type: Presentation Breakout 6 eCompetencies -Linking eQuality Teaching- directly to the Key Competencies. Session Type: Presentation

Editor's Notes

  • #3: ..about Lee Crockett's keynote... Also sums up our thoughts on attending Ulearn 2010!