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Department of Education
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 1 Quarter QUARTER 2
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interests.
B. Performance Standards
The learners
1. analyze aspects of social organization 2. identify ones role in social
2. groups and institutions
C. Learning
Explain the forms and functions of state and non-state institutions*
a. Differentiate state and non-state institutions.
b. Identify the forms and functions of state institutions.
c. Determine the forms and functions of non-state institutions.
d. Point out examples of state and non-state institutions.
e. Realize the value of these institutions in a country.
A. References
1. TGs Pages
2. LMs Pages
3. Textbooks Pages
B. Other Resources
1. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
Ask students to recall the different
agents of socialization and their
importance in shaping an individual's
behavior and beliefs.
Today's lesson is about
understanding the differences
between state and non-state
institutions and identifying the forms
and functions of state institutions.
The teacher will ask the students to
recall the difference between state and
non-state institutions. The teacher will
then explain that in this lesson, the
students will learn about examples of
both types of institutions.
The teacher will ask the students
about the previous lesson's main
points and connect them to the
current lesson. The teacher will then
introduce the new lesson, explaining
its relevance to the students'
understanding of the importance of
institutions in society.
2. Establishing the purpose of
the lesson
State the objectives of the lesson:
 Introduce the concept of
social groups and their
significance in society.
 Define primary and
secondary groups and in-
group and out-group
 Differentiate between the
two types of social groups.
By the end of this lesson, students
should be able to differentiate state
and non-state institutions and
identify the forms and functions of
state institutions.
The purpose of this lesson is to enable
students to recognize examples of state
and non-state institutions in their
The teacher will explain that the
purpose of this lesson is for the
students to recognize the value of
state and non-state institutions in a
country and how they contribute to
its overall development.
3. Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson
a. Provide examples of primary
groups, such as family and close
friends, and secondary groups,
such as co-workers and
b. Give scenarios that illustrate in-
group and out-group dynamics,
such as belonging to a sports
team or a social club.
a. Examples of state institutions:
government agencies, military,
police, courts, and public schools.
b. Examples of non-state
institutions: religious
organizations, private companies,
and non-profit organizations.
The teacher will present a list of
examples of state institutions such as
the police, military, judiciary, and the
legislative branch. The teacher will also
present examples of non-state
institutions such as religious groups,
NGOs, and labor unions.
The teacher will present different
examples of state and non-state
institutions, such as government
agencies, public and private schools,
hospitals, businesses, religious
organizations, and NGOs. The
teacher will discuss the role of each
institution in society and how they
contribute to the country's
4. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
a. Facilitate a discussion on the
characteristics of primary groups,
such as intimacy and emotional
b. Guide students in identifying the
characteristics of secondary
groups, such as formal and
impersonal relationships.
a. Definition of state institutions
and their functions.
b. Definition of non-state
institutions and their functions.
c. Differences between state and
non-state institutions.
The teacher will explain the function and
role of each example presented. The
students will then be asked to classify
each example as either a state or non-
state institution.
The teacher will introduce the
concept of state institutions, which
are formal organizations established
by the government to provide public
goods and services. The teacher will
discuss the different types of state
institutions, such as legislative,
executive, and judiciary branches. The
teacher will also explain the concept
of non-state institutions, which are
informal organizations established by
citizens or private groups to provide
goods and services that the
government cannot provide.
5. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
a. Lead a discussion on the
dynamics of in-groups and out-
b. Ask students to give examples of
in-groups and out-groups they
belong to or have observed.
a. Forms of state institutions:
legislative, executive, and judicial
branches of government.
b. Functions of state institutions:
creating and enforcing laws,
The teacher will present a scenario or a
case study involving a specific
institution, and students will be asked to
identify whether it is a state or non-state
institution. The teacher will then ask the
The teacher will discuss the functions
of state institutions, which are to
maintain law and order, promote the
welfare of the citizens, and protect
the country's sovereignty. The
teacher will also discuss the functions
c. Facilitate a dialogue on the
impact of in-group and out-
group dynamics on society.
providing public goods and
services, and protecting citizens.
students to identify the function of that
of non-state institutions, which are to
provide alternative sources of goods
and services, promote social welfare,
and empower citizens to participate
in society.
6. Developing Mastery
a. Divide the class into small groups.
b. Provide a scenario wherein each
group will identify whether it is a
primary or secondary group and
the in-group and out-group
dynamics present.
c. Each group will present their
answers to the class.
a. Group activity: Divide the class
into groups and assign each
group a state institution. Have
them research the institution and
create a presentation outlining its
form and function.
b. Individual activity: Have students
complete a worksheet identifying
the forms and functions of state
In groups, students will be asked to
create a visual representation of the
institutions they have learned, such as a
chart or diagram. Each group will then
present their visual representation to
the class, highlighting the differences
and similarities between the state and
non-state institutions.
The teacher will facilitate an
interactive and engaging activity
where students will be grouped into
four (4) and assigned one state
institution to research and present.
Each group will present their
assigned institution's functions,
importance, and impact on society.
After each presentation, the teacher
will facilitate a discussion where the
class will identify commonalities and
differences in the functions of
different state institutions.
7. Finding practical applications
of concepts and skills in daily
a. Ask students to reflect on their
own experiences and the social
groups they belong to.
b. Encourage them to identify the
positive and negative aspects of
these social groups.
a. Understanding the functions of
state institutions can help
individuals better understand
how their government works and
how they can participate in the
democratic process.
b. Understanding the differences
between state and non-state
institutions can help individuals
make informed decisions about
where to work, volunteer, and
donate their time and resources.
The teacher will facilitate a discussion on
the importance of state and non-state
institutions in our society, and how they
affect our daily lives. The students will be
asked to identify examples of state and
non-state institutions that they
encounter in their daily lives.
The teacher will facilitate a class
discussion on how state and non-
state institutions affect the students'
daily lives, such as their access to
healthcare, education, and
employment opportunities. The
teacher will also discuss the students'
roles in supporting and contributing
to these institutions.
8. Generalizing and abstractions
about the lesson
a. Summarize the key points of the
lesson, emphasizing the
importance of social groups in
shaping an individual's behavior
and beliefs.
b. Ask students to give examples of
how social groups influence their
decisions and actions.
a. State institutions are formal
organizations that are established
by the government and have
specific functions.
b. Non-state institutions are
informal organizations that are
established by private individuals
or groups and have various
The teacher will summarize the lesson
by highlighting the importance of state
and non-state institutions in our society.
The teacher will also explain how
knowing the differences between state
and non-state institutions can help us
understand the role and function of
these institutions in our society.
The teacher will facilitate a class
discussion where students will reflect
on the importance of state and non-
state institutions in a country's
development. The students will also
identify the challenges that these
institutions face and the importance
of citizen participation in supporting
these institutions.
c. Understanding the differences
between state and non-state
institutions is important for
understanding the role of
government and civil society.
9. Evaluating Learning
Administer a quiz to assess the
students' understanding of the
a. Formative assessment: Monitor
student participation during the
group and individual activities to
ensure that they are able to
differentiate state and non-state
institutions and identify the forms
and functions of state institutions.
b. Summative assessment: Assign a
written assignment or quiz to
assess student understanding of
the concepts covered in this
The teacher will give a quiz to assess the
students' understanding of the
differences between state and non-state
institutions, and their functions.
The teacher will administer a short
quiz to assess the students'
understanding of the lesson's main
concepts and skills.
10. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation
a. Ask students to write a reflection
paper on how their social groups
have influenced their personal
growth and development.
b. Provide reading materials that
discuss the impact of social
groups on society and culture.
For application, students can research
and report on a specific state or non-
state institution and its function. For
remediation, students who need
additional support can review the
examples and functions of state and
non-state institutions and ask the
teacher questions for clarification.
The teacher will provide additional
readings and research assignments
that students can work on
individually or in groups to deepen
their understanding of state and non-
state institutions' value in a country.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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Administrative bodies( D and C Act, 1940

UCSP Q2 WEEK1.docx

  • 1. DAILY LESSON LOG Department of Education School Grade Level 11/12 Teacher Learning Area UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY, AND POLITICS Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 1 Quarter QUARTER 2 Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 1. cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interests. B. Performance Standards The learners 1. analyze aspects of social organization 2. identify ones role in social 2. groups and institutions C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Explain the forms and functions of state and non-state institutions* a. Differentiate state and non-state institutions. b. Identify the forms and functions of state institutions. c. Determine the forms and functions of non-state institutions. d. Point out examples of state and non-state institutions. e. Realize the value of these institutions in a country. II. CONTENT STATE AND NON STATE INSTITUTIONS III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. TGs Pages 2. LMs Pages 3. Textbooks Pages B. Other Resources IV. PROCEDURES 1. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Ask students to recall the different agents of socialization and their importance in shaping an individual's behavior and beliefs. Today's lesson is about understanding the differences between state and non-state institutions and identifying the forms and functions of state institutions. The teacher will ask the students to recall the difference between state and non-state institutions. The teacher will then explain that in this lesson, the students will learn about examples of both types of institutions. The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson's main points and connect them to the current lesson. The teacher will then introduce the new lesson, explaining its relevance to the students' understanding of the importance of institutions in society.
  • 2. 2. Establishing the purpose of the lesson State the objectives of the lesson: Introduce the concept of social groups and their significance in society. Define primary and secondary groups and in- group and out-group dynamics. Differentiate between the two types of social groups. By the end of this lesson, students should be able to differentiate state and non-state institutions and identify the forms and functions of state institutions. The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to recognize examples of state and non-state institutions in their society. The teacher will explain that the purpose of this lesson is for the students to recognize the value of state and non-state institutions in a country and how they contribute to its overall development. 3. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson a. Provide examples of primary groups, such as family and close friends, and secondary groups, such as co-workers and classmates. b. Give scenarios that illustrate in- group and out-group dynamics, such as belonging to a sports team or a social club. a. Examples of state institutions: government agencies, military, police, courts, and public schools. b. Examples of non-state institutions: religious organizations, private companies, and non-profit organizations. The teacher will present a list of examples of state institutions such as the police, military, judiciary, and the legislative branch. The teacher will also present examples of non-state institutions such as religious groups, NGOs, and labor unions. The teacher will present different examples of state and non-state institutions, such as government agencies, public and private schools, hospitals, businesses, religious organizations, and NGOs. The teacher will discuss the role of each institution in society and how they contribute to the country's development. 4. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 a. Facilitate a discussion on the characteristics of primary groups, such as intimacy and emotional bonds. b. Guide students in identifying the characteristics of secondary groups, such as formal and impersonal relationships. a. Definition of state institutions and their functions. b. Definition of non-state institutions and their functions. c. Differences between state and non-state institutions. The teacher will explain the function and role of each example presented. The students will then be asked to classify each example as either a state or non- state institution. The teacher will introduce the concept of state institutions, which are formal organizations established by the government to provide public goods and services. The teacher will discuss the different types of state institutions, such as legislative, executive, and judiciary branches. The teacher will also explain the concept of non-state institutions, which are informal organizations established by citizens or private groups to provide goods and services that the government cannot provide. 5. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 a. Lead a discussion on the dynamics of in-groups and out- groups. b. Ask students to give examples of in-groups and out-groups they belong to or have observed. a. Forms of state institutions: legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. b. Functions of state institutions: creating and enforcing laws, The teacher will present a scenario or a case study involving a specific institution, and students will be asked to identify whether it is a state or non-state institution. The teacher will then ask the The teacher will discuss the functions of state institutions, which are to maintain law and order, promote the welfare of the citizens, and protect the country's sovereignty. The teacher will also discuss the functions
  • 3. c. Facilitate a dialogue on the impact of in-group and out- group dynamics on society. providing public goods and services, and protecting citizens. students to identify the function of that institution. of non-state institutions, which are to provide alternative sources of goods and services, promote social welfare, and empower citizens to participate in society. 6. Developing Mastery a. Divide the class into small groups. b. Provide a scenario wherein each group will identify whether it is a primary or secondary group and the in-group and out-group dynamics present. c. Each group will present their answers to the class. a. Group activity: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a state institution. Have them research the institution and create a presentation outlining its form and function. b. Individual activity: Have students complete a worksheet identifying the forms and functions of state institutions. In groups, students will be asked to create a visual representation of the institutions they have learned, such as a chart or diagram. Each group will then present their visual representation to the class, highlighting the differences and similarities between the state and non-state institutions. The teacher will facilitate an interactive and engaging activity where students will be grouped into four (4) and assigned one state institution to research and present. Each group will present their assigned institution's functions, importance, and impact on society. After each presentation, the teacher will facilitate a discussion where the class will identify commonalities and differences in the functions of different state institutions. 7. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living a. Ask students to reflect on their own experiences and the social groups they belong to. b. Encourage them to identify the positive and negative aspects of these social groups. a. Understanding the functions of state institutions can help individuals better understand how their government works and how they can participate in the democratic process. b. Understanding the differences between state and non-state institutions can help individuals make informed decisions about where to work, volunteer, and donate their time and resources. The teacher will facilitate a discussion on the importance of state and non-state institutions in our society, and how they affect our daily lives. The students will be asked to identify examples of state and non-state institutions that they encounter in their daily lives. The teacher will facilitate a class discussion on how state and non- state institutions affect the students' daily lives, such as their access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. The teacher will also discuss the students' roles in supporting and contributing to these institutions. 8. Generalizing and abstractions about the lesson a. Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of social groups in shaping an individual's behavior and beliefs. b. Ask students to give examples of how social groups influence their decisions and actions. a. State institutions are formal organizations that are established by the government and have specific functions. b. Non-state institutions are informal organizations that are established by private individuals or groups and have various functions. The teacher will summarize the lesson by highlighting the importance of state and non-state institutions in our society. The teacher will also explain how knowing the differences between state and non-state institutions can help us understand the role and function of these institutions in our society. The teacher will facilitate a class discussion where students will reflect on the importance of state and non- state institutions in a country's development. The students will also identify the challenges that these institutions face and the importance of citizen participation in supporting these institutions.
  • 4. c. Understanding the differences between state and non-state institutions is important for understanding the role of government and civil society. 9. Evaluating Learning Administer a quiz to assess the students' understanding of the lesson. a. Formative assessment: Monitor student participation during the group and individual activities to ensure that they are able to differentiate state and non-state institutions and identify the forms and functions of state institutions. b. Summative assessment: Assign a written assignment or quiz to assess student understanding of the concepts covered in this lesson. The teacher will give a quiz to assess the students' understanding of the differences between state and non-state institutions, and their functions. The teacher will administer a short quiz to assess the students' understanding of the lesson's main concepts and skills. 10. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation a. Ask students to write a reflection paper on how their social groups have influenced their personal growth and development. b. Provide reading materials that discuss the impact of social groups on society and culture. For application, students can research and report on a specific state or non- state institution and its function. For remediation, students who need additional support can review the examples and functions of state and non-state institutions and ask the teacher questions for clarification. The teacher will provide additional readings and research assignments that students can work on individually or in groups to deepen their understanding of state and non- state institutions' value in a country. V. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%. C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
  • 5. E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?