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Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior
SUBJECT-Production of Underutilized Vegetable crops
Assignment on
Production Technology of Leek
Dr. Pragya Singh
Pankaj Patidar
Enroll No.-24111405
M.sc(Ag) Horticulture
1st year (Vegetable Science)
BOTANICAL NAME :- Allium porrum L.
FAMILY :- Alliaceae
ORIGIN :-Southern Europe , North Africa and the middle East
 Leek is a non bulb forming tetraploid plant of onion family.
 Except large size it looks like green onion.
 Its cultivation is not commercial in India and grown only in kitchen
 Leek is cultivated for blanched stems and leaves.
 It is a biennial plant, consumed as salad and used in flavouring the
 Leeks can be used extensively in soups and stews because of mild flavour and
some what mucilaginous character.
 It is an excellent vegetable to flavour the meals in Indian dishes in place of
Energy (kcal) 77 Calcium(mg) 50
Vitamin-A(IU) 30 Fat (g) 0.1
Moisture (g) 78.9 Iron(mg) 2.3
Thiamine(mg) 0.23 Carbohydrates(g) 17.2
Protein(g) 1.8
 Contain many flavonoid antioxidants (including di-allyldisulfide, di-
allyl tri-sulfide, allyl propyl di-sulfide).
 Reduce fatty liver (liver triglyceride accumulation)caused by high-fat
 Improve lipid profile by decreasing total cholesterol and triglyceride
levels while raising good cholesterol levels.
 Leeks are adapted to growing in cool mild climates.
 Optimum temperature for seed germination-18-22^c .
 Ideal growing temperature ranges from 13-24^c.
 They dont have the specific day length or temperature
requirements that onion requires for bulb initiation.
 A well aerated soil with good drainage and good moisture retention
capacity with a pH of 6.5-7 is best.
 Deep ploughing is recommended so that a longer shaft can be
Main fall varieties (August to October):
American Flag, Jolant, Kilima, King Richard, Primor.
Late fall - winter (October to December):
Derrrick, Electra, Goldina, Goliath, Kilima, Tivi, Wintereuzen.
Overwinter (spring harvest):
Carina, Conqueror (moderate bulbing), Eskimo and Siberia. These
varieties mature in 80-120 days.
1. PPL-1
 It is a selection from exotic germplasm.
 The whole plant is consumed.
 Leaves light green, swollen stem and do not form bulb.
 Ready in 150-160 days and good replacement for green onion.
2. Palam Paushtik:
 An alternative of green onion, suitable for
salad, soup and cooking.
 Matures in about 140-150 days with
average yield of 300-350q/ha.
 Ideal time -August- October in plains& hills
 High Hills March  April
 Mid Hills October December
 About 1.5-3 kg seed/h is required for raising the
 5-7 kg/ha for direct sowing.
 One gram weight contains 370 seeds.
Transplant of seedling
 Leeks are normally transplanted.
 Seeded: Feb-March (under protection).
 Mid-March to Mid-April (Out Door).
 Seedlings should be placed in furrows 15 cm deep or Each seedling
should be transplanted in individual hole of 15 cm deep.
 Spacing - 30  15 or 45 10 cm
 A soil test is necessary to determine phosphate and potash
 Apply 200-250q well rotten Farm Yard Manure or compost along with
80-100kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 80 kg k2O/ha.
 Entire quantity of FYM, P2O5, k2O and half N should be thoroughly
mixed in the soil at the time of planting. Remaining N is side dressed
one month after.
 Ethephon @ 50mg/l as foliar spray should be applied 20-25 days after
 NAA @50mg/l should be applied at 60 and 90 days after planting.
 Irrigate uniformly to maintain vigorous, uniform growth and tender
 A total of 12-15 inches of water may be required depending on
planting date, seasonal variation and variety.
 Soil type does not affect the amount of total water needed, but does
decide frequency of water application.
 Lighter soils need more frequent water applications, but less water
applied per application.
 Blanching is important in leek cultivation.
 It is done by covering the plants to a certain height so as to bleach
them, which improves the quality of the crop.
 For this purpose, plants are put in up to their center leaves in
trenches or pits which are heavily manured and to earth up soil as
they grow.
 Care should be taken not to earth up soil too
early when the plants are young.
 Application of Alachlor (Lasso) @ 2 litres/ha or Stomp @ 3litres/ha
in 750 liters of water before transplanting is beneficial for controlling
weeds. Three hand weedings at 30, 50 and 75 days after
 Leeks do not bulb or go dormant in the fall but continue to grow slowly.
 The time of harvest is, therefore, very flexible, depending on the time
of planting, market conditions and variety of leek planted.
 Small leeks can be sold starting in early August and varieties that have
frost tolerance may be harvested throughout the fall and winter
 Machine harvest of leeks is now possible, but most leeks are lifted or
dug by machine and then harvested, cleaned and packed by hand.
 Single or multiple row harvesters can be used effectively.
 The average yield is about 200-300 q/ha.
 Store leek seed At 0 C and 95 to 100% RH
 Leeks, if properly handled, should be kept satisfactorily for 2 to3 months at 0 C.
 Respiration or heat evolution of leeks is about eight timesfasterat 21.1 C than at 0 C
 The best CA contains from 1-3 per cent oxygen and from 5-10 per cent
carbon dioxide.
 Atmospheres containing 15-20 per cent carbon dioxide cause tissue injury.
 1 gram consists of 250-300 seeds
 Leeks are commonly trimmed to 12 inch length, bunched depending
on diameter and often placed in polyethylene film bags.
 They are usually packaged in 5 kg cartons or wire bound crates,
holding 10 film bags, each 500 g.
 Other crates may be packaged with 18-24 bunches with a net weight
up to 15 kg.
 Seed to seed method :in this method, the first season bulb crop is left
to overwinter in the field, so as to produce seed in following season.
 Bulb to seed method :
1. Bulbs stored in previous season are lifted, selected and replanted to
produce seed in 2nd year.
2. Mostly bulb to seed method is followed because :
3. It permits selections of true to type and healthy bulbs for seed
4. Seed yields are comparatively high
1. Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon):-
 It is a polyphagous insect and active at the onset of weather and The
caterpillars cut the seedling at ground level during night time.
Control :-
 Follow clean cultivation and break big clods of soil.
 Dust the soil with 4% Endosulfan at 25 kg/ha.
1.Downy Mildew(peronospora destructor):
 The entire surface of the leaves bears with violet growth of mycellium
and sporangia
 If the weather is hot or dry, only pale white patches are seen
 The affected leaves drop at the point of lesion and dry at tip
 Spray the crop with Dithane M-45
at 0.3% at weekly interval
2. White rot (sclerotium cepivorum):
 The fungus is soil brone and kills the stem, roots.
 The leaves of infected plants become yellow and flaccid leading to
death of whole plant.
 Spray the crop with 0.1 % Bavistin
1. B.Choudhary, 1976,vegetables,national book trust.
2. M.S.Fageria, B.R.Choudhary and R.S.Dhaka,2003,vegetable crops
production technology, Kalyani publishers.
3. KV Peter, Horticultural series volume-3.
4. L.C.De,2001, Handbook of vegetable crops.
5. UK Kohli, Kxotic vegetables,Westville publishing House.
6. Yomaguchi,1983, World vegetables, AVI publishing Co.

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Underutilized Vegetable Crops production Technology of Leek .pptx

  • 1. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE,GWALIOR Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior Session-2024-25 SUBJECT-Production of Underutilized Vegetable crops Assignment on Production Technology of Leek SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Pragya Singh SUBMITTED BY: Pankaj Patidar Enroll No.-24111405 M.sc(Ag) Horticulture 1st year (Vegetable Science)
  • 3. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION BOTANICAL NAME :- Allium porrum L. CHROMOSOME NUMBER :- 2n=4x=32 COMMON NAME :- Leek FAMILY :- Alliaceae ORIGIN :-Southern Europe , North Africa and the middle East
  • 4. INTRODUCTION Leek is a non bulb forming tetraploid plant of onion family. Except large size it looks like green onion. Its cultivation is not commercial in India and grown only in kitchen garden. Leek is cultivated for blanched stems and leaves. It is a biennial plant, consumed as salad and used in flavouring the soups.
  • 5. USES & NUTRITIVE VALUE Leeks can be used extensively in soups and stews because of mild flavour and some what mucilaginous character. It is an excellent vegetable to flavour the meals in Indian dishes in place of garlic. Energy (kcal) 77 Calcium(mg) 50 Vitamin-A(IU) 30 Fat (g) 0.1 Moisture (g) 78.9 Iron(mg) 2.3 Thiamine(mg) 0.23 Carbohydrates(g) 17.2 Protein(g) 1.8
  • 6. HEALTH BENEFITS OF LEEKS Contain many flavonoid antioxidants (including di-allyldisulfide, di- allyl tri-sulfide, allyl propyl di-sulfide). Reduce fatty liver (liver triglyceride accumulation)caused by high-fat diets. Improve lipid profile by decreasing total cholesterol and triglyceride levels while raising good cholesterol levels.
  • 7. CLIMATE Leeks are adapted to growing in cool mild climates. Optimum temperature for seed germination-18-22^c . Ideal growing temperature ranges from 13-24^c. They dont have the specific day length or temperature requirements that onion requires for bulb initiation.
  • 8. SOIL A well aerated soil with good drainage and good moisture retention capacity with a pH of 6.5-7 is best. Deep ploughing is recommended so that a longer shaft can be developed.
  • 9. VERIETIES Main fall varieties (August to October): American Flag, Jolant, Kilima, King Richard, Primor. Late fall - winter (October to December): Derrrick, Electra, Goldina, Goliath, Kilima, Tivi, Wintereuzen. Overwinter (spring harvest): Carina, Conqueror (moderate bulbing), Eskimo and Siberia. These varieties mature in 80-120 days.
  • 10. 1. PPL-1 It is a selection from exotic germplasm. The whole plant is consumed. Leaves light green, swollen stem and do not form bulb. Ready in 150-160 days and good replacement for green onion. 2. Palam Paushtik: An alternative of green onion, suitable for salad, soup and cooking. Matures in about 140-150 days with average yield of 300-350q/ha.
  • 11. SOWING TIME Ideal time -August- October in plains& hills High Hills March April Mid Hills October December SEED RATE About 1.5-3 kg seed/h is required for raising the seedling. 5-7 kg/ha for direct sowing. One gram weight contains 370 seeds. Transplant of seedling
  • 12. SEEDLING AND TRANSPLANTING Leeks are normally transplanted. Seeded: Feb-March (under protection). Mid-March to Mid-April (Out Door). Seedlings should be placed in furrows 15 cm deep or Each seedling should be transplanted in individual hole of 15 cm deep. Spacing - 30 15 or 45 10 cm
  • 13. NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENT A soil test is necessary to determine phosphate and potash requirement. Apply 200-250q well rotten Farm Yard Manure or compost along with 80-100kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 80 kg k2O/ha. Entire quantity of FYM, P2O5, k2O and half N should be thoroughly mixed in the soil at the time of planting. Remaining N is side dressed one month after. Ethephon @ 50mg/l as foliar spray should be applied 20-25 days after sowing. NAA @50mg/l should be applied at 60 and 90 days after planting.
  • 14. IRRIGATION Irrigate uniformly to maintain vigorous, uniform growth and tender stalks. A total of 12-15 inches of water may be required depending on planting date, seasonal variation and variety. Soil type does not affect the amount of total water needed, but does decide frequency of water application. Lighter soils need more frequent water applications, but less water applied per application.
  • 15. BLANCHING Blanching is important in leek cultivation. It is done by covering the plants to a certain height so as to bleach them, which improves the quality of the crop. For this purpose, plants are put in up to their center leaves in trenches or pits which are heavily manured and to earth up soil as they grow. Care should be taken not to earth up soil too early when the plants are young.
  • 16. INTERCULTURAL OPERATIONS Application of Alachlor (Lasso) @ 2 litres/ha or Stomp @ 3litres/ha in 750 liters of water before transplanting is beneficial for controlling weeds. Three hand weedings at 30, 50 and 75 days after transplanting.
  • 17. HARVESTING AND HANDLING Leeks do not bulb or go dormant in the fall but continue to grow slowly. The time of harvest is, therefore, very flexible, depending on the time of planting, market conditions and variety of leek planted. Small leeks can be sold starting in early August and varieties that have frost tolerance may be harvested throughout the fall and winter months. Machine harvest of leeks is now possible, but most leeks are lifted or dug by machine and then harvested, cleaned and packed by hand. Single or multiple row harvesters can be used effectively.
  • 18. YIELD- The average yield is about 200-300 q/ha. STORAGE- Store leek seed At 0 C and 95 to 100% RH Leeks, if properly handled, should be kept satisfactorily for 2 to3 months at 0 C. Respiration or heat evolution of leeks is about eight timesfasterat 21.1 C than at 0 C The best CA contains from 1-3 per cent oxygen and from 5-10 per cent carbon dioxide. Atmospheres containing 15-20 per cent carbon dioxide cause tissue injury. 1 gram consists of 250-300 seeds
  • 19. PACKAGING Leeks are commonly trimmed to 12 inch length, bunched depending on diameter and often placed in polyethylene film bags. They are usually packaged in 5 kg cartons or wire bound crates, holding 10 film bags, each 500 g. Other crates may be packaged with 18-24 bunches with a net weight up to 15 kg.
  • 20. METHODS OF SEED PRODUCTION Seed to seed method :in this method, the first season bulb crop is left to overwinter in the field, so as to produce seed in following season. Bulb to seed method : 1. Bulbs stored in previous season are lifted, selected and replanted to produce seed in 2nd year. 2. Mostly bulb to seed method is followed because : 3. It permits selections of true to type and healthy bulbs for seed production. 4. Seed yields are comparatively high
  • 22. INSECT-PEST 1. Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon):- It is a polyphagous insect and active at the onset of weather and The caterpillars cut the seedling at ground level during night time. Control :- Follow clean cultivation and break big clods of soil. Dust the soil with 4% Endosulfan at 25 kg/ha.
  • 23. DISEASE 1.Downy Mildew(peronospora destructor): The entire surface of the leaves bears with violet growth of mycellium and sporangia If the weather is hot or dry, only pale white patches are seen The affected leaves drop at the point of lesion and dry at tip Control: Spray the crop with Dithane M-45 at 0.3% at weekly interval
  • 24. 2. White rot (sclerotium cepivorum): The fungus is soil brone and kills the stem, roots. The leaves of infected plants become yellow and flaccid leading to death of whole plant. Control: Spray the crop with 0.1 % Bavistin
  • 25. REFERENCES 1. B.Choudhary, 1976,vegetables,national book trust. 2. M.S.Fageria, B.R.Choudhary and R.S.Dhaka,2003,vegetable crops production technology, Kalyani publishers. 3. KV Peter, Horticultural series volume-3. 4. L.C.De,2001, Handbook of vegetable crops. 5. UK Kohli, Kxotic vegetables,Westville publishing House. 6. Yomaguchi,1983, World vegetables, AVI publishing Co.