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レ郁規 螳豌 覿 覈(UNet)  螳
Image Segmentation
Detection / Segmentation
Panoptic: 覈 蟆   覲伎企, 碁朱
螳豌 蟆豢 (Object Detection)  螳豌伎 豺, 譬襯 蠏
襴螻 襯 豢ロ.
[x, y, width, height, class, probability]
企語 覿 (Image Segmentation)  蟆  螳
 3螳讌襦 蟲覿.
 Semantic Segmentation (覩碁 覿)
 Instance Segmentation (語ろ伎 覿, 螳豌 覿)
 Panoptic Segmentation
Semantic Segmentation
Semantic Segmentation(覩碁 覿) 螳 Class  螳 豸″ 覦覯. ( る れ)
 螳 螳豌(Same class, different instance)螳 蟆轟 朱 蟲覿  .
螳覦 讌螳 覦 讌企化 覯
Instance Segmentation
Instance Segmentation(語ろ伎 覿, 螳豌 覿) 讌 螳豌企ゼ Instance 襦 蟆豢. ( る れ)
 螳 螳豌(Same class, different instance)螳 蟆轟 企 蟲覿  .
Panoptic Segmentation
Panoptic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation + Instance Segmentation 企.
 螳 螳豌願 蟆轟 企 蟲覿  螻 覦郁化  蟲覿  .
Segmentation 譬襯
覲 企語 Panoptic Segmentation
Semantic Segmentation
Instance Segmentation
Object Detection
Classification (覿襯)
Binary Classification
(伎 覿襯)
Saliency Detection
(譴 覓殊牡 蟆豢)
Semantic Segmentation
(覩碁 覿)
Multi-Label Classification
(れ 覿襯)
Object Detection
(螳豌 蟆豢)
Instance Segmentation
(語ろ伎 覿, 螳豌 覿)
Panoptic Segmentation
ex) ResNet, EfficientNet
ex) FasterRCNN, YOLO
ex) U^2 Net,
Pyramid Feature Attention
ex) U-Net, HRNet, DeepLab
ex) UPSNet, Mask2Former
U-Net 蟲譟 (豢 伎)
Output Mask 蠍磯   蠍一 狩. 豈 Class 螳企.
Input Image(3 x 256 x 256) -> Output Mask( [c] x 256 x 256 )
U-Net 覈
Q)  Encoder 覿覿  蠍瑚?
Encoder Decoder
殊 蠏碁殊 るジ讓 襷ろ襦 蟆所襯
谿場 .
Binary Cross Entropy Loss
log(0) (覓危)企襦  る襯 覦讌蠍     (epsilon)朱 覯襯 螻  螻.
巨巨巨巨巨 = 


 鐃 log  + 1   鐃 log 1   , ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ   ,   1  
Ground Truth ()
Prediction (豸)
糾骸 豸′伎伎 曙 螳朱 る 螻.
糾骸 豸′ るゴ覃 (覓危) 螳蟾讌螻, 螳朱 0 螳蟾 讌り 危危覃 暑.
曙朱Μ 觜蟲 蟆襷 蠍一牛!
Binary Cross Entropy Loss 螳 蠍一 る 螻 覦覯.
Binary Cross Entropy Loss
巨巨巨巨巨 = 


 鐃 log  + 1   鐃 log 1   , ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ   ,   1  
蟆讀 覺
y螳 1  p螳 0 螳蟾讌覃(讀, 襷 襴 襦) 覓危 螳蟾讌.
y螳 0  p螳 1 螳蟾讌覃(讀, 襷 襴 襦) 覓危 螳蟾讌.
Inference (豢襦)
log(0) (覓危)企襦  る襯 覦讌蠍     (epsilon)朱 覯襯 螻  螻.
糾骸 豸′伎伎 曙 螳朱 る 螻.
糾骸 豸′ るゴ覃 (覓危) 螳蟾讌螻, 螳朱 0 螳蟾 讌り 危危覃 暑.
豢襦 螻殊
讌 threshold(覓誤煙) 伎 1襦 覩碁 0朱 覲蟆!
 Encoder 覿覿 企 Backbone  覓企逢.
  企語蠍一 1/32螳   蟾讌 Convolution一 .
( 襦 譟一 螳, TF2 Backbone 1/32蟾讌 譴 危 cls-head襯 覿企  1/32蟾讌 )
 Width, Height螳 譴企り鍵 螳 襷讌襷 伎伎 燕 襯 蟇一 Tensor襯 Concatenate .
 InceptionResNet螳 Convolution一一 strid paddin朱 蟆 覦朱 譴企れ  蟆曙磯 Concatenate  豢螳 padding  .
U-Net 蟲譟 (Encoder)
Encoder (Backbone)
U-Net 蟲譟磯手鍵 覲企 U-Net Encoder襯 襷 覦覯 !






覲 Encoder螳企殊語 Tensorflow2 Backbone 蠍磯朱 朱,   蟲 るゼ  .
ResNet50 ( 256 x 256 ) 蟆曙 Tensor 蠍磯 ( BatchSize x 8 x 8 x 2048 )
Pooling  企 蟇 讌 Chanel 蠍郁 企れ 譴讌 . Backbone螻 螳 讌 れる 讌讌 蟯 !
U-Net 蟲譟 (Decoder)
Decoder (Upsample or Transposed Conv)
覲 Encoder螳企殊語 Tensorflow2 Backbone 蠍磯朱 朱,   蟲 るゼ  .
Output Layer 螳 pixel 0 ~ 1  螳 螳讌.
Threshold襯 牛 Binary Mask襯 襷れ伎 .






 Encoder Concatenate  伎企ゼ (Upsample, ConvTr) れ 覿碁.
  企語 蠍郁   蟾讌 一 .
  蠍磯 襴  螻, 蠍磯ゼ 襴螻 Residual螻 螳 伎企 豢螳襦  螳.
U-Net 蟲譟 (Decoder::Upsample, ConvTr)
Upsample / Transposed Conv
Transposed Convolution 覦襯 覈豺, Deconvolution 覈視 覈豺.
 企語 resize 觜訣.
 Stride ( レ  伎 蟇磯Μ ) 2, kernel_size  3 蟆曙.
U-Net 蟲譟 (Concatenated Skip Connection)
U-Net Encoder Decoder
 螳 ъ ( element wise add ) 螳  Tensor襯 覿碁 !












 ResNet skip-connection Add讌襷, U-Net Concatenate朱 谿願 .
 り浬 狩 覲企ゼ れ 伎伎    .
Adobe Photoshop (Instance Segmentation)
Adobe Photoshop CC 23.0 螳豌 谿剰鍵 蟲  燕 .
Semantic Segmentation 覈
Badrinarayanan, Vijay, Alex Kendall, and Roberto Cipolla. "Segnet: A deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for image segmentation." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39.12 (2017): 2481-2495.
Long, Jonathan, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. "Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2015.
Sun, Ke, et al. "High-resolution representations for labeling pixels and regions." arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.04514 (2019).
SegNet FCN
U^2 Net
Qin, Xuebin, et al. "U2-Net: Going deeper with nested U-structure for salient object detection." Pattern Recognition 106 (2020): 107404.
RSU (ReSidual Ublock)
Polygon Mask
Polygon Mask
螳企 蟲覃   螳豌企 企蟾?

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[UNET]Segmentation model, a representative UNet, and a slide for understanding

  • 2. Image Segmentation Detection / Segmentation Panoptic: 覈 蟆 覲伎企, 碁朱 螳豌 蟆豢 (Object Detection) 螳豌伎 豺, 譬襯 蠏 襴螻 襯 豢ロ. [x, y, width, height, class, probability] 企語 覿 (Image Segmentation) 蟆 螳 3螳讌襦 蟲覿. Semantic Segmentation (覩碁 覿) Instance Segmentation (語ろ伎 覿, 螳豌 覿) Panoptic Segmentation
  • 3. Semantic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation(覩碁 覿) 螳 Class 螳 豸″ 覦覯. ( る れ) 螳 螳豌(Same class, different instance)螳 蟆轟 朱 蟲覿 . 螳覦 讌螳 覦 讌企化 覯 覈
  • 4. Instance Segmentation Instance Segmentation(語ろ伎 覿, 螳豌 覿) 讌 螳豌企ゼ Instance 襦 蟆豢. ( る れ) 螳 螳豌(Same class, different instance)螳 蟆轟 企 蟲覿 .
  • 5. Panoptic Segmentation Panoptic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation + Instance Segmentation 企. 螳 螳豌願 蟆轟 企 蟲覿 螻 覦郁化 蟲覿 .
  • 6. Segmentation 譬襯 覲 企語 Panoptic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation Instance Segmentation
  • 7. Object Detection Classification (覿襯) Binary Classification (伎 覿襯) Saliency Detection (譴 覓殊牡 蟆豢) Semantic Segmentation (覩碁 覿) Multi-Label Classification (れ 覿襯) Object Detection (螳豌 蟆豢) Instance Segmentation (語ろ伎 覿, 螳豌 覿) Panoptic Segmentation ex) ResNet, EfficientNet ex) FasterRCNN, YOLO ex) MaskRCNN, YOLACT ex) U^2 Net, Pyramid Feature Attention ex) U-Net, HRNet, DeepLab ex) UPSNet, Mask2Former
  • 8. U-Net 蟲譟 (豢 伎) Output Mask 蠍磯 蠍一 狩. 豈 Class 螳企. Input Image(3 x 256 x 256) -> Output Mask( [c] x 256 x 256 ) U-Net 覈 Q) Encoder 覿覿 蠍瑚? Encoder Decoder 殊 蠏碁殊 るジ讓 襷ろ襦 蟆所襯 谿場 .
  • 9. Binary Cross Entropy Loss log(0) (覓危)企襦 る襯 覦讌蠍 (epsilon)朱 覯襯 螻 螻. 巨巨巨巨巨 = 1 鐃 =1 鐃 log + 1 鐃 log 1 , ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ , 1 Ground Truth () Prediction (豸) 糾骸 豸′伎伎 曙 螳朱 る 螻. 糾骸 豸′ るゴ覃 (覓危) 螳蟾讌螻, 螳朱 0 螳蟾 讌り 危危覃 暑. 螻殊 . 曙朱Μ 觜蟲 蟆襷 蠍一牛! Binary Cross Entropy Loss 螳 蠍一 る 螻 覦覯.
  • 10. Binary Cross Entropy Loss 巨巨巨巨巨 = 1 鐃 =1 鐃 log + 1 鐃 log 1 , ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ , 1 蟆讀 覺 y螳 1 p螳 0 螳蟾讌覃(讀, 襷 襴 襦) 覓危 螳蟾讌. y螳 0 p螳 1 螳蟾讌覃(讀, 襷 襴 襦) 覓危 螳蟾讌. 畉芯‘i勅[畉ナ弼i勅gi寧[畉弼[ 畉芯‘i勅[棐p[畉弼[ 畉梶坤[a畉6棐pp3[04 [[[[p[[2ag畉親p3[2畉ツ釈弼2畉a畉ナ畉2畉テ弼畉gi03[ 裡[9[2畉ツ釈弼2畉a畉ナ畉2畉テ弼畉gi00 [[[[[[2ag畉親3[2畉ツ釈弼2畉a畉ナ畉2畉テ弼畉gi03[ 裡[9[2畉ツ釈弼2畉a畉ナ畉2畉テ弼畉gi00 [[[[勅畉ヅ椗[9p[[2gi0[/[裡[9[p0[[2gi裡[9[002帖畉メ0 畉芯[癸-畉帖畉モ-[癸財[高-帖畉畉進癸-4 [[[[p[[2畉勅勅畉p3痢3[裡3[痢3[裡40 [[[[[[2畉勅勅畉p3痢3[痢2立3[痢2痢痢裡3[痢240 [[[[6勅畉ドg[[2畉ツ釈弼2gi弼弼畉ド2畉進畉勅p納勅i弼弼畉ナ勅ip 勅畉メ些a畉i2畉ツ釈弼2gi弼弼畉ド2畛畉メ些a畉i2畍按潤鍵0p3[02棐p0 [[[[6勅畉ドg[[a畉6棐pp3[0 [[[[print[a畉4[16勅畉ドg20 [[[[print[a畉4[16勅畉ドg20 [a畉4[痢2裡陸律里痢陸率率離里立率率立里離率 [a畉4[痢2裡陸律里痢律陸痢律離律立率率離 勅ia畉ド弼[畉進畉辛辿畉メ些[寧畉薪辿[畉ヅ畉薪[ai畉梶坤[痢
  • 11. Inference (豢襦) log(0) (覓危)企襦 る襯 覦讌蠍 (epsilon)朱 覯襯 螻 螻. 糾骸 豸′伎伎 曙 螳朱 る 螻. 糾骸 豸′ るゴ覃 (覓危) 螳蟾讌螻, 螳朱 0 螳蟾 讌り 危危覃 暑. 豢襦 螻殊 讌 threshold(覓誤煙) 伎 1襦 覩碁 0朱 覲蟆!
  • 12. Encoder 覿覿 企 Backbone 覓企逢. 企語蠍一 1/32螳 蟾讌 Convolution一 . ( 襦 譟一 螳, TF2 Backbone 1/32蟾讌 譴 危 cls-head襯 覿企 1/32蟾讌 ) Width, Height螳 譴企り鍵 螳 襷讌襷 伎伎 燕 襯 蟇一 Tensor襯 Concatenate . InceptionResNet螳 Convolution一一 strid paddin朱 蟆 覦朱 譴企れ 蟆曙磯 Concatenate 豢螳 padding . U-Net 蟲譟 (Encoder) Encoder (Backbone) U-Net 蟲譟磯手鍵 覲企 U-Net Encoder襯 襷 覦覯 ! ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 2 , 2 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 4 , 4 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 8 , 8 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 16 , 16 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 32 , 32 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 1 , 1 覲 Encoder螳企殊語 Tensorflow2 Backbone 蠍磯朱 朱, 蟲 るゼ . ResNet50 ( 256 x 256 ) 蟆曙 Tensor 蠍磯 ( BatchSize x 8 x 8 x 2048 ) Pooling 企 蟇 讌 Chanel 蠍郁 企れ 譴讌 . Backbone螻 螳 讌 れる 讌讌 蟯 !
  • 13. U-Net 蟲譟 (Decoder) Decoder (Upsample or Transposed Conv) 覲 Encoder螳企殊語 Tensorflow2 Backbone 蠍磯朱 朱, 蟲 るゼ . Output Layer 螳 pixel 0 ~ 1 螳 螳讌. Threshold襯 牛 Binary Mask襯 襷れ伎 . ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 2 , 2 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 4 , 4 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 8 , 8 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 16 , 16 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 32 , 32 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 1 , 1 Encoder Concatenate 伎企ゼ (Upsample, ConvTr) れ 覿碁. 企語 蠍郁 蟾讌 一 . 蠍磯 襴 螻, 蠍磯ゼ 襴螻 Residual螻 螳 伎企 豢螳襦 螳.
  • 14. U-Net 蟲譟 (Decoder::Upsample, ConvTr) Upsample / Transposed Conv Transposed Convolution 覦襯 覈豺, Deconvolution 覈視 覈豺. 企語 resize 觜訣. 豢 Stride ( レ 伎 蟇磯Μ ) 2, kernel_size 3 蟆曙.
  • 15. U-Net 蟲譟 (Concatenated Skip Connection) U-Net Encoder Decoder 螳 ъ ( element wise add ) 螳 Tensor襯 覿碁 ! ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 4 , 4 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 8 , 8 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 16 , 16 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 32 , 32 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 1 , 1 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 2 , 2 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 2 , 2 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 4 , 4 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 8 , 8 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 16 , 16 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 32 , 32 ゐゐゐゐゐゐゐゐ 1 , 1 ResNet skip-connection Add讌襷, U-Net Concatenate朱 谿願 . り浬 狩 覲企ゼ れ 伎伎 .
  • 16. Adobe Photoshop (Instance Segmentation) Adobe Photoshop CC 23.0 螳豌 谿剰鍵 蟲 燕 .
  • 17. Semantic Segmentation 覈 Badrinarayanan, Vijay, Alex Kendall, and Roberto Cipolla. "Segnet: A deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for image segmentation." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39.12 (2017): 2481-2495. Long, Jonathan, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. "Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2015. Sun, Ke, et al. "High-resolution representations for labeling pixels and regions." arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.04514 (2019). SegNet FCN HRNet
  • 18. U^2 Net Qin, Xuebin, et al. "U2-Net: Going deeper with nested U-structure for salient object detection." Pattern Recognition 106 (2020): 107404. RSU (ReSidual Ublock)