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Unified Business Mailbox
Receive incoming SMS, voicemails and personal recordings in one
inbox  email.
Improve team collaboration and client responsiveness by picking
up other colleagues enquiries when they are unavailable, sick or
on annual leave.
Simplify the user experience and optimise investments in email
and collaboration tools.
Distribute incoming SMS to a group of users or a central
repository for audit purposes.
SMS interactions between users and clients automatically stored
in salesforce in the appropriate account and under the relevant
contact and case number.

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Unified business mailbox

  • 1. Unified Business Mailbox Receive incoming SMS, voicemails and personal recordings in one inbox email. Improve team collaboration and client responsiveness by picking up other colleagues enquiries when they are unavailable, sick or on annual leave. Simplify the user experience and optimise investments in email and collaboration tools. Distribute incoming SMS to a group of users or a central repository for audit purposes. SMS interactions between users and clients automatically stored in salesforce in the appropriate account and under the relevant contact and case number.