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Unit  I: Introduction to Turbo Machinery
Impact of Jet
Impulse momentum principle and its
applications, Force exerted on fixed and
moving flat plate, hinged plate, curved
vanes, series of flat plates and radial vanes,
velocity triangles and their analysis, work
done equations, vane efficiency.
Force exerted by jet on plate
Force exerted on stationary plate held normal to jet.
V1 = V
V2= 0
Force exerted on moving plate held normal to jet.
V1 = (V u) or V-U
V2= 0
Force exerted by jet on stationary flat inclined plate
V1 = V Sin慮
V2= 0
Force exerted by jet on stationary flat inclined plate
Let a jet of water, coming out from the nozzle; strike an
stationary inclined flat plate as shown in the figure.
Force exerted by jet on moving inclined plate(away from jet)
Let a jet of water, coming out from the nozzle; strike an
moving inclined flat plate as shown in the figure.
V1 = (V u) Sin慮
V2= 0
Force exerted by jet on stationary symmetrical
curved plate  from centre (Centrally)
Force exerted by jet on moving symmetrical curved plate
Force exerted by jet on stationary curved plate from one
end of plate  symmetrical plate
consider a water jet striking on symmetrical curved plate
tangentially at one end as shown in fig
V1 can be
V1x & V1y
V1x = Vcos 慮
V1y = Vsin 慮
V2 can be
V2x & V2y
V2x = - Vcos 慮
V2y = Vsin 慮
Force exerted by jet on stationary curved plate from one
end of plate  unsymmetrical plate
Force exerted by a jet of water on an unsymmetrical moving curved plate
when jet strikes tangentially at one of the tips
Force exerted by a jet of water on a series of flat vanes

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Unit 1-2 Impact of Jet diagram Turbo Machines

  • 1. Unit I: Introduction to Turbo Machinery Impact of Jet Impulse momentum principle and its applications, Force exerted on fixed and moving flat plate, hinged plate, curved vanes, series of flat plates and radial vanes, velocity triangles and their analysis, work done equations, vane efficiency.
  • 2. Force exerted by jet on plate
  • 3. Force exerted on stationary plate held normal to jet. V1 = V V2= 0
  • 4. Force exerted on moving plate held normal to jet. V1 = (V u) or V-U V2= 0
  • 5. Force exerted by jet on stationary flat inclined plate V1 = V Sin慮 V2= 0
  • 6. Force exerted by jet on stationary flat inclined plate Let a jet of water, coming out from the nozzle; strike an stationary inclined flat plate as shown in the figure.
  • 7. Force exerted by jet on moving inclined plate(away from jet) Let a jet of water, coming out from the nozzle; strike an moving inclined flat plate as shown in the figure. V1 = (V u) Sin慮 V2= 0
  • 8. Force exerted by jet on stationary symmetrical curved plate from centre (Centrally)
  • 9. Force exerted by jet on moving symmetrical curved plate -Centrally
  • 10. Force exerted by jet on stationary curved plate from one end of plate symmetrical plate consider a water jet striking on symmetrical curved plate tangentially at one end as shown in fig V1 can be V1x & V1y V1x = Vcos 慮 V1y = Vsin 慮 V2 can be V2x & V2y V2x = - Vcos 慮 V2y = Vsin 慮
  • 11. Force exerted by jet on stationary curved plate from one end of plate unsymmetrical plate
  • 12. Force exerted by a jet of water on an unsymmetrical moving curved plate when jet strikes tangentially at one of the tips
  • 14. Force exerted by a jet of water on a series of flat vanes