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Course Objectives:
To provide the knowledge of basic principles,
governing equations and applications of turbo
To provide the students with opportunities to
apply basic thermo-fluid dynamics flow equations to
Turbo machines.
To explain construction and working principle
and evaluate the performance characteristics of Turbo
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course the learner will be able to;
CO 1: VALIDATE impulse moment principle using flat, inclined
and curved surfaces and INVESTIGATE performance
characteristics of hydraulic turbines.
CO 2: DETERMINE performance parameters of impulse and
reaction steam turbine along with discussion of nozzles,
governing mechanism & losses.
CO 3: MEASURE performance parameters of single & multistage
centrifugal pumps along with discussion of cavitation and
CO 4: EXPLAIN performance parameters of centrifugal
compressor along with discussion of theoretical aspects of axial
compressor. 3
Unit 1 Impact of Jet and Hydraulic Turbines
Unit 2 Steam Turbines
Unit 3 Centrifugal Pumps
Unit 4 Rotary Compressors
Unit  I: Introduction to Turbo Machinery
 Introduction and Impact of Jet
Introduction to Turbomachines (Hydraulic & Thermal),
Classification of Turbo machines, Applications of Turbomachines.
Impulse momentum principle and its application to fixed and
moving flat, inclined, and curved plate/vanes. Velocity triangles
and their analysis, work done equations, vane efficiency (No
 Hydraulic Turbines
Introduction to Hydro power plant, Classification of Hydraulic
Turbines, Concept of Impulse and Reaction Turbines.
Construction, Principle of Working, design aspects, velocity
diagrams and its analysis of Pelton wheel, Francis, and Kaplan
turbines, Degree of reaction, Draft tube: types and efficiencies,
governing of hydraulic turbines, Cavitation in turbines.
Fluid Machines
A fluid machine is a device which converts the
energy stored by a fluid into mechanical energy or
vice versa .
The energy stored by a fluid mass appears in the
form of potential, kinetic and intermolecular
The mechanical energy, on the other hand, is
usually transmitted by a rotating shaft. Machines
using liquid (mainly water, for almost all practical
purposes) are termed as hydraulic machines
Fluid Machines
Fluid machines are those devices that are used to either move
fluid or extract energy from fluid.
Broadly speaking, fluid machines are divided into two groups:
1-Positive-displacement machines
Positive-displacement machines are those devices that
force fluid into confined volumes.
Examples - human heart, reciprocating pumps and compressors,
Example, ceiling fans, centrifugal pump
Introduction to Turbomachinery
A turbo machine is basically a rotating machine.
The rotating wheel is called a rotor /runner / impeller
The rotor will be immersed in a fluid continuum
The fluid medium can be gas / steam /water / air
Energy transfer takes place either Turbine rotor or
from rotor to fluid, or
from fluid to rotor
Examples of Turbo Machines
Turbo machine - Definition
A turbo machine is a device where mechanical
energy in the form of shaft work, is transferred
either to or from a continuously flowing fluid by
the dynamic action of rotating blade rows.
Turbomachines are defined as all those devices in
which energy is transferred either to, or from a
continuously flowing fluid by the dynamic
action of one or more moving blade rows.
Parts of a turbo machine
The principal components of a turbo machine are:
1. Rotating element (vane, impeller or blades)  operating in a
stream of fluid.
2. Stationary elements  which usually guide the fluid in proper
direction for efficient energy conversion process.
3. Shaft  This either gives input power or takes output power
from fluid under dynamic conditions and runs at required
4. Housing  to keep various rotating, stationery and other
passages safely under dynamic conditions of the flowing
E.g. Steam turbine parts and Pelton turbine parts.
Parts of a turbo machine
Turbo machine - Classifications
1. Based on energy transfer
a) Energy is given by fluid to the rotor - Power generating turbo
machine E.g. Turbines
b) Energy given by the rotor to the fluid  Power absorbing turbo
c) E.g. Pumps, blowers and compressors
2. Based on fluid flowing in turbo machine
a) Water
b) Air
c) Steam
d) Hot gases
e) Liquids like petrol etc.
3. Based on direction of flow through the impeller or vanes or blades, withreference to the axis
of shaft rotation
a) Axial flow  Axial pump, compressor or turbine
b) Mixed flow  Mixed flow pump, Francis turbine
c) Radial flow  Centrifugal pump or compressor
d) Tangential flow  Pelton water turbine
4. Based on condition of fluid in turbo machine
a) Impulse type (constant pressure) E.g Pelton water turbine
b) Reaction type (variable pressure) E.g. Francis reaction turbine
5. Based on position of rotating shaft
a) Horizontal shaft  Steam turbines
b) Vertical shaft  Kaplan water turbines
c) Inclined shaft  Modern bulb micro hydel turbines
Applications of Turbo Machines
Power Generation
 Hydro electric- Hydro-electric turbo machinery uses potential
energy stored in water to flow over an open impeller to turn a
generator which creates electricity
 Steam turbines- Steam turbines used in power generation come
in many different variations. The overall principle is high
pressure steam is forced over blades attached to a shaft, which
turns a generator. As the steam travels through the turbine, it
passes through smaller blades causing the shaft to spin faster,
creating more electricity.
 Gas turbines- Gas turbines work much like steam turbines. Air is
forced in through a series of blades that turn a shaft. Then fuel is
mixed with the air and causes a combustion reaction, increasing
the power. This then causes the shaft to spin faster, creating
more electricity.
 Wind mills-
Wind mills also known as a wind turbine,
windmills are increasing in popularity for their
ability to efficiently use the wind to generate
Although they come in many shapes and
sizes, the most common one is the large three-
blade. The blades work on the same principle as
an airplane wing.
As wind passes over the blades, it creates
an area of low and high pressure, causing the
blade to move, spinning a shaft and creating
electricity. It is most like a steam turbine, but
work with an infinite supply of wind.
Power Consumption
 Pumps- Pumps are another very popular turbo machine. Although
there are very many different types of pumps, they all do the same
thing. Pumps are used to move fluids around using some sort of
mechanical power, Pumps have thousands of uses. pumps are one of
the most basic turbo machines.
 Air compressors- Air compressors are another very popular turbo
machine. They work on the principle of compression by sucking in
and compressing air into a holding tank. Air compressors are one of
the most basic turbo machines.
 Fans- Fans are the most general type of turbo machines. They work
opposite of wind turbines. Mechanical power spins the blades,
forcing air in through them and forcing out. Basic desk-top fans to
large turbofan airplane engines work this way.
 Turbochargers- Turbochargers are one of the most
popular turbomachines. They are used mainly for
adding power to engines by adding more air. It
combines both forms of turbomachines. Exhaust gases
from the engine spin a bladed wheel, much like a
turbine. That wheel then spins another bladed wheel,
sucking and compressing outside air into the engine.
Superchargers- Superchargers are used for engine-power
enhancement as well, but only work on the principle of
compression. They use the mechanical power from the
engine to spin a screw or vein, some way to suck in
and compress the air into the engine.
 Aerospace application
 Marine application
Applications of Turbo Machines
Turbocharged cars
Jet Planes
Fundamental equation governing turbo machines
Basic Physical laws of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics used
in Turbo machines are:
The continuity of flow equation
The first law of thermodynamics and the steady flow energy
The momentum equation
The second law of thermodynamics
Newtons Second Law of Motion
Momentum Equation -Newtons Second Law of Motion
One of the most fundamental and valuable principles in
mechanics is Newtons second law of motion.
The momentum equation relates the sum of the
external forces acting on a fluid element to its
acceleration, or to the rate of change of momentum in
the direction of the resultant external force.
In the study of turbo machines many applications of
the momentum equation can be found, e.g. the force
exerted upon a blade in a compressor or turbine cascade
caused by the deflection or acceleration of fluid passing
the blades.
Considering a system of mass m, the sum of all the
body and surface forces acting on m along some arbitrary
direction x is equal to the time rate of change of the total
x- momentum of the system,

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  • 2. TURBO MACHINES Course Objectives: To provide the knowledge of basic principles, governing equations and applications of turbo machine. To provide the students with opportunities to apply basic thermo-fluid dynamics flow equations to Turbo machines. To explain construction and working principle and evaluate the performance characteristics of Turbo Machines 2
  • 3. TURBO MACHINES Course Outcomes: On completion of the course the learner will be able to; CO 1: VALIDATE impulse moment principle using flat, inclined and curved surfaces and INVESTIGATE performance characteristics of hydraulic turbines. CO 2: DETERMINE performance parameters of impulse and reaction steam turbine along with discussion of nozzles, governing mechanism & losses. CO 3: MEASURE performance parameters of single & multistage centrifugal pumps along with discussion of cavitation and selection. CO 4: EXPLAIN performance parameters of centrifugal compressor along with discussion of theoretical aspects of axial compressor. 3
  • 4. Units Unit 1 Impact of Jet and Hydraulic Turbines Unit 2 Steam Turbines Unit 3 Centrifugal Pumps Unit 4 Rotary Compressors 4
  • 5. Unit I: Introduction to Turbo Machinery Introduction and Impact of Jet Introduction to Turbomachines (Hydraulic & Thermal), Classification of Turbo machines, Applications of Turbomachines. Impulse momentum principle and its application to fixed and moving flat, inclined, and curved plate/vanes. Velocity triangles and their analysis, work done equations, vane efficiency (No numerical) Hydraulic Turbines Introduction to Hydro power plant, Classification of Hydraulic Turbines, Concept of Impulse and Reaction Turbines. Construction, Principle of Working, design aspects, velocity diagrams and its analysis of Pelton wheel, Francis, and Kaplan turbines, Degree of reaction, Draft tube: types and efficiencies, governing of hydraulic turbines, Cavitation in turbines. 5
  • 6. Fluid Machines A fluid machine is a device which converts the energy stored by a fluid into mechanical energy or vice versa . The energy stored by a fluid mass appears in the form of potential, kinetic and intermolecular energy. The mechanical energy, on the other hand, is usually transmitted by a rotating shaft. Machines using liquid (mainly water, for almost all practical purposes) are termed as hydraulic machines 6
  • 7. Fluid Machines Fluid machines are those devices that are used to either move fluid or extract energy from fluid. Broadly speaking, fluid machines are divided into two groups: 1-Positive-displacement machines 2-Turbomachines Positive-displacement machines are those devices that force fluid into confined volumes. Examples - human heart, reciprocating pumps and compressors, Turbomachines Example, ceiling fans, centrifugal pump 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. Introduction to Turbomachinery A turbo machine is basically a rotating machine. The rotating wheel is called a rotor /runner / impeller The rotor will be immersed in a fluid continuum The fluid medium can be gas / steam /water / air Energy transfer takes place either Turbine rotor or fluid from rotor to fluid, or from fluid to rotor 9
  • 10. Examples of Turbo Machines 10
  • 11. Turbo machine - Definition A turbo machine is a device where mechanical energy in the form of shaft work, is transferred either to or from a continuously flowing fluid by the dynamic action of rotating blade rows. Or Turbomachines are defined as all those devices in which energy is transferred either to, or from a continuously flowing fluid by the dynamic action of one or more moving blade rows. 11
  • 12. Parts of a turbo machine The principal components of a turbo machine are: 1. Rotating element (vane, impeller or blades) operating in a stream of fluid. 2. Stationary elements which usually guide the fluid in proper direction for efficient energy conversion process. 3. Shaft This either gives input power or takes output power from fluid under dynamic conditions and runs at required speed. 4. Housing to keep various rotating, stationery and other passages safely under dynamic conditions of the flowing fluid. E.g. Steam turbine parts and Pelton turbine parts. 12
  • 13. Parts of a turbo machine 13
  • 14. Turbo machine - Classifications 14
  • 15. CLASSIFICATION OF TURBO MACHINES 1. Based on energy transfer a) Energy is given by fluid to the rotor - Power generating turbo machine E.g. Turbines b) Energy given by the rotor to the fluid Power absorbing turbo machine c) E.g. Pumps, blowers and compressors 2. Based on fluid flowing in turbo machine a) Water b) Air c) Steam d) Hot gases e) Liquids like petrol etc. 15
  • 16. 3. Based on direction of flow through the impeller or vanes or blades, withreference to the axis of shaft rotation a) Axial flow Axial pump, compressor or turbine b) Mixed flow Mixed flow pump, Francis turbine c) Radial flow Centrifugal pump or compressor d) Tangential flow Pelton water turbine 4. Based on condition of fluid in turbo machine a) Impulse type (constant pressure) E.g Pelton water turbine b) Reaction type (variable pressure) E.g. Francis reaction turbine 5. Based on position of rotating shaft a) Horizontal shaft Steam turbines b) Vertical shaft Kaplan water turbines c) Inclined shaft Modern bulb micro hydel turbines 16
  • 17. Applications of Turbo Machines Power Generation Hydro electric- Hydro-electric turbo machinery uses potential energy stored in water to flow over an open impeller to turn a generator which creates electricity Steam turbines- Steam turbines used in power generation come in many different variations. The overall principle is high pressure steam is forced over blades attached to a shaft, which turns a generator. As the steam travels through the turbine, it passes through smaller blades causing the shaft to spin faster, creating more electricity. Gas turbines- Gas turbines work much like steam turbines. Air is forced in through a series of blades that turn a shaft. Then fuel is mixed with the air and causes a combustion reaction, increasing the power. This then causes the shaft to spin faster, creating more electricity. 17
  • 18. Wind mills- Wind mills also known as a wind turbine, windmills are increasing in popularity for their ability to efficiently use the wind to generate electricity. Although they come in many shapes and sizes, the most common one is the large three- blade. The blades work on the same principle as an airplane wing. As wind passes over the blades, it creates an area of low and high pressure, causing the blade to move, spinning a shaft and creating electricity. It is most like a steam turbine, but work with an infinite supply of wind. 18
  • 19. Power Consumption Pumps- Pumps are another very popular turbo machine. Although there are very many different types of pumps, they all do the same thing. Pumps are used to move fluids around using some sort of mechanical power, Pumps have thousands of uses. pumps are one of the most basic turbo machines. Air compressors- Air compressors are another very popular turbo machine. They work on the principle of compression by sucking in and compressing air into a holding tank. Air compressors are one of the most basic turbo machines. Fans- Fans are the most general type of turbo machines. They work opposite of wind turbines. Mechanical power spins the blades, forcing air in through them and forcing out. Basic desk-top fans to large turbofan airplane engines work this way. 19
  • 20. Turbochargers- Turbochargers are one of the most popular turbomachines. They are used mainly for adding power to engines by adding more air. It combines both forms of turbomachines. Exhaust gases from the engine spin a bladed wheel, much like a turbine. That wheel then spins another bladed wheel, sucking and compressing outside air into the engine. Superchargers- Superchargers are used for engine-power enhancement as well, but only work on the principle of compression. They use the mechanical power from the engine to spin a screw or vein, some way to suck in and compress the air into the engine. Aerospace application Marine application 20
  • 21. Applications of Turbo Machines 21 Turbocharged cars Rocket Jet Planes
  • 22. Fundamental equation governing turbo machines Basic Physical laws of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics used in Turbo machines are: The continuity of flow equation The first law of thermodynamics and the steady flow energy equation The momentum equation The second law of thermodynamics Newtons Second Law of Motion 22
  • 23. Momentum Equation -Newtons Second Law of Motion One of the most fundamental and valuable principles in mechanics is Newtons second law of motion. The momentum equation relates the sum of the external forces acting on a fluid element to its acceleration, or to the rate of change of momentum in the direction of the resultant external force. In the study of turbo machines many applications of the momentum equation can be found, e.g. the force exerted upon a blade in a compressor or turbine cascade caused by the deflection or acceleration of fluid passing the blades. Considering a system of mass m, the sum of all the body and surface forces acting on m along some arbitrary direction x is equal to the time rate of change of the total x- momentum of the system, 23