Share MED 2 INTRODUCTION- Purpose of Research (Aims, Objectives, Goals).pptxShenaCanoCoverEducational research aims to generate new knowledge and test theories to improve teaching and learning outcomes. Some key goals of educational research are to identify effective teaching practices, understand student development, evaluate educational programs, and inform policy decisions. The overall goal is to improve the quality of education for all students and promote the development of knowledgeable citizens.
Factors & Forces Influencing on Curriculum Development.pptxSobia AlviOutline
1. Factors influencing on curriculum Development
What is Curriculum?
Definitions of Curriculum
Curriculum Development
Factors affecting curriculum Development
2. Forces influencing curriculum development
Forces Influencing Curriculum Development
Internal Forces
External Forces
edu psychology .pptxGhazanfarAbbas85This document provides an overview of a course in advanced educational psychology over 3 weeks. It discusses key topics like the history and definition of educational psychology, how it revolves around the learner, learning process, and learning situation. The document also outlines the scope of educational psychology in areas like human behavior, growth and development, heredity and environment, learning processes, personality, intelligence, individual differences, and guidance and counseling. It concludes that educational psychology applies psychological principles to improve education.
Educational psychology Presentation Haziq123456Educational psychology studies human behavior in educational settings to understand how people learn best. It examines factors like a learner's environment and emotions, the learning process and how knowledge is transferred, different learning styles, and the role of curriculum, evaluation techniques, and learning situations. Understanding educational psychology helps educators identify effective learning methods, develop curricula, evaluate students, and adapt their teaching to different learners and situations to improve the learning experience.
Getting Started on classroom action researchND ArisantiThis document discusses constraints, impediments, and ethical considerations for teachers conducting classroom research. It notes that common constraints include lack of time, resources, and research skills. Key ethical principles are responsibility, confidentiality, and negotiation. Researchers must protect participants' identities, allow them to refuse participation or withdraw, and gain permission before publication. Strategies for addressing language barriers when explaining research to ESL students include simplified explanations, written information, translations, and consent forms. Overall the document emphasizes the importance of considering constraints, focusing the research question, using theory to inform practice, and protecting participants.
Educational psychology - introductionSaalini VellivelEducational psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and learning processes in educational settings. It involves understanding how people learn and develop from childhood through adulthood, the learning process, learning environments, teaching methods, and how to evaluate learning outcomes. The main goals of educational psychology are to help learners acquire knowledge and skills, understand learners' characteristics and needs, create effective learning situations, and evaluate learning performance to improve teaching methods.
chapter one teaching methods used in schools.pptxHibajeneMweembaMethods of teaching are so important to have knowledge on. Understanding each and every bit of the material
Teacher competencies, assignmentzenana sahlaThis document discusses teacher competencies, which are defined as the set of knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to be an effective teacher. It identifies three main types of teacher competencies: subject competencies which refer to strong knowledge of content areas; pedagogical competencies which involve teaching skills and understanding how students learn; and technological competencies which include the ability to use technology appropriately in the classroom. The document provides details on each type of competency and their importance for quality teaching. It emphasizes that competent teachers have both in-depth content knowledge as well as skills for effectively imparting that knowledge to students.
How to Implement Curriculum.pptxanishuda96This document outlines tutorial questions and presentations for the course MOED7013. It discusses factors to consider when implementing curriculum, including national education policies, cultural diversity, teaching strategies, assessment, and professional development. It provides examples related to these factors from the Malaysian education system. It also defines formative and summative evaluation, describes how they differ, and explains Elliot Eisner's educational evaluation model which emphasizes assessing curriculum clarity, instruction quality, learning outcomes, program effectiveness, and continuous improvement.
2008 Ncuep3American Psychological AssociationThis document summarizes discussions from groups at the 2008 APA National Conference on various topics related to undergraduate psychology education. Key recommendations included defining psychological literacy as an outcome for psychology students, assessing teaching quality based on student work and reflective teaching practices, requiring core courses in research methods and specific content domains with ethics and diversity integrated, and being aware of student demographics and developmental needs in curriculum and climate.
Educational PsychologyÖhmar YsthenameThis document provides an overview of educational psychology, including its meaning, nature, and scope. It defines educational psychology as the application of psychological principles to education, concerning the learning process, learner development, and teaching methods. The document outlines the key areas of focus in educational psychology, such as understanding the learner, learning process, learning situations, teaching situations, and evaluating learning performance. It also discusses topics like learning theories, individual differences, effective teaching strategies, and assessment techniques.
psychology of human learning (1).pptxshukrimohamed16Educational psychology is the systematic study of educational growth and development in children. It combines the fields of psychology and education. The key methods used to study educational psychology are introspection, observation, and the experimental method. Introspection involves self-observation of one's own mental states and processes. Observation involves observing the behavior and mental processes of others. The experimental method uses controlled experiments and the scientific method to study educational psychology.
Researching anxiety of pre-service teachers in teaching science and mathemati...Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)This study purposed to investigate researching anxiety of pre-service teachers
that might want to explain why they are able to learn successfully in the
context of difference in program of study. There were 15 pre-service teachers
in M.Ed. program of teaching science and mathematics voluntary
participated. Learning Anxiety Questionnaire (LAQ) was employed their
anxiety towards learning through Google Form. The study revealed that preservice
lec #1.pptxGlezelMiguelThis document provides an overview of action research. It defines action research as a systematic inquiry conducted by educators to gather information about how schools operate, how teachers teach, and how students learn, with the goal of immediate application and problem-solving in a local setting. The document discusses the importance of action research, including that it deals with specific problems, provides timely results, allows educators to improve practices, and promotes collaboration. It also contrasts action research with fundamental research, noting differences in their goals and methodologies. Finally, it outlines the typical steps involved in conducting action research, such as identifying problems, reviewing literature, determining methods, and analyzing results.
What are the Suitable Instructional Strategy and Media for Student Learning S...IJITEThis study aims to find out what instructional strategy and media more properly based on learning styles in middle schools. For this purpose, 307 students of 7th to 9th grade from three middle schools were the respondents. Index Learning Styles was used to know the student learning styles based on Felder-Silverman learning styles. The students were also asked with the questions to know what instructional strategy and media they like much. The results show instructional strategies that could be applicated in middle schools are; question and answer methods, student presentations, games and simulations, lectures, problem solving based learning, role playing, and panel discussions. Instructional media that could be applicated are; pictures, graphics, videos, simulations, online group learning, newspapers, chatting/messenger, powerpoint slides, computer animations, book/e-book, magazines, audio recorded, and email. This is than checked off with the combinations of student learning style to get the most suitable one.
WHAT ARE THE SUITABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND MEDIA FOR STUDENT LEARNING S...IJITEThis study aims to find out what instructional strategy and media more properly based on learning styles in
middle schools. For this purpose, 307 students of 7th to 9th grade from three middle schools were the
respondents. Index Learning Styles was used to know the student learning styles based on Felder-Silverman
learning styles. The students were also asked with the questions to know what instructional strategy and
media they like much. The results show instructional strategies that could be applicated in middle schools
are; question and answer methods, student presentations, games and simulations, lectures, problem solving
based learning, role playing, and panel discussions. Instructional media that could be applicated are;
pictures, graphics, videos, simulations, online group learning, newspapers, chatting/messenger, powerpoint
slides, computer animations, book/e-book, magazines, audio recorded, and email. This is than checked off
with the combinations of student learning style to get the most suitable one.
6417ijite03Bayu RadityaThis is a study to know the most suitable instructional strategy and media for student learning styles in middle schools. Learning styles has been choosen in this study due to it’s big effect for developmenting instructional strategy and media. Knowing student learning styles useful not only for the teachers in addition to design instructional with excellent quality, but also for the students to more understanding their strength for learning optimally. The result of the study would help teachers selecting the instructional strategy and media based on the real student needs.
WHAT ARE THE SUITABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND MEDIA FOR STUDENT LEARNING S...IJITEThis study aims to find out what instructional strategy and media more properly based on learning styles in
middle schools. For this purpose, 307 students of 7th to 9th grade from three middle schools were the
respondents. Index Learning Styles was used to know the student learning styles based on Felder-Silverman
learning styles. The students were also asked with the questions to know what instructional strategy and
media they like much. The results show instructional strategies that could be applicated in middle schools
are; question and answer methods, student presentations, games and simulations, lectures, problem solving
based learning, role playing, and panel discussions. Instructional media that could be applicated are;
pictures, graphics, videos, simulations, online group learning, newspapers, chatting/messenger, powerpoint
slides, computer animations, book/e-book, magazines, audio recorded, and email. This is than checked off
with the combinations of student learning style to get the most suitable one.
WHAT ARE THE SUITABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND MEDIA FOR STUDENT LEARNING S...IJITEThis study aims to find out what instructional strategy and media more properly based on learning styles in
middle schools. For this purpose, 307 students of 7th to 9th grade from three middle schools were the
respondents. Index Learning Styles was used to know the student learning styles based on Felder-Silverman
learning styles. The students were also asked with the questions to know what instructional strategy and
media they like much. The results show instructional strategies that could be applicated in middle schools
are; question and answer methods, student presentations, games and simulations, lectures, problem solving
based learning, role playing, and panel discussions. Instructional media that could be applicated are;
pictures, graphics, videos, simulations, online group learning, newspapers, chatting/messenger, powerpoint
slides, computer animations, book/e-book, magazines, audio recorded, and email. This is than checked off
with the combinations of student learning style to get the most suitable one
WHAT ARE THE SUITABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND MEDIA FOR STUDENT LEARNING S...IJITEThe document discusses finding the most suitable instructional strategies and media for student learning styles in middle schools. It analyzed 307 middle school students' learning styles using the Index of Learning Styles questionnaire. Common preferred instructional strategies identified were question and answer, presentations, games and simulations. Popular media included pictures, videos, simulations, and online group learning. The study aimed to help teachers match instructional approaches and materials to students' learning styles to improve learning effectiveness.
M.Ed Research- Questions & answersfatima roshanThis document provides guidance to a teacher, Mrs. Thakur, on how to address weaknesses in English among her 7th grade students using action research. It defines action research as research conducted in a classroom to solve a specific problem encountered by a teacher. The expert recommends Mrs. Thakur conduct action research by first identifying the problem - her students' weakness in English. She should then define and delimit the problem, analyze its causes, and formulate hypotheses about actions that could improve English skills, such as weekly grammar tutorials or using programmed learning techniques. Conducting action research allows Mrs. Thakur to take immediate steps to solve the problem and apply conclusions directly.
Learning Centered Psychological Principles.pptxMichaelSebullen1The document outlines 14 principles for learner-centered teaching established by the American Psychological Association. The principles are divided into cognitive/metacognitive factors, motivational/affective factors, developmental/social factors, and individual difference factors. They state that learning is most effective when it is an intentional process, learners pursue personally meaningful goals, new information can be linked to existing knowledge, learners have various thinking strategies, motivation and environment influence learning, development and individual differences are accounted for, and standards and assessment support the learning process.
Curriculum for general knowledgeGhulam MujtabaThe document outlines a revised general knowledge curriculum for grades 1-3 in Pakistan. The curriculum aims to develop students' thinking skills, creativity, healthy attitudes, and moral values through hands-on, inquiry-based learning experiences. It emphasizes broadening learning, strengthening connections between grades, promoting life-long learning, and developing independent learning abilities. The curriculum covers knowledge in areas like beliefs, history, geography, economics, and citizenship. It also focuses on developing skills like inquiry, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and decision-making. Teachers are encouraged to use student-centered, active learning strategies like inquiry-based teaching, learning by doing, demonstrations, cooperative learning, and role-play. Assessment focuses on measuring demonstration of
edu-II psycho.pdfChoosenone1This document provides an overview of the psychology of learning unit in an educational psychology course. It defines key terms like educational psychology and discusses the nature and scope of educational psychology. It also outlines three main methods used to study psychology of learning - introspection, observation, and the experimental method. Introspection involves self-observation of one's own mental processes. Observation involves observing the behavior of others. The experimental method uses controlled experiments to test hypotheses. This document serves as an introduction to the psychology of learning unit and the methods used to study it.
Group 1- Effective Teaching.pptxCAPhamKhaiThis document discusses methods for effective teaching. It covers three main topics: 1) the basic teaching functions of planning, implementing, and assessing, 2) essential teacher characteristics like knowledge, skills, and dispositions, and 3) expectations for teacher effectiveness including measures like value-added models and the Every Student Succeeds Act. Effective teachers must possess knowledge of content, pedagogy, learners, and assessment and apply skills in planning, instruction, and evaluation to promote learning for all students.
24_KANAKARAJALAKKALAKATTI_QUESTIONING_TMAP.pptxKKanakarajLakkalakatThis presentation consists of
introduction of questioning, definition, types of questioning and conclusion.
How to Implement Curriculum.pptxanishuda96This document outlines tutorial questions and presentations for the course MOED7013. It discusses factors to consider when implementing curriculum, including national education policies, cultural diversity, teaching strategies, assessment, and professional development. It provides examples related to these factors from the Malaysian education system. It also defines formative and summative evaluation, describes how they differ, and explains Elliot Eisner's educational evaluation model which emphasizes assessing curriculum clarity, instruction quality, learning outcomes, program effectiveness, and continuous improvement.
2008 Ncuep3American Psychological AssociationThis document summarizes discussions from groups at the 2008 APA National Conference on various topics related to undergraduate psychology education. Key recommendations included defining psychological literacy as an outcome for psychology students, assessing teaching quality based on student work and reflective teaching practices, requiring core courses in research methods and specific content domains with ethics and diversity integrated, and being aware of student demographics and developmental needs in curriculum and climate.
Educational PsychologyÖhmar YsthenameThis document provides an overview of educational psychology, including its meaning, nature, and scope. It defines educational psychology as the application of psychological principles to education, concerning the learning process, learner development, and teaching methods. The document outlines the key areas of focus in educational psychology, such as understanding the learner, learning process, learning situations, teaching situations, and evaluating learning performance. It also discusses topics like learning theories, individual differences, effective teaching strategies, and assessment techniques.
psychology of human learning (1).pptxshukrimohamed16Educational psychology is the systematic study of educational growth and development in children. It combines the fields of psychology and education. The key methods used to study educational psychology are introspection, observation, and the experimental method. Introspection involves self-observation of one's own mental states and processes. Observation involves observing the behavior and mental processes of others. The experimental method uses controlled experiments and the scientific method to study educational psychology.
Researching anxiety of pre-service teachers in teaching science and mathemati...Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)This study purposed to investigate researching anxiety of pre-service teachers
that might want to explain why they are able to learn successfully in the
context of difference in program of study. There were 15 pre-service teachers
in M.Ed. program of teaching science and mathematics voluntary
participated. Learning Anxiety Questionnaire (LAQ) was employed their
anxiety towards learning through Google Form. The study revealed that preservice
lec #1.pptxGlezelMiguelThis document provides an overview of action research. It defines action research as a systematic inquiry conducted by educators to gather information about how schools operate, how teachers teach, and how students learn, with the goal of immediate application and problem-solving in a local setting. The document discusses the importance of action research, including that it deals with specific problems, provides timely results, allows educators to improve practices, and promotes collaboration. It also contrasts action research with fundamental research, noting differences in their goals and methodologies. Finally, it outlines the typical steps involved in conducting action research, such as identifying problems, reviewing literature, determining methods, and analyzing results.
What are the Suitable Instructional Strategy and Media for Student Learning S...IJITEThis study aims to find out what instructional strategy and media more properly based on learning styles in middle schools. For this purpose, 307 students of 7th to 9th grade from three middle schools were the respondents. Index Learning Styles was used to know the student learning styles based on Felder-Silverman learning styles. The students were also asked with the questions to know what instructional strategy and media they like much. The results show instructional strategies that could be applicated in middle schools are; question and answer methods, student presentations, games and simulations, lectures, problem solving based learning, role playing, and panel discussions. Instructional media that could be applicated are; pictures, graphics, videos, simulations, online group learning, newspapers, chatting/messenger, powerpoint slides, computer animations, book/e-book, magazines, audio recorded, and email. This is than checked off with the combinations of student learning style to get the most suitable one.
WHAT ARE THE SUITABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND MEDIA FOR STUDENT LEARNING S...IJITEThis study aims to find out what instructional strategy and media more properly based on learning styles in
middle schools. For this purpose, 307 students of 7th to 9th grade from three middle schools were the
respondents. Index Learning Styles was used to know the student learning styles based on Felder-Silverman
learning styles. The students were also asked with the questions to know what instructional strategy and
media they like much. The results show instructional strategies that could be applicated in middle schools
are; question and answer methods, student presentations, games and simulations, lectures, problem solving
based learning, role playing, and panel discussions. Instructional media that could be applicated are;
pictures, graphics, videos, simulations, online group learning, newspapers, chatting/messenger, powerpoint
slides, computer animations, book/e-book, magazines, audio recorded, and email. This is than checked off
with the combinations of student learning style to get the most suitable one.
6417ijite03Bayu RadityaThis is a study to know the most suitable instructional strategy and media for student learning styles in middle schools. Learning styles has been choosen in this study due to it’s big effect for developmenting instructional strategy and media. Knowing student learning styles useful not only for the teachers in addition to design instructional with excellent quality, but also for the students to more understanding their strength for learning optimally. The result of the study would help teachers selecting the instructional strategy and media based on the real student needs.
WHAT ARE THE SUITABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND MEDIA FOR STUDENT LEARNING S...IJITEThis study aims to find out what instructional strategy and media more properly based on learning styles in
middle schools. For this purpose, 307 students of 7th to 9th grade from three middle schools were the
respondents. Index Learning Styles was used to know the student learning styles based on Felder-Silverman
learning styles. The students were also asked with the questions to know what instructional strategy and
media they like much. The results show instructional strategies that could be applicated in middle schools
are; question and answer methods, student presentations, games and simulations, lectures, problem solving
based learning, role playing, and panel discussions. Instructional media that could be applicated are;
pictures, graphics, videos, simulations, online group learning, newspapers, chatting/messenger, powerpoint
slides, computer animations, book/e-book, magazines, audio recorded, and email. This is than checked off
with the combinations of student learning style to get the most suitable one.
WHAT ARE THE SUITABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND MEDIA FOR STUDENT LEARNING S...IJITEThis study aims to find out what instructional strategy and media more properly based on learning styles in
middle schools. For this purpose, 307 students of 7th to 9th grade from three middle schools were the
respondents. Index Learning Styles was used to know the student learning styles based on Felder-Silverman
learning styles. The students were also asked with the questions to know what instructional strategy and
media they like much. The results show instructional strategies that could be applicated in middle schools
are; question and answer methods, student presentations, games and simulations, lectures, problem solving
based learning, role playing, and panel discussions. Instructional media that could be applicated are;
pictures, graphics, videos, simulations, online group learning, newspapers, chatting/messenger, powerpoint
slides, computer animations, book/e-book, magazines, audio recorded, and email. This is than checked off
with the combinations of student learning style to get the most suitable one
WHAT ARE THE SUITABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND MEDIA FOR STUDENT LEARNING S...IJITEThe document discusses finding the most suitable instructional strategies and media for student learning styles in middle schools. It analyzed 307 middle school students' learning styles using the Index of Learning Styles questionnaire. Common preferred instructional strategies identified were question and answer, presentations, games and simulations. Popular media included pictures, videos, simulations, and online group learning. The study aimed to help teachers match instructional approaches and materials to students' learning styles to improve learning effectiveness.
M.Ed Research- Questions & answersfatima roshanThis document provides guidance to a teacher, Mrs. Thakur, on how to address weaknesses in English among her 7th grade students using action research. It defines action research as research conducted in a classroom to solve a specific problem encountered by a teacher. The expert recommends Mrs. Thakur conduct action research by first identifying the problem - her students' weakness in English. She should then define and delimit the problem, analyze its causes, and formulate hypotheses about actions that could improve English skills, such as weekly grammar tutorials or using programmed learning techniques. Conducting action research allows Mrs. Thakur to take immediate steps to solve the problem and apply conclusions directly.
Learning Centered Psychological Principles.pptxMichaelSebullen1The document outlines 14 principles for learner-centered teaching established by the American Psychological Association. The principles are divided into cognitive/metacognitive factors, motivational/affective factors, developmental/social factors, and individual difference factors. They state that learning is most effective when it is an intentional process, learners pursue personally meaningful goals, new information can be linked to existing knowledge, learners have various thinking strategies, motivation and environment influence learning, development and individual differences are accounted for, and standards and assessment support the learning process.
Curriculum for general knowledgeGhulam MujtabaThe document outlines a revised general knowledge curriculum for grades 1-3 in Pakistan. The curriculum aims to develop students' thinking skills, creativity, healthy attitudes, and moral values through hands-on, inquiry-based learning experiences. It emphasizes broadening learning, strengthening connections between grades, promoting life-long learning, and developing independent learning abilities. The curriculum covers knowledge in areas like beliefs, history, geography, economics, and citizenship. It also focuses on developing skills like inquiry, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and decision-making. Teachers are encouraged to use student-centered, active learning strategies like inquiry-based teaching, learning by doing, demonstrations, cooperative learning, and role-play. Assessment focuses on measuring demonstration of
edu-II psycho.pdfChoosenone1This document provides an overview of the psychology of learning unit in an educational psychology course. It defines key terms like educational psychology and discusses the nature and scope of educational psychology. It also outlines three main methods used to study psychology of learning - introspection, observation, and the experimental method. Introspection involves self-observation of one's own mental processes. Observation involves observing the behavior of others. The experimental method uses controlled experiments to test hypotheses. This document serves as an introduction to the psychology of learning unit and the methods used to study it.
Group 1- Effective Teaching.pptxCAPhamKhaiThis document discusses methods for effective teaching. It covers three main topics: 1) the basic teaching functions of planning, implementing, and assessing, 2) essential teacher characteristics like knowledge, skills, and dispositions, and 3) expectations for teacher effectiveness including measures like value-added models and the Every Student Succeeds Act. Effective teachers must possess knowledge of content, pedagogy, learners, and assessment and apply skills in planning, instruction, and evaluation to promote learning for all students.
24_KANAKARAJALAKKALAKATTI_QUESTIONING_TMAP.pptxKKanakarajLakkalakatThis presentation consists of
introduction of questioning, definition, types of questioning and conclusion.
Transgenic Sheep and high quality wool production.pptxPSG College of TechnologyTransgenic sheep are genetically modified to enhance wool quality and yield through transgenesis. By introducing KAP and KIF genes, scientists improve fiber strength, elasticity, and fineness. This innovation revolutionizes wool production, benefiting the textile industry with superior, high-performance fibers.
Electrical Quantities and Circuits | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing NdazieThis extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of electrical quantities and circuits for IGCSE Physics. It covers key electrical quantities, including charge, current, voltage (potential difference), resistance, power, energy, electromotive force (EMF), and internal resistance. The presentation also explains series and parallel circuits, with in-depth discussions on Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, electrical components, circuit calculations, and practical applications. Packed with illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Simple Phenomena of Magnetism | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing NdazieThis extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of the simple phenomena of magnetism for IGCSE Physics. It covers key concepts such as magnetic materials, properties of magnets, magnetic field patterns, the Earth's magnetism, electromagnets, the motor effect, and the principles of electromagnetic induction. The presentation also explains magnetization and demagnetization, methods of making magnets, applications of magnets in real life, and experimental demonstrations. Featuring illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Difference between Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell.pptxDrSulabhaDeokarThis presentation explores the fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,distinguishing characteristics of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.Describe common cell morphologies and cellular arrangements in typical Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
Presentation explains how cells maintain their morphology.
Explore internal and external structures of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes in terms of their physical structure, chemical structure and function.
This presentation is designed for biology students, educators, and anyone interested in cellular biology. Based on the latest research and scientific discoveries in the field of Microbiology, Microbial Biotechnology and cellular biology. This Presentation has been compiled using information from trusted educational resources and scientific literature.
The purpose of this presentation is to educate and inform the students about the fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, highlighting their unique structures, functions, and characteristics, which provide a comprehensive understanding of cellular biology.
Educate the students and teachers about the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in detail.
This presentation will engage and entertain the students, often with a mix of detail information, colourful pictures and storytelling.
This presentation will motivate and inspire the students to think differently, take action, or pursue a goal.
Definitely it will raise awareness about a ultrastructures of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes .
This presentation will Provide an update or report on a science projects and progress as well as inspire the graduate students to learn more about cellular biology and its applications.
This presentation will inspire studets, teachers and educational professionals to explore digital resource for e - learnig .
Presentation likely to be used by under graduate and post graduate students, educators or individuals for online learning.
It can work as digital resource for a broader e- learning ecosystem.
This presentation highlights '' NEP-aligned Biotechnology and Biology education.''
"Discover the distinctions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, from cell walls to genetic material. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of cellular biology.Learn about the two main types of cells - prokaryotic,eukaryotic and their differences in structure, function, and organization. A great resource for biology learners.Uncover the unique characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in this informative PPT.
SILICON IS AN INHIBITOR OF CERTAIN ENZYMES IN VITROLilya BOUCELHA Silicon is considered an inorganic biostimulant and a prophylactic extracellular agent that allows the stimulation of a
wide range of natural defences against abiotic and biotic stresses. However, little or no work has focused on the direct action of silicon on some enzymes. Indeed, during this study, the action of silicon was studied in vitro by direct contact of this element at different doses with the enzymatic extracts of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) seeds. Our results showed that silicon
strongly inhibited antioxidant and hydrolytic enzymatic activities. The percentage of this inhibition depends on the dose of silicon and the type of enzyme. The most sensitive enzymes to this inhibition were SOD and lipases whose activity was totally inhibited at
4 mM and 7 mM respectively. However, we report that the inhibitory action of silicon was limited to 50% for GPOX whatever the concentration of silicon used, the plateau being reached at 10 mM for GPOX and at 70 mM for proteases. Since these enzymes are mainly metallo-dependent, we hypothesize that their inhibition by silicon may be due to interactions between silicon and the metals involved in the functioning of each enzyme. Our study shows that silicon can be used as an inhibitor of enzymes involved in certain diseases.
Unjustly Incriminating Bacteria: the Role of Bacteriophages in Bacterial Infe...christianagboeze2427SUMMARY
Based on human relationship with bacteria, virulence is one of the most important case to us. Some forms of virulence thought to arise only from the actions of bacteria are not actually caused by them but are indirectly influenced by another counterpart in the microbial mix of the ecosystem called bacteriophage; viruses that only infect prokaryotes such as bacteria but not eukaryotes. Bacteriophages preferably attack bacteria due to the lack of specific receptors for phages on eukaryotic cells which are found in bacteria e.g. peptide sequences and polysaccharide moieties in gram positive and gram negative bacteria, bacterial capsules, slime layers, flagella etc. They recognize and bind to bacteria using appropriate receptors, subsequently proceeding to inject their genome called prophage into their host. This review focuses on the most probable outcomes of phage-host interactions via the lytic and lysogenic cycles which are therapeutic effect and pathogenicity/resistance to antibiotics respectively. By lysogenic conversion or transfer of acquired genetic materials via transduction, phages can confer unusual traits such as virulence and antibiotics resistance. Important pathogenic bacteria that cause persistent and critical infections which have their pathogenicity engineered by phages include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus spp., and Clostridium spp.
The prophages influence their virulence in a variety of ways which include: contribution to the production of phage-encoded toxins, modification of the bacterial envelope, mediation of bacterial infectivity, and control of bacterial cell regulation. The unwavering threat of antimicrobial resistance in global health, extreme difficulty involved in developing novel antibiotics, and the rate at which microorganisms develop resistance to newly introduced antimicrobials have sparked urgency and interest in research for effective methods to eradicate pathogenic bacteria and limit antibiotic resistance. As a result, interest in phage therapy has been reignited because of the high efficiency in detecting and killing pathogenic bacteria by phages.
Phospholipid signaling and it's role in stress tolerance in plantlaxmichoudhary77657Living cells are constantly exposed to various signals from their surroundings.
These signals can be:
Chemical: Such as hormones, pathogen signals, mating signals, and ozone.
Physical: Such as changes in light, temperature, and pressure.
To respond appropriately to these signals, cells have special proteins called receptors on their surface. These receptors detect the signals and convert them into internal messages that the cell can understand and act upon.
How Signals are Processed?
1. Signal Detection: receptors on the cell surface.
2. Transduction:
• The receptor activates proteins inside the cell, which then produce molecules called "second messengers."
3. Signal Amplification and Cascades:
These second messengers amplify the signal and pass it on to other proteins, triggering a cascade of reactions.
4. Response:
• The cascades can lead to changes in gene expression, enzyme activity, or cell behavior, ultimately leading to a physiological response.
What are Phospholipids?
Phospholipids are a type of lipid molecule that are a major component of all cell membranes.
They consist of two fatty acid tails that are hydrophobic (repel water) and a phosphate head that is hydrophilic (attracts water).
This unique structure allows them to form bilayers, creating the fundamental structure of cell membranes.
Where are Phospholipids Found in Plants?
Cell Membranes and plasma membranes
Phospholipids are the primary building blocks of cell membranes, including the plasma membrane and internal membranes such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, and chloroplast membranes.
Melaku Tafese Awyulachew's_Official letters between organizations and researc...Melaku Tafese AwulachewOfficial letters between organizations and researchers
Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymis...ThrombUS+ ProjectAt the BIOSTEC 2025 conference, Eleni Kaldoudi, ThrombUS+ project coordinator, presented our recent work entitled “Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymisation, Cropping, and Tagging”. Eleni provided an overview of the application we developed to facilitate the preparation of ultrasound images, acquired via the ThrombUS+ clinical study A, for the purpose of developing AI models for automated detection of deep vein thrombosis.
About ThrombUS+:
Our interdisciplinary approach centers around creating a novel wearable diagnostic device utilizing autonomous, AI-driven DVT detection. This groundbreaking device incorporates wearable ultrasound hardware, impedance plethysmography, and light reflection rheography for early clot detection. Activity and physiological measurements will continuously assess DVT risk, supporting prevention through serious gaming. An intelligent decision support unit will provide real-time monitoring and alerts, with extended reality guiding users for optimal device utilization.
ThrombUS+ is designed for postoperative patients, those undergoing lengthy surgical procedures, cancer patients, bedridden individuals at home or in care units, and women during pregnancy and postpartum.
Unraveling the BETICHUMD Mechanism of CHUSOMERADUCK: A Game-Changing Paradigm...jhnewshourThe **BETICHUMD Mechanism of CHUSOMERADUCK** is one of the most groundbreaking, revolutionary, and inexplicably complex systems ever devised in the realm of advanced quantum-extraterrestrial-mechatronic-hyperfusion dynamics. Designed originally by the intergalactic scientific consortium of the **Zypherion-9 civilization**, this mechanism has perplexed Earth’s top researchers, including the secret think tanks at NASA, CERN, and the underground laboratories of the Illuminati. CHUSOMERADUCK, an acronym standing for **"Chronologically Hyper-Ultrasonic System for Optimized Metaphysical Energy Recalibration and Advanced Dynamic Universal Cognition Kernel,"** is an artificial intelligence-powered, self-evolving hypermechanical entity designed to manipulate the fundamental constants of reality itself. The BETICHUMD Mechanism is at the core of its operation, acting as the **primary transdimensional flux stabilizer**, allowing CHUSOMERADUCK to function beyond the traditional limitations of physics. The origins of BETICHUMD remain unclear, with some theories suggesting that it was first conceptualized during the **Ancient Atlantean Wars**, where high-frequency oscillation technology was used to warp spacetime, while others claim that it was reverse-engineered from a **meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1947**, which led to the infamous **Operation DuckStorm** carried out by the United Nations' Secret Space Program. The primary working principle of BETICHUMD involves the **synchronization of dark matter vibrations with quantum neutrino entanglement fields**, enabling infinite computational energy without the need for external power sources. The applications of this technology are limitless, from **instantaneous planetary teleportation** to **bio-mechanical consciousness enhancement**, making it a prime candidate for interstellar exploration and even **simulated immortality** through direct neural uplink with CHUSOMERADUCK’s core processing grid. Governments across the world have attempted to harness its potential, but due to the incomprehensible nature of its **fifth-dimensional recursive logic algorithms**, only a handful of researchers have come close to deciphering its true capabilities. Recently declassified documents from the **Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs** suggest that an early prototype was tested in **the Mariana Trench in 1998**, where a sudden temporal rift resulted in the disappearance of an entire research facility, possibly transporting it to an alternate timeline. The existence of CHUSOMERADUCK has also been linked to various **UFO sightings, unexplainable time loops, and anomalies in gravitational wave measurements**, indicating that the BETICHUMD Mechanism is far more than just an advanced computational system—it is, in fact, a **gateway to rewriting the fundamental laws of the universe**. However, with great power comes great danger, as misuse of the mechanism could theoretically collapse the entire fabric of reality.
Scientific Pig Farming Manual for Pig FarmersDr. Subhrajit DasPig farming, pork farming, pig production or hog farming is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock, and is a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are farmed principally for food (e.g. pork: bacon, ham, gammon) and skins.
Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming: intensive commercial units, commercial free range enterprises, or extensive farming (being allowed to wander around a village, town or city, or tethered in a simple shelter or kept in a pen outside the owner's house). Historically, farm pigs were kept in small numbers and were closely associated with the residence of the owner, or in the same village or town.[1] They were valued as a source of meat and fat, and for their ability to convert inedible food into meat and manure, and were often fed household food waste when kept on a homestead.[2] Pigs have been farmed to dispose of municipal garbage on a large scale.[3]
All these forms of pig farm are in use today, though intensive farms are by far the most popular, due to their potential to raise a large amount of pigs in a very cost-efficient manner.[4] In developed nations, commercial farms house thousands of pigs in climate-controlled buildings.[5] Pigs are a popular form of livestock, with more than one billion pigs butchered each year worldwide, 100 million in the United States. The majority of pigs are used for human food, but also supply skin, fat and other materials for use in clothing, ingredients for processed foods,[6] cosmetics,[7] and medical use.[8]Pig farming has gained importance today. Pigs have inherited capacity to acclimatize with varying climatic conditions. Pigs cannot withstand high temperature climate.
Pigs are adjusted to varied rearing practices and consume different types of food (Omnivorous) to attain higher growth and meat production.
Pigs will attain 60-70kg body weight in 6-8months period.
Female pigs i.e., sows will come to heat at age of 8-9 months but avoid using male pigs (Boars) for breeding purpose until it attains one year of age.
Adult sows when bred during right time after attaining maturity will farrow 8-12 piglets in 112-118 days of gestation period (i.e., about 4 months of gestation). Feedefficiencyis to gain one Kg live weightfor every 2.75-3kg feed consumed (FCR: 1:2.75). There are many advantageous in pig rearing. Pork is available at a cheaper price with nutritious and highly palatable tasty meat of higher quality animal protein. Pig bones are used for producing bone meal and also used for purification of sugar in sugar industry.
The manure droppings and urine are good fertilizers which enhance the soil fertilityand improve grain production.
Pig hairs (Bristles) are used for making brushes and ropes, hooves are used for shirt button making and preparation of gum. Hence, pigs are called as “multi utility domestic animals”. Farmers can take up piggery farming and reduce their debt burden and improve their profits and livelihood.
Beyond Point Masses. IV. Trans-Neptunian Object Altjira Is Likely a Hierarchi...Sérgio SacaniDynamically studying trans-Neptunian object (TNO) binaries allows us to measure masses and orbits. Most of the known objects appear to have only two components, except (47171) Lempo, which is the single known hierarchical triple system with three similar-mass components. Though hundreds of TNOs have been imaged with high-resolution telescopes, no other hierarchical triples (or trinaries) have been found among solar system small bodies, even though they are predicted in planetesimal formation models such as gravitational collapse after the streaming instability. By going beyond the point-mass assumption and modeling TNO orbits as non-Keplerian, we open a new window into the shapes and spins of the components, including the possible presence of unresolved “inner” binaries. Here we present evidence for a new hierarchical triple, (148780) Altjira (2001 UQ18), based on non-Keplerian dynamical modeling of the two observed components. We incorporate two recent Hubble Space Telescope observations, leading to a 17 yr observational baseline. We present a new open-source Bayesian pointspread function fitting code called nPSF that provides precise relative astrometry and uncertainties for single images. Our non-Keplerian analysis measures a statistically significant (∼2.5σ) nonspherical shape for Altjira. The measured J2 is best explained as an unresolved inner binary, and an example hierarchical triple model gives the best fit to the observed astrometry. Using an updated non-Keplerian ephemeris (which is significantly different from the Keplerian predictions), we show that the predicted mutual event season for Altjira has already begun, with several excellent opportunities for observations through ∼2030.
1.1 Definition of Reserach and
Educational research
1.2 Scope and Importance of
educational research
1.3 Scientific method
3. Definition of Research
L.R GAY defined research as:
the formal ,systematic application of the
scientific method to the study of problems.
Definition of Educational Research:
Educational research referred to
a systematic attempt to gain a better understanding of the
Educational process generally with a view in improving its
efficiency. It is an application of scientific method to the study of
educational problem.
4. Scope Of Educational Research:
The scope of educational research are as follows :
1. Educational Psychology
2. Philosophy of Education
3. Sociology of Education
4. Economics of Education
5. Educational Administration
6. Comparative Education
7. Curriculum Education
8. Educational Measurement and Evaluation
9. Teacher Education and Teaching Behavior
10. Guidance and Counseling
11. Educational Technology
5. Educational psychology :
Research in educational
psychology has a great importance
for a teacher
Field of research in educational
psychology is
2.Non cognitive factors such as :
Social behavior that influence
child development and growth .
6. Philosophy of education:
Education is the dynamic side
of philosophy.
Research in philosophy
include the following areas:
1.Aims of education
2.The motivation of learning
3.Construction of curriculum
7. Sociology of education:
The study of how public
institutions and individual
experiences influence
education and its
The important problems
related to research:
1.Study of population
growth and changes
2. Impact of political and
social forces on an
educational system.
8. Economics of education:
Studies in economics and
education included attitude
studied and achievement
Recent study relates to unit
institutional cost in higher
9. Educational administration:
The research conducted in
this area so far is more or
less of survey type .
Research in the areas of :
1.Staff personnel admistration
2.Educational planning
3.School Plant planning
4.Evaluation of institutions
10. Comparative education:
The research in this area
include analyzing the
educational organization
and administrative
machinery of two or more
Problems like:
1.Education and national
development in terms of
economic growth
2.Educational control and
reform curriculum
11. Educational
Measurements and
This may include
following areas like:
construction and
1.standardization of
various test including the
achievement ones.
2.Problems related to
Pupils assignment
3.Psychological testing
4.Personality test
12. Teacher education and teacher
Teacher education has received
noteworthy Concentration of
educational researcher .
These studies related to the
areas are
1.Historical development of
Teacher Education
3.Some studies have been
concerned with attitude of
teacher and student teacher
towards various part of the pre
service and in service program.
13. Guidance and counseling:
The research conducted in
this area include
1. vocational adjustment of
2. vocational choice and
3.Socio economic status
4.Special aptitudes like
art ,science ,and
music ,special skills and
scholastic aptitudes.
14. Educational technology:
The investigation already
conducted on educational
technology are :
1.Software approach
2.Hardware approach
3.Syestem approach and
their impact on the
learning of student.
Use of science and
technology to improve
teaching and learning .
15. Priority areas in
1.Education for
economic growth
2.Dropout rate
3.Equal opportunity
4.Free and compulsory
5.Population education
6.Home work and study
16. Importance of Educational Research:
It is a systematic Analysis:
It gives
-> systematic analysis of the topic
-> Clearly defines Objectives
1.Leads to Great Observation:
It helps in coming to
one conclusion, achieved by observing the facts
and figures in depth.
2.Results in predictions, theories, and many
Researcher comes up with valid
predictions, theories and great results through
observations, hypothesis and research queries.
It comes up with great conclusion.
17. Improving Practices:
It helps to improve
practices of the students at the same
It helps those individuals who really
wish to bring improvement.
Education Research helps in overall
improvement of the individual
18. Develop better under standing of
Develop greater understanding related
to teaching, learning and other
educational administration.
Helps in initiating the action:
The research should aim to
produce the highest result which
compliments the study.
You should make sure your study ensure
the applicable findings so as to match
the results.
19. Helps in decision making:
Good research
requires proper time and effort.
For better results, the participants
need to consider the required
consequences and all the risks
involved in the whole process.
Bring Consistency in the Work:
1.It tends to be right and accurate
2.It lessons the flaws and mistakes
3.It takes lots of time and effort.
4.Results are clear and without any
silly mistakes
20. Motivate Others:
It builds patience because it is
a lengthy process
1. You will be able to motivate others
2. Enhance the reader's knowledge which
might not be possible for any other person.
3. Add to knowledge:
Research can add to what
we know about how people learn and what
we can do help facilitate the learning
Address Gaps in Knowledge:
Research can
address areas in which little is known, like
perhaps the effects of online versus
traditional classroom learning.
21. Expand Knowledge:
Research can allow us to
extend what we know in ways we never
Replicate Knowledge:
Research can act as a test to
Verify Previous findings.
Add Voices to Individuals to Knowledge:
Research can add
an important perspective for different
learning types.
Research is useful in all the fields and is used
by all the departments, whether public or
23. Definition of scientific method :
The goal of scientific
endeavors is to explain predict and or control phenomena.
Goal of scientific method :
The goal is based on assumption that all the behavior and
events are orderly and are the effects which have
discoverable causes.