Keith Schnur is a construction management professional with over 30 years of experience in project management, estimating, and building management. He has worked as a senior estimator, project manager, and independent consultant for large construction companies. His background includes commercial construction projects, HVAC design and installation, developing cost estimates, and managing multi-million dollar projects from start to completion while optimizing processes and minimizing costs.
Andrew leonard governmentuseofpanopticonhemuro4ever
The document discusses governments' increasing use of surveillance techniques like CCTV cameras and electronic monitoring, similar to the Panopticon prison design where a central guard can watch all prisoners. It provides examples of widespread government surveillance in the UK and US and cites reasons like national security and crime prevention that governments give to justify these practices. However, it argues that the results of UK CCTV programs and US electronic spying that has only stopped 42 terrorist plots since 2001 suggest these Panopticon approaches may be ineffective and their extensive nature hard to justify.
Este documento describe a cuatro de los principales gigantes de Internet: Google, una empresa de software y servicios de Internet; Amazon, una compa単鱈a de comercio electr坦nico y servicios en la nube; Apple, una empresa de hardware y software electr坦nico como los iPhones y iPads; y Facebook, un sitio de redes sociales fundado originalmente para estudiantes universitarios.
Este documento resume las principales herramientas de seguridad en una computadora como antivirus y las herramientas administrativas de Windows, y recomienda algunos de los antivirus m叩s populares. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo acceder a las herramientas administrativas de Windows desde la pantalla de inicio en Windows 8 en lugar del escritorio.
Keith Schnur is a construction management professional with over 30 years of experience in project management, estimating, and building management. He has worked as a senior estimator, project manager, and independent consultant for large construction companies. His background includes commercial construction projects, HVAC design and installation, developing cost estimates, and managing multi-million dollar projects from start to completion while optimizing processes and minimizing costs.
Andrew leonard governmentuseofpanopticonhemuro4ever
The document discusses governments' increasing use of surveillance techniques like CCTV cameras and electronic monitoring, similar to the Panopticon prison design where a central guard can watch all prisoners. It provides examples of widespread government surveillance in the UK and US and cites reasons like national security and crime prevention that governments give to justify these practices. However, it argues that the results of UK CCTV programs and US electronic spying that has only stopped 42 terrorist plots since 2001 suggest these Panopticon approaches may be ineffective and their extensive nature hard to justify.
Este documento describe a cuatro de los principales gigantes de Internet: Google, una empresa de software y servicios de Internet; Amazon, una compa単鱈a de comercio electr坦nico y servicios en la nube; Apple, una empresa de hardware y software electr坦nico como los iPhones y iPads; y Facebook, un sitio de redes sociales fundado originalmente para estudiantes universitarios.
Este documento resume las principales herramientas de seguridad en una computadora como antivirus y las herramientas administrativas de Windows, y recomienda algunos de los antivirus m叩s populares. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo acceder a las herramientas administrativas de Windows desde la pantalla de inicio en Windows 8 en lugar del escritorio.
This document describes how a sewage treatment plant's sewage pumping station works with a network operations center. The pumping station collects data on current water levels and sends it periodically to the NOC. The NOC prioritizes requests from stations based on water level data and sends commands to maximize pumping capacity if needed. Pumped sewage is then sent to the sewage treatment plant while all collected data is compiled into reports.
Este documento presenta una evaluaci坦n de ingreso para tercer grado de b叩sica que incluye preguntas sobre sumas, restas, problemas matem叩ticos y dibujos de figuras geom辿tricas. La evaluaci坦n contiene 6 secciones con un total de 10 puntos y eval炭a habilidades matem叩ticas b叩sicas como c叩lculo aritm辿tico, resoluci坦n de problemas y conceptos geom辿tricos.
Este documento es una introducci坦n y resumen de las historias contenidas en el libro "Historias del Libro de Morm坦n". Presenta de manera concisa los eventos m叩s importantes de la historia de los nefitas y lamanitas desde la salida de Lehi de Jerusal辿n hasta la visita de Cristo resucitado a los nefitas en Am辿rica. Incluye cap鱈tulos sobre la obtenci坦n de las planchas de bronce, el viaje por el desierto y el mar hacia la tierra prometida, la visita de Cristo y sus ense単anzas, y los
The document evaluates the design choices made for a school magazine called "Kings Style".
The title was chosen to represent the school and stand out boldly. The masthead is in white against a red background for visibility within the magazine's color palette.
Cover stories were made into large headlines to attract buyers interested in those topics. Additional text and pictures would have made the magazine look more informative. The background in photos could have been blurred more to focus attention on the science-themed elements.
The contents page layout and design was disappointing and could be improved with a landscape photo, blurred writing overlay, and changes to the font, picture placement, and background color to grab more reader attention.
O documento discute a forma巽達o de professores reflexivos e a constru巽達o de escolas reflexivas. Aborda como professores podem desenvolver habilidades reflexivas para lidar com os desafios da sociedade da informa巽達o e como as escolas podem se tornar comunidades de aprendizagem que cultivam a reflex達o. Tamb辿m discute como a supervis達o pedag坦gica pode apoiar os professores em seu desenvolvimento profissional.
This chapter summarizes how Joseph Smith received a vision from God the Father and Jesus Christ at age 14. During this vision, God directed Joseph to listen to Jesus, who told Joseph that none of the churches were true and that he should not join them. Joseph faced persecution after sharing his vision. Three years later while praying, Joseph had another important experience.
The document discusses factors that support innovation and whether agile is enough to drive innovation. It argues that while agile promotes collaboration, creativity, experimentation and flexibility, innovation also requires:
1. Diverse thinking among team members to bring different perspectives and problem solving approaches.
2. Strong leadership that embraces failures and is willing to take risks, as exemplified by Jeff Bezos at Amazon.
3. An environment where there is no fear of failure and individuals have time and space to experiment freely with new ideas.