This document is the abstract of a Master's thesis submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) by Goh Kwee Eng in 2009. The thesis examines the construction of identities in the works of fiction by Chinese author Xi Xi. It analyzes how Xi Xi constructs her identities as a Hong Kong citizen and as a female author between Chinese and British influences. The thesis discusses Xi Xi's depiction of Hong Kong identity through her micro-writings of the city and historical allegories. It also analyzes her focus on female-centered works and construction of female identity. Finally, it examines the common foundation and spiritual nature between Xi Xi's Hong Kong and female identities.
This document analyzes the heterotic patterns of maize hybrids used in Henan Province, China over the past 23 years. It finds that the major inbred lines can be divided into 6 groups based on molecular marker analysis. The two most widely used heterotic patterns are Reid x SiPT and Lan x LvDHG, which together account for about 47% of the total cultivated area in Henan Province. A total of 12 heterotic patterns have been employed, and the study aims to provide theoretical guidance for reasonable utilization of maize germplasm resources in the future.
The chinese literature curriculum for 'insiders' and 'outsiders'sugeladi
This document discusses the differences between Chinese literature curricula designed for native Chinese speakers ("insiders") versus non-native learners ("outsiders"). It notes that curricula for outsiders may lack an outsider perspective due to traditions of teaching Chinese as a first language. The document advocates integrating both insider and outsider perspectives to create a balanced approach that considers students' backgrounds. It then compares the typical curricula formats, noting insiders' curricula focus on highlighting "golden ages" and "outstanding exponents" through prominent authors and works.
Yoginder K Alagh, former VC of JNU, describes his experience opening up the closed VC lodge and making himself available to students upon taking office. He wrote personalized letters to all students who earned A grades or completed PhD's to express pride in their accomplishments. As VC, he practiced non-violence and got teachers and students to resolve issues internally rather than involving police. JNU students are idealistic, intellectually curious, and proud yet angry about injustice. JNU creates skills to change the world, not just skills for existing systems like other top schools.
This document describes a role play activity called "Foochow Road, Shanghai" designed to help students learn about Chinese history. Students can choose roles like a businessman, concubine, or missionary living in Shanghai in the late 19th to early 20th century. As their character, students write a short piece from that character's perspective to share with others. The goal is to help students develop historical thinking skills and consider different cultural viewpoints. The role play can be adapted for various class sizes and learning objectives. It provides an interactive way for students to engage with history online in a fun, low-stakes manner to build their confidence with the course technologies and communication.
The Yenching Academy of Peking University offers a highly selective Master's degree program in China Studies. It provides a full fellowship for outstanding international and Chinese students to engage in interdisciplinary study of China. The program includes core and elective courses across various research areas, field study trips, language learning, and thesis writing. Students gain in-depth knowledge of China and develop leadership skills through extracurricular activities. The Yenching Academy aims to cultivate future leaders with a deep understanding of China and its role in the world.
The document discusses the author's teaching and mentoring experience. It details positions held teaching chemistry courses at various CUNY schools over several years. It also mentions volunteering as a physical chemistry tutor and recognizing the importance of engaging students and connecting their ideas. The author strives to encourage independent thinking in students and realizes teaching requires an iterative process of adjustment.
This lesson plan outlines a week-long unit for 9th grade world history students on ancient China. On Monday, students will learn about the Great Wall and civil service system through a jigsaw activity. On Wednesday, they will have a lecture on Confucianism. On Thursday, students will compare Confucianism and Taoism by researching them and creating a Venn diagram. On Friday, students will research the first printed book, paper, and gunpowder and create a collage to present their findings. The following week, students will create websites to summarize China's philosophies and write reflective essays comparing their own life philosophies. They will also create a flash animation summarizing what they learned.
The chinese literature curriculum for 'insiders' and 'outsiders'sugeladi
This document discusses the differences between Chinese literature curricula designed for native Chinese speakers ("insiders") versus non-native learners ("outsiders"). It notes that curricula for outsiders may lack an outsider perspective due to traditions of teaching Chinese as a first language. The document advocates integrating both insider and outsider perspectives to create a balanced approach that considers students' backgrounds. It then compares the typical curricula formats, noting insiders' curricula focus on highlighting "golden ages" and "outstanding exponents" through prominent authors and works.
Yoginder K Alagh, former VC of JNU, describes his experience opening up the closed VC lodge and making himself available to students upon taking office. He wrote personalized letters to all students who earned A grades or completed PhD's to express pride in their accomplishments. As VC, he practiced non-violence and got teachers and students to resolve issues internally rather than involving police. JNU students are idealistic, intellectually curious, and proud yet angry about injustice. JNU creates skills to change the world, not just skills for existing systems like other top schools.
This document describes a role play activity called "Foochow Road, Shanghai" designed to help students learn about Chinese history. Students can choose roles like a businessman, concubine, or missionary living in Shanghai in the late 19th to early 20th century. As their character, students write a short piece from that character's perspective to share with others. The goal is to help students develop historical thinking skills and consider different cultural viewpoints. The role play can be adapted for various class sizes and learning objectives. It provides an interactive way for students to engage with history online in a fun, low-stakes manner to build their confidence with the course technologies and communication.
The Yenching Academy of Peking University offers a highly selective Master's degree program in China Studies. It provides a full fellowship for outstanding international and Chinese students to engage in interdisciplinary study of China. The program includes core and elective courses across various research areas, field study trips, language learning, and thesis writing. Students gain in-depth knowledge of China and develop leadership skills through extracurricular activities. The Yenching Academy aims to cultivate future leaders with a deep understanding of China and its role in the world.
The document discusses the author's teaching and mentoring experience. It details positions held teaching chemistry courses at various CUNY schools over several years. It also mentions volunteering as a physical chemistry tutor and recognizing the importance of engaging students and connecting their ideas. The author strives to encourage independent thinking in students and realizes teaching requires an iterative process of adjustment.
This lesson plan outlines a week-long unit for 9th grade world history students on ancient China. On Monday, students will learn about the Great Wall and civil service system through a jigsaw activity. On Wednesday, they will have a lecture on Confucianism. On Thursday, students will compare Confucianism and Taoism by researching them and creating a Venn diagram. On Friday, students will research the first printed book, paper, and gunpowder and create a collage to present their findings. The following week, students will create websites to summarize China's philosophies and write reflective essays comparing their own life philosophies. They will also create a flash animation summarizing what they learned.
Universiti putra malaysia the construction of identities in xi ...
FBMK 2009 16
Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfilment of
the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts
November 2009
Chair : Lim Choon Bee, PhD
Faculty : Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication
Xi Xi (1938--) is regarded as the most emblematic author in Hong Kong. She has been
writing persistently since the 1950’s and has produced numerous pieces of works. This
thesis is targeted to dissect the works of fiction produced by Xi Xi across different eras.
It looks into the construction process of her widely-accepted local and female identities
as well as the courses taken by her as a female Hong Kong author in constructing her
unique and conspicious regional and gender identities, while sandwiched between two
powerful forces of the Chinese and the British. This thesis carries out the discussion
looking into three aspects. First, it probes into the cognizant elements of Hong Kong in
Xi Xi’s works of fiction and analyzes her delicate observations and writings towards
different aspects of the city. Next, it analyzes Xi Xi’s works that focus on females and
discusses her creation of female identity. Lastly, this thesis combines Xi Xi’s identities
as a Hong Kong citizen and a female to discuss about the common foundation and
spiritual nature between the two, thus demonstrating that both the Hong Kong citizens
and the females in Xi Xi’s works of fiction are in fact two facets of her single identity
? iii
Keywords: Xi Xi, Hong Kong, feminism, identity construction
Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai
memenuhi keperluan untuk ijazah Master of Arts
November 2009
Pengerusi : Lim Choon Bee, PhD
Fakulti : Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi
Xi Xi (1938--) merupakan seorang penulis yang prolifik sejak zaman 50-an. Penulisan
beliau merangkumi pelbagai jenis tema sehingga beliau digelar seorang penulis yang
berwibawa di Hong Kong sejak zaman itu. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karya
yang dihasilkan oleh Xi Xi mejangkau era yang berlainan. Ia meneliti proses
pembentukan dan teknik penulisan beliau untuk menonjolkan identiti setempat dan
identiti wanita. Tesis ini membuat perbincangan dalam tiga aspek. Pertamanya, ia
mengkaji elemen-elemen pengenalpastian Hong Kong dalam karya Xi Xi dan
menganalisa penelitian dan penulisan beliau mengenai pelbagai aspek tentang tempat
tersebut. Seterusnya, ia menganalisa karya Xi Xi yang memfokuskan wanita dan
membincangkan pembentukan identiti wanita. Akhirnya, tesis ini menggabungkan
identiti Xi Xi sebagai seorang warga Hong Kong dan seorang wanita untuk
membincangkan asas sepunya dan sifat rohaniah kedua-duanya. Ini menunjukkan
bahawa kedua-dua identiti warga Hong Kong dan wanita dalam karya Xi Xi pada
hakikatnya merupakan dua muka daripada satu pembentukan identiti yang sama.
? iv
I certify that a Thesis Examination Committee has met on November 2009 to conduct
the final examination of Goh Kwee Eng on her thesis entitled The Construction of
Identities in XI XI’S Works of Fiction in accordance with the Universities and
University Colleges Act 1971 and the Constitution of the Universiti Putra Malaysia
[P.U.(A)106] 15 March 1998. The Committee recommends that student be awarded the
degree of Master of Arts.
Members of the Thesis Examination Committee were as follows:
Wong Ling Yann, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Modern Languages and Communication
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Chong Fah Hing, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Modern Languages and Communication
Universiti Putra Malaysia
(Internal Examiner)
Khor Boon Eng, PhD
Associate Professor
Faculty Arts and Social Sciences
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
(External Examiner)
Seng Yan Chuan, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Arts and Social sciences
Universiti Malaya
(External Examiner)
Professor and Deputy Dean
School of Graduate Studies
Universiti Putra Malaysia
? viii
This thesis was submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been
accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts.
The members of the Supervisory Committee were as follows:
Lim Choon Bee, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Modern Languages and Communication
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Kek Lian Wah, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Modern Languages and Communication
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Professor and Dean
School of Graduate Studies
Universiti Putra Malaysia
? ix
Date: 14 January 2010
I declare that the thesis is my original work except for quotations and citations which
have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously, and is not
concurrently, submitted for any other degree at Universiti Putra Malaysia or at any other
? x
摘要 ii
致谢 v
1.1 香港的故事 1
1.2 身份认同及其建构 4
1.3 前人研究评述 6
1.4 论文范畴与概要 11
2.1 西西的文化资源 14
2.2 西西的创作历程 21
2.3 自我身份之从“无”到“有” 28
3.1 我城意识 32
3.2 庶民空间 38
3.2.1 城市的街道与建筑 39
3.2.2 港式的生活与人情 45
3.2.3 香港的混杂语言 51
3.3 历史寓言 55
4.1 自我的发声 66
4.2 自主的权利 75
4.3 才能的挖掘 80
4.4 身体的省思 86
? xi