د فيصل الناصرد فيصل ال Faisal Alnasserد فيصل الناصر - Faisal Alnasir is a Professor and Chairman at Dept Of Family & Community Medicine at Arabian Gulf University.
دليل وسائل الإعلام للتواصل في طوارئ الصحة العامةJamaityتتَسم أزمات الصحَة العامة أو حالات طوارئ الصحة العامة بقدرتها
على التسبب في الاعتلال الصحي اوالوفاة لمئات أو آلاف أو أحيانًا
ملايين البشر.
لكن أثناء الأزمات الصحية، تمتلك وسائل الإعلام القدرة على درء
المخاطر، ما يمكن ان ينقذ أرواح الناس.
يمكن للتواصل الفعال أن يساعد في منع أو الحد من انتشار المرض،
وإرشاد المتضررين نحو الخدمات الصحية والعلاج.
يوفر هذا الدليل إرشادات للعاملين في وسائل الإعلام حول سبل مد يد
العون لمتابعيهم وجمهورهم أثناء حالات الطوارئ الصحية.
ويمكن قراءته جنبا إلى جنب مع دليل إنتاج برامج "شريان الحياة" لبي
بي سى ميديا أكشن )متاح على شبكة الإنترنت( الذي يوفر إرشادات
أكثر شمولية عن سبل التواصل مع الأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات
الإنسانية للمساعدة في إنقاذ الأرواح وتقليل المعاناة. 1
معلوم أن حالات طوارئ الصحة العامة يمكن أن تقع بسرعة أو في نسق
بطيء للغاية. سيتناول هذا الدليل تلك التي تنطلق بنسق سريع نسبيا:
حالات طوارئ الصحة العامة سريعة التفشي.
دليل وسائل الإعلام للتواصل في طوارئ الصحة العامة Jamaityتَتسم أزمات الصحة العامة أو حالات طوارئ الصحة العامة بقدرتها على التسبب في الإعتلال الصحي او الوفاة لمئات أو آلاف أو أحياناً ملايين البشر.
لكن أثناء الأزمات الصحية، تمتلك وسائل اإلعالم القدرة على درء المخاطر، ما يمكن ان ينقذ أرواح الناس.
يمكن للتواصل الفعال أن يساعد في منع أو الحد من انتشار المرض، وإرشاد المتضررين نحو الخدمات الصحية والعالج.
يوفر هذا الدليل إرشادات للعاملين في وسائل الإعلام حول سبل مد يد العون لمتابعيهم وجمهورهم أثناء حالات الطوارئ الصحية. ويمكن قراءته جنبا إلى جنب مع دليل إنتاج برامج "شريان الحياة" لبي بي سى ميديا أكشن (متاح على شبكة اإلنترنت) الذي يوفر إرشادات أكثر شمولية عن سبل التواصل مع الأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات الإنسانية للمساعدة في إنقاذ الأرواح وتقليل المعاناة.
معلوم أن حالات طوارئ الصحة العامة يمكن أن تقع بسرعة أو في نسق بطيء للغاية. سيتناول هذا الدليل تلك التي تنطلق بنسق سريع نسبيا: حالات طوارئ الصحة العامة سريعة التفشي.
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#1: Your Excellencies, honorable delegates, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to present you today a subject that is of a high priority for our Regional Director Dr Hanan Balkhy and for our region. It is about Expanding equitable access to medical products.
This is a continuation of RD's briefing with you in Geneva last May.
#2: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#3: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#4: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#5: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#6: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#7: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#8: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#9: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#10: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#11: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#12: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#13: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.
#14: There are some significant issues that I want to bring to your attention. Indeed, over these years and more and more, several countries from the region have difficulties to access to various medical products due to Limited Capacity to Produce Regional Needs of Medicines and Vaccines. Two third of medicines are imported . 10/22 countries import ≥90% of the medicines needs and 18/22 countries fully import their EPI vaccines),
Sub-optimal quality issues and increased circulation of substandard and falsified products in the region. This is due to the weak regulatory systems in most of the countries. Currently only 2 countries have their National Regulatory Authorities internationally recognized as they achieved at minimum the maturity level 3 for medicines and/or vaccines
Significant variations of prices among countries and nearly 50% of out-of-pocket spending in the LMIC in the region is going to medical products.
Inefficient procurement and supply chain management that results to frequent shortage and stock-outs, particularly in LMICs and in countries that are facing multiple humanitarian crises.