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USFDA Guidance on
Quality Systems Approach to
Pharmaceutical CGMP Regulations
Presented by:
G. Hari Hara Rao,
Regd no: 219206,
M.Pharm I Sem,
1. Introduction
2. Background and Purpose
CGMPs and the concepts of modern Quality systems
4. The Quality Systems Model
5. Conclusion
6. References
This guidance is intended to help manufacturers implementing modern quality
systems and risk management approaches to meet the requirements of the
Agency's current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations
(21 CFR parts 210 and 211).
The guidance describes a comprehensive quality systems (QS) model,
highlighting the model's consistency with the CGMP regulatory requirements for
manufacturing human and veterinary drugs, including biological drug products.
The guidance also explains how manufacturers implementing such quality
systems can be in full compliance with parts 210 and 211.
Background and Purpose:
1.In August 2002, the FDA announced the
Pharmaceutical CGMPs for the 21st Century
Initiative. In that announcement, the FDA
explained the Agencys intent to integrate
quality systems and risk management
approaches into its existing programs with
the goal of encouraging industry to adopt
modern and innovative manufacturing
2.The CGMP regulations and other quality
management systems differ somewhat in
organization and in certain constituent
elements; however, they are very similar and
share underlying principles.
3.For example, the CGMP regulations stress
quality control. More recently developed quality
systems stress quality management, quality
assurance, and the use of risk management
tools, in addition to quality control. The QS
working group decided that it would be very
useful to examine exactly how the CGMP
regulations and the elements of a modern,
comprehensive quality system fit together
in today's manufacturing world. This
guidance is the result of that examination.
1.This guidance describes a comprehensive
quality systems model, which, if
implemented, will allow manufacturers to
support and sustain robust, modern quality
systems that are consistent with CGMP
2.A quality system addresses the public and
private sectors mutual goal of providing a
high-quality drug product to patients and
prescribers. A well-built quality system
should reduce the number of (or prevent)
recalls, returned or salvaged products, and
defective products entering the marketplace.
3.In addition, an effective quality system, by
lowering the risk of manufacturing problems,
may result in shorter and fewer FDA
4.A quality system can provide the
necessary framework for implementing
quality by design4 (building in quality from
the development phase and throughout a
products life cycle), continual improvement,
and risk management in the drug
manufacturing process.
Goals of
Scope of the guidance:
This guidance applies to manufacturers
of drug products (finished
pharmaceuticals), including products
regulated by the Center for Biologics
Evaluation and Research (CBER), the
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
(CDER), and the Center for Veterinary
Medicine (CVM).
It may also be useful to manufacturers of
components (including active
pharmaceutical ingredients) used in the
manufacture of these products.
The document explains how
implementing comprehensive quality
systems can help manufacturers achieve
compliance with 21 CFR parts 210 and
Organization of the guidance:
Evaluation Activities
CGMPs and the concepts of modern quality
1.Quality: Every pharmaceutical product has established identity,
strength, purity, and other quality characteristics designed to ensure the
required levels of safety and effectiveness. For the purposes of this
guidance document, the phrase achieving quality means achieving
these characteristics for a product.
2.Quality by Design and Product Development: Quality by design
means designing and developing a product and associated manufacturing
processes that will be used during product development to ensure that the
product consistently attains a predefined quality at the end of the
manufacturing process.
3.Quality Risk Management: Quality risk management can in the setting
of specifications and process parameters for drug manufacturing, assess
and mitigate the risk of changing a process or specification, and determine
the extent of discrepancy investigations and corrective actions.
4.CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Action):
CAPA is a well-known CGMP regulatory concept that focuses
on investigating, understanding, and correcting discrepancies
while attempting to prevent their recurrence.
Remedial corrections of an
identified problem
Root cause analysis with
corrective action to help
understand the cause of the
deviation and potentially
prevent recurrence of a
similar problem
Preventive action to avert
recurrence of a similar
potential problem
5.Change Control: Change control is another well-known
CGMP concept that focuses on managing change to
prevent unintended consequences.
6.The Quality Unit: Current industry practice generally
divides the responsibilities of the quality control unit
(QCU), as defined in the CGMP regulations, between
quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) functions.
The Quality Unit:
1.Assessing the
suitability of
closures, labeling,
materials, and the
finished products.
2.Evaluating the
performance of the
process to ensure
adherence to
specifications and
3.Determining the
acceptability of
each batch for
The Quality Unit:
Review and approval
of all procedures
related to production
and maintenance
Review of associated
Auditing and
trend analyses.
 Ensuring that controls are implemented
and completed satisfactorily during
manufacturing operations.
 Ensuring that developed procedures and
specifications are appropriate and
followed, including those used by a firm
under contract to the manufacturer.
 Approving or rejecting incoming materials,
in-process materials, and drug products.
 Reviewing production records and
investigating any unexplained
Other CGMP
of the QU are
consistent with
modern quality
Six-system Inspection Model:
The FDA's Drug
Compliance Program,
which contains
instructions to FDA
personnel for
inspections, is a
approach to inspection
and is very consistent
with the robust quality
system model
presented in this
The diagram below
shows the relationship
among the six
systems: the quality
system and the five
The quality system
provides the
foundation for the
systems that are
linked and function
within it. The quality
system model
described in this
guidance does not
consider the five
systems as discrete
entities, but instead
integrates them into
appropriate sections
of the model.
Those familiar with the
six-system inspection
approach will see
differences in this
guidance; however,
the inter-relationship
should be readily
One of the important
themes of the systems
based inspection
compliance program is
that you have the
ability to assess
whether each of the
systems is in a state
of control. The quality
system model
presented in this
guidance will also
serve to help firms
achieve this state of
Six-system Inspection Model:
The Quality systems models:
This section describes model for
use in pharmaceutical
manufacturing that can help
manufacturers comply with the
CGMP regulations.
This section describes a robust
quality systems model that, if
properly implemented, can provide
the controls to consistently produce
a product of acceptable quality.
 Management Responsibilities
 Manufacturing Operations
 Evaluation Activities
The model is described according
to four major factors:
 Provide Leadership.
 Structure the Organization.
 Build Your Quality System
to Meet Requirements
 Establish Policies,
Objectives, and Plans
 Review the System.
Provide Leadership:
 Actively participating in system design, implementation, and monitoring,
including system review
 Advocating continual improvement of operations of the quality system
 Committing necessary resources
 All managers should demonstrate strong and visible support for the quality
system and ensure its implementation throughout the organization (e.g.,
across multiple sites).
 All managers should encourage internal communication on quality issues at
all levels in the organization.
Structure Of
Management has the responsibility
to structure the organization and
ensure that assigned authorities
and responsibilities support the
production, quality, and
management activities needed to
produce quality products.
Senior managers have the
responsibility to ensure that the
organizations structure is
All managers have the
responsibility to communicate
employee roles, responsibilities,
and authorities within the system
and ensure that interactions are
defined and understood.
Build Your
System To
Implementing a robust
quality system can help
ensure compliance with
CGMP regulations related
to drug safety, identity,
strength, quality, and
For example, according to
the model, when
documenting the
implementation of a
quality system, the
following should be
 The scope of the quality system,
including any outsourcing.
 The quality standard that will be
 The manufacturers policies to
implement the quality systems
criteria and the supporting
 The procedures needed to
establish and maintain the
quality system
Establish Policies, Objectives
And Plans:
 Policies, objectives, and plans under a
modern quality system provide the
means by which senior managers
articulate their vision of and commitment
to quality to all levels of the organization.
 Managers operating within a quality
system should define the quality
objectives identified for implementing the
quality policy.
 Under a quality systems approach,
managers would use quality planning to
identify and allocate resources and define
methods to achieve the quality
 Quality system plans should be
documented and communicated to
personnel to ensure awareness of how
their operational activities are aligned
with strategic and quality goals.
Review The System:
Under a quality systems approach, a review should consider
at least the following:
ss of the
quality policy
and objectives
The results of
audits and
The analysis
of data
The status of
actions to
prevent a
problem or a
Any follow-up
actions from
Any changes
in business
practices or
that may affect
the quality
system (such
as the volume
or type of
meeting the
Facilities And
Operations. 23
General Agreements:
Under a robust
quality system,
sufficient resources
should be allocated
for quality system
and operational
Under the model, senior management, or a designee, should be responsible for providing
adequate resources for the following:
To supply and
maintain the
appropriate facilities
and equipment to
manufacture a
quality product.
To acquire and
receive materials that
are suitable for their
intended purpose.
For processing the
materials to produce
the finished drug
For laboratory
analysis of the
finished drug
product, including
collection, storage,
and examination of
in-process, stability,
and reserve samples
Personnel Development:
Managers should encourage communication by creating an environment that values employee
suggestions and acts on suggestions for improvement.
In a quality system, personnel should be qualified to do the operations that are assigned to them in
accordance with the nature of, and potential risk of, their operational activities.
Under a quality system, managers should define appropriate qualifications for each position to help
ensure that individuals are assigned appropriate responsibilities.
Under a quality system, continued training is critical to ensure that the employees remain proficient in
their operational functions and in their understanding of CGMP regulations.
Typical quality systems training should address the policies, processes, procedures, and written
instructions related to operational activities, the product/service, the quality system, and the desired work
culture (e.g., team building, communication, change, behavior).
Under a quality system, the
technical experts (e.g.,
engineers, development
scientists), who have an
understanding of pharmaceutical
science, risk factors, and
manufacturing processes related
to the product, are responsible
for defining specific facility and
equipment requirements.
Under the CGMP regulations,
equipment must be qualified,
calibrated, cleaned, and
maintained to prevent
contamination and mix-ups.
Control Outsourced Operations:
 Outsourcing involves hiring a second party under a
contract to perform the operational processes that are
part of a manufacturers inherent responsibilities. For
example, a manufacturer may hire another firm to
package and label or perform CGMP regulatory training.
 Under a quality system, the manufacturer should ensure
that a contract firm is qualified before signing a contract
with that firm.
 The contract firms personnel should be adequately
trained and monitored for performance according to their
quality system, and the contract firm's and contracting
manufacturers quality standards should not conflict.
Design, Develop, and Document Product
And Process.
Examine Outputs.
Perform and Monitor Operations.
Address nonconformities.
Quality risk management.
Corrective action.
Preventive actions.
Promote improvement.
1. Design, Develop,
And Document
Product And Process:
In a modern quality systems manufacturing environment, the
significant characteristics of the product being manufactured
should be defined from design to delivery, and control should be
exercised over all changes.
In addition, quality and manufacturing processes and procedures
 and changes to them  must be defined, approved, and
It is important to establish responsibility for designing or changing
products. Documenting processes, associated controls, and
changes to these processes will help ensure that sources of
variability are identified.
Resources and facilities used
Procedures to carry out the process
Identification of the process owner who will maintain and update
the process as needed
Identification and control of important variables
Quality control measures, necessary data collection, monitoring,
and appropriate controls for the product and process
Any validation activities, including operating ranges and
acceptance criteria
Effects on related process, functions, or personnel
2.Examine Outputs:
In a modern quality
systems model, the term
input includes any material
that goes into a final
product, no matter whether
the material is purchased
by the manufacturer or
produced by the
manufacturer for the
purpose of processing.
Materials can include items
such as components (e.g.,
ingredients, process water,
and gas), containers, and
closures. A robust quality
system will ensure that all
inputs to the manufacturing
process are reliable
because quality controls
will have been established
for the receipt, production,
storage, and use of all
The CGMP regulations
require either testing or use
of a certificate of analysis
(COA) plus an identity
analysis for the release of
materials for
Systems that produce
these in-house materials
should be designed,
maintained, qualified, and
validated where appropriate
to ensure that the materials
meet their acceptance
In addition, it is
recommended that
changes to materials (e.g.,
specification, supplier, or
materials handling) be
implemented through a
change control system
(certain changes require
review and approval by the
3.Perform And Monitor Operations:
 An important purpose of implementing a quality
systems approach is to enable a manufacturer to
more efficiently and effectively validate, perform,
and monitor operations and ensure that the
controls are scientifically sound and appropriate.
 The goal of establishing, adhering to, measuring,
and documenting specifications and process
parameters is to objectively assess whether an
operation is meeting its design and product
performance objectives.
 In a robust quality system, production and
process controls should be designed to ensure
that the finished products have the identity,
strength, quality, and purity they purport or are
represented to possess.
Both the CGMP regulations and quality systems models call for
the monitoring of critical processes that may be responsible for
causing variability during production. For example:
Process steps must be
verified by a second
person. Process steps can
also be performed using a
validated computer system.
Batch production records
must be prepared
contemporaneously with
each phase of production.
Procedures must be in
place to prevent
microorganisms in finished
products not required to be
sterile and to prevent
microbial contamination of
finished products purported
to be sterile. Sterilization
processes must be
validated for sterile drugs.
Under a quality system, trends
should be continually identified
and evaluated. One way of
accomplishing this is the use of
statistical process control. The
information from trend analyses
can be used to continually
monitor quality, identify potential
variances before they become
problems, bolster data already
collected for the annual review,
and facilitate improvement
throughout the product life
Process capability
assessment can serve as a
basis for determining the
need for changes that can
result in process
improvements and
4. Additional Nonconformities:
A key component in
any quality system is
nonconformities and/or
deviations. The
conclusion, and follow-
up must be
In a quality system, it
is important to develop
and document
procedures that define
who is responsible for
halting and resuming
operations, recording
discrepancies, and
taking remedial action.
Remedial action can include any of the following:
Correct the non-
With proper
authorization, allow
the product to
proceed with
justification of the
regarding the
problems impact
Use the product for
another application
where the deficiency
does not affect the
products quality
Reject the product
Analyze Data
For Trends.
Internal Audits.
Quality Risk
Improvement 34
1.Analyze Data For
Quality systems call for continually
monitoring trends and improving
systems. This can be achieved by
monitoring data and information,
identifying and resolving problems,
and anticipating and preventing
Quality systems procedures involve collecting
data from monitoring, measurement,
complaint handling, or other activities, and
tracking this data over time, as appropriate.
2. Conduct Internal Audits:
 A quality systems approach calls for audits to be conducted at planned intervals to
evaluate effective implementation and maintenance of the quality system and to
determine if processes and products meet established parameters and specifications.
 Procedures should describe how auditors are trained in objective evidence gathering,
their responsibilities, and auditing procedures. Procedures should also define auditing
activities such as the scope and methodology of the audit, selection of auditors, and audit
conduct (audit plans, opening meetings, interviews, closing meeting and reports).
 It is critical to maintain records of audit findings and assign responsibility for follow-up to
prevent problems from recurring
 The quality systems model calls for managers who are responsible for the areas audited
to take timely action to resolve audit findings and ensure that follow-up actions are
completed, verified, and recorded.
Quality Risk
Effective decision-making in a quality systems environment is
based on an informed understanding of quality issues.
Elements of risk should be considered relative to intended use of a
product, and in the case of pharmaceuticals, patient safety and
ensuring availability of medically necessary drug products.
Management should assign priorities to activities or actions based
on an assessment of the risk including both the probability of
occurrence of harm and of the severity of that harm.
It is important to engage appropriate parties in assessing the risk.
Such parties include customers, appropriate manufacturing
personnel, and other stakeholders.
In a manufacturing quality systems environment, risk management
is used as a tool in the development of product specifications and
critical process parameters.
Corrective action is a reactive tool for system
improvement to ensure that significant problems do
not recur.
Both quality systems and the CGMP regulations
emphasize corrective actions.
Quality systems approaches call for procedures to be
developed and documented to ensure that the need
for action is evaluated relevant to the possible
consequences, the root cause of the problem is
investigated, possible actions are determined, a
selected action is taken within a defined timeframe,
and the effectiveness of the action taken is evaluated
It is essential to document corrective actions taken.
It is essential to determine
what actions will reduce
the likelihood of a problem
recurring. Examples of
sources that can be used
to gather such information
include the following:
 Nonconformance reports and
 Internal and external audits
 Data and risk assessment
related to operations and quality
system processes
 Management review decisions
Preventive Actions:
1.Succession planning,
training, capturing institutional
knowledge, and planning for
personnel, policy, and
process changes are
preventive actions that will
help ensure that potential
problems and root causes are
identified, possible
consequences assessed, and
appropriate actions
2.The selected preventive
action should be evaluated
and recorded, and the system
should be monitored for the
effectiveness of the action.
3.Problems can be
anticipated and their
occurrence prevented by
reviewing data and analyzing
risks associated with
operational and quality
system processes, and by
keeping abreast of changes in
scientific developments and
regulatory requirements.
Management may
choose to use other
improvement activities
as appropriate.
It is critical that senior
management be
involved in the
evaluation of this
improvement process.
1.The central goal of a quality system
is the consistent production of safe and
effective products and ensuring that
these activities are sustainable.
2.A robust quality system will promote
process consistency by integrating
effective knowledge-building
mechanisms into daily operational
3. Both good manufacturing practice
and good business practice require a
robust quality system. When fully
developed and effectively managed, a
quality system will lead to consistent,
predictable processes that ensure that
pharmaceuticals are safe, effective,
and available for the consumer.
 Science-based approaches
 Decisions based on an understanding of the
intended use of a product
 Proper identification and control of areas of
potential process weakness
 Responsive deviation and investigation systems
that lead to timely remediation
 Sound methods for assessing and reducing risk
 Well-defined processes and products, starting
from development and extending throughout the
product life cycle.
 Systems for careful analysis of product quality
 Supportive management (philosophically and
quality systems
share the
Useful Reference
Useful reference materials:
1.1978 Preamble to the Good Manufacturing Practice Final Regulations  Federal
Register Docket No. 73N-0339] http://www.fda.gov/cder/dmpq/preamble.txt
2. CPGM 7356.002 Compliance Program  Drug Manufacturing Inspections
3. Quality Planning and Analysis, 3rd Ed. by J.M. Juran, F.M. Gryna (McGraw-Hill,
New York, N.Y. 1993)
4. ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000-2000: Quality management systems  Fundamentals and
vocabulary, (American Society for Quality, 2000)
5. Guideline of General Principles of Process Validation, May 1987 
6.FDA Compliance Policy Guide 7132c.08 Process Validation Requirements for Drug Products and Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients Subject to Pre-Market Approval, updated 03-12-2004 
7. Guidance for Industry - Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing Current Good
Manufacturing Practice  September 2004. See also the draft guidance on investigating Out-of-
Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production.
8. FDA Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 130.300, FDA Access to Results of Quality Assurance Program
Audits and Inspections, (CPG 7151.02) http://www.fda.gov/ora/compliance_ref/cpg/cpggenl/cpg130-
9. Criteria for Performance Excellence, Business (Baldrige National Quality Program, NIST 2003)
10.ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000: Quality management systems  Requirements (American Society for
Quality, 2000)
11. ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9004-2000: Quality management systems  Guidelines for performance
improvement (American Society for Quality, 2000)
12.ANSI/ISO 17025-1999: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (American Society
for Quality, 1999)
13. CMMI-SE/SW, V1.1: Capability Maturity Model Integration for Systems Engineering and Software Engineering, Staged
Representation (Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002)
14. The Balanced Scorecard Institute: http://balancedscorecard.org
15. Guidance for Developing Quality Systems for Environmental Program (EPA QA/G-1, Nov 2002)
16. Guidance for Industry Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services/ Food and Drug Administration, August 2001) .
17.Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical Products: Main Principles (World Health Organization Technical Report
Series, No. 908, 2003) http://www.who.int/medicines/library/qsm/trs908/trs908-4.pdf
18. Procedures For The Implementation of The Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA); (FDA Staff Manual Guide
2350.1) 47
20.Framework for Environmental Health Risk Assessment  Final Report, Vol.1
(Presidential/Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management, 1997)
21. Report on FDA Quality System Framework for Pharmaceutical Product Regulation Activities; (Quality
System Framework Subcommittee, December 2003)
22. Tutorials for Continuous Quality Improvement (Clemson University, 1995)
23. Variation Risk Management  Focusing Quality Improvement in Product Development and Products
by Anna C. Thornton (John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004
24.Guidance for Industry for the Submission of Documentation for Sterilization Process Validation in
Applications for Human and Veterinary Drug Products  http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/cmc2.pdf
25. Chapter 3, Quality Management in the American Pharmaceutical Industry, in Pharmaceutical Quality,
Ed. by R. Prince (DHI Publishing, River Grove, IL, 2004)

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USFDA-CGMP pdf.pdf

  • 1. 1 USFDA Guidance on Quality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical CGMP Regulations Presented by: G. Hari Hara Rao, Regd no: 219206, M.Pharm I Sem,
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 1. Introduction 2. Background and Purpose 3 CGMPs and the concepts of modern Quality systems 4. The Quality Systems Model 5. Conclusion 6. References
  • 3. 3 Introduction: This guidance is intended to help manufacturers implementing modern quality systems and risk management approaches to meet the requirements of the Agency's current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations (21 CFR parts 210 and 211). The guidance describes a comprehensive quality systems (QS) model, highlighting the model's consistency with the CGMP regulatory requirements for manufacturing human and veterinary drugs, including biological drug products. The guidance also explains how manufacturers implementing such quality systems can be in full compliance with parts 210 and 211.
  • 4. 4 Background and Purpose: 1.In August 2002, the FDA announced the Pharmaceutical CGMPs for the 21st Century Initiative. In that announcement, the FDA explained the Agencys intent to integrate quality systems and risk management approaches into its existing programs with the goal of encouraging industry to adopt modern and innovative manufacturing technologies 2.The CGMP regulations and other quality management systems differ somewhat in organization and in certain constituent elements; however, they are very similar and share underlying principles. 3.For example, the CGMP regulations stress quality control. More recently developed quality systems stress quality management, quality assurance, and the use of risk management tools, in addition to quality control. The QS working group decided that it would be very useful to examine exactly how the CGMP regulations and the elements of a modern, comprehensive quality system fit together in today's manufacturing world. This guidance is the result of that examination.
  • 5. 5 1.This guidance describes a comprehensive quality systems model, which, if implemented, will allow manufacturers to support and sustain robust, modern quality systems that are consistent with CGMP regulations. 2.A quality system addresses the public and private sectors mutual goal of providing a high-quality drug product to patients and prescribers. A well-built quality system should reduce the number of (or prevent) recalls, returned or salvaged products, and defective products entering the marketplace. 3.In addition, an effective quality system, by lowering the risk of manufacturing problems, may result in shorter and fewer FDA inspections 4.A quality system can provide the necessary framework for implementing quality by design4 (building in quality from the development phase and throughout a products life cycle), continual improvement, and risk management in the drug manufacturing process. Goals of the guidance
  • 6. 6 Scope of the guidance: This guidance applies to manufacturers of drug products (finished pharmaceuticals), including products regulated by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), and the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM). It may also be useful to manufacturers of components (including active pharmaceutical ingredients) used in the manufacture of these products. The document explains how implementing comprehensive quality systems can help manufacturers achieve compliance with 21 CFR parts 210 and 211.
  • 7. 7 Organization of the guidance: Management Responsibilities Resources Manufacturing Operations Evaluation Activities
  • 8. 8 CGMPs and the concepts of modern quality systems: 1.Quality: Every pharmaceutical product has established identity, strength, purity, and other quality characteristics designed to ensure the required levels of safety and effectiveness. For the purposes of this guidance document, the phrase achieving quality means achieving these characteristics for a product. 2.Quality by Design and Product Development: Quality by design means designing and developing a product and associated manufacturing processes that will be used during product development to ensure that the product consistently attains a predefined quality at the end of the manufacturing process. 3.Quality Risk Management: Quality risk management can in the setting of specifications and process parameters for drug manufacturing, assess and mitigate the risk of changing a process or specification, and determine the extent of discrepancy investigations and corrective actions.
  • 9. 9 4.CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Action): CAPA is a well-known CGMP regulatory concept that focuses on investigating, understanding, and correcting discrepancies while attempting to prevent their recurrence. Remedial corrections of an identified problem Root cause analysis with corrective action to help understand the cause of the deviation and potentially prevent recurrence of a similar problem Preventive action to avert recurrence of a similar potential problem
  • 10. 10 5.Change Control: Change control is another well-known CGMP concept that focuses on managing change to prevent unintended consequences. 6.The Quality Unit: Current industry practice generally divides the responsibilities of the quality control unit (QCU), as defined in the CGMP regulations, between quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) functions.
  • 11. The Quality Unit: Quality control functions: 1.Assessing the suitability of incoming components, containers, closures, labeling, in-process materials, and the finished products. 2.Evaluating the performance of the manufacturing process to ensure adherence to proper specifications and limits. 3.Determining the acceptability of each batch for release. 11
  • 12. The Quality Unit: Quality Assurance Functions: Review and approval of all procedures related to production and maintenance Review of associated records Auditing and performing/evaluating trend analyses. 12
  • 13. Ensuring that controls are implemented and completed satisfactorily during manufacturing operations. Ensuring that developed procedures and specifications are appropriate and followed, including those used by a firm under contract to the manufacturer. Approving or rejecting incoming materials, in-process materials, and drug products. Reviewing production records and investigating any unexplained discrepancies Other CGMP assigned responsibilities of the QU are consistent with modern quality system approaches: 13
  • 14. Six-system Inspection Model: The FDA's Drug Manufacturing Inspection Compliance Program, which contains instructions to FDA personnel for conducting inspections, is a systems-based approach to inspection and is very consistent with the robust quality system model presented in this guidance. The diagram below shows the relationship among the six systems: the quality system and the five manufacturing systems. The quality system provides the foundation for the manufacturing systems that are linked and function within it. The quality system model described in this guidance does not consider the five manufacturing systems as discrete entities, but instead integrates them into appropriate sections of the model. Those familiar with the six-system inspection approach will see organizational differences in this guidance; however, the inter-relationship should be readily apparent. One of the important themes of the systems based inspection compliance program is that you have the ability to assess whether each of the systems is in a state of control. The quality system model presented in this guidance will also serve to help firms achieve this state of control. 14
  • 16. The Quality systems models: This section describes model for use in pharmaceutical manufacturing that can help manufacturers comply with the CGMP regulations. This section describes a robust quality systems model that, if properly implemented, can provide the controls to consistently produce a product of acceptable quality. Management Responsibilities Resources Manufacturing Operations Evaluation Activities The model is described according to four major factors: 16
  • 17. Provide Leadership. Structure the Organization. Build Your Quality System to Meet Requirements Establish Policies, Objectives, and Plans Review the System. Management Responsibilities: 17
  • 18. 18 Provide Leadership: Actively participating in system design, implementation, and monitoring, including system review Advocating continual improvement of operations of the quality system Committing necessary resources All managers should demonstrate strong and visible support for the quality system and ensure its implementation throughout the organization (e.g., across multiple sites). All managers should encourage internal communication on quality issues at all levels in the organization.
  • 19. Structure Of The Organization: Management has the responsibility to structure the organization and ensure that assigned authorities and responsibilities support the production, quality, and management activities needed to produce quality products. Senior managers have the responsibility to ensure that the organizations structure is documented. All managers have the responsibility to communicate employee roles, responsibilities, and authorities within the system and ensure that interactions are defined and understood. 19
  • 20. Build Your System To Meet Requirements Implementing a robust quality system can help ensure compliance with CGMP regulations related to drug safety, identity, strength, quality, and purity. For example, according to the model, when documenting the implementation of a quality system, the following should be addressed: The scope of the quality system, including any outsourcing. The quality standard that will be followed. The manufacturers policies to implement the quality systems criteria and the supporting objectives. The procedures needed to establish and maintain the quality system 20
  • 21. Establish Policies, Objectives And Plans: Policies, objectives, and plans under a modern quality system provide the means by which senior managers articulate their vision of and commitment to quality to all levels of the organization. Managers operating within a quality system should define the quality objectives identified for implementing the quality policy. Under a quality systems approach, managers would use quality planning to identify and allocate resources and define methods to achieve the quality objectives. Quality system plans should be documented and communicated to personnel to ensure awareness of how their operational activities are aligned with strategic and quality goals. 21
  • 22. Review The System: Under a quality systems approach, a review should consider at least the following: The appropriatene ss of the quality policy and objectives The results of audits and other assessments Customer feedback, including complaints. The analysis of data trending results The status of actions to prevent a potential problem or a recurrence Any follow-up actions from previous management reviews Any changes in business practices or environment that may affect the quality system (such as the volume or type of operations) Product characteristics meeting the customers needs 22
  • 24. General Agreements: Under a robust quality system, sufficient resources should be allocated for quality system and operational activities. Under the model, senior management, or a designee, should be responsible for providing adequate resources for the following: To supply and maintain the appropriate facilities and equipment to consistently manufacture a quality product. To acquire and receive materials that are suitable for their intended purpose. For processing the materials to produce the finished drug product. For laboratory analysis of the finished drug product, including collection, storage, and examination of in-process, stability, and reserve samples 24
  • 25. Personnel Development: Managers should encourage communication by creating an environment that values employee suggestions and acts on suggestions for improvement. In a quality system, personnel should be qualified to do the operations that are assigned to them in accordance with the nature of, and potential risk of, their operational activities. Under a quality system, managers should define appropriate qualifications for each position to help ensure that individuals are assigned appropriate responsibilities. Under a quality system, continued training is critical to ensure that the employees remain proficient in their operational functions and in their understanding of CGMP regulations. Typical quality systems training should address the policies, processes, procedures, and written instructions related to operational activities, the product/service, the quality system, and the desired work culture (e.g., team building, communication, change, behavior). 25
  • 26. Under a quality system, the technical experts (e.g., engineers, development scientists), who have an understanding of pharmaceutical science, risk factors, and manufacturing processes related to the product, are responsible for defining specific facility and equipment requirements. Under the CGMP regulations, equipment must be qualified, calibrated, cleaned, and maintained to prevent contamination and mix-ups. Facilities And Equipment: 26
  • 27. Control Outsourced Operations: Outsourcing involves hiring a second party under a contract to perform the operational processes that are part of a manufacturers inherent responsibilities. For example, a manufacturer may hire another firm to package and label or perform CGMP regulatory training. Under a quality system, the manufacturer should ensure that a contract firm is qualified before signing a contract with that firm. The contract firms personnel should be adequately trained and monitored for performance according to their quality system, and the contract firm's and contracting manufacturers quality standards should not conflict. 27
  • 28. Manufacturing: Design, Develop, and Document Product And Process. Examine Outputs. Perform and Monitor Operations. Address nonconformities. Quality risk management. Corrective action. Preventive actions. Promote improvement. 28
  • 29. 1. Design, Develop, And Document Product And Process: In a modern quality systems manufacturing environment, the significant characteristics of the product being manufactured should be defined from design to delivery, and control should be exercised over all changes. In addition, quality and manufacturing processes and procedures and changes to them must be defined, approved, and controlled. It is important to establish responsibility for designing or changing products. Documenting processes, associated controls, and changes to these processes will help ensure that sources of variability are identified. Documentation includes: Resources and facilities used Procedures to carry out the process Identification of the process owner who will maintain and update the process as needed Identification and control of important variables Quality control measures, necessary data collection, monitoring, and appropriate controls for the product and process Any validation activities, including operating ranges and acceptance criteria Effects on related process, functions, or personnel 29
  • 30. 2.Examine Outputs: In a modern quality systems model, the term input includes any material that goes into a final product, no matter whether the material is purchased by the manufacturer or produced by the manufacturer for the purpose of processing. Materials can include items such as components (e.g., ingredients, process water, and gas), containers, and closures. A robust quality system will ensure that all inputs to the manufacturing process are reliable because quality controls will have been established for the receipt, production, storage, and use of all inputs. The CGMP regulations require either testing or use of a certificate of analysis (COA) plus an identity analysis for the release of materials for manufacturing. Systems that produce these in-house materials should be designed, maintained, qualified, and validated where appropriate to ensure that the materials meet their acceptance criteria. In addition, it is recommended that changes to materials (e.g., specification, supplier, or materials handling) be implemented through a change control system (certain changes require review and approval by the QU. 30
  • 31. 3.Perform And Monitor Operations: An important purpose of implementing a quality systems approach is to enable a manufacturer to more efficiently and effectively validate, perform, and monitor operations and ensure that the controls are scientifically sound and appropriate. The goal of establishing, adhering to, measuring, and documenting specifications and process parameters is to objectively assess whether an operation is meeting its design and product performance objectives. In a robust quality system, production and process controls should be designed to ensure that the finished products have the identity, strength, quality, and purity they purport or are represented to possess. 31
  • 32. Both the CGMP regulations and quality systems models call for the monitoring of critical processes that may be responsible for causing variability during production. For example: Process steps must be verified by a second person. Process steps can also be performed using a validated computer system. Batch production records must be prepared contemporaneously with each phase of production. Procedures must be in place to prevent objectionable microorganisms in finished products not required to be sterile and to prevent microbial contamination of finished products purported to be sterile. Sterilization processes must be validated for sterile drugs. Under a quality system, trends should be continually identified and evaluated. One way of accomplishing this is the use of statistical process control. The information from trend analyses can be used to continually monitor quality, identify potential variances before they become problems, bolster data already collected for the annual review, and facilitate improvement throughout the product life cycle. Process capability assessment can serve as a basis for determining the need for changes that can result in process improvements and efficiency 32
  • 33. 4. Additional Nonconformities: A key component in any quality system is handling nonconformities and/or deviations. The investigation, conclusion, and follow- up must be documented. In a quality system, it is important to develop and document procedures that define who is responsible for halting and resuming operations, recording non-conformities, investigating discrepancies, and taking remedial action. Remedial action can include any of the following: Correct the non- conformity With proper authorization, allow the product to proceed with justification of the conclusions regarding the problems impact Use the product for another application where the deficiency does not affect the products quality Reject the product 33
  • 34. Evaluation Activities: Analyze Data For Trends. Conduct Internal Audits. Quality Risk Management. Corrective Actions. Preventive Actions. Promote Improvement 34
  • 35. 1.Analyze Data For Trends: Quality systems call for continually monitoring trends and improving systems. This can be achieved by monitoring data and information, identifying and resolving problems, and anticipating and preventing problems. Quality systems procedures involve collecting data from monitoring, measurement, complaint handling, or other activities, and tracking this data over time, as appropriate. 35
  • 36. 2. Conduct Internal Audits: A quality systems approach calls for audits to be conducted at planned intervals to evaluate effective implementation and maintenance of the quality system and to determine if processes and products meet established parameters and specifications. Procedures should describe how auditors are trained in objective evidence gathering, their responsibilities, and auditing procedures. Procedures should also define auditing activities such as the scope and methodology of the audit, selection of auditors, and audit conduct (audit plans, opening meetings, interviews, closing meeting and reports). It is critical to maintain records of audit findings and assign responsibility for follow-up to prevent problems from recurring The quality systems model calls for managers who are responsible for the areas audited to take timely action to resolve audit findings and ensure that follow-up actions are completed, verified, and recorded. 36
  • 37. Quality Risk Management: Effective decision-making in a quality systems environment is based on an informed understanding of quality issues. Elements of risk should be considered relative to intended use of a product, and in the case of pharmaceuticals, patient safety and ensuring availability of medically necessary drug products. Management should assign priorities to activities or actions based on an assessment of the risk including both the probability of occurrence of harm and of the severity of that harm. It is important to engage appropriate parties in assessing the risk. Such parties include customers, appropriate manufacturing personnel, and other stakeholders. In a manufacturing quality systems environment, risk management is used as a tool in the development of product specifications and critical process parameters. 37
  • 38. Corrective Actions: Corrective action is a reactive tool for system improvement to ensure that significant problems do not recur. Both quality systems and the CGMP regulations emphasize corrective actions. Quality systems approaches call for procedures to be developed and documented to ensure that the need for action is evaluated relevant to the possible consequences, the root cause of the problem is investigated, possible actions are determined, a selected action is taken within a defined timeframe, and the effectiveness of the action taken is evaluated It is essential to document corrective actions taken. 38
  • 39. Corrective Actions: It is essential to determine what actions will reduce the likelihood of a problem recurring. Examples of sources that can be used to gather such information include the following: Nonconformance reports and rejections Returns Complaints Internal and external audits Data and risk assessment related to operations and quality system processes Management review decisions 39
  • 40. Preventive Actions: 1.Succession planning, training, capturing institutional knowledge, and planning for personnel, policy, and process changes are preventive actions that will help ensure that potential problems and root causes are identified, possible consequences assessed, and appropriate actions considered. 2.The selected preventive action should be evaluated and recorded, and the system should be monitored for the effectiveness of the action. 3.Problems can be anticipated and their occurrence prevented by reviewing data and analyzing risks associated with operational and quality system processes, and by keeping abreast of changes in scientific developments and regulatory requirements. 40
  • 41. Management may choose to use other improvement activities as appropriate. It is critical that senior management be involved in the evaluation of this improvement process. Promote Improvement: 41
  • 42. 42 Conclusion: 1.The central goal of a quality system is the consistent production of safe and effective products and ensuring that these activities are sustainable. 2.A robust quality system will promote process consistency by integrating effective knowledge-building mechanisms into daily operational decisions. 3. Both good manufacturing practice and good business practice require a robust quality system. When fully developed and effectively managed, a quality system will lead to consistent, predictable processes that ensure that pharmaceuticals are safe, effective, and available for the consumer.
  • 43. Science-based approaches Decisions based on an understanding of the intended use of a product Proper identification and control of areas of potential process weakness Responsive deviation and investigation systems that lead to timely remediation Sound methods for assessing and reducing risk Well-defined processes and products, starting from development and extending throughout the product life cycle. Systems for careful analysis of product quality Supportive management (philosophically and financially) Specifically, successful quality systems share the following characteristics: 43
  • 45. Useful reference materials: 1.1978 Preamble to the Good Manufacturing Practice Final Regulations Federal Register Docket No. 73N-0339] http://www.fda.gov/cder/dmpq/preamble.txt 2. CPGM 7356.002 Compliance Program Drug Manufacturing Inspections http://www.fda.gov/cder/dmpq/compliance_guide.htm 3. Quality Planning and Analysis, 3rd Ed. by J.M. Juran, F.M. Gryna (McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y. 1993) 4. ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000-2000: Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary, (American Society for Quality, 2000) 5. Guideline of General Principles of Process Validation, May 1987 http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/pv.htm 45
  • 46. 6.FDA Compliance Policy Guide 7132c.08 Process Validation Requirements for Drug Products and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Subject to Pre-Market Approval, updated 03-12-2004 http://www.fda.gov/ora/compliance_ref/cpg/cpgdrg/cpg490-100.html 7. Guidance for Industry - Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing Current Good Manufacturing Practice September 2004. See also the draft guidance on investigating Out-of- Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production. 8. FDA Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 130.300, FDA Access to Results of Quality Assurance Program Audits and Inspections, (CPG 7151.02) http://www.fda.gov/ora/compliance_ref/cpg/cpggenl/cpg130- 300.html 9. Criteria for Performance Excellence, Business (Baldrige National Quality Program, NIST 2003) http://baldrige.nist.gov/PDF_files/2003_Business_Criteria.pdf 10.ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000: Quality management systems Requirements (American Society for Quality, 2000) 11. ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9004-2000: Quality management systems Guidelines for performance improvement (American Society for Quality, 2000) 46
  • 47. 12.ANSI/ISO 17025-1999: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (American Society for Quality, 1999) 13. CMMI-SE/SW, V1.1: Capability Maturity Model Integration for Systems Engineering and Software Engineering, Staged Representation (Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002) http://www.sei.cmu.edu/pub/documents/02.reports/pdf/02tr002.pdf 14. The Balanced Scorecard Institute: http://balancedscorecard.org 15. Guidance for Developing Quality Systems for Environmental Program (EPA QA/G-1, Nov 2002) http://www.epa.gov/quality/qs-docs/g1-final.pdf 16. Guidance for Industry Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/ Food and Drug Administration, August 2001) . 17.Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical Products: Main Principles (World Health Organization Technical Report Series, No. 908, 2003) http://www.who.int/medicines/library/qsm/trs908/trs908-4.pdf 18. Procedures For The Implementation of The Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA); (FDA Staff Manual Guide 2350.1) 47
  • 48. 20.Framework for Environmental Health Risk Assessment Final Report, Vol.1 (Presidential/Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management, 1997) http://www.riskworld.com/Nreports/1997/risk-rpt/pdf/EPAJAN.PDF 21. Report on FDA Quality System Framework for Pharmaceutical Product Regulation Activities; (Quality System Framework Subcommittee, December 2003) 22. Tutorials for Continuous Quality Improvement (Clemson University, 1995) http://deming.eng.clemson.edu/pub/tutorials/ 23. Variation Risk Management Focusing Quality Improvement in Product Development and Products by Anna C. Thornton (John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004 24.Guidance for Industry for the Submission of Documentation for Sterilization Process Validation in Applications for Human and Veterinary Drug Products http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/cmc2.pdf 25. Chapter 3, Quality Management in the American Pharmaceutical Industry, in Pharmaceutical Quality, Ed. by R. Prince (DHI Publishing, River Grove, IL, 2004) 48
  • 49. 49