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Using Twitter to Build Your PLN
Scot Wright, Principal
Ore City High School
 Rita Clawson  Art, Student Council Advisor
 Sally Cariker  Biology
 Jennifer Rogers  Principals of Information Technology
Why Twitter?
Todays Goals:
1. Examine your individual Professional
Development needs
2. Use the power of Twitter to build your PLN
Personal Learning Network
 What is a Personal Learning Network? (PLN)
 A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is about using social networking
tools to interact with people who have a passion for something similar to
you, and/or who can provide you with necessary information. Through
their PLNs, people share ideas, lessons, websites, etc. PLNs also serve to
motivate you and challenge your thinking.
Personal Learning Network (PLN)
interactions with others
where learning occurs
 Huntsville, Texas
 Melbourne, Australia
 Langley, BC
 Texas A&M Commerce
 Scottsbluff, Nebraska
 Auckland, New Zealand
 Brenham, Texas
 Houston, Texas
The Networked Teacher: Connected!
Why Twitter?
 Access to Professional
Development 24/7
Professional Development
Why Twitter?
C-Scope Conference
$300 $300
Pre -
$150 $150
$150 x 3 days
$25 x 3 days
$ 75
Meals $30/day x 3
Total $1065
(per person)
Twitter Basics
 Tweet = message in Twitter. 140 characters MAX
 Username or Handle = @scot_wright
 Think  simple
 Think  easy to remember
 Think  about your professional connections
-- @principal123elem, @xyztech, @AbcIsdSupt
Twitter Basics
 Twitter Profile  descriptive of your position
 Add a Link to your blog or website
 Add a picture  Default picture is an egg.
Its always nice to see you
are a real person ..
and not an egg.
My Twitter Profile
Twitter Basics
 Following people
 Look at who others are following
 Read their tweets
 You dont have to follow everyone who
follows you.
Twitter Basics
 Re-tweet - re-sending someone elses tweet
 Hashtag (#)  A word or phrase included in
a tweet that makes it appear in a stream of
tweets on that subject (#txed)
Twitter Basics
 Chats  different subjects on different days /
nights. This is a great way to get subject-
specific information or ideas.
*** Google Doc  Weekly Twitter chats listed by Hashtag
***Lists of educational related chats
Twitter Chats
 #txed  Wednesday, 8:30 PM
 #satchat  Saturday, 6:30 AM, 9:30 AM
 #edchat  Tuesday, 6:30 PM
What do teachers
have to say about Twitter?
Rita Clawson -- @RitaClawson
Sally Cariker -- @carikers
Jennifer Rogers -- @rogersjochs
Using twitter to build your pln
Twitter Fast Follow
Fast Follow. Anyone in the US can receive Tweets
on their phone even if they havent signed up for
This is a simple way for people to get information in
put in the twitter username for whoever you
want to get a text from every time they tweet.
This is great for reminders!
Final thoughts:
 What new connections can I make today?
 What can I learn to make learning better for kids?
 Sign up and get started on Twitter!
- http://bit.ly/w64Oyq
 Twitter 101 - http://dashburst.com/guide/what-is-twitter-about/
 Twitter by Texts (Twitter Fast Follow)-
 Video Tutorials on Twitter in Education -
Resources, continued:
 Jerry Blumengarten  AKA Cybraryman - @cybraryman1
 Cybrary Man's Educational Web Sites -
 Twitter from Cybraryman -
 Twitter Chats page -
Resources, continued:
 Twitter Hashtags  An Unofficial Guide
Resources, continued:
 Everything We Need To Know We Learned
on Twitter
 Twitter For Teachers: Erin Kleins Awesome 10-
Minute Video Tells All http://bit.ly/11liycV
 How To Join Twitter  A Step-by-Step Guide
@scot_wright Blog  http://scotwright.wordpress.com/
@RitaClawson Blog  http://awesomeclawson.wordpress.com/
@carikers Blog  http://sallycariker.wordpress.com/
@rogersjochs Blog  http://technologytimesteacher.weebly.com/
Contact Information.
Email  wrights@ocisd.net
Twitter - @scot_wright
School Phone  (903) 968-3300
Ext. 3215
Sign up to Twitter  A Video Tutorial
 Send your first tweet!!
 Follow others
 Start building your PLN!!

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Using twitter to build your pln

  • 1. Using Twitter to Build Your PLN Scot Wright, Principal Ore City High School
  • 2. Rita Clawson Art, Student Council Advisor @RitaClawson Sally Cariker Biology @carikers Jennifer Rogers Principals of Information Technology @rogersjochs
  • 3. Why Twitter? Todays Goals: 1. Examine your individual Professional Development needs 2. Use the power of Twitter to build your PLN
  • 4. Personal Learning Network What is a Personal Learning Network? (PLN) A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is about using social networking tools to interact with people who have a passion for something similar to you, and/or who can provide you with necessary information. Through their PLNs, people share ideas, lessons, websites, etc. PLNs also serve to motivate you and challenge your thinking.
  • 5. Personal Learning Network (PLN) interactions with others where learning occurs
  • 6. Huntsville, Texas Melbourne, Australia Langley, BC Texas A&M Commerce Scottsbluff, Nebraska Auckland, New Zealand Brenham, Texas Houston, Texas
  • 8. Why Twitter? Access to Professional Development 24/7
  • 11. C-Scope Conference Regular Registration $300 $300 Pre - Conference Registration $150 $150 Hotel Parking $150 x 3 days $25 x 3 days $450 $ 75 Meals $30/day x 3 days $90 Total $1065 (per person)
  • 12. Twitter Basics Tweet = message in Twitter. 140 characters MAX Username or Handle = @scot_wright Think simple Think easy to remember Think about your professional connections -- @principal123elem, @xyztech, @AbcIsdSupt
  • 13. Twitter Basics Twitter Profile descriptive of your position Add a Link to your blog or website Add a picture Default picture is an egg. Its always nice to see you are a real person .. and not an egg.
  • 15. Twitter Basics Following people Look at who others are following Read their tweets You dont have to follow everyone who follows you.
  • 16. Twitter Basics Re-tweet - re-sending someone elses tweet Hashtag (#) A word or phrase included in a tweet that makes it appear in a stream of tweets on that subject (#txed)
  • 17. Twitter Basics Chats different subjects on different days / nights. This is a great way to get subject- specific information or ideas. http://bit.ly/XrvCuM *** Google Doc Weekly Twitter chats listed by Hashtag http://cybraryman.com/chats.html ***Lists of educational related chats
  • 18. Twitter Chats #txed Wednesday, 8:30 PM #satchat Saturday, 6:30 AM, 9:30 AM #edchat Tuesday, 6:30 PM
  • 19. What do teachers have to say about Twitter? Rita Clawson -- @RitaClawson Sally Cariker -- @carikers Jennifer Rogers -- @rogersjochs
  • 21. Twitter Fast Follow Fast Follow. Anyone in the US can receive Tweets on their phone even if they havent signed up for Twitter. This is a simple way for people to get information in real-time. http://blog.twitter.com/2010/08/introducing-fast- follow-and-other-sms.html put in the twitter username for whoever you want to get a text from every time they tweet. This is great for reminders!
  • 22. Final thoughts: What new connections can I make today? What can I learn to make learning better for kids? Questions? Sign up and get started on Twitter!
  • 23. Resources: - http://bit.ly/w64Oyq Twitter 101 - http://dashburst.com/guide/what-is-twitter-about/ Twitter by Texts (Twitter Fast Follow)- http://blog.twitter.com/2010/08/introducing-fast-follow-and-other- sms.html Video Tutorials on Twitter in Education - http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/02/10-great-video-tutorials- on-using.html
  • 24. Resources, continued: Jerry Blumengarten AKA Cybraryman - @cybraryman1 Cybrary Man's Educational Web Sites - http://cybraryman.com/ Twitter from Cybraryman - http://cybraryman.com/twitter.html Twitter Chats page - http://cybraryman.com/chats.html
  • 25. Resources, continued: Twitter Hashtags An Unofficial Guide https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CkUrFNr3ZThZXLh4kwk9rk- wQlwfcg8YL9zVx1R_C2s/edit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiftIdjCeWSXdDRLR zNsVktUUGJpRWJhdUlWLS1Genc#gid=0 http://bit.ly/XrvCuM
  • 26. Resources, continued: Everything We Need To Know We Learned on Twitter http://leadingmotivatedlearners.blogspot.com/2013 /04/everything-we-need-to-know-we- learned.html?m=1 Twitter For Teachers: Erin Kleins Awesome 10- Minute Video Tells All http://bit.ly/11liycV How To Join Twitter A Step-by-Step Guide http://instructionaltechtalk.com/how-to-join-twitter/
  • 27. @scot_wright Blog http://scotwright.wordpress.com/ @RitaClawson Blog http://awesomeclawson.wordpress.com/ @carikers Blog http://sallycariker.wordpress.com/ @rogersjochs Blog http://technologytimesteacher.weebly.com/
  • 28. Contact Information. Email wrights@ocisd.net Twitter - @scot_wright School Phone (903) 968-3300 Ext. 3215
  • 29. Sign up to Twitter A Video Tutorial
  • 30. Send your first tweet!! Follow others Start building your PLN!!