El documento presenta datos sobre el tama単o de cosechas de bosques en Arauco entre 1999 y 2010, incluyendo el n炭mero de hect叩reas cosechadas en diferentes rangos de tama単o, el total de hect叩reas y porcentajes cosechados. Los datos muestran la contig端idad temporal de 3 a単os y espacial de 90 metros entre cosechas.
Recipe: p棚che melba (Alisson and Catia) sophiegaiffe
This recipe describes how to make a dessert called P棚che Melba which consists of vanilla ice cream topped with whipped cream, mulberry jam, and cubes of peaches. The instructions state to open cans of peaches, cut them into cubes and place in a bowl. Gooseberries should be boiled in a saucepan with water and sugar. Finally, the dessert is decorated with almonds before serving.
TECHBlue Center - Example Waterfront Studies & ReviewsDale Gilbert
This document summarizes a review of clean waterfront products. It includes sections on company administration and objectives, industry and market analysis, product concepts and specifications, case studies and performance metrics, distribution considerations, and management recommendations. The goal is to evaluate products for sustainable waterfront development and identify priorities for improving water quality.
Campa単a contra el Dengue 1ro 1ra Cep2,Resistencia ChacoEstela
Alumnos del CEP2 de Resistencia Chaco realizaron una "campa単a de prevenci坦n contra el dengue" como acci坦n solidaria y aplicando aprendizajes propios de diversos espacios curriculares.
This document lists and categorizes different types of computing devices including supercomputers, mainframes, personal computers (PCs), Macs, tablets, smartphones, and multimedia/gaming devices. PCs are broken down into desktops, notebooks, netbooks, ultra netbooks, and integrated models. Macs include desktops and MacBook Pro laptops. Tablets are listed running iOS, Android, and Windows 8 operating systems. Smartphones are categorized based on running iOS, Android, or Windows software. The list of multimedia/gaming devices includes items like the iPod, Nintendo DS/3DS, Wii, Sony PSP/PS Vita, PS3, and Xbox 360.
This document lists and categorizes different types of computing devices including supercomputers, mainframes, personal computers (PCs), Macs, tablets, smartphones, and multimedia/gaming devices. PCs are broken down into desktops, notebooks, netbooks, ultra netbooks, and integrated models. Macs include desktops and MacBook Pro laptops. Tablets are listed running iOS, Android, and Windows 8 operating systems. Smartphones are categorized based on running iOS, Android, or Windows software. The list of multimedia/gaming devices includes items like the iPod, Nintendo DS/3DS, Wii, Sony PSP/PS Vita, PS3, and Xbox 360.
Administrador (+): ho poden fer tot a
lordinador local (instal.lar programes, afegir
maquinari, mirar fitxers daltres usuaris si no
s坦n privats-)
Limitats (-): gestionar els seus propis recursos
(canviar la contrasenya del seu usuari o canviar
la foto del seu compte i mirar els seus fitxers).
Invitados: normalment desactivats, amb
menys privilegis que el limitat. Nom辿s te acc辿s
al programari i a lacc辿s a internet.
Amb la instal.laci坦 del sistema operatiu.
Panel de control: Cuentas de Usuario.
Panel de control: Herramientas
administrativas / Administraci坦n de
equipos / Usuarios locales y grupos.