Bay Campus - HEA Fellowship Information Session Jan 2016Louise Rees
This document provides information about applying for fellowship with the Higher Education Academy (HEA) through Swansea University's application route. It discusses the different fellowship categories (Associate, Fellow, Senior Fellow), benefits of fellowship, and application requirements and deadlines. The key requirements for written and presentation applications are summarized for each fellowship category. Support resources and potential challenges of the application process are also outlined.
This document summarizes a study investigating horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of antibiotic resistance genes between gut bacteria under conditions mimicking the human gut. Through conjugation experiments, E. coli gained chloramphenicol resistance after co-culture with B. uniformis or E. fergusonii. A transformation experiment found that A. baylyi gained chloramphenicol resistance after exposure to Bacteroidetes DNA. The results suggest HGT of antibiotic resistance genes can readily occur between gut bacteria, and that chloramphenicol resistance genes may spread most easily. Further experiments are needed to confirm the transferred genes and understand factors influencing HGT frequency in the gut.
This document lists various engineering and infrastructure jobs available this month with Mott MacDonald in several UK cities, including structural engineer, civil engineer, bridge engineer, and geotechnical engineer roles in Birmingham, Altrincham, Cardiff, Bristol, Croydon, London, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Leeds, Sheffield, and Newcastle. Applicants are directed to the company's careers website and relevant job numbers to apply.
This story is about Sangkuriang, the son of a prince who transformed into a dog named Tumang after marrying Dayang Sumbi. One day while hunting, Sangkuriang accidentally kills Tumang with his arrow. When he tells his mother, she grows angry and hits Sangkuriang on the head. He later falls in love with a beautiful girl, not realizing it is his mother Dayang Sumbi. She sets a challenge for him to create a lake and boat overnight to prevent their marriage. Sangkuriang succeeds but Dayang Sumbi tricks him with a false dawn, causing his genies to flee and the boat to turn into a mountain.
This document lists and categorizes different types of computing devices including supercomputers, mainframes, personal computers (PCs), Macs, tablets, smartphones, and multimedia/gaming devices. PCs are broken down into desktops, notebooks, netbooks, ultra netbooks, and integrated models. Macs include desktops and MacBook Pro laptops. Tablets are listed running iOS, Android, and Windows 8 operating systems. Smartphones are categorized based on running iOS, Android, or Windows software. The list of multimedia/gaming devices includes items like the iPod, Nintendo DS/3DS, Wii, Sony PSP/PS Vita, PS3, and Xbox 360.
This document lists and categorizes different types of computing devices including supercomputers, mainframes, personal computers (PCs), Macs, tablets, smartphones, and multimedia/gaming devices. PCs are broken down into desktops, notebooks, netbooks, ultra netbooks, and integrated models. Macs include desktops and MacBook Pro laptops. Tablets are listed running iOS, Android, and Windows 8 operating systems. Smartphones are categorized based on running iOS, Android, or Windows software. The list of multimedia/gaming devices includes items like the iPod, Nintendo DS/3DS, Wii, Sony PSP/PS Vita, PS3, and Xbox 360.
2. +
? Dispositius de captura d¡¯imatges.
? Tipus de c¨¤meres
? Altres dispositius de captura o digitalitzaci¨® d¡¯imatges
? ?ptiques fixes i variables
? Sensors ¨°ptics
? Suports d¡¯emmagatzematge
? Tipus de fitxers de contingut gr¨¤fic.
? Programari de gesti¨® i edici¨® fotogr¨¤fica.
? Espais web / xarxes socials per veure i compartir fotografies
? Saber fer fotografies...
? Documents i espais de referencia de la fotografia digital.
? Tendes de refer¨¨ncia.
? Pixmania
? Fnac
? Media Markt
? Amazon
21. +
Tipus de fitxers d¡¯imatges
? Els tipus d¡¯arxiu d¡¯imatge segons Microsoft
? Els principals formats d¡¯emmagatzematge d¡¯imatges.
? Quin format de fitxer d¡¯imatge ¨¦s el que necessito?
? Formats d¡¯arxiu vectorial i de mapa de bits.
? La imatge digital (presentaci¨®)
? Imatge digital: conceptes basics
25. + Programari de gesti¨® i edici¨®
? iPhoto... L¡¯alternativa
d¡¯Apple per a Mac i iPad
26. +
Espais web / xarxes socials
per veure i compartir fotografies
? Espais per compartir fotografies convertits en xarxes socials.
? Flickr
? ?lbums fotogr¨¤fics de Picasa / Google+
? Xarxes socials basades en la mostra, intercanvi i comentari de
? Instagram
? Pinterest
? Tumblr
? Altres alternatives per emmagatzemar remotament i compartir
? ?lbums de fotos de Dropbox
? ?lbums de fotos iPhoto
27. +
Saber fer fotografies...
? Composici¨® fotogr¨¤fica
? El que cal saber de la composici¨® fotogr¨¤fica: amb quins
elements es pot comptar?
? Les 13 regles de composici¨® fotogr¨¤fica
? Regles b¨¤siques de composici¨® fotogr¨¤fica
? 10 Top Photography Composition Rules
28. +
Espais de consulta per saber-ne m¨¦s...
? Fotografia d¡¯Alta Qualitat per Jose M. Mellado
? Fotonostra... Un espai molt interessant
? Manual de fotografia digital: No soy fot¨®grafo
? Manual de fotografia digital
? Curs de fotografia digital (manual en .pdf)
? Tutorials de fotografia digital en video
? Curs de fotografia digital (desc¨¤rrega des de Softonic)
? Blog de fotografia
? Manuals de fotografia digital
? De C¨¢maras (comparatives i informacions)