Spracovenie účtovníctva poskytuje služby týkajúce sa vedenia podvojného účtovníctva, jednoduchého účtovníctva, účtovného i daňového poradenstva, komunikácie s orgánmi sociálneho i zdravotného zabezpečenia, daňovým úradom už od roku 2006.
Účtovníctvo v PI GROUPPI GROUPZa 6 rokov podnikania na Slovensku som sa viac krát stretol s problémami s účtovnymi firmami. Keď mi došla trpezlivosť rozhodol som sa zamestnať tých najkvalifikovanejších ľudí a účtovať si sám. Vznikol z toho nádherný, funkčný vzťah na najvyššej odbornej úrovni. Časom sme sa rozhodli o túto službu podeliť s našimi klientami.
Estate 2013, bilancio della Polizia Stradale di SenigalliaSudani Scarpini
Vino bikini CA3_5Jessy ValladaresEl documento promueve la degustación de vino en biquini como una forma distinta y divertida de disfrutar del vino favorito de uno.
Occupational health●๋•αηкιтα madan- Occupational exposures pose risks to anesthesiologists, including blood-borne pathogens like HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C from needlesticks or exposure to bodily fluids. Latex allergy from gloves is also a risk.
- Universal precautions like gloves, gowns, and protective eyewear should always be used to minimize risk of infection. Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended. Any exposure requires promptly washing and reporting.
- Other risks include musculoskeletal issues from repetitive tasks, radiation exposure during imaging, and inhalation of smoke from diathermy or lasers if not properly scavenged. Precautions like distance, shielding, and scavenging can reduce risks. Fatigue and sleep deprivation
Our staffAimee JenkinsThis document outlines the staffing and training policies at Novotel. It emphasizes that staff are vital to guests' experiences and that personal qualities are prioritized over job skills when hiring. New employees receive on-the-job training across departments and can earn qualifications with manager approval. Staff are encouraged to work as a team through outings and a family-like environment is cultivated to welcome guests. Employee input is valued through a suggestion box and staff are seen as assets. There is opportunity for career progression through promoting from within to build rapport with regular guests and holistic knowledge of Novotel's operations.
AttitudeAimee JenkinsStaff, suppliers of food and cleaning products, and those involved in marketing and advertising through websites, billboards and airports are considered internal customers of the hotel. External customers of the hotel include business guests and families staying at the hotel. The document distinguishes between internal customers of a hotel which are staff and suppliers, and external customers which are guests, whether for business or family purposes, staying at the hotel.
Pdhpe rationalaimeebyrnePDHPE aims to facilitate students' well-being and healthy lifestyles through a holistic approach. It focuses on physical, social, cognitive, and emotional growth, developing interpersonal skills, and promoting an active lifestyle. The class teaches communication, interaction, decision-making, movement, and problem-solving skills to influence personal health choices and adoption of healthier behaviors.
Introduction to ACTPHASTtcouwberThis presentation gives you an overview of the EU FP7 ACTPHAST project, coordinated by the Brussels Photonics Team of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Abstrac de la soya bioquimica chicoFrancisco Sierratrabajo de la clase de bioquímica con un grupo de compañeros de ultimo año de la carrera de ing agro-industrial bajo la tutela del doctor jorge aguilera
JAVA 2013 IEEE DATAMINING PROJECT Robust module based data managementIEEEGLOBALSOFTTECHNOLOGIESTo Get any Project for CSE, IT ECE, EEE Contact Me @ 09849539085, 09966235788 or mail us - ieeefinalsemprojects@gmail.com-Visit Our Website: www.finalyearprojects.org
Taylor swiftjesschilversThe document provides a summary and analysis of scenes from Taylor Swift's music video for "Love Story". It describes how the video sets up the story of Taylor's character imagining a romance with a boy from school. Several key scenes are outlined that show Taylor and the boy together at a ball and dancing, establishing their relationship and linking it to the lyrics. The summary describes how the video alludes to Romeo and Juliet with their secret romance but provides a happier ending, going against the typical Shakespearean tragedy.
El hombre del caf Reflexiones PowerPointEl documento presenta un breve experimento visual para probar la velocidad de procesamiento del cerebro. Luego resume los posibles resultados basados en el tiempo que toma encontrar al hombre en la foto: menos de 3 segundos indica un cerebro excepcionalmente desarrollado, entre 3 y 7 segundos uno superior al normal, entre 7 segundos y 1 minuto uno normal, y tiempos mayores una lentitud cerebral donde se recomienda ejercicio mental o aumentar la proteína en la dieta.
Steve Shon, NHS Lothian, Design Policy in Practice, a client perspectiveArchitects for HealthThis document summarizes Steve Shon's perspective on using a design policy and design statement for the redevelopment of Mental Health Services at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. It discusses developing a design statement through stakeholder workshops to identify objectives for patients, staff, and visitors. Examples of objectives for patients included an initial impression that is welcoming and therapeutic, intuitive wayfinding, and private garden areas. The design statement is then used as a tool for briefing, communication, and project promotion, and to guide the redevelopment phases at Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
JAVA 2013 IEEE DATAMINING PROJECT Secure mining of association rules in horiz...IEEEGLOBALSOFTTECHNOLOGIESTo Get any Project for CSE, IT ECE, EEE Contact Me @ 09849539085, 09966235788 or mail us - ieeefinalsemprojects@gmail.com-Visit Our Website: www.finalyearprojects.org
Anesthetic risk, quality improvement and liability●๋•αηкιтα madanThis document discusses anesthesia risk and mortality. It provides estimates from various studies that anesthesia-related mortality rates range from less than 1 per 10,000 anesthetics to 1 per 1,560 anesthetics historically. Common complications discussed include nerve injuries, awareness during general anesthesia, eye/dental injuries, and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients. Risk management strategies to minimize liability like adherence to standards of care, vigilance, documentation, and informed consent are also outlined.
How Education in Pakistan can be improved?Mohammad Salmaneducation is the preliminary part of any nation. biggest problem of Pakistani nation is unawareness about how education can significantly improve their growth.....this is main theme behind this lecture...although its adapted yet very good for you all ....because improvement always exist in the society.
Our staffAimee JenkinsThis document outlines the staffing and training policies at Novotel. It emphasizes that staff are vital to guests' experiences and that personal qualities are prioritized over job skills when hiring. New employees receive on-the-job training across departments and can earn qualifications with manager approval. Staff are encouraged to work as a team through outings and a family-like environment is cultivated to welcome guests. Employee input is valued through a suggestion box and staff are seen as assets. There is opportunity for career progression through promoting from within to build rapport with regular guests and holistic knowledge of Novotel's operations.
AttitudeAimee JenkinsStaff, suppliers of food and cleaning products, and those involved in marketing and advertising through websites, billboards and airports are considered internal customers of the hotel. External customers of the hotel include business guests and families staying at the hotel. The document distinguishes between internal customers of a hotel which are staff and suppliers, and external customers which are guests, whether for business or family purposes, staying at the hotel.
Pdhpe rationalaimeebyrnePDHPE aims to facilitate students' well-being and healthy lifestyles through a holistic approach. It focuses on physical, social, cognitive, and emotional growth, developing interpersonal skills, and promoting an active lifestyle. The class teaches communication, interaction, decision-making, movement, and problem-solving skills to influence personal health choices and adoption of healthier behaviors.
Introduction to ACTPHASTtcouwberThis presentation gives you an overview of the EU FP7 ACTPHAST project, coordinated by the Brussels Photonics Team of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Abstrac de la soya bioquimica chicoFrancisco Sierratrabajo de la clase de bioquímica con un grupo de compañeros de ultimo año de la carrera de ing agro-industrial bajo la tutela del doctor jorge aguilera
JAVA 2013 IEEE DATAMINING PROJECT Robust module based data managementIEEEGLOBALSOFTTECHNOLOGIESTo Get any Project for CSE, IT ECE, EEE Contact Me @ 09849539085, 09966235788 or mail us - ieeefinalsemprojects@gmail.com-Visit Our Website: www.finalyearprojects.org
Taylor swiftjesschilversThe document provides a summary and analysis of scenes from Taylor Swift's music video for "Love Story". It describes how the video sets up the story of Taylor's character imagining a romance with a boy from school. Several key scenes are outlined that show Taylor and the boy together at a ball and dancing, establishing their relationship and linking it to the lyrics. The summary describes how the video alludes to Romeo and Juliet with their secret romance but provides a happier ending, going against the typical Shakespearean tragedy.
El hombre del caf Reflexiones PowerPointEl documento presenta un breve experimento visual para probar la velocidad de procesamiento del cerebro. Luego resume los posibles resultados basados en el tiempo que toma encontrar al hombre en la foto: menos de 3 segundos indica un cerebro excepcionalmente desarrollado, entre 3 y 7 segundos uno superior al normal, entre 7 segundos y 1 minuto uno normal, y tiempos mayores una lentitud cerebral donde se recomienda ejercicio mental o aumentar la proteína en la dieta.
Steve Shon, NHS Lothian, Design Policy in Practice, a client perspectiveArchitects for HealthThis document summarizes Steve Shon's perspective on using a design policy and design statement for the redevelopment of Mental Health Services at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. It discusses developing a design statement through stakeholder workshops to identify objectives for patients, staff, and visitors. Examples of objectives for patients included an initial impression that is welcoming and therapeutic, intuitive wayfinding, and private garden areas. The design statement is then used as a tool for briefing, communication, and project promotion, and to guide the redevelopment phases at Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
JAVA 2013 IEEE DATAMINING PROJECT Secure mining of association rules in horiz...IEEEGLOBALSOFTTECHNOLOGIESTo Get any Project for CSE, IT ECE, EEE Contact Me @ 09849539085, 09966235788 or mail us - ieeefinalsemprojects@gmail.com-Visit Our Website: www.finalyearprojects.org
Anesthetic risk, quality improvement and liability●๋•αηкιтα madanThis document discusses anesthesia risk and mortality. It provides estimates from various studies that anesthesia-related mortality rates range from less than 1 per 10,000 anesthetics to 1 per 1,560 anesthetics historically. Common complications discussed include nerve injuries, awareness during general anesthesia, eye/dental injuries, and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients. Risk management strategies to minimize liability like adherence to standards of care, vigilance, documentation, and informed consent are also outlined.
How Education in Pakistan can be improved?Mohammad Salmaneducation is the preliminary part of any nation. biggest problem of Pakistani nation is unawareness about how education can significantly improve their growth.....this is main theme behind this lecture...although its adapted yet very good for you all ....because improvement always exist in the society.
2. Vedenie jednoduchého účtovníctva
• Ste malý živnostník, ktorý potrebuje viesť
• Uplatňujete reálne výdavky?
• Potrebujete poradiť s výberom najvhodnejšej
formy podnikania?
Pomôžeme Vám v podnikaní alebo pri zvolení
najvhodnejšej varianty.
3. Vedenie jednoduchého účtovníctva
Naša ponuka zahŕňa:
• kompletné vedenie agendy v sústave
Jednoduchého účtovníctva
• pravidelné mesačné reporty obsahujúce
prehľady o príjmoch a výdavkoch, majetku,
záväzkoch, výsledku hospodárenia ako
i predbežnej daňovej povinnosti
4. Vedenie jednoduchého účtovníctva
• pravidelne, na mesačnej báze aktualizované
informácie týkajúce sa výsledkov Vašej
podnikateľskej činnosti ako aj rady, tipy ako
zlepšiť postavenie Vašej podnikateľskej
• posúdenie podnikateľských aktivít účtovnej
jednotky z hľadiska účtovného i daňového,
pomoc pri rozvoji podnikania formou
5. Vedenie podvojného účtovníctva
Pre koho je služba určená?
• účtovné jednotky, ktorým vyplýva povinnosť
viesť účtovníctvo v sústave Podvojného
• za bezkonkurenčné ceny Vám ponúkame
riešenie problému vedenia Vášho účtovníctva.
6. Vedenie podvojného účtovníctva
V rámci našich služieb ponúkame:
• spracovanie kompletnej účtovnej agendy v
sústave Podvojného účtovníctva
• pravidelné, na mesačnej báze, zasielané
Výsledky hospodárenia ako aj predbežnú
kalkuláciu dane z príjmu
• pravidelné, na mesačnej báze postavené, stavy
saldokonta odberateľských aj dodávateľských
faktúr, ako aj ďalších pohľadávok a záväzkov
7. Ostatné služby
• Daňové priznania
• Mzdy
• Vypracovanie DPH
• Vedenie knihy jázd
• Vedenie registračnej pokladne
• Účtovné a daňové poradenstvo
8. Našou cestou je spolupráca založená na
pravidelnom kontakte s klientom, dlhodobá
kooperácia založená na vzájomnej dôvere.
9. JK TAX, s. r. o.
Znievska 13
851 06 Bratislava
Mobil: +421 907 707062
Email: kontakt@spracovanieuctovnictva.com