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VEERESHA P Shivayogi Building, Near BES School
Hebbagodi, Bangalore- 560 099.
Mobile: 8095800604
E-mail:- p.veeresh528@gmail.com
A career in computer disciplines and other fields, that provides opportunities for personal and professional development
as well as to contribute to the organization¨s effectiveness in order to take the company to the top position where ever I
Summary of Accomplishments:
? Handling Invoices Delivery, Dispatch, Day wise Stock, Cycle counting.
? Handling all activities in Store - FPS (Finished Product Stores).
? Handling Transactions in ERP & Systems Tools IBM AS / 400.
Total Years of Experience: 3.6+ years
1. Store Executive - from July 2013 to Till date
Industry: - Svenska Kullager Fabriken India limited, Bangalore - 560 099. www.skf.com
(One of the best Ball Bearing Producer in world wide market, ISO 9001-2000.14001 Companies)
SKF India ltd Bangalore, Debited by Tann Utility Services Pvt Ltd
Job Responsibility involved as Store Executive:
? Responsible for vendor based monthly wise Inventory system in warehouse.
? Delivery Received box wise ,variant name, pack code, box Quantity
? Receipt of Bearings from the channels to F P S, checking Delivery material before inwarding in S C S
S (DWM) via O M P S & incoming Materials storage in respective location, and preservation of items
and maintain FIFO, ABC analysis,
? Everyday morning tallying PHYSICAL VS SYSTEM STOCKS, (Updating of Physical stock file by
entering deliveries & dispatches & line return¨s incoming & outgoing in excel sheet).
? Maintaining all FPS records & Premium fright, sending Delivery & Dispatch report statements on
Daily basis & Road Permits stock statements on weekly basis.
? Handling Export & Domestic Dispatches as per the details received from marketing Department,
updating DC Orders as customer requirement & planning Packing for the dispatch.
? Preparing invoices for dispatching the material taking summary for the day transporter wise &
giving location to pick the material for dispatches.
? Hand over the consolidated pick list to the pickers to pick the material from the cell locations as
mentioned in the consolidated pick list.
? Scan Checking material before dispatching bearings to customers & Dc¨s. (Distribution center).
? Identifying the Nonmoving, Obsolete, Shelf life expired items, getting approval for write off and
removal form stores inventory.
? Picker boys in order to ensure smooth functioning of the warehouse activates
? Follow up with the transporter in regarding with the dispatch information
? Following FIFO wise rule for dispatched
? Maintained the stock accuracy 99% at all the time
? Responsible for maintain master data and strategies in warehouse management
? Coordinating with other department like production ,sales ,quality and supply chain etc,
? Preparing invoice Dc and customers total over all in India dispatched material
? Checking the physical stock of FPS on every month end
? Preparing monthly stock statement
? Direct from supplier check PO qty ,rate,address ,number of box and attached documents ,check of
damages and short qty ,inspection report, material display tag
? Record maintain:-GRN File ,RGP and NRGP ,Rejection,
? PRs and follow up with purchase for production shortage items.
? Prepared on line road permits
1) Sales Tax e-SUGAM FORM-505, GOVERNMENT OF Karnataka
2) Road Permits. E-way Bill FORM 50 A GOVERNMENT OF West Bangle ,
4) Gujarat 403 commercial tax GOVERNMENT OF Gujarat
5) Uttar Pradesh e-sancharan form-38 from commercial tax GOVERNMENT OF Uttar
6) e-Form16 GOVERNMENT OF Uttarakhand
? Preparations of necessary statutory documents of Gate pass,
? Checking the physical stock of FPS on every month of end and reconciling with RG1 stocks &
Preparing Monthly Stock Statements.
? Handling all Export and Domestic Dispatch Documentations/ Records in an orderly manner.
Job Responsibility also returns warehouse & Packing Materials:
? Receipt of returned & rejection materials from customer & Distribution centers.
? Checking Incoming Materials before Preparing necessary RR¨s for return consignments.
? In warding of returned consignments in S C S S & Issuing to quality for 100% inspection.
? Daily follow up of non receipt of nil stock and stock out items of packing material
? Receipt of Packing Materials from Suppliers. Packing items issues based on FIFO,
? Making of annual orders for packing materials, sending of monthly schedules for supplies.
? Verify all stock receipts with documents and ensure timely preparation of GRNs.
? We are taking care of goods receipt incoming materails
? Space management, like materials better accessibility and traceability as per user requirement, proper
arranging the Material, and proper identification tags.
? Responsible for manpower planning.
? Implementation of team based work system
? Warehouse have maintained with `5S¨ system and kaizen .
? Preparing RR¨s for Packing Mat¨s, Daily issues of packing Mat¨s are updated in M A P I C S.
ERP and System Tools:
Handling Transactions in IBM AS / 400 systems
End user knowledge of MAPICS- Applications (MAPICS is a commercial ERP Software package used to
control the operations of manufacturing companies. Its name is an acronym for Manufacturing, Accounting
and Production Information Control Systems). Windows,
? S C S S : - Sales Company Service System.
? D O H : - Dispatch Order Handling.
? C O H : - Customer Order Handling.
? D W M : - Dispatch Warehouse Management.
? Manpower control and Casual Labor management.
? 5S, Kaizen and Safety management of Cargo handling.
Self Motivated, Energetic, Independent worker.
I have a thorough understanding of the computerized stores management system and prepare reports on inventory,
receipt, consumption of materials. And sound commercial knowledge in statutory compliances like Excise, Sales Tax,
Customs and EOU.
Personal Profile:
Father¨s Name : Thippeswamy P
Date of Birth : June 01, 1990
Sex : Male
Marital status : Single
Permanent Address : Thippeswamy .P
Konchigri [P], Siruguppa [Tq], Bellary [Dist] Karnataka.
Languages known : Kannada, English & Hindi
Education General:
? SSLC - Passed in the year 2006 in Shree Siddalingeswara RES High Scholl, Siddaganga Mutt
Technical Qualification:
? JOC - Passed in the year 2008 in VKJ pre University College, Siruguppa
? BCA - Passed in the year 2011 in Gulbarga University Sri Krishna College, Siruguppa
Computer Skills:
? MS-DOS, Windows-95, 98 & 2000, XP, DCA,
? MS Office XP & 2007, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Louts Notes.6.5
? Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox. SAP (System Application Program)
? Installation all operating system and other program & networking.
? Programming Language Turbo `c¨ Language, VB, Dbase 3 Pulse, web Designing etc. ´..
I here by declare that the above given particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place : Bangalore
Date : (Veeresha . P )
I have a thorough understanding of the computerized stores management system and prepare reports on inventory,
receipt, consumption of materials. And sound commercial knowledge in statutory compliances like Excise, Sales Tax,
Customs and EOU.
Personal Profile:
Father¨s Name : Thippeswamy P
Date of Birth : June 01, 1990
Sex : Male
Marital status : Single
Permanent Address : Thippeswamy .P
Konchigri [P], Siruguppa [Tq], Bellary [Dist] Karnataka.
Languages known : Kannada, English & Hindi
Education General:
? SSLC - Passed in the year 2006 in Shree Siddalingeswara RES High Scholl, Siddaganga Mutt
Technical Qualification:
? JOC - Passed in the year 2008 in VKJ pre University College, Siruguppa
? BCA - Passed in the year 2011 in Gulbarga University Sri Krishna College, Siruguppa
Computer Skills:
? MS-DOS, Windows-95, 98 & 2000, XP, DCA,
? MS Office XP & 2007, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Louts Notes.6.5
? Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox. SAP (System Application Program)
? Installation all operating system and other program & networking.
? Programming Language Turbo `c¨ Language, VB, Dbase 3 Pulse, web Designing etc. ´..
I here by declare that the above given particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place : Bangalore
Date : (Veeresha . P )

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veeresha resume 1

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE VEERESHA P Shivayogi Building, Near BES School Hebbagodi, Bangalore- 560 099. Mobile: 8095800604 E-mail:- p.veeresh528@gmail.com CAREER OBJECTIVE: A career in computer disciplines and other fields, that provides opportunities for personal and professional development as well as to contribute to the organization¨s effectiveness in order to take the company to the top position where ever I work. Summary of Accomplishments: ? Handling Invoices Delivery, Dispatch, Day wise Stock, Cycle counting. ? Handling all activities in Store - FPS (Finished Product Stores). ? Handling Transactions in ERP & Systems Tools IBM AS / 400. Total Years of Experience: 3.6+ years 1. Store Executive - from July 2013 to Till date Industry: - Svenska Kullager Fabriken India limited, Bangalore - 560 099. www.skf.com (One of the best Ball Bearing Producer in world wide market, ISO 9001-2000.14001 Companies) SKF India ltd Bangalore, Debited by Tann Utility Services Pvt Ltd Job Responsibility involved as Store Executive: ? Responsible for vendor based monthly wise Inventory system in warehouse. ? Delivery Received box wise ,variant name, pack code, box Quantity ? Receipt of Bearings from the channels to F P S, checking Delivery material before inwarding in S C S S (DWM) via O M P S & incoming Materials storage in respective location, and preservation of items and maintain FIFO, ABC analysis, ? Everyday morning tallying PHYSICAL VS SYSTEM STOCKS, (Updating of Physical stock file by entering deliveries & dispatches & line return¨s incoming & outgoing in excel sheet). ? Maintaining all FPS records & Premium fright, sending Delivery & Dispatch report statements on Daily basis & Road Permits stock statements on weekly basis.
  • 2. ? Handling Export & Domestic Dispatches as per the details received from marketing Department, updating DC Orders as customer requirement & planning Packing for the dispatch. ? Preparing invoices for dispatching the material taking summary for the day transporter wise & giving location to pick the material for dispatches. ? Hand over the consolidated pick list to the pickers to pick the material from the cell locations as mentioned in the consolidated pick list. ? Scan Checking material before dispatching bearings to customers & Dc¨s. (Distribution center). ? Identifying the Nonmoving, Obsolete, Shelf life expired items, getting approval for write off and removal form stores inventory. ? Picker boys in order to ensure smooth functioning of the warehouse activates ? Follow up with the transporter in regarding with the dispatch information ? Following FIFO wise rule for dispatched ? Maintained the stock accuracy 99% at all the time ? Responsible for maintain master data and strategies in warehouse management ? Coordinating with other department like production ,sales ,quality and supply chain etc, ? Preparing invoice Dc and customers total over all in India dispatched material ? Checking the physical stock of FPS on every month end ? Preparing monthly stock statement ? Direct from supplier check PO qty ,rate,address ,number of box and attached documents ,check of damages and short qty ,inspection report, material display tag
  • 3. ? Record maintain:-GRN File ,RGP and NRGP ,Rejection, ? PRs and follow up with purchase for production shortage items. ? Prepared on line road permits 1) Sales Tax e-SUGAM FORM-505, GOVERNMENT OF Karnataka 2) Road Permits. E-way Bill FORM 50 A GOVERNMENT OF West Bangle , 3) SUGAM G commercial tax, GOVERNMENT OF JHARKHAND 4) Gujarat 403 commercial tax GOVERNMENT OF Gujarat 5) Uttar Pradesh e-sancharan form-38 from commercial tax GOVERNMENT OF Uttar Pradesh 6) e-Form16 GOVERNMENT OF Uttarakhand ? Preparations of necessary statutory documents of Gate pass, ? Checking the physical stock of FPS on every month of end and reconciling with RG1 stocks & Preparing Monthly Stock Statements. ? Handling all Export and Domestic Dispatch Documentations/ Records in an orderly manner. Job Responsibility also returns warehouse & Packing Materials: ? Receipt of returned & rejection materials from customer & Distribution centers. ? Checking Incoming Materials before Preparing necessary RR¨s for return consignments. ? In warding of returned consignments in S C S S & Issuing to quality for 100% inspection. ? Daily follow up of non receipt of nil stock and stock out items of packing material ? Receipt of Packing Materials from Suppliers. Packing items issues based on FIFO, ? Making of annual orders for packing materials, sending of monthly schedules for supplies. ? Verify all stock receipts with documents and ensure timely preparation of GRNs. ? We are taking care of goods receipt incoming materails ? Space management, like materials better accessibility and traceability as per user requirement, proper arranging the Material, and proper identification tags. ? Responsible for manpower planning.
  • 4. ? Implementation of team based work system ? Warehouse have maintained with `5S¨ system and kaizen . ? Preparing RR¨s for Packing Mat¨s, Daily issues of packing Mat¨s are updated in M A P I C S. ERP and System Tools: Handling Transactions in IBM AS / 400 systems End user knowledge of MAPICS- Applications (MAPICS is a commercial ERP Software package used to control the operations of manufacturing companies. Its name is an acronym for Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control Systems). Windows, ? S C S S : - Sales Company Service System. ? D O H : - Dispatch Order Handling. ? C O H : - Customer Order Handling. ? D W M : - Dispatch Warehouse Management. ? Others: ? Manpower control and Casual Labor management. ? 5S, Kaizen and Safety management of Cargo handling. Strength: Self Motivated, Energetic, Independent worker.
  • 5. I have a thorough understanding of the computerized stores management system and prepare reports on inventory, receipt, consumption of materials. And sound commercial knowledge in statutory compliances like Excise, Sales Tax, Customs and EOU. Personal Profile: Father¨s Name : Thippeswamy P Date of Birth : June 01, 1990 Sex : Male Marital status : Single Permanent Address : Thippeswamy .P Konchigri [P], Siruguppa [Tq], Bellary [Dist] Karnataka. Languages known : Kannada, English & Hindi Education General: ? SSLC - Passed in the year 2006 in Shree Siddalingeswara RES High Scholl, Siddaganga Mutt Technical Qualification: ? JOC - Passed in the year 2008 in VKJ pre University College, Siruguppa ? BCA - Passed in the year 2011 in Gulbarga University Sri Krishna College, Siruguppa Computer Skills: ? MS-DOS, Windows-95, 98 & 2000, XP, DCA, ? MS Office XP & 2007, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Louts Notes.6.5 ? Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox. SAP (System Application Program) ? Installation all operating system and other program & networking. ? Programming Language Turbo `c¨ Language, VB, Dbase 3 Pulse, web Designing etc. ´.. I here by declare that the above given particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place : Bangalore Date : (Veeresha . P )
  • 6. I have a thorough understanding of the computerized stores management system and prepare reports on inventory, receipt, consumption of materials. And sound commercial knowledge in statutory compliances like Excise, Sales Tax, Customs and EOU. Personal Profile: Father¨s Name : Thippeswamy P Date of Birth : June 01, 1990 Sex : Male Marital status : Single Permanent Address : Thippeswamy .P Konchigri [P], Siruguppa [Tq], Bellary [Dist] Karnataka. Languages known : Kannada, English & Hindi Education General: ? SSLC - Passed in the year 2006 in Shree Siddalingeswara RES High Scholl, Siddaganga Mutt Technical Qualification: ? JOC - Passed in the year 2008 in VKJ pre University College, Siruguppa ? BCA - Passed in the year 2011 in Gulbarga University Sri Krishna College, Siruguppa Computer Skills: ? MS-DOS, Windows-95, 98 & 2000, XP, DCA, ? MS Office XP & 2007, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Louts Notes.6.5 ? Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox. SAP (System Application Program) ? Installation all operating system and other program & networking. ? Programming Language Turbo `c¨ Language, VB, Dbase 3 Pulse, web Designing etc. ´.. I here by declare that the above given particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place : Bangalore Date : (Veeresha . P )