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Date and Time:
Friday July 17, 2009, beginning at 5:00pm and ending at 10:00pm

A FREE event, featuring a variety of family-friendly entertainers and performances presented at
various locations (both indoor and outdoor) throughout Downtown Schenectady. The festival will
focus on family entertainment, and will include local bands, street performers, comedians, a
hypnotist, a professional large-scale sand sculpture, and food and craft vendors. Schenectady
County SummerNight is a total family event that is designed to enhance the quality of life for
families in Schenectady County and visitors to our community. In 2008, SummerNight drew more
than ten thousand visitors and residents to downtown Schenectady! We expect even more than
that in 2009.

Downtown Schenectady, with the ¡°hub¡± being the intersection of State and Jay Streets (The
Circle), with the other entertainment venues ¡°spoking¡± out from the ¡°hub¡±. The celebration will be
concentrated on State Street between Broadway and Lafayette Street, and on Jay Street between
State and Franklin (the Jay Street Pedestrian Mall).


Wendy Voelker
Schenectady County Special Events Coordinator
County Office Building, 620 State Street
Schenectady NY 12305
Phone: 388-4355 / Fax: 388-4590
Email: wendy.voelker@schenectadycounty.com
2009 Schenectady County SummerNight Vendor Application
Friday, July 17th           5:00-10:00pm in Downtown Schenectady

 Contact Information
 Please Check One:
    Food Vendor*             Craft Vendor*               Exhibitor (Commercial)           Non-Profit (please attach proof of status)

 Organization/Business Name
 Contact Name
 Mailing Address
 Home Phone                                                                  Work Phone
 Cell/Other Phone                                                            Fax Number
 E-Mail Address
 NYS Sales Tax ID*
*a copy of your valid NYS sales tax certificate must accompany this application

    FOOD VENDOR /                        Standard 10'x10' ($125)
                                                                                  Please provide a photograph or sketch of your setup,
      EXHIBITOR                          Double10'x20' ($150)
                                                                                          including location of vending window.
      SPACE SIZE                         Triple 10'x30' ($200)
 Does your booth need to be located on pavement (instead of on the sidewalk)?                       YES            NO
 Are you able to participate in the event of rain?                                                  YES            NO
 # of Parking Spaces Needed for Personal Vehicles ___________ (maximum of 2 spaces allowed per vendor)

                 Please list all items that will be sold and their prices (or attach list/menu):
 Committee reserves the right to disallow sales of any items. You will be contacted immediately if there is an issue with the items you
                               will be selling (applications accepted on a first-come, first-served basis).

            Item                                                                                                             Price

             Please enclose appropriate Booth Fee (make checks payable to ¡°Schenectady County¡±):
     $30.00 Non-Profit Organization (10X10 space)                                 $40.00 Craft Vendor (10X10 space)
     $125.00 Food Vendor/Exhibitor Standard Space (10x10)                         $150.00 Food Vendor/Exhibitor Double Space (10x20)
                                            $200.00 Food Vendor/Exhibitor Triple Space (10x30)

         For Schenectady County Special Events Use Only
         Date Application Received: _____ / _____                    Insurance Form Encl ______        Tax ID Encl _____
         Booth Assignment              ____________          # of Parking Passes _______ Authorized Initials _______
2009 Schenectady County SummerNight Vendor Application
Terms for Application
?   The non-refundable booth fee is due by 5/31/09 (please see application for appropriate booth fee).
?   Make Checks Payable to: Schenectady County.
?   We require each commercial food vendor to show proof of at least $1,000,000 in liability insurance for bodily injury
    and death and property damage per occurrence. The County of Schenectady and the City of Schenectady
    must be listed as additional insured. Please include a copy of your certificate of insurance verifying liability
    coverage with your application. Applications will not be accepted without proof of insurance.
?   Food and craft vendors must provide a copy of their valid NYS Sales Tax Certificate of Authority.
?   Mail payment, application, copy of tax certificate, & insurance certificate to:
    Schenectady County Special Events, County Office Building, 620 State Street ¡ñ Schenectady, NY 12305
?   The Committee will assign vendor location. The Committee reserves the right to adjust booth placement prior to the
?   In an effort to be fair to downtown restaurants, food vendors will only be authorized on a limited basis to sell
    products that are already available at downtown establishments. For example, a food vendor will not be allowed to
    sell pizza, since there are already 2 pizza shops in the festival area. Each application will be evaluated, and vendors
    will be contacted if adjustments need to be made. If in doubt, please call prior to submitting your application.
?   In order to maximize business for each participating vendor, only one vendor will be permitted to sell a particular
    item (for example, only 1 hot dog vendor will be permitted). Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-
    served basis. You will be contacted immediately if you need to make changes to your menu.
?   Schenectady County SummerNight Committee may, for publicity purposes, use any photographs/slides and
    information received or obtained.
?   Vendors are responsible for their own tents, tables, chairs, and generators, and for cleaning up their booth.
    Schenectady County cannot provide any of the above. Trash removal will be handled by the event organizers;
    however, participants are expected to maintain the cleanliness of their booths at all times. Vendors are strongly
    encouraged to recycle items whenever possible.
?   The event committee will be securing a blanket vendor permit from the City of Schenectady, but Vendors are solely
    responsible for securing any other permits necessary to operate within the City and County of Schenectady,
    including Department of Health permits.
?   Food vendors: You must apply for and secure a temporary food service permit from the Schenectady County
    Environmental Health Department (518-386-2818) before vending any food items within Schenectady County. A
    temporary food permit is valid for one event lasting 14 days or less and requires a $75.00 fee. Please note that the
    Health Department will be present at the event to perform inspections.
?   Each vendor will park personal vehicles in designated areas after setting up their booth. Parking passes will be
    issued (maximum of 2 personal vehicles per vendor)
?   Booths must be attended at all times. Vendors will not be permitted to move from their assigned location during the
    festival, nor will they be permitted to break down their booth until the end of the festival (10:00pm). Vendors must
    completely break down their booth at the end of the festival.
?   Please let us know if you decide to cancel even if you must cancel the day before or day of event. No-shows will not
    be invited back.
?   Vendor is solely liable for equipment (installation, operation, and teardown), and any other personal property at the
    festival. Vendor represents that he or she has insurance coverage for said items to cover loss due to vandalism,
    theft, or any other casualty. Loss due to fire, theft, damage, or injury is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. It is
    specifically agreed that the County of Schenectady and the City of Schenectady shall be held harmless for any claim
    of theft, vandalism, casualty, or loss.
?   Vendors are responsible for operating within any local, state, or federal guidelines or laws. The Vendor shall
    defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Schenectady, the City of Schenectady, and their
    employees and agents, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including, without limitation,
    reasonable attorney¡¯s fees) arising out of, or in consequence of, any negligent or intentional act or omission of the
    Vendor and/or the Vendor¡¯s employees or agents, to the extent of the responsibility of the Vendor and/or the
    Vendor¡¯s employees or agents for such claims, damages, losses, and expenses.

Agreement and Signature
By submitting this application, I accept all terms set forth in the enclosed Terms For Application.
Name (printed)
            Mail completed form along with payment and insurance certificate by May 31, 2009 to:
        Schenectady County Special Events ¡ñ County Office Building, 620 State Street ¡ñ Schenectady NY 12305
                                Please make checks payable to Schenectady County
                            Please keep a copy of this completed application for your records.
Please make sure you have included the following in your mailing - your
        application will NOT be accepted without the following:

  Original complete signed and dated application
  Full Payment for space indicated (payable to ¡°Schenectady County¡±)
  Photo or diagram of your space layout (food vendors only)
  Proof of not-for-profit status (if applicable)
  A list of all products that will be sold and the prices charged for each
  A Copy of your valid 2009 NYS Sales Tax Certificate of Authority (food & craft
  vendors only)

For Food Vendors Only:
  Certificate of General Liability Insurance, minimum $1,000,000 per occurrence,
  listing both Schenectady County and the City of Schenectady as additional insured.
  Please have your insurer list Certificate Holders as follows:
  County of Schenectady                            City of Schenectady
  620 State Street                                 City Hall 105 Jay Street
  Schenectady, NY 12305                            Schenectady NY 12305

  Please be sure to keep a copy of your completed application for your records.

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Vendor Application2009

  • 1. Date and Time: Friday July 17, 2009, beginning at 5:00pm and ending at 10:00pm Description: A FREE event, featuring a variety of family-friendly entertainers and performances presented at various locations (both indoor and outdoor) throughout Downtown Schenectady. The festival will focus on family entertainment, and will include local bands, street performers, comedians, a hypnotist, a professional large-scale sand sculpture, and food and craft vendors. Schenectady County SummerNight is a total family event that is designed to enhance the quality of life for families in Schenectady County and visitors to our community. In 2008, SummerNight drew more than ten thousand visitors and residents to downtown Schenectady! We expect even more than that in 2009. Location: Downtown Schenectady, with the ¡°hub¡± being the intersection of State and Jay Streets (The Circle), with the other entertainment venues ¡°spoking¡± out from the ¡°hub¡±. The celebration will be concentrated on State Street between Broadway and Lafayette Street, and on Jay Street between State and Franklin (the Jay Street Pedestrian Mall). IF YOU WISH TO BE A VENDOR AT THIS EVENT, PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTACHED FORM, AND RETURN IT (ALONG WITH YOUR PAYMENT) TO THE ADDRESS BELOW: PLEASE RETURN FORM TO: Wendy Voelker Schenectady County Special Events Coordinator County Office Building, 620 State Street Schenectady NY 12305 Phone: 388-4355 / Fax: 388-4590 Email: wendy.voelker@schenectadycounty.com
  • 2. 2009 Schenectady County SummerNight Vendor Application Friday, July 17th 5:00-10:00pm in Downtown Schenectady Contact Information Please Check One: Food Vendor* Craft Vendor* Exhibitor (Commercial) Non-Profit (please attach proof of status) Organization/Business Name Contact Name Mailing Address City/State/ZIP Home Phone Work Phone Cell/Other Phone Fax Number E-Mail Address NYS Sales Tax ID* *a copy of your valid NYS sales tax certificate must accompany this application FOOD VENDOR / Standard 10'x10' ($125) Please provide a photograph or sketch of your setup, EXHIBITOR Double10'x20' ($150) including location of vending window. SPACE SIZE Triple 10'x30' ($200) Does your booth need to be located on pavement (instead of on the sidewalk)? YES NO Are you able to participate in the event of rain? YES NO # of Parking Spaces Needed for Personal Vehicles ___________ (maximum of 2 spaces allowed per vendor) Please list all items that will be sold and their prices (or attach list/menu): Committee reserves the right to disallow sales of any items. You will be contacted immediately if there is an issue with the items you will be selling (applications accepted on a first-come, first-served basis). Item Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 Please enclose appropriate Booth Fee (make checks payable to ¡°Schenectady County¡±): $30.00 Non-Profit Organization (10X10 space) $40.00 Craft Vendor (10X10 space) $125.00 Food Vendor/Exhibitor Standard Space (10x10) $150.00 Food Vendor/Exhibitor Double Space (10x20) $200.00 Food Vendor/Exhibitor Triple Space (10x30) For Schenectady County Special Events Use Only Date Application Received: _____ / _____ Insurance Form Encl ______ Tax ID Encl _____ Booth Assignment ____________ # of Parking Passes _______ Authorized Initials _______
  • 3. 2009 Schenectady County SummerNight Vendor Application Terms for Application ? The non-refundable booth fee is due by 5/31/09 (please see application for appropriate booth fee). ? Make Checks Payable to: Schenectady County. ? We require each commercial food vendor to show proof of at least $1,000,000 in liability insurance for bodily injury and death and property damage per occurrence. The County of Schenectady and the City of Schenectady must be listed as additional insured. Please include a copy of your certificate of insurance verifying liability coverage with your application. Applications will not be accepted without proof of insurance. ? Food and craft vendors must provide a copy of their valid NYS Sales Tax Certificate of Authority. ? Mail payment, application, copy of tax certificate, & insurance certificate to: Schenectady County Special Events, County Office Building, 620 State Street ¡ñ Schenectady, NY 12305 ? The Committee will assign vendor location. The Committee reserves the right to adjust booth placement prior to the event. ? In an effort to be fair to downtown restaurants, food vendors will only be authorized on a limited basis to sell products that are already available at downtown establishments. For example, a food vendor will not be allowed to sell pizza, since there are already 2 pizza shops in the festival area. Each application will be evaluated, and vendors will be contacted if adjustments need to be made. If in doubt, please call prior to submitting your application. ? In order to maximize business for each participating vendor, only one vendor will be permitted to sell a particular item (for example, only 1 hot dog vendor will be permitted). Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first- served basis. You will be contacted immediately if you need to make changes to your menu. ? Schenectady County SummerNight Committee may, for publicity purposes, use any photographs/slides and information received or obtained. ? Vendors are responsible for their own tents, tables, chairs, and generators, and for cleaning up their booth. Schenectady County cannot provide any of the above. Trash removal will be handled by the event organizers; however, participants are expected to maintain the cleanliness of their booths at all times. Vendors are strongly encouraged to recycle items whenever possible. ? The event committee will be securing a blanket vendor permit from the City of Schenectady, but Vendors are solely responsible for securing any other permits necessary to operate within the City and County of Schenectady, including Department of Health permits. ? Food vendors: You must apply for and secure a temporary food service permit from the Schenectady County Environmental Health Department (518-386-2818) before vending any food items within Schenectady County. A temporary food permit is valid for one event lasting 14 days or less and requires a $75.00 fee. Please note that the Health Department will be present at the event to perform inspections. ? Each vendor will park personal vehicles in designated areas after setting up their booth. Parking passes will be issued (maximum of 2 personal vehicles per vendor) ? Booths must be attended at all times. Vendors will not be permitted to move from their assigned location during the festival, nor will they be permitted to break down their booth until the end of the festival (10:00pm). Vendors must completely break down their booth at the end of the festival. ? Please let us know if you decide to cancel even if you must cancel the day before or day of event. No-shows will not be invited back. ? Vendor is solely liable for equipment (installation, operation, and teardown), and any other personal property at the festival. Vendor represents that he or she has insurance coverage for said items to cover loss due to vandalism, theft, or any other casualty. Loss due to fire, theft, damage, or injury is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. It is specifically agreed that the County of Schenectady and the City of Schenectady shall be held harmless for any claim of theft, vandalism, casualty, or loss. ? Vendors are responsible for operating within any local, state, or federal guidelines or laws. The Vendor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Schenectady, the City of Schenectady, and their employees and agents, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney¡¯s fees) arising out of, or in consequence of, any negligent or intentional act or omission of the Vendor and/or the Vendor¡¯s employees or agents, to the extent of the responsibility of the Vendor and/or the Vendor¡¯s employees or agents for such claims, damages, losses, and expenses. Agreement and Signature By submitting this application, I accept all terms set forth in the enclosed Terms For Application. Name (printed) Signature Date Mail completed form along with payment and insurance certificate by May 31, 2009 to: Schenectady County Special Events ¡ñ County Office Building, 620 State Street ¡ñ Schenectady NY 12305 Please make checks payable to Schenectady County Please keep a copy of this completed application for your records.
  • 4. Please make sure you have included the following in your mailing - your application will NOT be accepted without the following: Original complete signed and dated application Full Payment for space indicated (payable to ¡°Schenectady County¡±) Photo or diagram of your space layout (food vendors only) Proof of not-for-profit status (if applicable) A list of all products that will be sold and the prices charged for each A Copy of your valid 2009 NYS Sales Tax Certificate of Authority (food & craft vendors only) For Food Vendors Only: Certificate of General Liability Insurance, minimum $1,000,000 per occurrence, listing both Schenectady County and the City of Schenectady as additional insured. Please have your insurer list Certificate Holders as follows: County of Schenectady City of Schenectady 620 State Street City Hall 105 Jay Street Schenectady, NY 12305 Schenectady NY 12305 Please be sure to keep a copy of your completed application for your records.