The document outlines plans and strategies for the Coordinating Secretariat of Agribusiness and Youth Empowerment Group (CASON) to build a strong brand, promote Nigerian agriculture, establish partnerships and sponsorships, and create an annual agricultural event to encourage investment and policy changes in the Nigerian agricultural sector by December 2012 and January 2013. Specific action items are listed along with suggested strategic partnerships, potential sponsors, and a membership and fund raising target through 2015.
This document presents a business plan for a sesame seed cleaning plant in Lagos, Nigeria. The plan is to establish a plant that will clean 30 tons of sesame seeds per day. Raw sesame seeds will be sourced from various Nigerian states and cleaned to 99% purity before being exported. The plant aims to capture 2% of the Nigerian sesame seed market in the first year and 15% by the fifth year. It will provide jobs and earn foreign exchange for Nigeria while offering a market for sesame seed farmers.
Setting the agenda for nigeria's next agric minister by sotonye angaSotonye anga
Achieving food security does not require a decade; I believe it can be done in less than 2 years. Therefore, for the office of the Minister of Agriculture we need a visionary leader, who is experienced and skilled in the field of Agri-business as well as determined to drive growth in the sector, creatively attract and engage youths in different aspects of Agribusiness and provide an enabling environment for private sector agribusinesses to thrive.
African agriculture 22 reasons why we must add value to our crops by sotonye ...Sotonye anga
Moving forward, Africa must deliberately encourage value addition to its raw Agricultural products, adding value means opening a new vista of opportunities for the continent, reduction in post harvest losses, creating internal markets that will use our raw commodities and ensure all year round availability of our crops....
Nigerian cashew economy: Dimensions to growth paradigm by sotonye anga 18th N...Sotonye anga
This paper examines the current realities of Nigeria’s Cashew Economy as it relates to the growth and value chain expansion paradigm. To this end, this paper looks at how Nigeria’s socio-political and economic realities has propelled the national economic thrust towards further enhancement of gains and profitability of commercial crops such as cashew as means of generating more gainful employment, foreign exchange and sustainable economic growth. Also, focus will be on how the National Cashew Association of Nigeria, an umbrella body for Nigeria’s Cashew Industry is impacting the growing interest on cashew as a profitable agribusiness in Nigeria. This paper likewise evaluates the issues that constitute major constrain to the rapid growth of the cashew agribusiness in Nigeria. Lastly, this paper articulates the practical approaches that will facilitate the enabling of a sustainable positive growth of the cashew agribusiness in Nigeria.
From Petrol dollar to cashew dollar by sotonye angaSotonye anga
The main point here is that we need to shift our focus from Petrol Dollar to Cashew Dollar.
Time to add value to our cashew and thereby create more jobs for our unemployed young people, reduce unemployment, diversify our economy, earn more foreign exchange, reduce the pressure on our Naira, stimulate economic growth and get a bigger share of the Cashew Dollar is now.
Cashew is the money making, health promoting, soil conserving and environment friendly crop. Findings show that the minimum land size that will make business sense for commercial cashew production should be 40 Hectares planted with hybrid premium cashew yielding up to 2 tons per Hectare. By establishing cashew plantations we are setting up our farmers for success and prosperity.
There is cash in cashew by sotonye anga. kogi 2014pptxSotonye anga
There is cash in cashew presentation is designed to bring attention to the cashew industry and to show the potential of cashew in terms of job creation, women empowerment, poverty reduction, youth empowerment and economic development for countries that will take the sector seriously and invest in it.
Ministry Ventures loves to empower leaders to create thriving organizations through coaching, training and consulting around the Five Best Practices of non-profit faith based leadership. Connect with us to learn more about our exciting offerings and let's thrive together!
Bush burning by sotonye anga presented 2001Sotonye anga
bush burning distorts the ecosystem, destroys soil fertility and pollutes the air we breathe. do we need to hear more inorder to stand up against the act? read on.
Here are a few shots from 2013 that remind us of God's faithfulness as a ministry. We've been able to impact more leaders in 2013 than ever grateful for this privilege!
Parts of cashew fruit by anga sotonye p.pSotonye anga
A document discusses how viable businesses can be established based on the various parts of cashew nuts. It suggests that more details are available by contacting Mr. Anga. The document promotes the potential for businesses using different parts of cashew nuts.
New path to wealth micro & small scale food processing for africaSotonye anga
The capital outlay required to set up any micro or small-scale Agribusiness will range between as little as $2,000 - $45,000 USD. However, supporting such initiatives will result in several economic benefits for any country in Africa.
See how supporters of Ministry Ventures have been making an impact in 2015 through initiatives aimed at providing ongoing coaching and training to faith based non profit leaders, staff and board members.
What to do to get the best jobs by sotonye anga pptSotonye anga
We all have the ability to do something well and within this ability lies the secret to getting the best jobs. Stop despising yourself and take charge of your life.
The place of agriculture in africa by sotonye angaSotonye anga
Africa needs to increase spending on Agricultural research. Agribusiness is what will quickly create jobs for our unemployed. Agribusiness will guarantee our food security. When we are food secured, we are secured indeed. Agribusiness is the way forward for Africa
Ministry Ventures Program Brochure - Empowering Ministries to Thrive!Boyd Bailey
Ministry Ventures offers customized solutions to help non-profit ministry leaders and pastors build thriving organizations. For over 14 years Ministry Ventures has been helping organizations build capacity through coaching, training and consulting around five key areas of development, the Five Best Practices. Connect with us at to learn more!
Global cashew conference and expo 2013 Sotonye anga
THEME: PATH TO SUSTAINABLE WEALTH. The who is who in the cashew world meets in Nigeria. Plan to be part of the biggest global event on cashew. Come enjoy and experience Nigeria!!
Welcome to International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD)IJERD Editor
The document presents a novel bidirectional DC-DC converter circuit that provides both step-up and step-down voltage conversion with protection for batteries from overcharging and undercharging. The proposed circuit uses a coupled inductor and has low voltage stresses on switches. It provides higher voltage gains than conventional boost/buck converters. Operating principles and steady-state analysis are discussed for step-up and step-down modes in continuous conduction mode. A 13/39V prototype verifies the performance of the proposed converter circuit.
The document summarizes the history and discoveries of the lymphatic system from ancient times to the 17th century. It describes how Hippocrates first mentioned lymph nodes, while Herophilos incorrectly believed lymph vessels drained into the liver. Galen further described lacteals and lymph nodes through animal dissections. Later discoveries identified the thoracic duct and proved lacteals do not terminate in the liver. The 17th century saw acceptance of blood recirculation and naming of lymphatic vessels. Galen's ideas of blood production were eventually disproven.
There is cash in cashew by sotonye anga. kogi 2014pptxSotonye anga
There is cash in cashew presentation is designed to bring attention to the cashew industry and to show the potential of cashew in terms of job creation, women empowerment, poverty reduction, youth empowerment and economic development for countries that will take the sector seriously and invest in it.
Ministry Ventures loves to empower leaders to create thriving organizations through coaching, training and consulting around the Five Best Practices of non-profit faith based leadership. Connect with us to learn more about our exciting offerings and let's thrive together!
Bush burning by sotonye anga presented 2001Sotonye anga
bush burning distorts the ecosystem, destroys soil fertility and pollutes the air we breathe. do we need to hear more inorder to stand up against the act? read on.
Here are a few shots from 2013 that remind us of God's faithfulness as a ministry. We've been able to impact more leaders in 2013 than ever grateful for this privilege!
Parts of cashew fruit by anga sotonye p.pSotonye anga
A document discusses how viable businesses can be established based on the various parts of cashew nuts. It suggests that more details are available by contacting Mr. Anga. The document promotes the potential for businesses using different parts of cashew nuts.
New path to wealth micro & small scale food processing for africaSotonye anga
The capital outlay required to set up any micro or small-scale Agribusiness will range between as little as $2,000 - $45,000 USD. However, supporting such initiatives will result in several economic benefits for any country in Africa.
See how supporters of Ministry Ventures have been making an impact in 2015 through initiatives aimed at providing ongoing coaching and training to faith based non profit leaders, staff and board members.
What to do to get the best jobs by sotonye anga pptSotonye anga
We all have the ability to do something well and within this ability lies the secret to getting the best jobs. Stop despising yourself and take charge of your life.
The place of agriculture in africa by sotonye angaSotonye anga
Africa needs to increase spending on Agricultural research. Agribusiness is what will quickly create jobs for our unemployed. Agribusiness will guarantee our food security. When we are food secured, we are secured indeed. Agribusiness is the way forward for Africa
Ministry Ventures Program Brochure - Empowering Ministries to Thrive!Boyd Bailey
Ministry Ventures offers customized solutions to help non-profit ministry leaders and pastors build thriving organizations. For over 14 years Ministry Ventures has been helping organizations build capacity through coaching, training and consulting around five key areas of development, the Five Best Practices. Connect with us at to learn more!
Global cashew conference and expo 2013 Sotonye anga
THEME: PATH TO SUSTAINABLE WEALTH. The who is who in the cashew world meets in Nigeria. Plan to be part of the biggest global event on cashew. Come enjoy and experience Nigeria!!
Welcome to International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD)IJERD Editor
The document presents a novel bidirectional DC-DC converter circuit that provides both step-up and step-down voltage conversion with protection for batteries from overcharging and undercharging. The proposed circuit uses a coupled inductor and has low voltage stresses on switches. It provides higher voltage gains than conventional boost/buck converters. Operating principles and steady-state analysis are discussed for step-up and step-down modes in continuous conduction mode. A 13/39V prototype verifies the performance of the proposed converter circuit.
The document summarizes the history and discoveries of the lymphatic system from ancient times to the 17th century. It describes how Hippocrates first mentioned lymph nodes, while Herophilos incorrectly believed lymph vessels drained into the liver. Galen further described lacteals and lymph nodes through animal dissections. Later discoveries identified the thoracic duct and proved lacteals do not terminate in the liver. The 17th century saw acceptance of blood recirculation and naming of lymphatic vessels. Galen's ideas of blood production were eventually disproven.
Met veel plezier presenteren wij u ons Food & Beverage aanbod.Het culinaire aanbod dat u in deze brochure vindt, hebben we met veel zorg en aandacht samengesteld. Veel gerechten in deze brochure zijn seizoensgebonden. De beschikbaarheid van de ingrediënten, en onze wens om duurzaam te ondernemen, kunnen er daardoor voor zorgen dat gerechten en ingrediënten van tijd tot tijd veranderen. Zonder concessies te doen in kwaliteit en smaak. Ons team staat voor u klaar en we zullen er alles aan doen om u en uw gasten meer dan tevreden te stellen.
Our Bed and Breakfast is situated in Germany, 15 km from the Dutch border. It is nice and quiet. But you also can have fun there. There is a lot to do from Art in Ootmarsum, walking and cycling in the surroundings till DISCO in the neighbourhood. Young and old can have a nice time here. You can ask for the full PowerPoint Presentation by mailing
1. Hotel Restaurant Lunia,
een monument in Oldeberkoop,
Zuid-Oost Friesland, anno
2012 voorzien van eigentijdse
Molenhoek 2
8421 PG Oldeberkoop
Telefoon: 0516 - 452 555
Fax: 0516 - 452 929
2. Rustig vergaderen op een kleine locatie.
Kleine Kamer: begane grond
Maximaal 8 personen, halve dag € 60,-
De gehele dag € 110,-
Grote Zaal; eerste etage
Maximaal 30 personen, halve dag € 90,-
De gehele dag € 160,-
Vergaderapparatuur en - service
Extra flipover en stiften en papier per dag € 10,-
Beamer met tafel per dag € 25,-
Fotokopie per pagina € 0,20
CD/DVD per dag € 10,-
Geluidsinstallatie 1 microfoon per dag € 75,-
Laptop per dag € 75,-
Overige apparatuur op aanvraag
Lunia is een kleinschalige vergaderlocatie in
Zuid-Oost Friesland, Oldeberkoop,
slechts 17 km van Heerenveen, 13 kilometer van
Wolvega en 35 minuten rijden van Leeuwarden.
4. 4-uurs Vergaderarrangement € 15,50 p.p. inclusief: 24-uurs Vergaderarrangement € 132,00 p.p. inclusief:
• Onbeperkt koffie, thee, ijswater • Koffie/thee met ontvangst in onze sfeervolle serre
• Koekjes en mintjes op tafel • Onbeperkt koffie, thee, ijswater
• Zaalhuur (1 dagdeel) • Koekjes en mintjes op tafel
• Flip-over met papier en stiften • Lunchbuffet
• Projectiescherm • 1 x snack
• Draadloos internet • 3-gangen diner samengesteld door onze chef-kok
• Vergader officekit • 1 overnachting in een comfortabele kamer
• Uitgebreid ontbijtbuffet
8-uurs Vergaderarrangement € 39,50 p.p. inclusief: • Zaalhuur 08.00-23.00 uur
• Koffie/thee met ontvangst in onze sfeervolle serre • Flip-over met papier en stiften
• Onbeperkt koffie, thee, ijswater • Projectiescherm
• Koekjes en mintjes op tafel • Draadloos internet
• Lunchbuffet • Vergader officekit
• Zaalhuur 08.00 – 17.00 uur
• Flip-over met papier en stiften 32-uurs Vergaderarrangement € 160,00 p.p. inclusief:
• Projectiescherm • Koffie/thee met ontvangst in onze sfeervolle serre
• Draadloos internet Onbeperkt koffie, thee, ijswater
• Vergader officekit • Koekjes en mintjes op tafel
• 2x lunchbuffet
12-uurs Vergaderarrangement € 69,50 p.p. inclusief: • 1x 3 gangen diner samengesteld door onze
• Koffie/thee met ontvangst in onze sfeervolle serre chef-kok
Onbeperkt koffie, thee, ijswater • 1 x snack (eerste dag)
• Koekjes en mintjes op tafel • 1x overnachting in een comfortabele kamer
• Lunchbuffet • Uitgebreid ontbijtbuffet
• 1 x snack • Zaalhuur eerste dag: 08.00-23.00uur,
• 3-gangen diner; samengesteld door onze chef-kok tweede dag: 08.00- 17.00uur
• Zaalhuur 08.00 -23.00 uur • Flip-over met papier en stiften
• Flip-over met papier en stiften • Projectiescherm
• Projectiescherm • Draadloos internet
• Draadloos internet • Vergader officekit
• Vergader officekit
Deze vergaderarrangementen gelden Sinds 2012 is de vergaderruimte ook te reserveren
vanaf 8 personen in de grote zaal. per uur. Kosten € 20,00 per uur.
5. Lunia heeft 14 nieuwe hotelkamers (24m2),
alle voorzien van de volgende gemakken:
gratis draadloos internet, koffie/thee-
faciliteiten, douche met rainshower, bedmaat
0,90 x 2,10m en altijd uw eigen veranda of
van 1 juni 2011 tot 1 april 2012
Kamer incl. ontbijt
1 persoons themakamer € 45,00 € 55,00
2 persoons themakamer € 65,00 € 85,00
2 persoons luxe kamer
met balkon of veranda € 85,00 € 105,00
2 persoons luxe kamer:
1 persoonsgebruik € 65,00 € 75,00
in de periode 1 oktober 2012 tot 1 april 2013
Kamer incl. ontbijt
2 persoons luxe kamer
met balkon of veranda € 80,00 € 100,00
2 persoons luxe kamer:
1 persoonsgebruik € 60,00 € 70,00
voor 1 of 2 personen € 70,00
De sfeervolle themakamers (6 kamers) bevinden
zich op de eerste en tweedeverdieping in de oude
6. Dranken en extra’s
Thermoskan koffie € 12,50
Thermoskan thee € 9,50
Karaf verse jus d’orange € 12,50
Karaf melk/karnemelk € 8,00
Sourcy 0,75 ltr. € 4,00
Flesjes frisdrank v.a. € 2,00
Gesorteerd gebak € 2,50
Huisgemaakt appelgebak € 2,75
Fruitspies € 3,50
Broodje Kwekkeboom kroket € 4,75
Ham-kip loempia € 4,75
Saucijzenbroodje € 2,50
Balisto/Mars € 2,00
Borrelarrangement na uw bijeenkomst? (1 uur) € 9,50 per persoon
- onbeperkt receptiedrankjes
- zoutjes en nootjes op tafel
- diverse kaas en Friese worst
- bitterballen/diverse warme hapjes
Uw vergadering afsluiten met een gezellig diner?
Wij serveren u een 3-gangen menu samengesteld door onze chef-kok
voor € 28,50. Een 4-gangen voor € 33,50. Graag vernemen wij eventuele
dieetwensen zodat wij hier rekening mee kunnen houden.
Sinds 2012 is de vergaderruimte ook te reserveren per uur.
Kosten € 20,00 per uur.
Wij maken uw (pauze) programma graag op maat:
- Eigen (wedstrijd) Jeu de boules baan
- Wellness: Finse Sauna, Whirlpool
en diverse schoonheidsbehandelingen
- Tennisbanen (all- wheather)
- Verhuur fietsen: ook tandems en elektrische fietsen
7. Chef-kok Wim van Kammen legt het accent
op de Frans-Nederlandse, klassieke keuken.
In het sfeervolle a la carte restaurant is plaats
voor 40 personen.
8. Hotel Restaurant Lunia,
een monument in Oldeberkoop,
Zuid-Oost Friesland, anno
2012 voorzien van eigentijdse
Molenhoek 2
8421 PG Oldeberkoop
Telefoon: 0516 - 452 555
Fax: 0516 - 452 929