
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
際際滷s from ViTAL (http://vital-sig.ning.com/) webinar 9 March 2011Recording available at http://lancasteruni.adobeconnect.com/p60258356/Video and pedagogy - what questions should we be asking now ?Clive Young, UCL
videos perfect storm
Who needs pedagogy?Managers and support staff  is the investment worth it? Teachers  How can I justify this to my HoD?Students  How do I know Im looking at/learning the right stuff?Learning technologists/AV  how can we provide models of good practice/support?
How can I design and produce effective video resources?e.g. is lecture capture a good use of my (and my students) time?ideas, models of use, descriptions, practical tips, models of design, process guides, vocabulary, examples, evaluation
Getting ever more complex?Image+ Interactivity+ IntegrationFilm strip/slideTV / VHSDesktop videoMultimediaWeb mediaStreamingMobile videoSocial video+ InputBased on Thornhill, Asensioand Young (2002)
Getting ever more complex?Image+ Interactivity+ IntegrationFilm strip/slideTV / VHSDesktop videoMultimediaWeb mediaStreamingMobile videoSocial videoInstruction (?)ConstructvismConversationContext+ InputMultimodalitiesMultiliteracies
Image  from ViTAL discussionPractical instructional videos...on phonesI've used video in a few of our 'learning objects' and it's saved a) a lot of descriptive text and b) a lot of custom drawing/animation.Because both objects were trying to describe physical body methods, video was ideal [Fred Riley]Short lectures summaries [Janice Whatley]Quality e.g. lecture capture, Flip cameras
Image  Jack Kuomis frameworkOriginal at http://jackkoumi.co.uk/resources.html
Image  Jack Kuomis framework
Interactivitythe main reason why television did not become everyones teacher was because it lacked the very essential quality of teaching: the ability to interact with the learner Mark Rosenberg 2001AboutAccess  own computer + mobile devicesChoice  on-demand (+ search)Control  start, stop, pause, skip, reviewhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/nesster/3714783252/
InteractivityCatch up missed lectures or review of ones attended more common?  can listen to several timesMobile video...or just audioDownload-ability  some are resistant...Affordances of LC and other tools (search, metadata etc)Accessibility e.g. text versionshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/bredgur/1323025528/
IntegrationVideo as student assessmentPeer review of performanceLink LC to a LMS + collaborative tools?The relationship between live and recordingFlipping/Vodcasting  viewing the lecture/ demonstration/worked example beforehand  makes the face-to-face interactions of the lecturer and student more productive (also covertly introduces independent learning)
Integration  Sams and Bergmannhttp://mast.unco.edu/programs/vodcasting/
Integration dial-e designs (JISC)using digital video resources to actively engage learnersengagementknowledgereflectionhttp://misc.jisc.ac.uk/JISC/framework.php
InputEvolution of the moving image?Sit back (film and TV)Sit forward (internet video)Stand up (social video)[after Chris OHagan]http://www.flickr.com/photos/daquellamanera/310344132/
Cone of learning 安温姻稼庄稼乙!F看鉛一鉛看姻艶
Is this the best use of video?Focus on student rather than on teacherStudent as co-creator of knowledgeVideo as process rather than on productthe demands of producing even a short video threw learners back on the subject  clarifying understandings through articulation and also increased confidence . there's a production cost in terms of time and effort but I was surprised that wasn't higher. [Grant Barclay]
Input  process/cultureMass media culture: As we move away from a mass media culture and into the era of crowd sourced content, the ability to produce quality content will become increasingly important.油 We tend to teach yesterdays media, i.e. how to interpret the Novel, and how to write a good essay.  [Laurence Cuffe]Is crowd sourced media a disruptive technology? Michael Wesch's"The Visions of Students Today" 2011 Remix One
Getting ever more complex?Image+ Interactivity+ IntegrationFilm strip/slideTV / VHSDesktop videoMultimediaWeb mediaStreamingMobile videoSocial video+ Input
Or is it just about good pedagogy?e.g. Chickering & Gamsons 7 Principles of Good Practice Encourages contacts between students and faculty;Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students;Uses active learning techniques;Gives prompt feedback;Emphasises time on task;Communicates high expectations; andRespects diverse talents and ways of learning[Tim O'Riordan]
Some questionsHow important is quality/glossiness? Just good enough' will serve the purpose in terms of learning. [Lindsay Jordan]The accessibility challenges and油 benefits [Adam Warren]What kinds of video will learners want to view on their mobile devices? Mini-lectures or personalised feedback [Adam Warren]What type of criteria should we apply to student-generated video, and does the glossiness of the presentation have an undue influence on our assessment of its quality? Is poor audio a bit like poor spelling? [Adam Warren]How do we engage with our academics in all this? [Ollie Furlong]Additional to traditional modes of delivery or can video change the way courses are designed? [John Conway] are we at the horseless carriage stage?  http://www.flickr.com/photos/exfordy/4735918547/

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Video and pedagogy

  • 1. 際際滷s from ViTAL (http://vital-sig.ning.com/) webinar 9 March 2011Recording available at http://lancasteruni.adobeconnect.com/p60258356/Video and pedagogy - what questions should we be asking now ?Clive Young, UCL
  • 3. Who needs pedagogy?Managers and support staff is the investment worth it? Teachers How can I justify this to my HoD?Students How do I know Im looking at/learning the right stuff?Learning technologists/AV how can we provide models of good practice/support?
  • 4. How can I design and produce effective video resources?e.g. is lecture capture a good use of my (and my students) time?ideas, models of use, descriptions, practical tips, models of design, process guides, vocabulary, examples, evaluation
  • 5. Getting ever more complex?Image+ Interactivity+ IntegrationFilm strip/slideTV / VHSDesktop videoMultimediaWeb mediaStreamingMobile videoSocial video+ InputBased on Thornhill, Asensioand Young (2002)
  • 6. Getting ever more complex?Image+ Interactivity+ IntegrationFilm strip/slideTV / VHSDesktop videoMultimediaWeb mediaStreamingMobile videoSocial videoInstruction (?)ConstructvismConversationContext+ InputMultimodalitiesMultiliteracies
  • 7. Image from ViTAL discussionPractical instructional videos...on phonesI've used video in a few of our 'learning objects' and it's saved a) a lot of descriptive text and b) a lot of custom drawing/animation.Because both objects were trying to describe physical body methods, video was ideal [Fred Riley]Short lectures summaries [Janice Whatley]Quality e.g. lecture capture, Flip cameras
  • 8. Image Jack Kuomis frameworkOriginal at http://jackkoumi.co.uk/resources.html
  • 9. Image Jack Kuomis framework
  • 11. Interactivitythe main reason why television did not become everyones teacher was because it lacked the very essential quality of teaching: the ability to interact with the learner Mark Rosenberg 2001AboutAccess own computer + mobile devicesChoice on-demand (+ search)Control start, stop, pause, skip, reviewhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/nesster/3714783252/
  • 12. InteractivityCatch up missed lectures or review of ones attended more common? can listen to several timesMobile video...or just audioDownload-ability some are resistant...Affordances of LC and other tools (search, metadata etc)Accessibility e.g. text versionshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/bredgur/1323025528/
  • 13. IntegrationVideo as student assessmentPeer review of performanceLink LC to a LMS + collaborative tools?The relationship between live and recordingFlipping/Vodcasting viewing the lecture/ demonstration/worked example beforehand makes the face-to-face interactions of the lecturer and student more productive (also covertly introduces independent learning)
  • 14. Integration Sams and Bergmannhttp://mast.unco.edu/programs/vodcasting/
  • 15. Integration dial-e designs (JISC)using digital video resources to actively engage learnersengagementknowledgereflectionhttp://misc.jisc.ac.uk/JISC/framework.php
  • 16. InputEvolution of the moving image?Sit back (film and TV)Sit forward (internet video)Stand up (social video)[after Chris OHagan]http://www.flickr.com/photos/daquellamanera/310344132/
  • 17. Cone of learning 安温姻稼庄稼乙!F看鉛一鉛看姻艶
  • 18. Is this the best use of video?Focus on student rather than on teacherStudent as co-creator of knowledgeVideo as process rather than on productthe demands of producing even a short video threw learners back on the subject clarifying understandings through articulation and also increased confidence . there's a production cost in terms of time and effort but I was surprised that wasn't higher. [Grant Barclay]
  • 19. Input process/cultureMass media culture: As we move away from a mass media culture and into the era of crowd sourced content, the ability to produce quality content will become increasingly important.油 We tend to teach yesterdays media, i.e. how to interpret the Novel, and how to write a good essay. [Laurence Cuffe]Is crowd sourced media a disruptive technology? Michael Wesch's"The Visions of Students Today" 2011 Remix One
  • 20. Getting ever more complex?Image+ Interactivity+ IntegrationFilm strip/slideTV / VHSDesktop videoMultimediaWeb mediaStreamingMobile videoSocial video+ Input
  • 21. Or is it just about good pedagogy?e.g. Chickering & Gamsons 7 Principles of Good Practice Encourages contacts between students and faculty;Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students;Uses active learning techniques;Gives prompt feedback;Emphasises time on task;Communicates high expectations; andRespects diverse talents and ways of learning[Tim O'Riordan]
  • 22. Some questionsHow important is quality/glossiness? Just good enough' will serve the purpose in terms of learning. [Lindsay Jordan]The accessibility challenges and油 benefits [Adam Warren]What kinds of video will learners want to view on their mobile devices? Mini-lectures or personalised feedback [Adam Warren]What type of criteria should we apply to student-generated video, and does the glossiness of the presentation have an undue influence on our assessment of its quality? Is poor audio a bit like poor spelling? [Adam Warren]How do we engage with our academics in all this? [Ollie Furlong]Additional to traditional modes of delivery or can video change the way courses are designed? [John Conway] are we at the horseless carriage stage? http://www.flickr.com/photos/exfordy/4735918547/