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Mobile: 09815854333 ~ E-Mail: vikrammehla9@gmail.com
Middle Management Professional
Seeking assignments in Growing organization
A Performance Driven Professional with nearly 16 years of experience of working with countrys most renowned groups
such as Videocon Telecommunications Ltd.; Bharti Airtel; RelianceInfocomm and Escotel MobileCommunication Ltd.
Repertoire of experience, demonstrating skills in streamlining customer services & roll out function by designing innovative
systems & processes and strongleadership initiatives to generate high valuepropositions for the customers.
 Strategic Planning/compliance Vendor Management/Service apex/regulatory.
Operations management/ Relationship Management/C-SAT  Revenue Expansion
Operations Management- To ensure uniform Customer Service experience and end to end responsibility for
Customer Service Deliveries within the Company. To create standardized process es in relationship management to
ensure that the customer retention strategies are in line with the changing environment and customer
Vendor Management- Engagement in outsourced environment involving multiple local vendors / partners.
Institutionalizing strong governance process across the CS function with outsourced partners through training in
processes, policies, people, performance, steering committees, etc. Sharing of knowledge and bring on board a
mature IT understanding especially in context with Customer Service. Rolling out retail stores, inbound and out
bound call centers. Ability to review strategy, plans and processes and suggest suitabl e guidelines for necessary
Monitoring overall functioning of processes- To create the strategy, direction and planning of the CS function
across businesses. To strengthen Customer Centric culture across different business and build relationship
management towards higher customer retention. To drive overall Customer Satisfaction by setting up
measurements, standards, review and reporting process (CSMS) across businesses. To Champion transformation
Projects across self cares, segmentation, outsourcing, data mining, analytics, benchmarking and best practices in CS
Function across businesses. To ensure compliances across the CS function compliance of Customer Regulations,
Regulatory Controls,Service Quality and Process Audit.
Noteworthy Credits across the career
種種 Roll out of new activation process (After 8th Nov 12) with in-house developed software across Punjab & Haryana circle
種種 100% Complianceadherence of CS function & communication with subscribers as per TRAI guidelines
種種 Launch of Haryana & HP circles entireCSD operation in field from vendor finalization till closureof operation process.
種種 100% success ratein rollingoutnew circles with new process.
種種 Post paid roll outof QTL in Punjab circle
種種 Finalization of vendors.
種種 Developing new CSD process as per market scenario.
種種 At Airtel consolidation of vendor & outbound call-centredone successfully.
種種 At Airtel two GREEN belt one for costingother to customer C-SAT done successfully.
種種 Assessed the corporate clients acquisitions through rising of Bulk Orders from DAKC, Mumbai and provisioning of
Mobiles and Fixed Wireless phones for those orders
Organizational Scan.
Since Nov09: Videocon Telecommunications Ltd.s, Chandigarh as
Service Operation Head (Punjab Telecom Circle Prior to decentralization of circle head for Punjab,HP & Haryana )
(((TTTiiillllll AAAppprrriiilll 222000111555)))
Noteworthy Credits
 Successfully acquired customers through the defined process & ensuring their satisfaction at all interface areas for the
 All provisioningprocesssetup & operational efficiency requirementof thethree circles.
 Lucratively managed the Docs collections for new customer connections within TAT; performing risk profiling through
contact point verification and adhering to VTM/ TRAI compliance & operational communication with sub-base as per
guidelines of TRAI.
 Entire monthly CSD TERM reporting: Base reporting, MNP in out, Bulk, CIG reports.
 Call centre volume & complaints analysis.
 Credited for launching handsetbundlescheme in Haryana/HP/Punjab fromCSD operation.
 Changes incorporated in national level Process /policy with recommendation from circlein CAF compliance.
 Drafted the trainingscheduleof Vendor/Outsource Call Centre Manager.
 Handlingbigteamof On-rolls& off rolls manpower.
 Vendor management/Processingbillingasper TAT/ Trainingof thevendor manpower.
Jul06  Oct 09: Bharti Airtel, Chandigarh
Growth Path
Jul06 - Aug 08 : Collection/Customer accounting & Credit Head for Mobility Haryana Circle
Jul08 - Oct 09 : Post Paid Retention/Active Collection Head for HPHP circle. (Punjab, Haryana &
Noteworthy Credits as active collection
 Call centre with 150 seats for overdue calling.
 Outbound communication with post paid subscribers asper business need & TRAI guidelines.
 Handled 100% customers through telecalling & ensured they are closed with proper loop closureand call back.
 Carefully assessed the data and customers voice; monitored OG barring trends and numbers area and region-wise
and enhanced measures to improve OG-IC and IC to churn efficiency.
 Initiated new retention product in supportwith local marketingvarious retention tools & bill plan.
 Successfully tracked the performance and highlighted all involuntary activities through daily/weekly trackers.
 Provided incentives and recognitions at regular intervals to enhance the moraleof the manpower.
 Sustained the churn & bad debts by minimizing instances of churn and preventing leakages due to non usage,
acquisition fraudsetc.
 Adhered to Process Compliance & Term Compliance and credited for establishing entire outbound call centre based
at Chandigarh with 150 seats.
 Recognized for reducingthe overdue barringfrom 9% to 3.4% and overdue suspension from3.4% to 2%.
 Accomplished Green Belt in overdue barring& suspension.
Noteworthy Credits as Collection & Credit Head for Mobility Haryana Circle
 Maintained the bad debts below 2% by de-active collection & minimizing delinquency of activeaccounts.
 Sustained the C-SAT scoreof billing& collection and adhered to 100%policy complianceof entire RCC Department.
 Handled 22 polices for risk, credit & collection with 100% compliance as per internal & external auditors.(TREM
 Credited for reducing bad debts from average of 4% to 2% till Mar08.
 Successfully reduced collection & billingcostper customer from Rs 44 to Rs 18.
 Attained 2nd position in SMG ONE scorein this financial year closing.
 Achieved the MTD performance of more than 98.5% constantly from1.5years.
 Secured Green Belt in billing& collection for saving costby Rs 67 lacs as per AOP allocated for the year.
Feb04  Jun06: Reliance Communication,(Corporate FAB HEAD FOR THREE CIRCLE) Chandigarh as L3
Noteworthy Credits
 Assessed the corporate clients acquisitions through rising of Bulk Orders from DAKC, Mumbai and provisioning of
Mobiles and Fixed Wireless phones for those orders.
 Consolidated the handsets plan and services listof various towns and entered the CAF forms in the system.
 Executed the configuration of new bill plan with IT in BSES billing system and assessed the payment & waiver posted in
corporate customer account.
 Regularly monitored complaintresolution through internal MIS as per SLA of the entire circle.
 Acted as a Team Member of Black Belt in wrong bill plan configuration & its impacton revenue loss.
Commenced career with Escotel Mobile Communication Ltd., Karnal (Haryana) as Zonal accounts/Zonal collection-credit
Head from Jun99-Jan 04
Academic Credentials
1999 MFC from K.U Campus, Kurukshetra University.
1995 B.A. from K.U
Personal Snippets
Date of Birth : 17th June, 1974
Linguistic Abilities : English,Hindi & Punjabi

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vikramjeet_ Mehla

  • 1. VIKRAMJEET MEHLA Mobile: 09815854333 ~ E-Mail: vikrammehla9@gmail.com Middle Management Professional Seeking assignments in Growing organization BUSINESS SKILLS A Performance Driven Professional with nearly 16 years of experience of working with countrys most renowned groups such as Videocon Telecommunications Ltd.; Bharti Airtel; RelianceInfocomm and Escotel MobileCommunication Ltd. Repertoire of experience, demonstrating skills in streamlining customer services & roll out function by designing innovative systems & processes and strongleadership initiatives to generate high valuepropositions for the customers. EXPERTISE IN: Strategic Planning/compliance Vendor Management/Service apex/regulatory. Operations management/ Relationship Management/C-SAT Revenue Expansion Operations Management- To ensure uniform Customer Service experience and end to end responsibility for Customer Service Deliveries within the Company. To create standardized process es in relationship management to ensure that the customer retention strategies are in line with the changing environment and customer requirements. Vendor Management- Engagement in outsourced environment involving multiple local vendors / partners. Institutionalizing strong governance process across the CS function with outsourced partners through training in processes, policies, people, performance, steering committees, etc. Sharing of knowledge and bring on board a mature IT understanding especially in context with Customer Service. Rolling out retail stores, inbound and out bound call centers. Ability to review strategy, plans and processes and suggest suitabl e guidelines for necessary action. Monitoring overall functioning of processes- To create the strategy, direction and planning of the CS function across businesses. To strengthen Customer Centric culture across different business and build relationship management towards higher customer retention. To drive overall Customer Satisfaction by setting up measurements, standards, review and reporting process (CSMS) across businesses. To Champion transformation Projects across self cares, segmentation, outsourcing, data mining, analytics, benchmarking and best practices in CS Function across businesses. To ensure compliances across the CS function compliance of Customer Regulations, Regulatory Controls,Service Quality and Process Audit. Noteworthy Credits across the career 種種 Roll out of new activation process (After 8th Nov 12) with in-house developed software across Punjab & Haryana circle successfully. 種種 100% Complianceadherence of CS function & communication with subscribers as per TRAI guidelines 種種 Launch of Haryana & HP circles entireCSD operation in field from vendor finalization till closureof operation process. 種種 100% success ratein rollingoutnew circles with new process. 種種 Post paid roll outof QTL in Punjab circle 種種 Finalization of vendors. 種種 Developing new CSD process as per market scenario. 種種 At Airtel consolidation of vendor & outbound call-centredone successfully. 種種 At Airtel two GREEN belt one for costingother to customer C-SAT done successfully. 種種 Assessed the corporate clients acquisitions through rising of Bulk Orders from DAKC, Mumbai and provisioning of Mobiles and Fixed Wireless phones for those orders
  • 2. Organizational Scan. Since Nov09: Videocon Telecommunications Ltd.s, Chandigarh as Service Operation Head (Punjab Telecom Circle Prior to decentralization of circle head for Punjab,HP & Haryana ) (((TTTiiillllll AAAppprrriiilll 222000111555))) Noteworthy Credits Successfully acquired customers through the defined process & ensuring their satisfaction at all interface areas for the circle. All provisioningprocesssetup & operational efficiency requirementof thethree circles. Lucratively managed the Docs collections for new customer connections within TAT; performing risk profiling through contact point verification and adhering to VTM/ TRAI compliance & operational communication with sub-base as per guidelines of TRAI. Entire monthly CSD TERM reporting: Base reporting, MNP in out, Bulk, CIG reports. Call centre volume & complaints analysis. Credited for launching handsetbundlescheme in Haryana/HP/Punjab fromCSD operation. Changes incorporated in national level Process /policy with recommendation from circlein CAF compliance. Drafted the trainingscheduleof Vendor/Outsource Call Centre Manager. Handlingbigteamof On-rolls& off rolls manpower. Vendor management/Processingbillingasper TAT/ Trainingof thevendor manpower. Jul06 Oct 09: Bharti Airtel, Chandigarh Growth Path Jul06 - Aug 08 : Collection/Customer accounting & Credit Head for Mobility Haryana Circle Jul08 - Oct 09 : Post Paid Retention/Active Collection Head for HPHP circle. (Punjab, Haryana & Himchal) Noteworthy Credits as active collection Call centre with 150 seats for overdue calling. Outbound communication with post paid subscribers asper business need & TRAI guidelines. Handled 100% customers through telecalling & ensured they are closed with proper loop closureand call back. Carefully assessed the data and customers voice; monitored OG barring trends and numbers area and region-wise and enhanced measures to improve OG-IC and IC to churn efficiency. Initiated new retention product in supportwith local marketingvarious retention tools & bill plan. Successfully tracked the performance and highlighted all involuntary activities through daily/weekly trackers. Provided incentives and recognitions at regular intervals to enhance the moraleof the manpower. Sustained the churn & bad debts by minimizing instances of churn and preventing leakages due to non usage, acquisition fraudsetc. Adhered to Process Compliance & Term Compliance and credited for establishing entire outbound call centre based at Chandigarh with 150 seats. Recognized for reducingthe overdue barringfrom 9% to 3.4% and overdue suspension from3.4% to 2%. Accomplished Green Belt in overdue barring& suspension. Noteworthy Credits as Collection & Credit Head for Mobility Haryana Circle Maintained the bad debts below 2% by de-active collection & minimizing delinquency of activeaccounts. Sustained the C-SAT scoreof billing& collection and adhered to 100%policy complianceof entire RCC Department.
  • 3. Handled 22 polices for risk, credit & collection with 100% compliance as per internal & external auditors.(TREM compliancealso) Credited for reducing bad debts from average of 4% to 2% till Mar08. Successfully reduced collection & billingcostper customer from Rs 44 to Rs 18. Attained 2nd position in SMG ONE scorein this financial year closing. Achieved the MTD performance of more than 98.5% constantly from1.5years. Secured Green Belt in billing& collection for saving costby Rs 67 lacs as per AOP allocated for the year. Feb04 Jun06: Reliance Communication,(Corporate FAB HEAD FOR THREE CIRCLE) Chandigarh as L3 Noteworthy Credits Assessed the corporate clients acquisitions through rising of Bulk Orders from DAKC, Mumbai and provisioning of Mobiles and Fixed Wireless phones for those orders. Consolidated the handsets plan and services listof various towns and entered the CAF forms in the system. Executed the configuration of new bill plan with IT in BSES billing system and assessed the payment & waiver posted in corporate customer account. Regularly monitored complaintresolution through internal MIS as per SLA of the entire circle. Acted as a Team Member of Black Belt in wrong bill plan configuration & its impacton revenue loss. Commenced career with Escotel Mobile Communication Ltd., Karnal (Haryana) as Zonal accounts/Zonal collection-credit Head from Jun99-Jan 04 Academic Credentials 1999 MFC from K.U Campus, Kurukshetra University. 1995 B.A. from K.U Personal Snippets Date of Birth : 17th June, 1974 Linguistic Abilities : English,Hindi & Punjabi