These slides were used in a lecture held january 25th at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
The lecture was held as part of a course in project managment, within the masters programme Media Technology.
The goal of the lecture was to give an introduction to games, game design, and game development.
The presentation is in swedish.
A lecture about basic game design, based on a talk by Ernest Adams at GDC 2007. This lecture was held at 2010 at Futuregames. Only available in Swedish.
F旦redrag om Spel och L辰rande utifr奪n kapitlet p奪 temat i boken "Interaktiva Medier och L辰randemilj旦er", utgiven p奪 Gleerups.
These slides were used in a lecture held january 25th at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
The lecture was held as part of a course in project managment, within the masters programme Media Technology.
The goal of the lecture was to give an introduction to games, game design, and game development.
The presentation is in swedish.
A lecture about basic game design, based on a talk by Ernest Adams at GDC 2007. This lecture was held at 2010 at Futuregames. Only available in Swedish.
F旦redrag om Spel och L辰rande utifr奪n kapitlet p奪 temat i boken "Interaktiva Medier och L辰randemilj旦er", utgiven p奪 Gleerups.
7. Vilnius
Lietuvos sostin ir did転iausias 邸alies
miestas, Vilniaus apskrities, rajono ir miesto
savivaldybs centras. 町sik笛rs 邸alies
pietryiuose, Neries ir Vilnios santakoje.
Vilnius yra arkivyskupijos centras,
nuo 1579 m. universitetinis miestas.
Mano miestas 7
8. Naudota literatura
Mano miestas 8