Bullying-ul este un fenomen de agresiune, care ia amploare 樽n spaiul colar. Pentru diminuarea lui, elevii i prinii acestora trebuie informai despre formele de manifestare ale acestui fenomen i este necesar s se desfoare activiti interactive cu elevii.
Prezentarea Power Point 樽ncrcat prezint exact acest lucru.
Esti manager, antreprenor, lucrezi in vanzari sau relatii directe cu clientii sau pur si simplu:
1. nu poti sa refuzi chiar daca esti suprasolicitat
2. te simti intimidat de persoanele care par a fi sigure pe ele (clienti, colegi, sefi)
3. nu poti sa convingi decat daca te impui prin dominarea celorlalti
4. nu iti poti controla tensiunea sau frustrarea si ai reactii nepotrivite
5. esti nemultumit pentru ca simti ca iti irosesti energia cu tot felul de situatii stresante
6. nu stii cum sa comunici cu persoane cu un comportament dificil
7. iti este dificil sa transmiti vesti proaste de teama sa nu ii demotivezi pe ceilalti.
Atunci acest curs iti este extreme de util. Afla aici toate detaliile.
Esti manager, antreprenor, lucrezi in vanzari sau relatii directe cu clientii sau pur si simplu:
1. nu poti sa refuzi chiar daca esti suprasolicitat
2. te simti intimidat de persoanele care par a fi sigure pe ele (clienti, colegi, sefi)
3. nu poti sa convingi decat daca te impui prin dominarea celorlalti
4. nu iti poti controla tensiunea sau frustrarea si ai reactii nepotrivite
5. esti nemultumit pentru ca simti ca iti irosesti energia cu tot felul de situatii stresante
6. nu stii cum sa comunici cu persoane cu un comportament dificil
7. iti este dificil sa transmiti vesti proaste de teama sa nu ii demotivezi pe ceilalti.
Atunci acest curs iti este extreme de util. Afla aici toate detaliile.
1.Aspecte generale privind violenta in familie
2.componenta de infractiune a violentei in familie
3.Date statistice privind violenta in familie
4.Cauze si consecinte
5.Masuri de prevenire a violentei in familie
Ed in the Cloud: a snapshot of cloud-based tools for educationtbirdcymru
Ed in the Cloud discusses how cloud-based tools can improve efficiency and communication within education. It provides examples of cloud storage options like Dropbox and Google Drive that allow accessing and sharing files from any device. Video tools like YouTube and iTunes U are mentioned for sharing educational videos. The document also lists audio platforms like SoundCloud and photo/image sharing sites like Flickr that can be used for educational purposes. Presentation tools such as Prezi and 際際滷share are presented as well. Risks of cloud computing are acknowledged but not described in detail.
We tell lies for many reasons: to avoid punishment, save face, get our own way, and spare others' feelings. Most people lie once a day to a few times every 10 minutes. While both men and women lie about the same amount, men tend to exaggerate achievements and earnings, while women minimize weight and age. January is reported to be the month with the most lying, perhaps due to broken New Year's resolutions and excuses to avoid winter weather. Famous lies throughout history include those by Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, and Bernie Madoff.
The document discusses lying and deception from several perspectives. It provides definitions of lying and notes that people typically lie one to two times per day, usually about feelings, preferences, and opinions. Philosophers like Plato, Augustine, and Kant generally held that lying is wrong, though Plato allowed for exceptions. The size of the neocortex correlates with deception rates in primates. Polygraphs measure stress, not deception directly, and their accuracy is limited.
The document discusses body language cues that can indicate whether someone is telling the truth or lying. It recommends starting an interview with general questions to establish a baseline of the person's normal body language. Subtle cues like microexpressions, contradictory statements, and signs of stress or discomfort may reveal deception. These include brief smiles when recounting negative events, nodding no while saying yes, shoulder shrugs, and behaviors like foot shuffling or playing with objects. Paying close attention to actions alongside words can help detect lies.
This document discusses the ethics of lying and secrecy. It presents several perspectives on when lying may or may not be justified, from an absolute prohibition on lying to consequentialist views that lying can be acceptable if it causes more benefit than harm. It also distinguishes between lies, secrets, and privacy. St. Augustine proposed a hierarchy of lies ranging from most harmful to least harmful. Utilitarians believe the consequences of an act determine its morality, so lying could be acceptable if it helps more than it harms. Kant argued lying is never justified because it undermines trust which is necessary for society. The document explores these philosophical debates and how they relate to concepts of secrecy and privacy.
Have you ever wished that you could tell when someone is lying to you?
Most people have lied one way or another in their life. In fact, lying has become part of human nature. Sometimes we have to tell lies in order to avoid hurting somebody else. As the saying goes, what the person doesn\'t know won\'t hurt him. However, if discovering the truth is what you\'re after, then these tips on how to detect a lie will help you find out if you\'re being duped or not.
Fenomenul bullying este 樽nt但lnit cel mai frecvent 樽n mediul colar. Elevii au nevoie s triasc 樽ntr-un mediu 樽n care se simt 樽n siguran i s 樽nvee s rezolve situaiile dificile 樽ntr-un mod corect. Pentru a reui, este nevoie s 樽ncepem o cltorie lung, s parcurgem un drum presrat cu obstacole, la sf但ritul cruia vom iei 樽nvingtori.
Aceast cltorie 樽ncepe cu: PASUL 1: s 樽nelegem mai bine fenomenul bullying
PASUL 2: s putem determina schimbarea. Vrem s combatem acest fenomen
The document discusses summarizing information concisely in a single word. Providing concise yet informative summaries allows for efficiently conveying key details and concepts from a document in as few words as possible. Summarizing skills are useful for effectively communicating complex ideas or large amounts of information in a clear and straightforward manner.
This document lists various domestic animals including dogs, sheep, pigs, goats, cows, cats, chickens, roosters, ducks, geese, turkeys, rabbits, water buffalo, and other farm animals.
The document discusses the sensory systems and processing, providing information on the different sensory systems (tactile, vestibular, proprioception, auditory, visual, olfactory, and gustatory), how they function, possible problems with sensory processing, and strategies to address behaviors related to sensory needs.
The document discusses the sensory systems and how they work together to give us information about the world. It describes the main sensory systems - tactile, vestibular, proprioception, auditory, visual, olfactory, and gustatory. It explains how sensory processing occurs and potential problems with sensory processing. The roles of different neurotransmitters are outlined. Sensory behaviors and strategies to address them are provided, along with calming and alerting activities.
The document outlines the daily routine and schedule for a classroom. It includes purposes and descriptions for different parts of the day like entrance routine, sensory activities, reviewing the schedule, morning dialogue, independent work, calendar/circle time, rotations between activities, you choose time, peer buddies, academics/small groups, relaxation, art/music/gym, and reviewing the day's activities. The schedule is designed to promote independence, reduce anxiety, and provide a variety of learning experiences including sensory, social, and academic activities.
Introduction To Structured Teaching For TranslationMihaiela Fazacas
The document provides an introduction to structured teaching for students with autism. Structured teaching is based on the Heartland Model and incorporates elements from TEACCH. Its primary goal is to develop independence and communication skills through visual structure, schedules, and work systems. These tools make the environment more predictable and help students understand expectations and complete tasks independently.
2. Motto ...respectarea drepturilor omului trebuie s fac parte din educa釘ia global i din demnitatea omului, iar toate aspectele violen釘ei fizice sau mintale 樽mpotriva persoanei umane constituie o violare a drepturilor sale " Parlamentul European, Rezolu釘ie, 11 iunie 1986
4. Ce este violen 釘a? Utilizarea inten釘ionat a for釘ei sau puterii, fie c este vorba doar de amenin釘are sau de ac釘iune Poate fi orientat 樽mpotriva propriei persoane, altei persoane sau 樽mpotriva unui grup sau comunitate. Rezultatul posibile lezare, moarte, traum psihologic, dezadaptare sau deprivare.
5. Tipuri de violen釘 Violen釘a auto-direc釘ionat mutilare, suicid Violen釘a interpersonal Violen釘a familial ( asupra partenerului, copiilor, v但rstnicilor ) Violen釘a 樽n comunitate ( asupra cunotin釘elor sau strinilor ) Violen釘a colectiv (social, politic, economic)
6. Cauze ale violen釘ei Schimbarea rapid a societ釘ii Inegalit釘ile economice / sex / ras Norme culturale ce accept violen釘a Srcia Corup釘ia / neaplicarea legilor Conflicte Srcia Nivelul crescut al criminalit釘ii omajul Traficul de droguri Politici institu釘ionale deficitare Factori situa釘ionali Practici parentale deficitare Conflicte maritale Violenta familial Statut socio-economic Prieteni cu comport. violente Victima abuzului in copilrie Tulburare de personalitate / Tulburri psihice Consum de substan釘e Istoric de comport. violente Societate Comunitate Rela釘ii Individ
7. Efectele violen釘ei - perspectiva victimei - Reac釘iile imediate : Stare de oc Negare Izolare Confuzie Aplatizare afectiv Team Reac釘iile 樽n timp : Oboseal cronic Iritabilitate Tulburri de somn (comaruri) i alimentare Dificult釘i 樽n luarea deciziilor sau planificrilor de viitor Aplatizare afectiv, pasivitate extrem, neajutorate Incapacitatea de a identifica alternative ale situa釘iei sale Reac釘iile cumulative : Sentiment al pericolului exagerat Persisten釘a memoriei traumatice i a flashback-urilor G但nduri suicide, tentative de suicid Dependen釘 de alcool, droguri Depresie Stim de sine extrem de sczut PTSD stresul posttraumatic
8. Efectele violen釘ei - asupra agresorului - Respingere social Penalizare / exmatriculare Amend nchisoare Moarte
10. Situa釘ii de via釘 Uneori noul profesor v las s 樽ncepe釘i rezolvarea temelor de cas 樽nainte de finalul orei. Pentru c ai fost atent la or, po釘i s rezolvi totul fr greeli, dar profesorul crede c ai copiat de la un coleg.
11. G但ndurile mele Mi se face o mare nedreptate. Nu suport aa ceva. Numai dac m g但ndesc la o astfel de situa釘ie m 樽nfurii. Trebuie s rezolv cumva situa釘ia. Mi-ar fi plcut ca profesorul s aib mai mult 樽ncredere 樽n mine.
12. Situa釘ii de via釘 n pauz eti 樽n curtea colii 樽mpreun cu colegii ti. i pui piedic unui copil care trece pe l但ng voi, acesta 樽mpreun cu prietenul lui te bat ca s se rzbune.
13. G但ndurile mele Trebuie s m rzbun. Nu suport aa ceva. Numai dac m g但ndesc la o astfel de situa釘ie m 樽nfurii. Am avut i eu partea mea de vin.
14. Concluzie G但ndurile mele cu privire la situa釘ie, determin comportamentul meu. G但nduri disfunc釘ionale. Tirania lui trebuie Toleran釘a sczut la frustrare Alb / Negru
16. Ce este asertivitatea Sunteti asertivi daca: spuneti celeilalte persoane ce va deranjeaza, punand accentul pe problema, si nu pe persoana! Si acest lucru il faceti in trei pasi: Ii spuneti 1. cum va simtiti. 2. ce va deranjeaza. si 3. care este solutia voastra la problema. Stilul asertiv nu este o reteta fixa, pe care il puteti folosi oricand si cu oricine. Dar este o metoda de a fi sinceri cu noi insine si cu ceilalti. O metoda de a spune ce ne deranjeaza, fara sa ranim sentimentele celuilalt.
17. Situa釘ii de via釘 Denis 樽l viziteaz pe Tim. Ei i-au stabilit 樽nt但lnirea pentru a se juca. Dup ce se joac un timp pe calculator, ei 樽ncep s se 樽mbr但nceasc din joac. Denis 樽l apuc pe Tim str但ns i 樽l 樽nv但rte. Tim strig: Au, prostule, nu mai am aer!
18. Cum este rspunsul lui Tim? Formula釘i un rspuns asertiv Cum v sim釘i釘i? Ce v deranjeaz? Ce solu釘ie propune釘i?
19. Drepturile asertive Am dreptul sa decid care sunt scopurile i prioritatile mele Am dreptul sa am valori, convingeri, opinii proprii Am dreptul sa nu justific viata mea Am dreptul sa spun celorlalti cum sa se comporte cu mine Am dreptul sa ma exprim fara sa-l ranesc pe celalalt Am dreptul sa spun NU sau NU STIU sau NU INTELEG sau NU MA INTERESEAZA Am dreptul sa cer informatii si ajutor Am dreptul sa fac greseli, sa ma ma razgandesc Am dreptul sa fiu acceptat asa cum sunt Am dreptul uneori la performante mai scazute decat potentialul meu Am dreptul la relatii de prietenie cu persoane cu care ma simt okey Am dreptul sa imi schimb prietenii Am dreptul sa ma schimb, sa ma dezvolt in viata aa cum imi doresc
20. n loc de 樽 ncheiere Atata timp cat oamenii vor folosi violenta pentru a combate violenta, aceasta va exista intotdeauna Michael Berg