This document provides information on viral and nematode diseases that affect bananas. It discusses four main viral diseases - banana mosaic caused by cucumber mosaic virus, banana streak virus, banana bract mosaic virus, and banana bunchy top virus caused by banana bunchy top virus. It outlines the symptoms, economic impact, and management practices for each. It also discusses four main nematode diseases that impact bananas - burrowing nematode, root-lesion nematode, root-knot nematode, and spiral nematode. For each nematode, it describes the symptoms and provides integrated management practices to control nematode populations.
This document provides information on insect pests that affect various oilseed crops. It discusses the major pests that impact sunflower, groundnut, and safflower crops. For sunflower, the major pests listed are the leaf hopper and capitulum borer. The document outlines the damage symptoms and lifecycles of these pests. For groundnuts, major pests discussed include aphids, leaf hoppers, thrips, and various caterpillar species. The management strategies provided for the pests include the use of insecticides as well as cultural practices like intercropping and trap cropping. The document concludes by listing references used to compile the pest information.
This document provides information on insect pests that affect various oilseed crops. It discusses the major pests that impact sunflower, groundnut, and safflower crops. For sunflower, the major pests listed are the leaf hopper and capitulum borer. The document outlines the damage symptoms and lifecycles of these pests. For groundnuts, major pests discussed include aphids, leaf hoppers, thrips, and various caterpillar species. The management strategies suggested for various pests include intercropping, use of resistant varieties, light traps, and insecticide applications. The document concludes by listing some references used to compile the information on oilseed pest management.
Major diseases of horticultural crops and their managemntAnurAg Kerketta
This document discusses several major diseases that affect horticultural crops and their management. It describes the symptoms, etiology, disease cycle, and management strategies for anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in mangoes. It also discusses powdery mildew caused by Oidium mangiferae, mango malformation caused by Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans, red rust caused by Cephaleuros virescens, and Panama wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in bananas. Finally, it summarizes the moko disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, banana bunch
This document provides information on major diseases that affect sesame crops and their management. It discusses 7 key diseases: phyllody caused by phytoplasma and transmitted by leafhoppers, stem and root rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina fungus, Cercospora leaf spot caused by Cercospora sesami fungus, powdery mildew caused by Erysiphae cichoracearum fungus, Alternaria leaf spot caused by Alternaria sesami fungus, bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas compestris pv. sesami bacteria, and bacterial leaf spot caused by Pseudomonas syringe pv sesame bacteria. For each disease, it describes symptoms, etiology, disease
The document summarizes key pests and diseases that affect root vegetables like carrots, radishes, and turnips. It describes several diseases that affect carrots including bacterial soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora, bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas campestris, and Sclerotinia rot or white mold caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. It also outlines major insect pests of carrots such as the aster leafhopper, flea beetle, willow carrot aphid, carrot weevil, and carrot rust fly. For radishes and turnips, it highlights diseases like Alternaria leaf spot, white rust, and anthracnose. Control and management strategies
Pests of Amaranthus and Cucurbits: Identification, Impact, and ManagementKaaviya AV
This presentation explores the common pests affecting Amaranthus and Cucurbit crops, detailing their identification, lifecycle, and the damage they cause. It also covers integrated pest management strategies, including cultural practices, biological control, and chemical interventions, to effectively manage these pests. This resource is valuable for farmers, agronomists, and agricultural students looking to protect their crops and enhance yield.
This ppt will help Agricultural professionals to diagnose banana diseases and the management strategies. This is a compilation of important diseases of banana prevalent in India which contains some of my own photographs and others collected from Web. This is intended only for educating students and other agricultural field staff.
powdery mildew of red gram, black gram, green gramrishi0
This document summarizes information about powdery mildew, a fungal disease that affects red gram, black gram, and green gram crops. It causes significant yield losses between 21-47%. The disease is caused by the fungi Leveillula taurica in red gram and Erysiphe polygoni in black gram and green gram. It spreads primarily through airborne spores and under favorable warm, humid conditions. Management strategies include removing crop residues, late sowing avoidance, sulfur dusting, and fungicide application at early disease signs.
This document provides information on cotton and several major insect pests that affect cotton crops. It introduces cotton, its economic importance, and cultivated species. It then describes in detail several key insect pests that damage cotton, including their identification, symptoms they cause, and recommended management practices. The major insects discussed are American bollworm, pink bollworm, spotted bollworms, armyworm, cotton aphid, thrips, and whitefly. For each, the document provides pictures and details symptoms, identification of stages, and integrated pest management recommendations.
Pests of Guava, Damage Symptoms and Management Practices. pptxDeepali Shid
Pests of Horticultural Crops
Pests of Guava, Damage Symptoms and Management Practices. Pests like Fruit fly, Bark Eating Caterpillar, Mealy bugs, Green scale, Spiraling white fly, Fruit borer.
The document discusses the major pests that affect groundnut production in India such as defoliators, sucking pests, and subterranean pests. It then outlines an integrated pest management approach for groundnuts involving cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical control methods. The summary concludes by listing some key recommendations from research on integrated pest management practices for groundnuts.
Entomology| pest of oil seeds|biology and managementazhagar1411
The document discusses several major insect pests that affect oilseed crops like groundnut and sunflower. For groundnut, it describes the leaf miner, tobacco caterpillar, red hairy caterpillar, and pod bug, covering their identification, damage symptoms, lifecycle, economic threshold levels, and management strategies. It also briefly outlines the capitulum borer pest of sunflower and its identification, lifecycle, and integrated pest management approaches.
Tikka disease is a common fungal disease of groundnut caused by Cercospora personata and Cercospora arachidicola. It is characterized by dark spots on the leaves and stems that can lead to defoliation. The fungi penetrate the plant tissue through direct penetration or stomata. Conidia produced on the leaf surface spread the disease through wind, rain, and insects. Management strategies include burning plant debris, crop rotation, seed treatment, and fungicide application to control secondary spread.
Pests of Apple, Fig, Ber, Aonla, their Damage Symptoms and Management Practic...Deepali Shid
Pests of Horticultural Crops
Pests of Apple, Fig, Ber, Aonla. Pests viz., San jose scale, Codling moth, Apple mite, Fig jassids, Fig mite, Ber fruit borer, Ber fruit fly, Aonla bark borer or Bark eating caterpillar
CACAO Insect, Pest, Diseases, and ManagementKirk Go
A short guide on common Cacao pest and disease management, published by the Philippine Agricultural Training Institute.
Cacao growers can benefit from additional information provided to keep their farms a viable agribusiness venture.
Integrated disease management of chilliSudeep Pandey
This document discusses integrated disease management of chilli. It describes several fungal, bacterial, viral and nematode diseases that affect chilli crops at different plant stages. These include damping off, anthracnose, bacterial leaf spot, leaf curl, frog eye leaf spot, fusarium wilt, phytophthora blight, powdery mildew, bacterial wilt, mosaic viruses, and root knot nematode. It recommends an integrated approach using cultural practices, resistant varieties, chemical control and sanitation to manage diseases and maximize chilli production.
Disease and Insect Pest of Ber and their ManagementRamkumarrai3
Ber (Zizyphus Spp.) is a most important fruit and more nutritive value for the purpose of dryland fruit production. Its require heavy pruning during April- May .
This presentation about Katte/ Marble/ Mosaic, is one of the major diseases in Cardamom that has resulted in a reduction in their production. The katte or mosaic disease in cardamom is caused by Cardamom Mosaic Virus (CdMV).Leaf blight of cardamom, popularly known as Chenthal was first reported from Vandanmedu village of Idukki district in Kerala.The disease mainly affects foliage and by destroying the effective photosynthetic aren, it adversely affects fruit set and capsule weight. Chenthal results in a yield reduction of 7-13% in Mysore type of cardamom.
This presentation summarizes several major viral diseases affecting field crops in Meghalaya, India, including their causative agents, symptoms, economic impact, and management practices. It covers Potato Leaf Roll Virus in potatoes, Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus in mungbeans, Citrus Tristeza Virus in citrus, Urdbean Leaf Crinkle Virus in blackgram, Papaya Ring Spot Virus in papaya, and Potato Virus Y in potatoes. For each disease, it discusses the virus classification, transmission method, characteristic symptoms, and integrated management approaches focusing on prevention and control.
1. The causal organism of coconut bud rot is Phytophthora palmivora, an oomycete fungus. (2) Coconut bud rot was first reported in 1834 in the West Indies and has since been reported worldwide in coconut growing regions. (3) In India, coconut bud rot is widely prevalent along the east and west coasts, affecting states like Tamil Nadu.
This document discusses castor seedling blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora nicotianae. It causes seedling mortality as high as 30-40% under conditions of prolonged rainy seasons. Symptoms include circular leaf spots and stem lesions that cause seedling death. The pathogen produces non-septate mycelium and sporangia. Management involves avoiding low-lying areas for sowing, seed treatment with Trichoderma and metalaxyl, and soil drenching with copper oxychloride or metalaxyl. The document also briefly discusses castor rust caused by Melompsora ricini, which produces yellow pustules on leaves causing premature defoliation.
Pests of Amaranthus and Cucurbits: Identification, Impact, and ManagementKaaviya AV
This presentation explores the common pests affecting Amaranthus and Cucurbit crops, detailing their identification, lifecycle, and the damage they cause. It also covers integrated pest management strategies, including cultural practices, biological control, and chemical interventions, to effectively manage these pests. This resource is valuable for farmers, agronomists, and agricultural students looking to protect their crops and enhance yield.
This ppt will help Agricultural professionals to diagnose banana diseases and the management strategies. This is a compilation of important diseases of banana prevalent in India which contains some of my own photographs and others collected from Web. This is intended only for educating students and other agricultural field staff.
powdery mildew of red gram, black gram, green gramrishi0
This document summarizes information about powdery mildew, a fungal disease that affects red gram, black gram, and green gram crops. It causes significant yield losses between 21-47%. The disease is caused by the fungi Leveillula taurica in red gram and Erysiphe polygoni in black gram and green gram. It spreads primarily through airborne spores and under favorable warm, humid conditions. Management strategies include removing crop residues, late sowing avoidance, sulfur dusting, and fungicide application at early disease signs.
This document provides information on cotton and several major insect pests that affect cotton crops. It introduces cotton, its economic importance, and cultivated species. It then describes in detail several key insect pests that damage cotton, including their identification, symptoms they cause, and recommended management practices. The major insects discussed are American bollworm, pink bollworm, spotted bollworms, armyworm, cotton aphid, thrips, and whitefly. For each, the document provides pictures and details symptoms, identification of stages, and integrated pest management recommendations.
Pests of Guava, Damage Symptoms and Management Practices. pptxDeepali Shid
Pests of Horticultural Crops
Pests of Guava, Damage Symptoms and Management Practices. Pests like Fruit fly, Bark Eating Caterpillar, Mealy bugs, Green scale, Spiraling white fly, Fruit borer.
The document discusses the major pests that affect groundnut production in India such as defoliators, sucking pests, and subterranean pests. It then outlines an integrated pest management approach for groundnuts involving cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical control methods. The summary concludes by listing some key recommendations from research on integrated pest management practices for groundnuts.
Entomology| pest of oil seeds|biology and managementazhagar1411
The document discusses several major insect pests that affect oilseed crops like groundnut and sunflower. For groundnut, it describes the leaf miner, tobacco caterpillar, red hairy caterpillar, and pod bug, covering their identification, damage symptoms, lifecycle, economic threshold levels, and management strategies. It also briefly outlines the capitulum borer pest of sunflower and its identification, lifecycle, and integrated pest management approaches.
Tikka disease is a common fungal disease of groundnut caused by Cercospora personata and Cercospora arachidicola. It is characterized by dark spots on the leaves and stems that can lead to defoliation. The fungi penetrate the plant tissue through direct penetration or stomata. Conidia produced on the leaf surface spread the disease through wind, rain, and insects. Management strategies include burning plant debris, crop rotation, seed treatment, and fungicide application to control secondary spread.
Pests of Apple, Fig, Ber, Aonla, their Damage Symptoms and Management Practic...Deepali Shid
Pests of Horticultural Crops
Pests of Apple, Fig, Ber, Aonla. Pests viz., San jose scale, Codling moth, Apple mite, Fig jassids, Fig mite, Ber fruit borer, Ber fruit fly, Aonla bark borer or Bark eating caterpillar
CACAO Insect, Pest, Diseases, and ManagementKirk Go
A short guide on common Cacao pest and disease management, published by the Philippine Agricultural Training Institute.
Cacao growers can benefit from additional information provided to keep their farms a viable agribusiness venture.
Integrated disease management of chilliSudeep Pandey
This document discusses integrated disease management of chilli. It describes several fungal, bacterial, viral and nematode diseases that affect chilli crops at different plant stages. These include damping off, anthracnose, bacterial leaf spot, leaf curl, frog eye leaf spot, fusarium wilt, phytophthora blight, powdery mildew, bacterial wilt, mosaic viruses, and root knot nematode. It recommends an integrated approach using cultural practices, resistant varieties, chemical control and sanitation to manage diseases and maximize chilli production.
Disease and Insect Pest of Ber and their ManagementRamkumarrai3
Ber (Zizyphus Spp.) is a most important fruit and more nutritive value for the purpose of dryland fruit production. Its require heavy pruning during April- May .
This presentation about Katte/ Marble/ Mosaic, is one of the major diseases in Cardamom that has resulted in a reduction in their production. The katte or mosaic disease in cardamom is caused by Cardamom Mosaic Virus (CdMV).Leaf blight of cardamom, popularly known as Chenthal was first reported from Vandanmedu village of Idukki district in Kerala.The disease mainly affects foliage and by destroying the effective photosynthetic aren, it adversely affects fruit set and capsule weight. Chenthal results in a yield reduction of 7-13% in Mysore type of cardamom.
This presentation summarizes several major viral diseases affecting field crops in Meghalaya, India, including their causative agents, symptoms, economic impact, and management practices. It covers Potato Leaf Roll Virus in potatoes, Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus in mungbeans, Citrus Tristeza Virus in citrus, Urdbean Leaf Crinkle Virus in blackgram, Papaya Ring Spot Virus in papaya, and Potato Virus Y in potatoes. For each disease, it discusses the virus classification, transmission method, characteristic symptoms, and integrated management approaches focusing on prevention and control.
1. The causal organism of coconut bud rot is Phytophthora palmivora, an oomycete fungus. (2) Coconut bud rot was first reported in 1834 in the West Indies and has since been reported worldwide in coconut growing regions. (3) In India, coconut bud rot is widely prevalent along the east and west coasts, affecting states like Tamil Nadu.
This document discusses castor seedling blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora nicotianae. It causes seedling mortality as high as 30-40% under conditions of prolonged rainy seasons. Symptoms include circular leaf spots and stem lesions that cause seedling death. The pathogen produces non-septate mycelium and sporangia. Management involves avoiding low-lying areas for sowing, seed treatment with Trichoderma and metalaxyl, and soil drenching with copper oxychloride or metalaxyl. The document also briefly discusses castor rust caused by Melompsora ricini, which produces yellow pustules on leaves causing premature defoliation.
Pest risk analysis (PRA) is the process of evaluating biological or other scientific and economic evidence to determine whether an organism is a pest, whether it should be regulated, and the strength of any phytosanitary measures to be taken against it (IPPC, 2012).
This document summarizes techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of releasing natural enemies for biological control of pests. It describes four main techniques:
1) Correlation of pest and natural enemy populations to show control.
2) Experimental addition, exclusion, and interference methods to directly measure control. Exclusion involves removing natural enemies from plots while addition entails introducing them.
3) Specific interference techniques include using insecticides, hand removal, manipulating other species, and traps.
4) Population modeling can also demonstrate control by mathematically modeling pest and natural enemy interactions.
This document provides information on mass production techniques for Trichogramma and nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (NPVs). It describes the steps for rearing the rice grain moth Corcyra cephalonica which is used as a host for producing Trichogramma. The techniques for mass rearing Trichogramma including parasitizing Corcyra eggs and storing the parasitized eggs are summarized. It also outlines the basic steps for mass producing NPVs which involve rearing host insects like Helicoverpa armigera on artificial diet, infecting the larvae with viruses, harvesting and purifying the viruses. Field application doses of different NPVs for crops are also mentioned.
Recent Advances in Integrated Pest Management of SorghumRAKESH KUMAR MEENA
This document describes 12 insect pests that affect sorghum crops. It provides details on the appearance, lifecycle and damage caused by each pest, which includes stem borers, shoot flies, caterpillars, aphids, beetles and others. It also discusses integrated pest management strategies for sorghum like cultural, mechanical, nutrient and host plant resistance methods.
This document discusses the role of biological control agents in crop protection. It defines biological control as using natural enemies like parasites, predators, and pathogens to suppress pest populations. The three main techniques of biological control are classical, augmentative, and conservation biological control. Examples are provided of important insect pests and their corresponding natural enemies, including parasitoid wasps, green lacewings, fungi, bacteria like Bt, viruses, nematodes, and protozoa.
This document discusses the shoot and fruit borer pest of brinjal plants. It begins with an introduction to brinjal and then focuses on the shoot and fruit borer pest, including its scientific classification, importance as an agricultural pest as it reduces brinjal yields, life cycle of egg to adult, and methods of management. Cultural, biological and chemical controls are outlined as well as the use of Bt brinjal, a genetically modified variety that is resistant to the borer pest through expression of a Cry protein. The document concludes that integrated pest management using selective biological controls is the most effective approach to control the pest while preserving beneficial insect populations.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenville.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.,) commonly
known as Redgram, Tur, Arhar etc., is an erect
and short-lived perennial shrub legume.
India accounts for about 75 % of world
production. Economically it is the second most
important pulse crop after chickpea in India
accounting for about 20 percent of total pulse
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu
and Bihar are the major growing states
it improves the soil by its extensive root
system and the nitrogen added up by root
associated Rhizobium bacterium.
it goes well with intercrops with no
It is gaining popularity as tall hedges on dry
soil and on the bunds of paddy fields serving
as cover or wind barrier crop.
6. 1.Sterility Mosaic
Vector: Eriophyid mite ,,Aceria cajani
Distribution: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar
(Burma),Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
Economic importance: A serious problem in
Nepal and India where it is estimated to cause
annual pigeonpea grain losses worth US $ 282
Eriophyid mite vector,.
wind borne inoculum.
Cajanus cajan and its wild relative
C. scarabaeoides var. scarabaeoides
wastelands and field bunds.
Perennial and volunteer pigeonpeas ,
And the ratooned growth,
Secondary host:
8. Symptoms
In the field, as patches of bushy, pale green plants
without flowers or pods .
The leaves of these plants are small and show a
light and dark green mosaic pattern .
The mosaic symptoms initially appear as vein-
clearing on young leaves.
Strains of sterility mosaic prevalent in the Indian
state of Bihar and in Nepal cause severe
internodal shortening of the branches and
clustering of leaves. Sometimes these leaves
become filiform.
10. Management
Select a field well away from perennial or
ratoon pigeonpeas
Destroy sources of sterility mosaic inoculum,
i.e., perennial or ratooned pigeonpeas
Uproot infected plants at an early stage of
disease development and destroy them
Rotate crops to reduce sources of inoculum
and mite vectors
11. Cont
Seed dressing with 25% Furadan 3 G速 or 10%
aldicarb @ 3 g kg/ seed
In case of appearance of initial symptoms (break
up of green colour) in the field, look for mites.
In case of presence of mites, spray the crop with
either of the chemical insecticides e.g., dicofol
18.5 EC (2.5 ml/l) or oxydemeton methyl 25 EC
(2.0 ml/l) or dimethoate 30 EC (1.7 ml/l).
12. 2.Yellow Mosaic
Causal organism: Mung bean yellow mosaic
Vector:White fly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius
Distribution: India, Jamaica, Nepal, Puerto
Rico, and Sri Lanka.
13. Symptoms
Affected plants are conspicuous in the field,
because of the green and golden yellow mosaic
mottle symptoms on their leaves .
Sometimes the affected parts of the leaves
become necrotic.
Diseased plants may produce fewer pods than
normal, especially when infected early.
Off-season and isolated sowings suffer more from
the disease than does the main-season crop,
because pigeonpea is not a preferred host of the
white fly vectors;
15. Management
Avoid sowing late to reduce diseas severity
Uproot and burn infected plants if the disease
on isolated plants in the fieldSpray insecticide
(metasystox @ 1 g L-1) to control the white fly.