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8743 Winn Road (815) 651-9404
Spring Grove, Illinois eudoraclare@gmail.com
The following positions were held concurrently while in the position of full-time faculty librarian.
Department Chair
August 2010-present
 Hire, train, manage, and mentor all adjunct librarians, reference associate and interns
 Coordinate & schedule all librarians for reference and instruction coverage
 Collaborate with library faculty to articulate a shared vision for library resources and services
 Coordinate efforts for library-wide outreach to other CLC divisions and departments
 Act as a liaison between library faculty, Dean of Libraries and Instruction and greater college
Faculty Librarian
August 1992-present
 Provide reference, research service, and instruction to library users both F2F and virtual
 Integral role in a $200,000 multi-formatted resources collection and $25,000 adjunct budget
 Develop, pilot and market embedded (online) librarian program
 Implemented Libguides for delivery of information literacy instruction
 Development of library resources in literature, law, horticulture, and juvenile literature
 Creation of a lead librarian system to distribute projects according to strengths and interests
o Personal lead experience as System Administrator, Marketing, and Collection Development
 Create, plan and execute special projects such as Kindles for Divisions, Library Redesign
Contest and Therapy Dogs
 Collaborate with faculty to develop instructional materials
 Organize, research and create multiple program reviews
Library Technical Assistant (LTA) Instructor, adjunct
Fall 2010-present
 Develop and teach Childrens Library Services (LTA 250) and Young Adult Library Services
(LTA 299) courses in accordance with departmental learning objectives
o fulfill course objectives via both classroom and Blackboard environments
o introduce students to literacy and development concepts, collection development,
marketing, space design, Web 2.0, and literature
President, College of Lake County Federation of Teachers (CLCFT)
April 2010-May 2012
 Support, interpret and define full-time contract with faculty and administration
 Participate in contract negotiation with college administration and board
 Communicate directly with college administration regarding sensitive personnel and human
resource issues
 Advocate for full-time faculty
Coordinator, International Education,
Fall 2004-Summer 2006
 Research and creation of International Education Program Review and Travel Operations Manual
 Created, initiated, managed and promoted a variety of programs including  African Art, Knitting
Around the World, and visiting scholar program
 Represented CLCs International Education division at various college functions
 Responsible for creation and copy for annual International Education newsletters
Head of Outreach Services
 Supervised Outreach Services including Bookmobile and staff of three
 Provided service and instruction to library patrons of all ages, schools and community groups
 Responsible for all library marketing including press releases and library newsletters
 Acted as school liaison to district public and private schools
Corporate Researcher, NutraSweet Company, Deerfield, Illinois
 Provided extensive executive summaries to all facets of company personnel particularly Sales
 Published internal management newsletter
 Developed collection of business reference materials
Master of Library Science, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, 1988
Bachelor of Arts, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin, 1987
Associate of Arts, College of Lake County, Grayslake, Illinois, 1985
 NISOD Award for Teaching Excellence, May 2010
 Sabbatical - Lake County Law Library, Fall 2007
 iPads are Sexy, What Can They Do for Me? NISOD National Conference, May 2012
 Library Re-Design: A CLC Student Contest, with Holly Ledvina, Fall 2010
 Evaluation & Tenure Committees, 1995, 1996, 2001-2003; 2006-present
 CLC Library Trek, team experience, Spring 2009,
o eBook student survey, Summer 2010
o Cell phone survey, Spring 2010
o iPod/mp3 player survey, 2006
 Accreditation Projects
o Paralegal Program, Fall 2007-Summer 2008
o Dental Hygiene Installation & Accreditation Team, Fall 2001-Spring 2002
o Nursing department, 1993 & 2001
 Initiated Food for Fines, A Day of Amnesty, Spring 2007-
 Organized Westlaw training for CLC community, Orientation Week, Spring 2006
 Proposal for Library legal materials in support of paralegal program, Spring 2004
 College of Lake County Foundation Grant-SelfCheck, funded Spring 20082010
 College of Lake County Professional Development Center, Podcasting, funded Spring 2006
 Illinois State Library LSTA Grant The Hidden Population funded Spring 2006
 Got MP3 CLC Foundation Grant, funded Spring 2006
 Illinois State Library LSTA Grant, Bringing the World to CLC funded Fall 2004
 World Literature Collections Partnership, Cooperative Collection Management, funded Fall 2004
 Nippersink Public Library, Trustee, 2015-
 Nippersink Middle School, PTO Secretary, 2012-2015
o Race Director, 5K Fun Run/Walk
 4-H Volunteer Judge, Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, 2010-current
 Spring Grove Elementary School, Classroom Coordinator & volunteer, 20072012
 Richmond-Burton Community High School Dance Team, helped with fundraising, Fall 2006
 Curriculum, Instruction, Programming & Technology Committee, Nippersink School District 2,
Fall 2005
 Waukegan Symphony Orchestra and Concert Chorus Advisory Board Member, Spring 1996

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vitae 2015

  • 1. 1 MICHELLE CARTER 8743 Winn Road (815) 651-9404 Spring Grove, Illinois eudoraclare@gmail.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE COLLEGE OF LAKE COUNTY, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS (1992 to present) The following positions were held concurrently while in the position of full-time faculty librarian. Department Chair August 2010-present Hire, train, manage, and mentor all adjunct librarians, reference associate and interns Coordinate & schedule all librarians for reference and instruction coverage Collaborate with library faculty to articulate a shared vision for library resources and services Coordinate efforts for library-wide outreach to other CLC divisions and departments Act as a liaison between library faculty, Dean of Libraries and Instruction and greater college Faculty Librarian August 1992-present Provide reference, research service, and instruction to library users both F2F and virtual Integral role in a $200,000 multi-formatted resources collection and $25,000 adjunct budget Develop, pilot and market embedded (online) librarian program Implemented Libguides for delivery of information literacy instruction Development of library resources in literature, law, horticulture, and juvenile literature Creation of a lead librarian system to distribute projects according to strengths and interests o Personal lead experience as System Administrator, Marketing, and Collection Development Create, plan and execute special projects such as Kindles for Divisions, Library Redesign Contest and Therapy Dogs Collaborate with faculty to develop instructional materials Organize, research and create multiple program reviews Library Technical Assistant (LTA) Instructor, adjunct Fall 2010-present Develop and teach Childrens Library Services (LTA 250) and Young Adult Library Services (LTA 299) courses in accordance with departmental learning objectives o fulfill course objectives via both classroom and Blackboard environments o introduce students to literacy and development concepts, collection development, marketing, space design, Web 2.0, and literature President, College of Lake County Federation of Teachers (CLCFT) April 2010-May 2012 Support, interpret and define full-time contract with faculty and administration
  • 2. 2 Participate in contract negotiation with college administration and board Communicate directly with college administration regarding sensitive personnel and human resource issues Advocate for full-time faculty Coordinator, International Education, Fall 2004-Summer 2006 Research and creation of International Education Program Review and Travel Operations Manual Created, initiated, managed and promoted a variety of programs including African Art, Knitting Around the World, and visiting scholar program Represented CLCs International Education division at various college functions Responsible for creation and copy for annual International Education newsletters ZION-BENTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, ZION, ILLINOIS (October 1990-August 1992) Head of Outreach Services Supervised Outreach Services including Bookmobile and staff of three Provided service and instruction to library patrons of all ages, schools and community groups Responsible for all library marketing including press releases and library newsletters Acted as school liaison to district public and private schools NUTRASWEET COMPANY, DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS (June 1988-October 1990) Corporate Researcher, NutraSweet Company, Deerfield, Illinois Provided extensive executive summaries to all facets of company personnel particularly Sales Published internal management newsletter Developed collection of business reference materials EDUCATION Master of Library Science, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, 1988 Bachelor of Arts, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin, 1987 Associate of Arts, College of Lake County, Grayslake, Illinois, 1985 AWARDS NISOD Award for Teaching Excellence, May 2010 Sabbatical - Lake County Law Library, Fall 2007 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES iPads are Sexy, What Can They Do for Me? NISOD National Conference, May 2012 Library Re-Design: A CLC Student Contest, with Holly Ledvina, Fall 2010 Evaluation & Tenure Committees, 1995, 1996, 2001-2003; 2006-present CLC Library Trek, team experience, Spring 2009, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0OPJ4L5n2k Surveys o eBook student survey, Summer 2010 o Cell phone survey, Spring 2010 o iPod/mp3 player survey, 2006
  • 3. 3 Accreditation Projects o Paralegal Program, Fall 2007-Summer 2008 o Dental Hygiene Installation & Accreditation Team, Fall 2001-Spring 2002 o Nursing department, 1993 & 2001 Initiated Food for Fines, A Day of Amnesty, Spring 2007- Organized Westlaw training for CLC community, Orientation Week, Spring 2006 Proposal for Library legal materials in support of paralegal program, Spring 2004 GRANT WRITING College of Lake County Foundation Grant-SelfCheck, funded Spring 20082010 College of Lake County Professional Development Center, Podcasting, funded Spring 2006 Illinois State Library LSTA Grant The Hidden Population funded Spring 2006 Got MP3 CLC Foundation Grant, funded Spring 2006 Illinois State Library LSTA Grant, Bringing the World to CLC funded Fall 2004 World Literature Collections Partnership, Cooperative Collection Management, funded Fall 2004 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Nippersink Public Library, Trustee, 2015- Nippersink Middle School, PTO Secretary, 2012-2015 o Race Director, 5K Fun Run/Walk 4-H Volunteer Judge, Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, 2010-current Spring Grove Elementary School, Classroom Coordinator & volunteer, 20072012 Richmond-Burton Community High School Dance Team, helped with fundraising, Fall 2006 Curriculum, Instruction, Programming & Technology Committee, Nippersink School District 2, Fall 2005 Waukegan Symphony Orchestra and Concert Chorus Advisory Board Member, Spring 1996