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Mobile Optimized News
Through Story Infographics
Mobile Optimized News
Through Story Infographics
Vizi newsbusplan
When you dont have time to read this
Bribing into Mexicos Treasured Spots
                                           $52K bribes changes key zoning vote

            Despite Protests, WalMart Builds      Strike Leader Jailed  Dies from Hunger Strike

                             You can read this.
When you dont have time to read this
Titans beat Jets 14-10                                 Punt + fumble = TD

                             Action in 4th Quarter

 Coach Ryan leaves cursing                           3 + 1 sacks = lost playoffs

                         You can read this.
Complex stores in visual shorthand
Vizi newsbusplan
Legal claims reduced to a comic strip

       3 Hour Turnaround

 Stories Scanned by Readers
   Storyboarded by Editors
 Drawn by artists worldwide
    Paid & Volunteer Editors
                        Visual Engines
 Paid & Revenue share artists

                                                      Paid & Rev. share artists   Self Post on site &
                           Paid & Volunteer Editors                                    Approved
 Paid & volunter readers
    $50  $100 for Lead Stories
 Volunteer stories by infographists
  (artist promo or revenue share)
     $500 per news day issue
Multimillion Reader Potential
 Adsense  2c. Per reader
      Native Viziads 
      10c. per reader
  Syndication & Licensing
 Pulse News = 20m  Flipboard = 20m

   Upworthy = 6m  Summly = 1m


     Visual Daily  Visual Weekly

   ViziPress  ViziBooks  Vizinary

≒   Marketplace for expressive graphics
           Resell Visual Libraries
        Vizis: Education & Business
             Book Summaries
                Patent Pending
      Conceptual Texting
         Visual Search
      Robotic Language
   Coding & Machine control
      Memorization Tools
   Visually Intelligent Games

2013  1M Subs ($1.2o) = $1.2M

    2014  5m Subs ($2) = $10M

    2015  20M Subs ($3)= $60M

   2016  50M Subs ($4) = $200M

     build out NY HQ

        scale site

  hire key media execs

 consolidate 1st to market

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Vizi newsbusplan

  • 1. Mobile Optimized News Through Story Infographics
  • 2. Mobile Optimized News Through Story Infographics
  • 4. When you dont have time to read this
  • 5. Bribing into Mexicos Treasured Spots $52K bribes changes key zoning vote Despite Protests, WalMart Builds Strike Leader Jailed Dies from Hunger Strike You can read this.
  • 6. When you dont have time to read this
  • 7. Titans beat Jets 14-10 Punt + fumble = TD Action in 4th Quarter Coach Ryan leaves cursing 3 + 1 sacks = lost playoffs You can read this.
  • 8. Complex stores in visual shorthand
  • 10. Legal claims reduced to a comic strip
  • 11. Process: 3 Hour Turnaround Stories Scanned by Readers Storyboarded by Editors Drawn by artists worldwide
  • 12. Method: Autosummaries Paid & Volunteer Editors Visual Engines Paid & Revenue share artists Paid & Rev. share artists Self Post on site & Paid & Volunteer Editors Approved Autosummaries Paid & volunter readers
  • 13. Costs: $50 $100 for Lead Stories Volunteer stories by infographists (artist promo or revenue share) $500 per news day issue
  • 14. Revenues: Multimillion Reader Potential Adsense 2c. Per reader Native Viziads 10c. per reader Syndication & Licensing
  • 15. Competition: Pulse News = 20m Flipboard = 20m Upworthy = 6m Summly = 1m ViziNews Visual Daily Visual Weekly ViziPress ViziBooks Vizinary
  • 16. VISUAL PLATFORM ≒ Marketplace for expressive graphics Resell Visual Libraries Vizis: Education & Business Book Summaries Patent Pending
  • 17. CONCEPT LANGUAGE Conceptual Texting Visual Search Robotic Language Coding & Machine control Memorization Tools Visually Intelligent Games
  • 18. Projections 2013 1M Subs ($1.2o) = $1.2M 2014 5m Subs ($2) = $10M 2015 20M Subs ($3)= $60M 2016 50M Subs ($4) = $200M
  • 19. Raise 500K build out NY HQ scale site hire key media execs consolidate 1st to market