This document provides instructions for two photography and video challenges. The photography challenge lists 9 different photographic techniques for students to try, including straight lines, leading lines, self portraits, and forced perspective. The video challenge instructs students to create a short video under 2 minutes with a simple story, storyboarded shots, and footage that incorporates at least 4 shots/angles from the examples. It provides resources for free music and sound effects and tips for successful video shooting.
This document provides instructions for two photography and video challenges. The photography challenge lists 9 different photographic techniques for students to try, including straight lines, leading lines, self portraits, and forced perspective. The video challenge instructs students to create a short video under 2 minutes with a simple story, storyboarded shots, and footage that incorporates at least 4 shots/angles from the examples. It provides resources for free music and sound effects and tips for successful video shooting.
Since Audacity is the perfect tool for mixing several tracks together and fading in/out
different tracks, it makes it the perfect tool for podcast or radio show creation.
This animated presentation was created by the students of Lyceum of Vrachneika. It presents how we worked with GoAnimate in order to create animations.
This document describes an eTwinning project between Polish and Greek students to create a cookbook of popular dishes from both countries. The students believe learning about food and culture is important for intercultural understanding. The cookbook website includes sections on breakfast, starters, main dishes, desserts, festive recipes, and photos from the project. It aims to show students enjoying cooking and tasting traditional Greek and Polish foods.
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewisgulombahoum
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition by Lewis