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Essay on Water Treatment Process
Clean water supply is essential in establishing and maintaining a healthy community. There are two
sources of water supply which are the surface water and ground water. Most natural waters are not
suitable for consumption as it is contaminated by pathogens and also natural chemicals and minerals.
In addition, as a city grew, wastes from human activities contaminate most of the water supplies.
Water treatment plays an important role to properly treat a contaminated source of water supply in
order to protect the health of consumers. Water treatment process is defined as a process of
eliminating pollutants from untreated water to produce a biologically and chemically riskfree
water, which is both potable and palatable for human consumption...show more content...
The second step of water treatment process is aeration. At the aerator, raw water is mixed with
air. The aeration process helps to provide oxygen to the raw water which is needed for the
oxidation process of dissolved iron and manganese in order for it to precipitate and therefore
enables its removal through filtration (SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd., n.d.). Wormleaton and Tsang
(2000) stated that for water treatment process and also natural streams, it is essential to maintain a
high amount of dissolved oxygen. Aeration also provides the escape of dissolved gases, such as
carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide to reduce the corrosiveness of water, thus controls the tastes
and odors of the water (Shun, 2007). Groundwater with high dissolved carbon dioxide levels or
high concentrations of iron and manganese commonly require aeration as well as water drawn from
reservoirs that is low in dissolved oxygen.
Thirdly, the proceeding water treatment step involves coagulation and flocculation. The objective of
this step is to produce particles of a size that can be easily removed by settlement and filtration.
Coagulation destabilizes the colloidal particles followed by flocculation whereby larger particles
are formed from small particles through collisions. Conley and Evers (as cited in Hendricks, 2006,
p. 277) described coagulation as a process that reduces the surface charge
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Water Conservation Essay
One of the items people, animals, and our environment cannot live without is water. Water is
extremely vital in the everyday life of everyone in the world from everyday life of drinking,
washing clothes, animals, grains, cleaning, and so many other uses that eliminating water would
eliminate our species as we all depend on the necessity of water. "The water footprint refers to the
volumes of water consumption and pollution that are 'behind' your daily consumption". (Network,
2010) If an average American uses approximately 80100 gallons of water per day then an average
American needs to change their ways and contribute to a better water footprint. Water is critical for
ecological systems and the health of humans. Animals or plants...show more content...
Examples of products and water is that the "global average water footprint: 15500 liters of water
per kg of beef" and the "global average water footprint: 2400 liters of water for one hamburger!"
(Network, 2010) Understanding the amount of water our world uses is imperative as there are many
consequences to follow globally.
The global consequences of using so much water are that globally we are in a water crisis. The
demand for water is always a necessity and as population increases the need for water increases. The
lack of safe drinking water and sanitation varies from country to country. "More than one out of
six people lack access to safe drinking water, namely 1.1 billion people, and more than two out of
six people lack adequate sanitation, namely 2.6 billion people. 2900 children die every day from
water borne diseases". (Council, 2009) Not only is there a crisis with consumption of water for
people but also it is critical that humans reduce the amount of water they use for industrial and
agricultural development in order not to effect the aquatic ecosystems and their species. "Water
covers almost 70 percent of the surface of the globe and is the Earth's most abundant resource.
About 97 percent of the water is the oceans and is too salty for drinking, growing crops, and most
other human resources". (Frederick, 2004)
Since globally there is a water crisis, it is important to conserve as much water as possible every
day. Not only understanding how I
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Water In Industry Essay
The quality and quatity of available water are important in the location of a industry. For this
purpose surface water as well as ground water may be used, but the supply must be adequate and
continuous throughout the year. The supply, should however, not disturb the municipal water supply
of the area. More than 50% of water supply used in industry is utilised for cooling purposes, that is,
to carry away heat by warming or by evaporaton. A considerable amount of water is also used for
solution and dilution purposes in the industry and for this purpose pure water is extremely
necessary. The location of a industry in a particular area is decided by taking into consideration the
following important factors i.e. Raw material, Power supply,...show more content...
On rising to high altitudes, they undergo condensation and form small droplets. These droplets
move in the sky in the form of clouds and aggregate continuously till they become heavy enough
unable to support their weight: As a result they fall down in the form of rain. Since rain water is
produced by a process of distillation, it is considered to be purest form of water. The rain water,
however , is associated with dissolved gases such as CO2, SO2, NH3 etc from the atmosphere.
India being a vast country, with an area of about 806 million acres, the rainfall constitutes one of
the most important and largest source of water. The rain water in the hilly districts and from the
snows that melt in the mountain regions, flows in the form of rivers. The original river water is
very pure, but it takes up suspended impurities as it flows through the plains. In this process, it also
dissolves CO2 from the atmosphere, which enables water to dissolve carbonates as it passes over
the beds. Some of the rain water percolates underneath the surface of earth, till it reaches an
impervious strata which prevents its further penetration. This exudes in the from of springs. Water
from springs contains dissolved sulphur compounds. Such water is helpful in the cure of skin
diseases. If water from the springs contains some salts such as magnesium chloride and mangnesium
sulphate, it is also known as saline water.
The chief source of water supply for industrial purposes are: Ground water,
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Global Water Crisis Essay
It Can Be Fixed Throughout the path of human and mammal history, there have been a small number
of characteristics in life that are needed to maintain and facilitate survival. These necessities consists
of water, nutrition, shelter and oxygen, which many historians, anthropologists and humans in
general have began to realize. Through this realization, one apprehends the fact that out of the four
requirements of life, water by far provides as the most important. Each year, the world population
increases exponentially; today being over seven billion. Due to this increase human beings have
begun to experience a serious crisis dealing with the loss of water. The world has become limited
with its supply of water, due to its high demand....show more content...
The global water crisis is an increasing problem internationally, and can only be revolutionized by
the individual work of the seven billion people living on this planet. Consequently, people
throughout the world have come to a realization and worry that water may not be available
forever, and now the time has come to address the global water crisis. Water scarcity has been a
subject to ignorance around the world, especially in underdeveloped and rural areas, where fresh
water is not always accessible. In many undeveloped countries "almost 2 million children die each
year for want of a glass of clean water and adequate sanitation" (Human Development Report 2006).
But recently, water pollution has amplified in industrialized areas. People do not even realize that
"everyday household activities contribute to water pollution. When it rains, fertilizer from lawns, oil
from driveways... are all washed into storm sewers or nearby lakes, rivers and streams  the same
lakes, rivers and streams we rely on for drinking water supply, boating, swimming and fishing. Also,
improper handling of materials around the house can lead to pollution" (Natural Resource Defense
Council). In the article "How to Clean up Water" Natural Resource Defense Council further reiterates
the idea that water contamination is created by the daily actions of humans around the world, in
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Water Resources Essay

  • 1. Essay on Water Treatment Process Clean water supply is essential in establishing and maintaining a healthy community. There are two sources of water supply which are the surface water and ground water. Most natural waters are not suitable for consumption as it is contaminated by pathogens and also natural chemicals and minerals. In addition, as a city grew, wastes from human activities contaminate most of the water supplies. Water treatment plays an important role to properly treat a contaminated source of water supply in order to protect the health of consumers. Water treatment process is defined as a process of eliminating pollutants from untreated water to produce a biologically and chemically riskfree water, which is both potable and palatable for human consumption...show more content... The second step of water treatment process is aeration. At the aerator, raw water is mixed with air. The aeration process helps to provide oxygen to the raw water which is needed for the oxidation process of dissolved iron and manganese in order for it to precipitate and therefore enables its removal through filtration (SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd., n.d.). Wormleaton and Tsang (2000) stated that for water treatment process and also natural streams, it is essential to maintain a high amount of dissolved oxygen. Aeration also provides the escape of dissolved gases, such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide to reduce the corrosiveness of water, thus controls the tastes and odors of the water (Shun, 2007). Groundwater with high dissolved carbon dioxide levels or high concentrations of iron and manganese commonly require aeration as well as water drawn from reservoirs that is low in dissolved oxygen. Thirdly, the proceeding water treatment step involves coagulation and flocculation. The objective of this step is to produce particles of a size that can be easily removed by settlement and filtration. Coagulation destabilizes the colloidal particles followed by flocculation whereby larger particles are formed from small particles through collisions. Conley and Evers (as cited in Hendricks, 2006, p. 277) described coagulation as a process that reduces the surface charge Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Water Conservation Essay One of the items people, animals, and our environment cannot live without is water. Water is extremely vital in the everyday life of everyone in the world from everyday life of drinking, washing clothes, animals, grains, cleaning, and so many other uses that eliminating water would eliminate our species as we all depend on the necessity of water. "The water footprint refers to the volumes of water consumption and pollution that are 'behind' your daily consumption". (Network, 2010) If an average American uses approximately 80100 gallons of water per day then an average American needs to change their ways and contribute to a better water footprint. Water is critical for ecological systems and the health of humans. Animals or plants...show more content... Examples of products and water is that the "global average water footprint: 15500 liters of water per kg of beef" and the "global average water footprint: 2400 liters of water for one hamburger!" (Network, 2010) Understanding the amount of water our world uses is imperative as there are many consequences to follow globally. The global consequences of using so much water are that globally we are in a water crisis. The demand for water is always a necessity and as population increases the need for water increases. The lack of safe drinking water and sanitation varies from country to country. "More than one out of six people lack access to safe drinking water, namely 1.1 billion people, and more than two out of six people lack adequate sanitation, namely 2.6 billion people. 2900 children die every day from water borne diseases". (Council, 2009) Not only is there a crisis with consumption of water for people but also it is critical that humans reduce the amount of water they use for industrial and agricultural development in order not to effect the aquatic ecosystems and their species. "Water covers almost 70 percent of the surface of the globe and is the Earth's most abundant resource. About 97 percent of the water is the oceans and is too salty for drinking, growing crops, and most other human resources". (Frederick, 2004) Since globally there is a water crisis, it is important to conserve as much water as possible every day. Not only understanding how I Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Water In Industry Essay The quality and quatity of available water are important in the location of a industry. For this purpose surface water as well as ground water may be used, but the supply must be adequate and continuous throughout the year. The supply, should however, not disturb the municipal water supply of the area. More than 50% of water supply used in industry is utilised for cooling purposes, that is, to carry away heat by warming or by evaporaton. A considerable amount of water is also used for solution and dilution purposes in the industry and for this purpose pure water is extremely necessary. The location of a industry in a particular area is decided by taking into consideration the following important factors i.e. Raw material, Power supply,...show more content... On rising to high altitudes, they undergo condensation and form small droplets. These droplets move in the sky in the form of clouds and aggregate continuously till they become heavy enough unable to support their weight: As a result they fall down in the form of rain. Since rain water is produced by a process of distillation, it is considered to be purest form of water. The rain water, however , is associated with dissolved gases such as CO2, SO2, NH3 etc from the atmosphere. India being a vast country, with an area of about 806 million acres, the rainfall constitutes one of the most important and largest source of water. The rain water in the hilly districts and from the snows that melt in the mountain regions, flows in the form of rivers. The original river water is very pure, but it takes up suspended impurities as it flows through the plains. In this process, it also dissolves CO2 from the atmosphere, which enables water to dissolve carbonates as it passes over the beds. Some of the rain water percolates underneath the surface of earth, till it reaches an impervious strata which prevents its further penetration. This exudes in the from of springs. Water from springs contains dissolved sulphur compounds. Such water is helpful in the cure of skin diseases. If water from the springs contains some salts such as magnesium chloride and mangnesium sulphate, it is also known as saline water. The chief source of water supply for industrial purposes are: Ground water, Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Global Water Crisis Essay It Can Be Fixed Throughout the path of human and mammal history, there have been a small number of characteristics in life that are needed to maintain and facilitate survival. These necessities consists of water, nutrition, shelter and oxygen, which many historians, anthropologists and humans in general have began to realize. Through this realization, one apprehends the fact that out of the four requirements of life, water by far provides as the most important. Each year, the world population increases exponentially; today being over seven billion. Due to this increase human beings have begun to experience a serious crisis dealing with the loss of water. The world has become limited with its supply of water, due to its high demand....show more content... The global water crisis is an increasing problem internationally, and can only be revolutionized by the individual work of the seven billion people living on this planet. Consequently, people throughout the world have come to a realization and worry that water may not be available forever, and now the time has come to address the global water crisis. Water scarcity has been a subject to ignorance around the world, especially in underdeveloped and rural areas, where fresh water is not always accessible. In many undeveloped countries "almost 2 million children die each year for want of a glass of clean water and adequate sanitation" (Human Development Report 2006). But recently, water pollution has amplified in industrialized areas. People do not even realize that "everyday household activities contribute to water pollution. When it rains, fertilizer from lawns, oil from driveways... are all washed into storm sewers or nearby lakes, rivers and streams the same lakes, rivers and streams we rely on for drinking water supply, boating, swimming and fishing. Also, improper handling of materials around the house can lead to pollution" (Natural Resource Defense Council). In the article "How to Clean up Water" Natural Resource Defense Council further reiterates the idea that water contamination is created by the daily actions of humans around the world, in Get more content on HelpWriting.net