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Tracking Weather Systems
When will the storm arrive?
How fast do weather systems travel?
What are typical storm tracks in the
contiguous United States?
Copyright TERC, 2018
Storm Tracking Instructions
1. Print a set of maps to use in this exercise. (Or you can view the maps on a computer with ImageJ
software, Adobe Reader, or PPT)
2. Each team should have one set of maps to examine and enough blank maps for everyone on the
3. Begin by looking in the lower-left corner for the date and time of each map.
4. Note the location of the first low pressure center, in the Seattle, Washington area on March 30,
5. Record its location on the blank US map by drawing a L on the blank map and circling it.
6. Advance to the next image, March 31, 2012. Note the location of the low, now located near
northern Idaho. Record this new on your blank map.
7. Advance to the 3rd map image. The low pressure is now over Montana. Again, record the location
on your blank map.
8. Repeat this procedure for the next several map images, following one storm as it travels across the
country, and eventually heads out across the Atlantic Ocean.
9. Draw a black line connecting the location of the low across the map.
10. Rewind the map images to April 2nd, 2012 and track a second storm. Either start with the one off
the coast of Washington or the one located over South Dakota.
11. Answer the Stop and Think questions listed at the end of the presentation.
12. Optional Extensions: 1) Measure the distance these low pressure centers travel between maps. Use
the time and date stamps on the images to calculate how fast they travel. 2) Download and track
another set of storms. These images are available at NWS: 3) Use ImageJ software to analyze and
animate the images.
Copyright TERC, 2018
weather tracking ppt
weather tracking ppt
weather tracking ppt
weather tracking ppt
weather tracking ppt
weather tracking ppt
weather tracking ppt
weather tracking ppt
weather tracking ppt
Stop and Think
1. Which day did the L pressure move off the
Atlantic coast?
2. How many days did it take for the storm to
travel across the country?
3. Given the distance the storm travelled as
approximately 2700 miles (4350 kilometers)
What was the average rate of travel?
Copyright TERC, 2018

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weather tracking ppt

  • 1. Tracking Weather Systems When will the storm arrive? How fast do weather systems travel? What are typical storm tracks in the contiguous United States? Copyright TERC, 2018
  • 2. Storm Tracking Instructions 1. Print a set of maps to use in this exercise. (Or you can view the maps on a computer with ImageJ software, Adobe Reader, or PPT) 2. Each team should have one set of maps to examine and enough blank maps for everyone on the team. 3. Begin by looking in the lower-left corner for the date and time of each map. 4. Note the location of the first low pressure center, in the Seattle, Washington area on March 30, 2012. 5. Record its location on the blank US map by drawing a L on the blank map and circling it. 6. Advance to the next image, March 31, 2012. Note the location of the low, now located near northern Idaho. Record this new on your blank map. 7. Advance to the 3rd map image. The low pressure is now over Montana. Again, record the location on your blank map. 8. Repeat this procedure for the next several map images, following one storm as it travels across the country, and eventually heads out across the Atlantic Ocean. 9. Draw a black line connecting the location of the low across the map. 10. Rewind the map images to April 2nd, 2012 and track a second storm. Either start with the one off the coast of Washington or the one located over South Dakota. 11. Answer the Stop and Think questions listed at the end of the presentation. 12. Optional Extensions: 1) Measure the distance these low pressure centers travel between maps. Use the time and date stamps on the images to calculate how fast they travel. 2) Download and track another set of storms. These images are available at NWS: 3) Use ImageJ software to analyze and animate the images. Copyright TERC, 2018
  • 12. Stop and Think 1. Which day did the L pressure move off the Atlantic coast? 2. How many days did it take for the storm to travel across the country? 3. Given the distance the storm travelled as approximately 2700 miles (4350 kilometers) What was the average rate of travel? Copyright TERC, 2018