DeNA TechCon2019 How to implement live streaming client using UnityTakeyuki Ogura
I think the game engine is a good production environment for creators other than game creators. From the smartphone it is possible to draw not only the whole smartphone screen on the distributor side but also the live distribution directly from the smartphone, drawing what you want to show to the user.
I would like to reevaluate the game engine as a live distribution application development tool while thinking about the application of the era where various things may become constant streaming.
DeNA TechCon2019
The document discusses value-added services using WebRTC technology. It begins by outlining challenges currently facing enterprises and service providers, such as improving mobile experiences and reducing costs. It then examines how WebRTC could address these challenges by enabling new communication applications. Examples of potential WebRTC uses are presented across vertical industries like healthcare, IoT, and special needs, as well as for customer management, collaboration, and broadcasting. The document concludes by speculating on future directions such as using the data channel, moving beyond phone numbers with digital identity, and incorporating artificial intelligence into services.
Data channelの活用方法とその可能性 - WebRTC Conference JapanShintaro Tanaka
Feb. 9th: Updated to the latest version (used in actual session)
2015年2月6日 WebRTC Conference Japanセッション
Mist Technologies, Inc.
CEO/Founder 田中 晋太朗
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