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T c油 for油 D
 opi       ocum D gn油 E
               ent油 esi xerci se油 #1

    O r油 proj ect油 i s油 to油 l au ch a油 n 油 com y油
      u                          n 油    ew   pan
    creati n robots油 th h p油 peopl e' s油 l i ves.
             g油             at油 el
油 油 T e油 obj ecti ve油 of油 ou com y油 i s油 to油 m a油
      h                       r油   pan         ake油
    u trou ed油 an con i en l i fe油 by油
      n     bl       d油     ven ce油
    devel opm of油 robots油 w i ch su
               ent油               h 油 pport油 ou  r油
    l i fe.
T c油 for油 D
 opi       ocum D gn油 E
               ent油 esi xerci se油 #2

    O r油 com y油 w l l 油 sel l 油 a油 w de油 vari ety油 of油
     u       pan i                  i
油 油 O 油 th on h
     n e油 e油 and油 w si l l 油 sel l 油 rescu
                        e油                     e油
    robots油 th can m i t油 easy油 to油 save油
               at油    油 ake油
    peopl e.
油 油 O 油 th oth h d, 油 w w l l 油 w
     n e油       er油 an       e油 i      ork油 as油 a油
    toym aker油 for油 peopl e' s油 en tertai n en
                                           m t.
T im
  he油 portance油 of油 the油 documents油 for油
l aunchi ng油 busi ness油 (1)

    T e油 docu en for油 l au ch n bu n
     h        m t油        n i g油 si ess油 are油
    importan becau th are油 an ou cem ts油
              t油    se油 ey油       n n en
    of油 stati n ou bu n
               g油 r油 si ess.
油 油 Wth t油 th , 油 w can ot油 attract油
     i ou        em e油    n
    custom s油 atten on.
           er         ti
T im
  he油 portance油 of油 the油 documents油 for油
l aunchi ng油 busi ness油 (2)

    A so, 油 th are油 i m
     l        ey油     portan for油
    stren en n ou determn on.
          gth i g油 r油         i ati
油 油 B w ti n th , 油 w can get油 ou
     y油 ri     g油 em e油     油       rsel ves油 up油
    for油 bu n
            si ess.
Importance of Robots
   First I think that to know fact for many
    people is important.
   So I want to announce
    information which In
    the disaster side with
   In the disaster side,
    there are many dangerous zone even if
Working robot
           In these case,
            Robot can work
           To rescue
            victim,to move
            rubble,to search
            victim and so
Major Heading鐔¥宗:鐔¥宗Creating robots
 Robots will be more important part of our lives

                 in the future.
鐔¥宗So we think it is needed that creating and launching a new helpful robot.

Question鐔¥宗:鐔¥宗The society supporting the life of people by new robot
     鐔¥宗It is that people can live more useful by we product and put out robots.

                               Key words鐔¥宗:
                            鐔¥宗To help many people
                           鐔¥宗To continue to develop
                       鐔¥宗To keep good quality of robots
            Our industry will more advance and develop in the future.
              Also, this industry may bring welfare in our society.
Why are they important?
                     Reasons :
Because to gain advantage both business and people.
             鐔¥宗鐔¥宗To be able to use time wisely
鐔¥宗鐔¥宗To cost savings in work (For example : employment cost)
     鐔¥宗鐔¥宗To make a untroubled and convenience life鐔¥宗

鐔¥宗Because of making the contribute to technology
       鐔¥宗鐔¥宗To support the area of technology widely

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  • 1. T c油 for油 D opi ocum D gn油 E ent油 esi xerci se油 #1 O r油 proj ect油 i s油 to油 l au ch a油 n 油 com y油 u n 油 ew pan creati n robots油 th h p油 peopl e' s油 l i ves. g油 at油 el 油 油 T e油 obj ecti ve油 of油 ou com y油 i s油 to油 m a油 h r油 pan ake油 u trou ed油 an con i en l i fe油 by油 n bl d油 ven ce油 devel opm of油 robots油 w i ch su ent油 h 油 pport油 ou r油 l i fe.
  • 2. T c油 for油 D opi ocum D gn油 E ent油 esi xerci se油 #2 O r油 com y油 w l l 油 sel l 油 a油 w de油 vari ety油 of油 u pan i i robots. 油 油 O 油 th on h n e油 e油 and油 w si l l 油 sel l 油 rescu e油 e油 robots油 th can m i t油 easy油 to油 save油 at油 油 ake油 peopl e. 油 油 O 油 th oth h d, 油 w w l l 油 w n e油 er油 an e油 i ork油 as油 a油 toym aker油 for油 peopl e' s油 en tertai n en m t.
  • 3. T im he油 portance油 of油 the油 documents油 for油 l aunchi ng油 busi ness油 (1) T e油 docu en for油 l au ch n bu n h m t油 n i g油 si ess油 are油 importan becau th are油 an ou cem ts油 t油 se油 ey油 n n en of油 stati n ou bu n g油 r油 si ess. 油 油 Wth t油 th , 油 w can ot油 attract油 i ou em e油 n custom s油 atten on. er ti
  • 4. T im he油 portance油 of油 the油 documents油 for油 l aunchi ng油 busi ness油 (2) A so, 油 th are油 i m l ey油 portan for油 t油 stren en n ou determn on. gth i g油 r油 i ati 油 油 B w ti n th , 油 w can get油 ou y油 ri g油 em e油 油 rsel ves油 up油 for油 bu n si ess.
  • 5. Importance of Robots First I think that to know fact for many people is important. So I want to announce information which In the disaster side with internet. In the disaster side, there are many dangerous zone even if professionals.
  • 6. Working robot In these case, Robot can work efficiently. To rescue victim,to move rubble,to search victim and so on.
  • 7. Major Heading鐔¥宗:鐔¥宗Creating robots Robots will be more important part of our lives 鐔¥宗 in the future. 鐔¥宗So we think it is needed that creating and launching a new helpful robot. Question鐔¥宗:鐔¥宗The society supporting the life of people by new robot 鐔¥宗It is that people can live more useful by we product and put out robots. Key words鐔¥宗: 鐔¥宗To help many people 鐔¥宗To continue to develop 鐔¥宗To keep good quality of robots Our industry will more advance and develop in the future. Also, this industry may bring welfare in our society.
  • 8. Why are they important? Reasons : Because to gain advantage both business and people. 鐔¥宗鐔¥宗To be able to use time wisely 鐔¥宗鐔¥宗To cost savings in work (For example : employment cost) 鐔¥宗鐔¥宗To make a untroubled and convenience life鐔¥宗 鐔¥宗Because of making the contribute to technology 鐔¥宗鐔¥宗To support the area of technology widely