SSL/TLS is a protocol that provides encryption and authentication for web requests. It evolved from earlier SSL versions into the current TLS standard. During a TLS handshake, the client and server agree on encryption parameters and verify certificates from a certificate authority to establish a secure connection. TLS allows for session resumption to reuse encryption settings for subsequent connections via session identifiers or tickets. However, TLS is still vulnerable to man-in-the-middle and DNS hijacking attacks if certificate authorities are compromised.
El documento describe las entrevistas realizadas por los alumnos de 6oB con el personal del centro escolar, incluyendo a la secretaria, el director y la jefa de estudios. Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre los roles y responsabilidades de cada miembro del personal a trav¨¦s de las entrevistas.
Spain has a long and varied history due to its geographical position in Europe and proximity to Africa. The document outlines the many groups that have settled in Spain over the centuries, including the first inhabitants from Africa who brought fire and religion. Subsequent settlers included Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, who introduced new technologies, culture and Latin-based languages. The Middle Ages saw influence from Barbarian tribes and another influx from Africa that advanced Spanish culture and economy. The 15th century discoveries in navigation led to Spanish colonization of America, bringing wealth but also the blending of new indigenous cultures. Spain experienced a golden age and later decline, and its 20th century was marked by civil war and later participation in European institutions.
The Dr?ger Flame 2300 is an explosion proof combined UV/IR flame detector that can detect hydrocarbon fires. It has a flexible design with multiple output and installation options. It is reliable in detecting fires with high immunity to false alarms by requiring both UV and IR sensors to detect a fire. It is approved for worldwide use under various certifications.
El documento describe la certificaci¨®n Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), la cual valida el dominio de Microsoft Office. M¨¢s de 1 mill¨®n de ex¨¢menes MOS se realizan anualmente en 140 pa¨ªses. La certificaci¨®n MOS brinda beneficios como el reconocimiento de habilidades, la mejora de la productividad y las oportunidades laborales.
The document is about Luke and Darcy and their lives together. As babies, they grew up and Luke became the batting champion of the year in his sport while Gabe was named team player of the year. Luke and Darcy then had babies of their own and the document expresses congratulations to the couple on this new stage of their lives together.
This document appears to be a template for a school newsletter containing sections for a title, volume and issue numbers, optional text, contact information, and multiple article sections with titles, stories, pictures, and a link to a website. The template provides the basic structure and sections needed to create a newsletter to share information about school activities and events.
14 Parenting Tips on Bullying: Seek Refuge in the PlaygroundPlayground Equipment
This document provides parenting tips on dealing with bullying at school and in playgrounds. It notes that bullying occurs frequently, with one child being bullied every 7 minutes. Playgrounds are often seen as places where bullying happens but redesigning them could decrease bullying incidents by 64%. The tips suggest parents check their child's behavior for signs of being bullied, volunteer at the school to monitor playground activities, have conversations with their child about bullying situations, and ensure playground equipment is sturdy to prevent bullying territories from being marked. The overall message is for parents to be involved and educate their children about bullying to help create a safe environment.
Brendan Kearns is a senior network engineer at Eircom who provides technical leadership for Eircom's IMS tender and heads up related initiatives like an RCS trial. He previously led the replacement of Eircom's intelligent network platform with an open Java-based service creation environment. Brendan also works on Eircom's service network strategy and sees potential in reusing Internet APIs for telecom products, having previously worked as a business consultant and engineer in other industries.
El documento define varios t¨¦rminos clave relacionados con la tecnolog¨ªa y su uso en contextos educativos. Explica brevemente el sistema operativo, disco duro, escritorio, netiqueta, carpeta, hardware, software, habilidades para el siglo XXI, rutinas de pensamiento y archivo, y proporciona enlaces a fuentes adicionales para cada t¨¦rmino.
This document discusses the importance of parents being good role models for their children. It cites several Bible verses emphasizing that children will emulate their parents' actions and behaviors. The document challenges parents to ask their children how they view their relationship and what kind of parents the children want to be in the future, to understand how the parents' current decisions impact their children.
Pyscho-Strategies for Social EngineeringIshan Girdhar
This document discusses techniques for social engineering and influencing human behavior. It explains that people are not fully in control of their own actions and reactions, as many behaviors are hardwired. It then provides examples of psychological tactics that can be used to influence or control a situation by leveraging an understanding of human psychology, such as limiting options, using deadlines, inertia, expectations, and associating yourself with pleasant experiences. The document cautions that these techniques should not be used to harm or deceive others.
This document discusses enterprise application architectures and service oriented architecture (SOA). It begins with an overview of enterprise applications, including monolithic applications and component-based architectures. It then discusses the evolution of architectures, including enterprise application integration (EAI) and the separation of GUI. Next, it defines SOA and discusses its key aspects like loose coupling, interoperability, and agility. The document goes on to discuss implementation challenges of SOA like service identification, location, and trading. It concludes with references on SOA, enterprise applications, and related research.
The document summarizes an industry research monitor on the truck transportation industry. It finds that while the US economy and freight indicators are holding steady, truck and trailer orders are seeing year-over-year gains due to aging equipment and improving carrier rates, though the rate of orders has slowed as carriers remain cautious. Key economic indicators like GDP, industrial production, and retail sales increased in the third quarter of 2011 compared to the previous quarter and year, suggesting steady demand in the trucking industry.
This document provides an overview of how auditors can use audit command language (ACL) software to analyze data and detect anomalies and fraud. It discusses getting started with ACL, obtaining basic information from data, looking for anomalies, detailed transaction analysis, and provides an example case study of how ACL was used to detect procurement card fraud. The case study involved analyzing 1,840 transactions worth $209,403 over two years, compiling evidence from receipts and online orders, and identifying control issues that allowed the fraud to occur. Corrective actions were then implemented, including improving control structures and ongoing monitoring.
El documento trata sobre la relaci¨®n entre marca, producto y empresa. Explica que la mercadotecnia es un sistema de actividades dise?ado para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes mediante la planificaci¨®n, fijaci¨®n de precios, promoci¨®n y distribuci¨®n de bienes y servicios. Se?ala que una marca identifica los productos de un vendedor y los distingue de la competencia, mientras que el producto incluye atributos tangibles e intangibles. Finalmente, concluye que la empresa, marca y producto est¨¢n interrelacionados y se neces
The document repeats variations of the phrase "That's different...but we are too" followed by a URL for a transcription services website. It emphasizes how the transcription company is different from others in terms of turnaround time, affordability, using native English transcriptionists with no outsourcing, double proofreading of transcripts, and trustworthiness, before concluding that they are "positively different."
1 D¨¦finition - Collecter les informations concernant votre site & analyser votre audience et le comportement de vos internautes.
> D¡¯o¨´ vient mon trafic?? (moteur de recherche, de shopping, liens sponsoris¨¦s, affiliation, Facebook, eMailing¡)
> Est-il suffisamment qualifi¨¦?? (taux de rebonds, parcours d¡¯achat, dur¨¦e de visite¡)
> Quels sont mes taux de conversion ?
> Est-il rentable (co?ts d¡¯acquisition, investissement eMarketing¡)
> Quel est le comportement de mes utilisateurs sur mon site?? (parcours d¡¯achat¡)
> Quels sont les freins ¨¤ l¡¯utilisation de mon site?? (pages de sorties, pages bloquantes¡)
> Quelles am¨¦liorations peuvent ¨ºtre faites ?
2- Objectifs
Am¨¦lioration continue du Retour sur Investissement
> Analyser votre audience
> Analyser les parcours d¡¯achat
> Piloter vos actions e-commerce
>>>>Prendre des d¨¦cisions fiables
3- P¨¦riode de r¨¦alisation
> Avant la refonte
Recueillir en amont du projet des donn¨¦es quantitatives sur l¡¯audience de votre site, la navigation de vos utilisateurs et les freins ¨¤ l¡¯achat.
>En continu sur votre site
Recueillir des donn¨¦es depuis votre site pour une ¨¦valuation permanente et l¡¯am¨¦lioration de votre ROI.
4- D¨¦tail de la prestation Webanalytics
> Param¨¦trage de votre compte Google analytics(D¨¦finition de vos objectifs, param¨¦trage de votre tunnel de conversion et de vos statistiques e-commerce )
> Audit continue de vos statistiques (1 ¨¤ 2 fois par mois)(Analyse de vos statistiques existantes: audience, co?t d¡¯acquisition et parcours de vos internautes)
> Recommandations continues
strat¨¦giques et op¨¦rationnelles
5- Pourquoi choisir Altics ?
> Statistiques et recommandations tangibles
- Param¨¦trage de vos comptes analytiques,
- Suivi de vos r¨¦sultats,
- Recommandations op¨¦rationnelles & strat¨¦giques
> Connaissance des habitudes de recherche des internautes
Prise en compte des caract¨¦ristiques de votre cible dans l¡¯analyse de vos statistiques et connaissance utilisateur reconnue (Etudes collectives)
> Expertise Internet et e-commerce reconnue
A votre ¨¦coute :
Olivier Marx | Directeur
T 04 72 76 94 00 |
The Transecq Platform is an interactive electronic security platform on your mobile phone. The software creates a secure authentication environment that can be used in a wide variety of applications.
The Transecq Platform? uniquely identifies a mobile phone user and thus enables a secure channel between any institution and their customers.
This innovative technology makes it possible to transact, authenticate and send messages without the possibility of perpetrators intercepting the communication or taking action on someone else¡¯s behalf, therefore eliminating fraud, identity theft phishing and even SIM-cloning.
O Boletim Eletr?nico Mensal - BEM ¨¦ uma revista mensal eletr?nica que fala tudo o que acontece no universo do IBRAPP. Acesse o site: e saiba mais.
The document summarizes plans for a new health and wellness center in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County. It notes that the region has some of the poorest health indicators in LA County. The center will expand primary care, prevention, and education services for the uninsured. It is scheduled to open in July 2010 and will consolidate services from existing mobile and fixed clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale. The center aims to improve access to services like OB/GYN care, pediatrics, dental care, and disease management programs.
The document summarizes plans for a new health and wellness center in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County. It notes that the region has some of the poorest health indicators in LA County. The center will expand primary care, prevention, and education services for the uninsured. It is scheduled to open in July 2010 and will consolidate services from existing mobile and fixed clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale. The center aims to improve access to services like OB/GYN care, pediatrics, dental care, and disease management programs.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, and health issues compared to Los Angeles County. It describes current healthcare infrastructure like Antelope Valley Hospital and outlines the formation and expansion of the Antelope Valley Community Clinic to address primary care needs through mobile clinics and new facilities. Plans are discussed to apply for federal funding to become a Federally Qualified Health Center and further grow services.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, disease, and a lack of health insurance. It describes efforts to expand primary care access through the Antelope Valley Community Clinic, including acquiring mobile clinics and opening new clinics. It outlines the clinic's services, funding sources, expansion plans, and goals of applying for status as a Federally Qualified Health Center to improve reimbursement rates and access to grants.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still common in many areas despite efforts to reduce emissions.
14 Parenting Tips on Bullying: Seek Refuge in the PlaygroundPlayground Equipment
This document provides parenting tips on dealing with bullying at school and in playgrounds. It notes that bullying occurs frequently, with one child being bullied every 7 minutes. Playgrounds are often seen as places where bullying happens but redesigning them could decrease bullying incidents by 64%. The tips suggest parents check their child's behavior for signs of being bullied, volunteer at the school to monitor playground activities, have conversations with their child about bullying situations, and ensure playground equipment is sturdy to prevent bullying territories from being marked. The overall message is for parents to be involved and educate their children about bullying to help create a safe environment.
Brendan Kearns is a senior network engineer at Eircom who provides technical leadership for Eircom's IMS tender and heads up related initiatives like an RCS trial. He previously led the replacement of Eircom's intelligent network platform with an open Java-based service creation environment. Brendan also works on Eircom's service network strategy and sees potential in reusing Internet APIs for telecom products, having previously worked as a business consultant and engineer in other industries.
El documento define varios t¨¦rminos clave relacionados con la tecnolog¨ªa y su uso en contextos educativos. Explica brevemente el sistema operativo, disco duro, escritorio, netiqueta, carpeta, hardware, software, habilidades para el siglo XXI, rutinas de pensamiento y archivo, y proporciona enlaces a fuentes adicionales para cada t¨¦rmino.
This document discusses the importance of parents being good role models for their children. It cites several Bible verses emphasizing that children will emulate their parents' actions and behaviors. The document challenges parents to ask their children how they view their relationship and what kind of parents the children want to be in the future, to understand how the parents' current decisions impact their children.
Pyscho-Strategies for Social EngineeringIshan Girdhar
This document discusses techniques for social engineering and influencing human behavior. It explains that people are not fully in control of their own actions and reactions, as many behaviors are hardwired. It then provides examples of psychological tactics that can be used to influence or control a situation by leveraging an understanding of human psychology, such as limiting options, using deadlines, inertia, expectations, and associating yourself with pleasant experiences. The document cautions that these techniques should not be used to harm or deceive others.
This document discusses enterprise application architectures and service oriented architecture (SOA). It begins with an overview of enterprise applications, including monolithic applications and component-based architectures. It then discusses the evolution of architectures, including enterprise application integration (EAI) and the separation of GUI. Next, it defines SOA and discusses its key aspects like loose coupling, interoperability, and agility. The document goes on to discuss implementation challenges of SOA like service identification, location, and trading. It concludes with references on SOA, enterprise applications, and related research.
The document summarizes an industry research monitor on the truck transportation industry. It finds that while the US economy and freight indicators are holding steady, truck and trailer orders are seeing year-over-year gains due to aging equipment and improving carrier rates, though the rate of orders has slowed as carriers remain cautious. Key economic indicators like GDP, industrial production, and retail sales increased in the third quarter of 2011 compared to the previous quarter and year, suggesting steady demand in the trucking industry.
This document provides an overview of how auditors can use audit command language (ACL) software to analyze data and detect anomalies and fraud. It discusses getting started with ACL, obtaining basic information from data, looking for anomalies, detailed transaction analysis, and provides an example case study of how ACL was used to detect procurement card fraud. The case study involved analyzing 1,840 transactions worth $209,403 over two years, compiling evidence from receipts and online orders, and identifying control issues that allowed the fraud to occur. Corrective actions were then implemented, including improving control structures and ongoing monitoring.
El documento trata sobre la relaci¨®n entre marca, producto y empresa. Explica que la mercadotecnia es un sistema de actividades dise?ado para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes mediante la planificaci¨®n, fijaci¨®n de precios, promoci¨®n y distribuci¨®n de bienes y servicios. Se?ala que una marca identifica los productos de un vendedor y los distingue de la competencia, mientras que el producto incluye atributos tangibles e intangibles. Finalmente, concluye que la empresa, marca y producto est¨¢n interrelacionados y se neces
The document repeats variations of the phrase "That's different...but we are too" followed by a URL for a transcription services website. It emphasizes how the transcription company is different from others in terms of turnaround time, affordability, using native English transcriptionists with no outsourcing, double proofreading of transcripts, and trustworthiness, before concluding that they are "positively different."
1 D¨¦finition - Collecter les informations concernant votre site & analyser votre audience et le comportement de vos internautes.
> D¡¯o¨´ vient mon trafic?? (moteur de recherche, de shopping, liens sponsoris¨¦s, affiliation, Facebook, eMailing¡)
> Est-il suffisamment qualifi¨¦?? (taux de rebonds, parcours d¡¯achat, dur¨¦e de visite¡)
> Quels sont mes taux de conversion ?
> Est-il rentable (co?ts d¡¯acquisition, investissement eMarketing¡)
> Quel est le comportement de mes utilisateurs sur mon site?? (parcours d¡¯achat¡)
> Quels sont les freins ¨¤ l¡¯utilisation de mon site?? (pages de sorties, pages bloquantes¡)
> Quelles am¨¦liorations peuvent ¨ºtre faites ?
2- Objectifs
Am¨¦lioration continue du Retour sur Investissement
> Analyser votre audience
> Analyser les parcours d¡¯achat
> Piloter vos actions e-commerce
>>>>Prendre des d¨¦cisions fiables
3- P¨¦riode de r¨¦alisation
> Avant la refonte
Recueillir en amont du projet des donn¨¦es quantitatives sur l¡¯audience de votre site, la navigation de vos utilisateurs et les freins ¨¤ l¡¯achat.
>En continu sur votre site
Recueillir des donn¨¦es depuis votre site pour une ¨¦valuation permanente et l¡¯am¨¦lioration de votre ROI.
4- D¨¦tail de la prestation Webanalytics
> Param¨¦trage de votre compte Google analytics(D¨¦finition de vos objectifs, param¨¦trage de votre tunnel de conversion et de vos statistiques e-commerce )
> Audit continue de vos statistiques (1 ¨¤ 2 fois par mois)(Analyse de vos statistiques existantes: audience, co?t d¡¯acquisition et parcours de vos internautes)
> Recommandations continues
strat¨¦giques et op¨¦rationnelles
5- Pourquoi choisir Altics ?
> Statistiques et recommandations tangibles
- Param¨¦trage de vos comptes analytiques,
- Suivi de vos r¨¦sultats,
- Recommandations op¨¦rationnelles & strat¨¦giques
> Connaissance des habitudes de recherche des internautes
Prise en compte des caract¨¦ristiques de votre cible dans l¡¯analyse de vos statistiques et connaissance utilisateur reconnue (Etudes collectives)
> Expertise Internet et e-commerce reconnue
A votre ¨¦coute :
Olivier Marx | Directeur
T 04 72 76 94 00 |
The Transecq Platform is an interactive electronic security platform on your mobile phone. The software creates a secure authentication environment that can be used in a wide variety of applications.
The Transecq Platform? uniquely identifies a mobile phone user and thus enables a secure channel between any institution and their customers.
This innovative technology makes it possible to transact, authenticate and send messages without the possibility of perpetrators intercepting the communication or taking action on someone else¡¯s behalf, therefore eliminating fraud, identity theft phishing and even SIM-cloning.
O Boletim Eletr?nico Mensal - BEM ¨¦ uma revista mensal eletr?nica que fala tudo o que acontece no universo do IBRAPP. Acesse o site: e saiba mais.
The document summarizes plans for a new health and wellness center in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County. It notes that the region has some of the poorest health indicators in LA County. The center will expand primary care, prevention, and education services for the uninsured. It is scheduled to open in July 2010 and will consolidate services from existing mobile and fixed clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale. The center aims to improve access to services like OB/GYN care, pediatrics, dental care, and disease management programs.
The document summarizes plans for a new health and wellness center in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County. It notes that the region has some of the poorest health indicators in LA County. The center will expand primary care, prevention, and education services for the uninsured. It is scheduled to open in July 2010 and will consolidate services from existing mobile and fixed clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale. The center aims to improve access to services like OB/GYN care, pediatrics, dental care, and disease management programs.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, and health issues compared to Los Angeles County. It describes current healthcare infrastructure like Antelope Valley Hospital and outlines the formation and expansion of the Antelope Valley Community Clinic to address primary care needs through mobile clinics and new facilities. Plans are discussed to apply for federal funding to become a Federally Qualified Health Center and further grow services.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, disease, and a lack of health insurance. It describes efforts to expand primary care access through the Antelope Valley Community Clinic, including acquiring mobile clinics and opening new clinics. It outlines the clinic's services, funding sources, expansion plans, and goals of applying for status as a Federally Qualified Health Center to improve reimbursement rates and access to grants.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still common in many areas despite efforts to reduce emissions.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still recorded each year despite efforts to reduce emissions.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, disease, and a lack of health insurance. It describes efforts to expand primary care access through the Antelope Valley Community Clinic, including the acquisition of mobile clinics and fixed sites, as well as plans to open a larger health and wellness center. Funding has come from various foundations, health organizations, and government grants to help establish the clinic as a Federally Qualified Health Center and better serve the community.
This document summarizes plans to expand healthcare services in Antelope Valley through the creation of the Antelope Valley Community Clinic (AVCC). The region has a population of 440,000 but lacks adequate primary care access. AVCC will open a 15,000 square foot clinic and later a 25,000 square foot community health and wellness center. The clinic aims to provide primary care, dental, and preventative services to the uninsured. Funding needs include $1.2 million for the clinic and $973,000 for the wellness center. Committed funds come from local hospitals and health groups. Future plans include expanding services to other underserved communities in the region.
This document summarizes plans to expand healthcare services in Antelope Valley through the creation of the Antelope Valley Community Clinic (AVCC). The region has a population of 440,000 but lacks adequate primary care access. AVCC will open a 15,000 square foot primary care clinic and later a 25,000 square foot community health and wellness center. The clinic aims to provide medical, dental and preventive services to the uninsured. Funding needs include $1.2 million for the clinic and $973,000 for the wellness center. Support has been committed from local hospitals and health groups, and additional funding is being sought through grants.
This document contains data from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health comparing key health indicators between the Antelope Valley region and Los Angeles County as a whole. It shows that the Antelope Valley region has higher rates than LA County for several health issues including asthma, diabetes, obesity, smoking, heart disease deaths, lung cancer, infant mortality, low birth weights, Alzheimer's disease, suicides, motor vehicle deaths, pneumonia/influenza deaths, and emphysema deaths.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still recorded each year.