Este documento presenta un resumen de una capacitaci坦n sobre primeros auxilios en ganader鱈a realizada en la parroquia de Choropocte. El objetivo general fue capacitar a los ganaderos locales sobre este tema. Los objetivos espec鱈ficos incluyeron ense単ar sobre el manejo del ganado, discutir las principales enfermedades de la zona, y evaluar la charla como experiencia de aprendizaje para el estudiante. La capacitaci坦n consisti坦 en una exposici坦n con ense単anza pr叩ctica frente a un auditorio.
Este documento presenta la metodolog鱈a del Monitor de Reputaci坦n Sanitaria (MRS) para evaluar la reputaci坦n de hospitales y servicios m辿dicos en Espa単a. El MRS utiliza tres tipos principales de evaluaciones: evaluaci坦n de percepci坦n basada en encuestas, indicadores de calidad y rendimiento asistencial, y evaluaci坦n directa de m辿ritos reputacionales. El documento describe cada tipo de evaluaci坦n y los indicadores utilizados para generar rankings en 14 especialidades m辿dicas.
La siguiente presentaci坦n muestra im叩genes con escenas de las instalaciones de la Escuela Secundaria General "Cinco de Mayo" de San Mateo Yoloxochitl叩n, Oax. En algunas fotograf鱈as se puede observar la remodelaci坦n de la cancha de usos m炭ltiples. Estas fotos fueron tomadas en Febrero del 2013.
The document announces the events for a 2008 homecoming celebration with a Hawaiian theme, including an alumni breakfast, homecoming parade, and a football game where voters are encouraged to support Bond D, which may benefit babies wearing leis.
El documento describe c坦mo actualizar la informaci坦n personal en el aula virtual, crear un grupo de inter辿s para generar debates sobre temas determinados, y compartir documentos en Google Docs configurando los permisos para otros usuarios. Primero, se ingresa al aula virtual y se actualiza la informaci坦n personal como la foto y descripci坦n. Luego, se crea un foro en una asignatura para que los estudiantes opinen sobre un tema. Finalmente, se comparte un documento de Google Docs configurando los permisos para que cualquier persona de la instituci坦n pueda ver y modificar
This document outlines features of spoken English and principles for teaching spoken English. It discusses prosodic features, shortened forms, and organizational features of spoken language. It emphasizes using pair and group work to reduce student stress. Teachers should present models, conduct practice, and facilitate production. Correction should be done privately and encouragement emphasized. The document recommends using tasks with information gaps, games, role plays and drama. It addresses teaching large and mixed-ability classes through carefully designed group tasks and varied assignments. Motivation involves student task design, varied activities, and awareness of speaking skills benefits.
The pace of change is ferocious. The speed of progression, exponential. To thrive in todays world, companies must adapt fast and react faster still.
We work with those who embrace the challenges and trends of marketing in the digital age. We back the brands, the innovators and the entrepreneurs, helping them to achieve growth through relevance and reinvention.
We are Cafecreate.
El documento habla sobre las razones para apoyar al Manchester United, un equipo de f炭tbol ingl辿s con varios jugadores latinoamericanos. Explica brevemente la historia del Manchester United y donde encontrar un blog sobre el equipo, el cual contiene informaci坦n sobre los jugadores, entrenadores, partidos y noticias recientes del Manchester United.
El documento describe las relaciones entre la sociedad y el medio ambiente en Espa単a. Detalla varios riesgos ambientales como terremotos, inundaciones y sequ鱈as, as鱈 como c坦mo la alteraci坦n del medio natural por actividades humanas como la contaminaci坦n, la deforestaci坦n y la desertificaci坦n han tenido consecuencias negativas. Tambi辿n explica algunas soluciones que se han implementado para abordar problemas como la contaminaci坦n atmosf辿rica, del agua y del suelo.
Movimiento social y popular hondure単o ante el gran reto de la unidad, solidar...Cr坦nicas del despojo
Durante dos d鱈as (2 y 3 de noviembre), el Movimiento social y popular de Honduras se reuni坦 en la ciudad de Siguatepeque con el objetivo de articular y definir acciones ante la creciente crisis estructural, la violencia y la criminalizaci坦n del movimiento social y popular. Asimismo, reaccionar y buscar alternativas ante la profundizaci坦n de las pol鱈ticas neoliberales y extractivistas, que violentan la soberan鱈a territorial, amenazan y destruyen la vida de las comunidades nacionales
Bigfile tablespaces allow Oracle databases to store extremely large amounts of data by containing a single large datafile rather than many smaller datafiles. There are three ways to create bigfile tablespaces: 1) specify them as the default during database creation, 2) use the CREATE BIGFILE statement, or 3) alter the default with ALTER DATABASE. Bigfile tablespaces offer benefits like easier management of large volumes of data.
Tema 18. geograf鱈a y medio ambiente en espa単aMarta L坦pez
Este documento describe los principales riesgos naturales y problemas ambientales en Espa単a, incluyendo la erosi坦n del suelo, la desertificaci坦n, la deforestaci坦n, la erosi坦n costera y la contaminaci坦n. Explica c坦mo las actividades humanas como la agricultura intensiva, la urbanizaci坦n y la industrializaci坦n han exacerbado estos riesgos y problemas, amenazando la sostenibilidad ambiental del pa鱈s.
El documento analiza el desempe単o econ坦mico de Bolivia en 2007. Se caracteriz坦 por estancamiento relativo e inflaci坦n de dos d鱈gitos, debido a la implementaci坦n de pol鱈ticas populistas que generaron desequilibrios fiscales y monetarios. La inversi坦n y producci坦n permanecieron bajas, mientras que la inflaci坦n en alimentos aument坦.
Monitor de Reputaci坦n Sanitaria presentacion de resultados - laborarios, fa...An叩lisis e Investigaci坦n
El documento presenta la metodolog鱈a utilizada para elaborar el Monitor de Reputaci坦n Sanitaria de 2014 en Espa単a. Se basa en encuestas a diferentes grupos como especialistas m辿dicos, m辿dicos de familia, asociaciones de pacientes y periodistas de salud. Tambi辿n incluye una evaluaci坦n directa de los m辿ritos reputacionales de las compa単鱈as farmac辿uticas y de seguros m辿dicos. Los resultados se ponderan y combinan para generar rankings de reputaci坦n de hospitales, m辿dicos, laboratorios farmac辿uticos y compa単鱈as de seguros
The document summarizes plans for a new health and wellness center in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County. It notes that the region has some of the poorest health indicators in LA County. The center will expand primary care, prevention, and education services for the uninsured. It is scheduled to open in July 2010 and will consolidate services from existing mobile and fixed clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale. The center aims to improve access to services like OB/GYN care, pediatrics, dental care, and disease management programs.
The document summarizes plans for a new health and wellness center in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County. It notes that the region has some of the poorest health indicators in LA County. The center will expand primary care, prevention, and education services for the uninsured. It is scheduled to open in July 2010 and will consolidate services from existing mobile and fixed clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale. The center aims to improve access to services like OB/GYN care, pediatrics, dental care, and disease management programs.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, and health issues compared to Los Angeles County. It describes current healthcare infrastructure like Antelope Valley Hospital and outlines the formation and expansion of the Antelope Valley Community Clinic to address primary care needs through mobile clinics and new facilities. Plans are discussed to apply for federal funding to become a Federally Qualified Health Center and further grow services.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, disease, and a lack of health insurance. It describes efforts to expand primary care access through the Antelope Valley Community Clinic, including acquiring mobile clinics and opening new clinics. It outlines the clinic's services, funding sources, expansion plans, and goals of applying for status as a Federally Qualified Health Center to improve reimbursement rates and access to grants.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still common in many areas despite efforts to reduce emissions.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still recorded each year despite efforts to reduce emissions.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, disease, and a lack of health insurance. It describes efforts to expand primary care access through the Antelope Valley Community Clinic, including the acquisition of mobile clinics and fixed sites, as well as plans to open a larger health and wellness center. Funding has come from various foundations, health organizations, and government grants to help establish the clinic as a Federally Qualified Health Center and better serve the community.
The document announces the events for a 2008 homecoming celebration with a Hawaiian theme, including an alumni breakfast, homecoming parade, and a football game where voters are encouraged to support Bond D, which may benefit babies wearing leis.
El documento describe c坦mo actualizar la informaci坦n personal en el aula virtual, crear un grupo de inter辿s para generar debates sobre temas determinados, y compartir documentos en Google Docs configurando los permisos para otros usuarios. Primero, se ingresa al aula virtual y se actualiza la informaci坦n personal como la foto y descripci坦n. Luego, se crea un foro en una asignatura para que los estudiantes opinen sobre un tema. Finalmente, se comparte un documento de Google Docs configurando los permisos para que cualquier persona de la instituci坦n pueda ver y modificar
This document outlines features of spoken English and principles for teaching spoken English. It discusses prosodic features, shortened forms, and organizational features of spoken language. It emphasizes using pair and group work to reduce student stress. Teachers should present models, conduct practice, and facilitate production. Correction should be done privately and encouragement emphasized. The document recommends using tasks with information gaps, games, role plays and drama. It addresses teaching large and mixed-ability classes through carefully designed group tasks and varied assignments. Motivation involves student task design, varied activities, and awareness of speaking skills benefits.
The pace of change is ferocious. The speed of progression, exponential. To thrive in todays world, companies must adapt fast and react faster still.
We work with those who embrace the challenges and trends of marketing in the digital age. We back the brands, the innovators and the entrepreneurs, helping them to achieve growth through relevance and reinvention.
We are Cafecreate.
El documento habla sobre las razones para apoyar al Manchester United, un equipo de f炭tbol ingl辿s con varios jugadores latinoamericanos. Explica brevemente la historia del Manchester United y donde encontrar un blog sobre el equipo, el cual contiene informaci坦n sobre los jugadores, entrenadores, partidos y noticias recientes del Manchester United.
El documento describe las relaciones entre la sociedad y el medio ambiente en Espa単a. Detalla varios riesgos ambientales como terremotos, inundaciones y sequ鱈as, as鱈 como c坦mo la alteraci坦n del medio natural por actividades humanas como la contaminaci坦n, la deforestaci坦n y la desertificaci坦n han tenido consecuencias negativas. Tambi辿n explica algunas soluciones que se han implementado para abordar problemas como la contaminaci坦n atmosf辿rica, del agua y del suelo.
Movimiento social y popular hondure単o ante el gran reto de la unidad, solidar...Cr坦nicas del despojo
Durante dos d鱈as (2 y 3 de noviembre), el Movimiento social y popular de Honduras se reuni坦 en la ciudad de Siguatepeque con el objetivo de articular y definir acciones ante la creciente crisis estructural, la violencia y la criminalizaci坦n del movimiento social y popular. Asimismo, reaccionar y buscar alternativas ante la profundizaci坦n de las pol鱈ticas neoliberales y extractivistas, que violentan la soberan鱈a territorial, amenazan y destruyen la vida de las comunidades nacionales
Bigfile tablespaces allow Oracle databases to store extremely large amounts of data by containing a single large datafile rather than many smaller datafiles. There are three ways to create bigfile tablespaces: 1) specify them as the default during database creation, 2) use the CREATE BIGFILE statement, or 3) alter the default with ALTER DATABASE. Bigfile tablespaces offer benefits like easier management of large volumes of data.
Tema 18. geograf鱈a y medio ambiente en espa単aMarta L坦pez
Este documento describe los principales riesgos naturales y problemas ambientales en Espa単a, incluyendo la erosi坦n del suelo, la desertificaci坦n, la deforestaci坦n, la erosi坦n costera y la contaminaci坦n. Explica c坦mo las actividades humanas como la agricultura intensiva, la urbanizaci坦n y la industrializaci坦n han exacerbado estos riesgos y problemas, amenazando la sostenibilidad ambiental del pa鱈s.
El documento analiza el desempe単o econ坦mico de Bolivia en 2007. Se caracteriz坦 por estancamiento relativo e inflaci坦n de dos d鱈gitos, debido a la implementaci坦n de pol鱈ticas populistas que generaron desequilibrios fiscales y monetarios. La inversi坦n y producci坦n permanecieron bajas, mientras que la inflaci坦n en alimentos aument坦.
Monitor de Reputaci坦n Sanitaria presentacion de resultados - laborarios, fa...An叩lisis e Investigaci坦n
El documento presenta la metodolog鱈a utilizada para elaborar el Monitor de Reputaci坦n Sanitaria de 2014 en Espa単a. Se basa en encuestas a diferentes grupos como especialistas m辿dicos, m辿dicos de familia, asociaciones de pacientes y periodistas de salud. Tambi辿n incluye una evaluaci坦n directa de los m辿ritos reputacionales de las compa単鱈as farmac辿uticas y de seguros m辿dicos. Los resultados se ponderan y combinan para generar rankings de reputaci坦n de hospitales, m辿dicos, laboratorios farmac辿uticos y compa単鱈as de seguros
The document summarizes plans for a new health and wellness center in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County. It notes that the region has some of the poorest health indicators in LA County. The center will expand primary care, prevention, and education services for the uninsured. It is scheduled to open in July 2010 and will consolidate services from existing mobile and fixed clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale. The center aims to improve access to services like OB/GYN care, pediatrics, dental care, and disease management programs.
The document summarizes plans for a new health and wellness center in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County. It notes that the region has some of the poorest health indicators in LA County. The center will expand primary care, prevention, and education services for the uninsured. It is scheduled to open in July 2010 and will consolidate services from existing mobile and fixed clinics in Lancaster and Palmdale. The center aims to improve access to services like OB/GYN care, pediatrics, dental care, and disease management programs.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, and health issues compared to Los Angeles County. It describes current healthcare infrastructure like Antelope Valley Hospital and outlines the formation and expansion of the Antelope Valley Community Clinic to address primary care needs through mobile clinics and new facilities. Plans are discussed to apply for federal funding to become a Federally Qualified Health Center and further grow services.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, disease, and a lack of health insurance. It describes efforts to expand primary care access through the Antelope Valley Community Clinic, including acquiring mobile clinics and opening new clinics. It outlines the clinic's services, funding sources, expansion plans, and goals of applying for status as a Federally Qualified Health Center to improve reimbursement rates and access to grants.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still common in many areas despite efforts to reduce emissions.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still recorded each year despite efforts to reduce emissions.
The document provides an overview of healthcare needs and services in Antelope Valley, California. It notes that the region has over 440,000 residents and suffers from high rates of poverty, unemployment, disease, and a lack of health insurance. It describes efforts to expand primary care access through the Antelope Valley Community Clinic, including the acquisition of mobile clinics and fixed sites, as well as plans to open a larger health and wellness center. Funding has come from various foundations, health organizations, and government grants to help establish the clinic as a Federally Qualified Health Center and better serve the community.
This document summarizes plans to expand healthcare services in Antelope Valley through the creation of the Antelope Valley Community Clinic (AVCC). The region has a population of 440,000 but lacks adequate primary care access. AVCC will open a 15,000 square foot clinic and later a 25,000 square foot community health and wellness center. The clinic aims to provide primary care, dental, and preventative services to the uninsured. Funding needs include $1.2 million for the clinic and $973,000 for the wellness center. Committed funds come from local hospitals and health groups. Future plans include expanding services to other underserved communities in the region.
This document summarizes plans to expand healthcare services in Antelope Valley through the creation of the Antelope Valley Community Clinic (AVCC). The region has a population of 440,000 but lacks adequate primary care access. AVCC will open a 15,000 square foot primary care clinic and later a 25,000 square foot community health and wellness center. The clinic aims to provide medical, dental and preventive services to the uninsured. Funding needs include $1.2 million for the clinic and $973,000 for the wellness center. Support has been committed from local hospitals and health groups, and additional funding is being sought through grants.
This document contains data from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health comparing key health indicators between the Antelope Valley region and Los Angeles County as a whole. It shows that the Antelope Valley region has higher rates than LA County for several health issues including asthma, diabetes, obesity, smoking, heart disease deaths, lung cancer, infant mortality, low birth weights, Alzheimer's disease, suicides, motor vehicle deaths, pneumonia/influenza deaths, and emphysema deaths.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a report in June 2009 on key health indicators for the county. The report found obesity rates had increased significantly over the past decade, with over half the adult population now considered overweight or obese. Air pollution also remained a concern, with high levels of ozone and particulate matter still recorded each year.