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To the Man
with a Hammer
Looks like a Nail
A Discussion on Education, Technology, Tool-
selection, Decision-making and the value of
AAMC / WGEA Western Regional Conference, May
 As educators, our product is knowledge.
 Technology facilitates good ideas; it is not a
 To think exclusively of the bottom line is
antithetical to evidence-based practice.
 Medical education is an evidence-based
Curriculum Management aids these points by providing an evidence-based
method of mapping knowledge trajectory and acquisition.
 As educators, our product is knowledge.
 Technology facilitates good ideas; it is not a
 To think exclusively of the bottom line is
antithetical to evidence-based practice.
 Medical education is an evidence-based
 Technology facilitates good ideas; it is not a
 To think exclusively of the bottom line is
antithetical to evidence-based practice.
These assumptions provide tension with the financial realities most
institutions (and the people who run them) currently face; disruptive
innovation on these fronts is an enormous challenge.
 As educators, our product is knowledge.
 Technology facilitates good ideas; it is not a
 To think exclusively of the bottom line is
antithetical to evidence-based practice.
 Medical education is an evidence-based
 As educators, our product is knowledge.
 Medical education is an evidence-based
 As educators, our product is knowledge.
 What do we choose, and why?
 How do we test the outcomes of our choices?
 Are failures acknowledged?
 Are successes acknowledged?
 What are the metrics we use?
What are we really choosing when we adopt a tool to further education?
Tech choices are usually driven by a variety of factors, including cost, peer pressure
(everyone else is doing it), and the hope for innovative enhancement.
What are the ways your institutions test for the value and viability of the
choices made? Is there a standard? Accountability?
This is really, really important.This is even more important. We learn from failure; a lack of acknowledgment
means we are unable to move to a better method or practice.
 What do we choose, and why?
 How do we test the outcomes of our choices?
 What are the metrics we use?
Having a previously accepted set of metrics provides a level of quality assurance
necessary to understand the outcomes of our choices.
 Are successes acknowledged?
What are we really choosing when we adopt a tool
to further education?
A key issue in all selection processes
Why do we make the choices we
Financial concerns
Workload concerns
Internal pressures (Past practice, executive
External pressures (accreditation)
If we are a business, what is our
 If so, then who is our customer? Do we sell
 Our product is knowledge and ability. Our
customer is our graduate.Graduates!
How do we evaluate our tools?
 How do we measure success?
 If successful, how do we leverage that?
 If not successful, how do we act on that?
Not All Teaching Is Equal
Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not.
Flipped Classroom  a new expression of an old model
How do we approach the matching of tool to method?
Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not.
How do we identify the most effective approaches?
Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not.
How do we make the most of innovative models?
Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not.
E-Textbooks  a great addition, a questionable replacement
LMS  last weeks gleam in the eye of CFOs, todays model challenge
MOOCs -- the current bright shiny object
Not All Teaching Is Equal
Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not.
Real Value
Innovative SuccessPartial Success
The Questionnaire
1. Describe the technology you are using with
your students. What do you think of this
2. Describe the selection/adoption process for
the technology you are using with your
3. How do you measure educational success?
Thank You!
Sascha Benjamin Cohen
Director of Strategic Development for Ilios
UCSF School of Medicine

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  • 1. To the Man with a Hammer Everything Looks like a Nail A Discussion on Education, Technology, Tool- selection, Decision-making and the value of knowledge. AAMC / WGEA Western Regional Conference, May 2013
  • 2. ASSUMPTIONS As educators, our product is knowledge. Technology facilitates good ideas; it is not a solution. To think exclusively of the bottom line is antithetical to evidence-based practice. Medical education is an evidence-based practice.
  • 3. Curriculum Management aids these points by providing an evidence-based method of mapping knowledge trajectory and acquisition. As educators, our product is knowledge. Technology facilitates good ideas; it is not a solution. To think exclusively of the bottom line is antithetical to evidence-based practice. Medical education is an evidence-based practice. Technology facilitates good ideas; it is not a solution. To think exclusively of the bottom line is antithetical to evidence-based practice.
  • 4. These assumptions provide tension with the financial realities most institutions (and the people who run them) currently face; disruptive innovation on these fronts is an enormous challenge. As educators, our product is knowledge. Technology facilitates good ideas; it is not a solution. To think exclusively of the bottom line is antithetical to evidence-based practice. Medical education is an evidence-based practice. As educators, our product is knowledge. Medical education is an evidence-based practice. As educators, our product is knowledge.
  • 5. QUESTIONS WE SHOULD ASK What do we choose, and why? How do we test the outcomes of our choices? Are failures acknowledged? Are successes acknowledged? What are the metrics we use? What are we really choosing when we adopt a tool to further education? Tech choices are usually driven by a variety of factors, including cost, peer pressure (everyone else is doing it), and the hope for innovative enhancement. What are the ways your institutions test for the value and viability of the choices made? Is there a standard? Accountability? This is really, really important.This is even more important. We learn from failure; a lack of acknowledgment means we are unable to move to a better method or practice. What do we choose, and why? How do we test the outcomes of our choices? What are the metrics we use? Having a previously accepted set of metrics provides a level of quality assurance necessary to understand the outcomes of our choices. Are successes acknowledged? What are we really choosing when we adopt a tool to further education? QUESTIONS WE SHOULD ASK
  • 6. A key issue in all selection processes
  • 7. Why do we make the choices we make? Financial concerns Workload concerns Standardization Internal pressures (Past practice, executive interest) External pressures (accreditation)
  • 8. If we are a business, what is our product? If so, then who is our customer? Do we sell graduates? Our product is knowledge and ability. Our customer is our graduate.Graduates!
  • 9. How do we evaluate our tools? How do we measure success? SUCCESS = TRUESUCCESS TRUE If successful, how do we leverage that? If not successful, how do we act on that?
  • 10. Not All Teaching Is Equal Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not. Qualitative Flipped Classroom a new expression of an old model Quantitative Experiential Didactic Mentored How do we approach the matching of tool to method? Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not. How do we identify the most effective approaches? Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not. How do we make the most of innovative models? Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not. E-Textbooks a great addition, a questionable replacement LMS last weeks gleam in the eye of CFOs, todays model challenge MOOCs -- the current bright shiny object Not All Teaching Is Equal Education is transformative. Data accumulation is not.
  • 12. The Questionnaire 1. Describe the technology you are using with your students. What do you think of this technology? 2. Describe the selection/adoption process for the technology you are using with your students. 3. How do you measure educational success?
  • 13. Thank You! Sascha Benjamin Cohen Director of Strategic Development for Ilios UCSF School of Medicine sascha.cohen@ucsf.edu http://www.iliiosproject.org https://ilios-demo.ucsf.edu

Editor's Notes

  • #7: One of the primary reasons why cost efficiency is a bad evaluation metric for selection purposes in tech adoption.