
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
His real name is Karol Wojtya
He was an actor
and the Pope
He was an astronomer
He moved the Earth and stopped the Sun
She was a physicit and chemist
She was the first woman who won the
Noble Prize and the fisrt person and the
only woman who won tiwce
He was an electrician at Lenin Shipyard
He was a co-founded and a head of
He was the pianist and the composer
He wrote music in a romantic style mainly
for the solo piano
He is the best Polish foolballer
He scored 5 goals in 9 minutes in German
She is one of the best models in the world
She comes from Czstochowa
It is called spiritual capital of Poland
In this monastery there is a miracle icon of
Black Madonna
One of the oldest cities in Poland
It was a capital of Poland
Wawel Dragon used to live there
Its a typical Polish dish
It consists of sour cabbage, meat and
Its a bird
25% of its population lives in Poland

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What do you know about poland

  • 2. His real name is Karol Wojtya He was an actor and the Pope
  • 3. He was an astronomer He moved the Earth and stopped the Sun
  • 4. She was a physicit and chemist She was the first woman who won the Noble Prize and the fisrt person and the only woman who won tiwce
  • 5. He was an electrician at Lenin Shipyard He was a co-founded and a head of Solidarity
  • 6. He was the pianist and the composer He wrote music in a romantic style mainly for the solo piano
  • 7. He is the best Polish foolballer He scored 5 goals in 9 minutes in German Bundesleague
  • 8. She is one of the best models in the world She comes from Czstochowa
  • 9. It is called spiritual capital of Poland In this monastery there is a miracle icon of Black Madonna
  • 10. One of the oldest cities in Poland It was a capital of Poland Wawel Dragon used to live there
  • 11. Its a typical Polish dish It consists of sour cabbage, meat and mushrooms
  • 12. Its a bird 25% of its population lives in Poland