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What is Customer Service
SalesBabu CRM for
Enterprise business and
Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345
What is Customer Service?
Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com
Customer Service is the service you provide to your customers before, during and after sales.
Customer Service is considered to be one of the major factors in the business because it ensures
the customers satisfaction and also encourages the customer to buy more.
A good customer service is about retaining your loyal customers and ensuring customer
satisfaction. A good customer service should just not be a department in the organisation, but
should be the whole organisation.
Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345
What are the rules of customer service?
Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com
1. Listen to your customers when they speak because they may stop telling when you are ready to
2. Answer their calls, mails and messages because an unreplied message can be annoying or termed
as ignored.
3. Be thankful and also helpful when necessary.
4. Deal with complaints because these complaints are a reason behind improvement.
5. Neither make false promises nor give fake solutions.
6. Implement a Service CRM software to manage your customer service automation with automated
features. Through the use of these customer service automation features, your customers will
observe the effort you are putting in.
7. Be open to customer feedback.
Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345
Bene鍖ts of customer service
Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com
 Increases sales
Sales are the prime factor that helps in the growth of the business. And a good customer service team can
help your company to increase sales by their interaction with the customer.
 Customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is also very necessary from the customers side. All are aware about the dominance of
social media in the present scenario. If you treat them well they may get you two more customers and may
also share their experience with ten more. But if they had a bad experience, the whole world may get the
information within seconds.
 Increases references
When you provide good customer service to your customers they tend to share their experience with
friends, relatives or relatives. Thus, these references generate money through sales.
Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345
Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com
 Improves word of mouth
Word of mouth marketing is a form of marketing strategy where the customer shares information or say
the experience about a product with one another. This form of marketing is more powerful and effective
than any other marketing strategies like advertising, social media postings etc.
 Increases profitability
Increasing customer service improves the profitability of the business because it reduces the cost in the
business, reviews your awards or rewards, improves brand image etc.
 Keeps you ahead in the competition
Meeting customer expectations even after you sold your service is really necessary to make long term
business planning and for creating your brand. Always try to reach customers expectations. Improve your
customer service if you want to improve relations with the customers.
Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345
Types of customer service
Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com
1. Email support
2. Social media support
3. Live chat support
4. Telecommunication support
5. Interactive voice responses
6. FAQs
7. Demo videos
8. On-site customer service
9. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)
10. Live answering services
Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345
Bene鍖ts of service management software
Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com
 Track details of Warranties / AMC opt by customer
 Increase revenue by AMC and Warranty renewals
 Complete complaint management
 Enhanced customer satisfaction
 Track spare parts consumption
 Manage spare parts warranties details
Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345
Thank you for Visiting Us
Our Address
SalesBabu Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
No.38/11, 3rd Cross, G Block, Sahakarnagar, Bangalore  560092
Tel: +91 9611 171 345 ,
Mobile: +91 9341 323 571
E-mail: sales@salesbabu.com
Website: www.salesbabu.com
Read More
 Track After Sales Service Effectively With Service Management Software
 Cloud Computing & CRM  SalesBabu CRM
 Track After Sales Service Effectively With Service Management Software
 Best Ways to Manage Sales and Marketing
Copyright Reserved @ 2019 SalesBabu Business Solutions Pvt Ltd.

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What is customer service

  • 1. What is Customer Service SalesBabu CRM for Enterprise business and startups
  • 2. Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345 What is Customer Service? Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com Customer Service is the service you provide to your customers before, during and after sales. Customer Service is considered to be one of the major factors in the business because it ensures the customers satisfaction and also encourages the customer to buy more. A good customer service is about retaining your loyal customers and ensuring customer satisfaction. A good customer service should just not be a department in the organisation, but should be the whole organisation.
  • 3. Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345 What are the rules of customer service? Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com 1. Listen to your customers when they speak because they may stop telling when you are ready to listen. 2. Answer their calls, mails and messages because an unreplied message can be annoying or termed as ignored. 3. Be thankful and also helpful when necessary. 4. Deal with complaints because these complaints are a reason behind improvement. 5. Neither make false promises nor give fake solutions. 6. Implement a Service CRM software to manage your customer service automation with automated features. Through the use of these customer service automation features, your customers will observe the effort you are putting in. 7. Be open to customer feedback.
  • 4. Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345 Bene鍖ts of customer service Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com Increases sales Sales are the prime factor that helps in the growth of the business. And a good customer service team can help your company to increase sales by their interaction with the customer. Customer loyalty Customer loyalty is also very necessary from the customers side. All are aware about the dominance of social media in the present scenario. If you treat them well they may get you two more customers and may also share their experience with ten more. But if they had a bad experience, the whole world may get the information within seconds. Increases references When you provide good customer service to your customers they tend to share their experience with friends, relatives or relatives. Thus, these references generate money through sales.
  • 5. Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345 Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com Improves word of mouth Word of mouth marketing is a form of marketing strategy where the customer shares information or say the experience about a product with one another. This form of marketing is more powerful and effective than any other marketing strategies like advertising, social media postings etc. Increases profitability Increasing customer service improves the profitability of the business because it reduces the cost in the business, reviews your awards or rewards, improves brand image etc. Keeps you ahead in the competition Meeting customer expectations even after you sold your service is really necessary to make long term business planning and for creating your brand. Always try to reach customers expectations. Improve your customer service if you want to improve relations with the customers.
  • 6. Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345 Types of customer service Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com 1. Email support 2. Social media support 3. Live chat support 4. Telecommunication support 5. Interactive voice responses 6. FAQs 7. Demo videos 8. On-site customer service 9. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) 10. Live answering services
  • 7. Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345 Bene鍖ts of service management software Website: www.salesbabu.com Email: sales@salesbabu.com Track details of Warranties / AMC opt by customer Increase revenue by AMC and Warranty renewals Complete complaint management Enhanced customer satisfaction Track spare parts consumption Manage spare parts warranties details
  • 8. Contact Us: M: +91 9611 171 345 Thank you for Visiting Us Our Address SalesBabu Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. No.38/11, 3rd Cross, G Block, Sahakarnagar, Bangalore 560092 Tel: +91 9611 171 345 , Mobile: +91 9341 323 571 E-mail: sales@salesbabu.com Website: www.salesbabu.com Read More Track After Sales Service Effectively With Service Management Software Cloud Computing & CRM SalesBabu CRM Track After Sales Service Effectively With Service Management Software Best Ways to Manage Sales and Marketing Copyright Reserved @ 2019 SalesBabu Business Solutions Pvt Ltd.