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Littleton, CO ? www.linkedin.com/in/paul-wicker-429a5622 ? paulwicker9@gmail.com ? 720-556-9965
Enterprise Solutions / Technology Roadmaps / Systems Integration / EMR / Change Management / CMS/ BPO /
Process Improvement / M&A / Divestitures / Due Diligence / Healthcare Administration / Integrations / ITSAs /
Best Practices / Contracts / Negotiations / Operations / Relationship Management / Compliance / Budgets /
Financial Reporting & Analysis / Insurance & Reimbursement / HRIS / Team Building / Staff Development /
A business process, IT, systems and compliance leader with an exceptional record in the healthcare sector. At
organizations such as Catholic Health Initiatives, Wellstar Health System, Kaiser Permanente Health Plan and
Health Capital Consultants, directed programs that improved revenues, P&L, efficiency, productivity and quality while
ensuring compliance and reining in costs. Developed and implemented high performance solutions for managing all
facets of healthcare administration. Special expertise in M&A transactions. Can make a strong impact by:
! Aligning IT & systems to meet corporate, client, user & stakeholder expectations
! Developing & implementing business transformation & technology roadmaps
! Orchestrating complex M&A transactions & post-closing transitions
! Ensuring strict governance & rigorous regulatory compliance
A natural leader, sharp analyst, farsighted strategist, persuasive communicator, trusted advisor and shrewd negotiator.
Hold a Master of Health Administration from University of Missouri-Columbia, a BSBA in Economics from Northern
Arizona University, a Six Sigma Green Belt and Change Acceleration Process certification.
Negotiated a $15.5M ITSA. CHI wanted to divest a large East Coast academic medical center. Led a team to plan
and execute the IT aspects of the deal and post-sale transition. Negotiated an IT Services Agreement (ITSA) to
provide ongoing support to the buyer. Captured $5M+ in profitable annual revenue from the three-year deal.
Led communications in an M&A deal. CHI needed to curtail rumors about pending sale of St. Joseph¨s Hospital to
the University of Maryland Medical System. Developed a proactive communications strategy. Avoided damaging leaks
that threatened morale and the pre-close quiet period. Enabled the $100M+ transaction to close ^without a hitch. ̄
Directed seamless M&A integrations. Wellstar needed to integrate newly acquired medical practices. Recruited to
lead the transitions/startups. Evaluated existing IT and business processes. Identified requirements and gaps.
Specified systems integration solutions and vendors. Completed nine integrations within tight time/budget constraints.
Cured costly compliance gaps. Kaiser faced penalties for failing to meet Medicare reporting requirements. Led a
team that conducted compliance reviews. Identified deficiencies, recommending and implementing process, policy,
systems and training improvements. Ensured 100% adherence to all required reporting. Avoided $5M in possible fines.
Reengineered billing systems, capturing $8M in revenue. System/process flaws at Kaiser resulted in lost revenue.
Revamped software for capturing cost sharing revenue. Streamlined processes for providers to generate accurate,
complete and timely bills. Recouped millions in previously unbilled revenue from surgical and cardiology practices.
Sr. Valuation Consultant, Health Capital Consultants (HCC), 2015-Present. Conducted valuations/appraisals in
potential hospital/practice M&A transactions. Provided subject matter expertise in litigation matters.
Sr. IT Transaction Manager, Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI), 2010-2015. Recruited to direct all IT functions related to
mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, partnerships and other transactions, managing applications, tech services, data
security, HR, networking and contracting teams. Negotiated Information Technology Services Agreements.
Sr. IT Project Manager, Wellstar Health System (Wellstar), 2010. Recruited for a one-year contract assignment to
manage post-M&A IT integrations. Conducted needs analyses and develop strategic technology roadmaps. Served as
an SME on infrastructure, networks, applications and other IT/IS matters.
Sr. Project Manager, Kaiser Permanente Health Plan (Kaiser), 2008-2010. Promoted to direct national member
administration projects. Developed business and compliance processes to meet CMS Medicare-Medicaid regulatory
mandates. Previously, Business Manager, 2007-2008, Regional Project Mgr., 2004-2006, Consultant, 2001-2004.
Earlier: Sr. Manager at Health Capital Consultants. Intern at Northern Arizona Healthcare during graduate school.

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  • 1. PAUL J. WICKER Littleton, CO ? www.linkedin.com/in/paul-wicker-429a5622 ? paulwicker9@gmail.com ? 720-556-9965 PROGRAM MANAGER / SR. PROJECT MANAGER Enterprise Solutions / Technology Roadmaps / Systems Integration / EMR / Change Management / CMS/ BPO / Process Improvement / M&A / Divestitures / Due Diligence / Healthcare Administration / Integrations / ITSAs / Best Practices / Contracts / Negotiations / Operations / Relationship Management / Compliance / Budgets / Financial Reporting & Analysis / Insurance & Reimbursement / HRIS / Team Building / Staff Development / A business process, IT, systems and compliance leader with an exceptional record in the healthcare sector. At organizations such as Catholic Health Initiatives, Wellstar Health System, Kaiser Permanente Health Plan and Health Capital Consultants, directed programs that improved revenues, P&L, efficiency, productivity and quality while ensuring compliance and reining in costs. Developed and implemented high performance solutions for managing all facets of healthcare administration. Special expertise in M&A transactions. Can make a strong impact by: ! Aligning IT & systems to meet corporate, client, user & stakeholder expectations ! Developing & implementing business transformation & technology roadmaps ! Orchestrating complex M&A transactions & post-closing transitions ! Ensuring strict governance & rigorous regulatory compliance A natural leader, sharp analyst, farsighted strategist, persuasive communicator, trusted advisor and shrewd negotiator. Hold a Master of Health Administration from University of Missouri-Columbia, a BSBA in Economics from Northern Arizona University, a Six Sigma Green Belt and Change Acceleration Process certification. SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS Negotiated a $15.5M ITSA. CHI wanted to divest a large East Coast academic medical center. Led a team to plan and execute the IT aspects of the deal and post-sale transition. Negotiated an IT Services Agreement (ITSA) to provide ongoing support to the buyer. Captured $5M+ in profitable annual revenue from the three-year deal. Led communications in an M&A deal. CHI needed to curtail rumors about pending sale of St. Joseph¨s Hospital to the University of Maryland Medical System. Developed a proactive communications strategy. Avoided damaging leaks that threatened morale and the pre-close quiet period. Enabled the $100M+ transaction to close ^without a hitch. ̄ Directed seamless M&A integrations. Wellstar needed to integrate newly acquired medical practices. Recruited to lead the transitions/startups. Evaluated existing IT and business processes. Identified requirements and gaps. Specified systems integration solutions and vendors. Completed nine integrations within tight time/budget constraints. Cured costly compliance gaps. Kaiser faced penalties for failing to meet Medicare reporting requirements. Led a team that conducted compliance reviews. Identified deficiencies, recommending and implementing process, policy, systems and training improvements. Ensured 100% adherence to all required reporting. Avoided $5M in possible fines. Reengineered billing systems, capturing $8M in revenue. System/process flaws at Kaiser resulted in lost revenue. Revamped software for capturing cost sharing revenue. Streamlined processes for providers to generate accurate, complete and timely bills. Recouped millions in previously unbilled revenue from surgical and cardiology practices. CAREER HISTORY Sr. Valuation Consultant, Health Capital Consultants (HCC), 2015-Present. Conducted valuations/appraisals in potential hospital/practice M&A transactions. Provided subject matter expertise in litigation matters. Sr. IT Transaction Manager, Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI), 2010-2015. Recruited to direct all IT functions related to mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, partnerships and other transactions, managing applications, tech services, data security, HR, networking and contracting teams. Negotiated Information Technology Services Agreements. Sr. IT Project Manager, Wellstar Health System (Wellstar), 2010. Recruited for a one-year contract assignment to manage post-M&A IT integrations. Conducted needs analyses and develop strategic technology roadmaps. Served as an SME on infrastructure, networks, applications and other IT/IS matters. Sr. Project Manager, Kaiser Permanente Health Plan (Kaiser), 2008-2010. Promoted to direct national member administration projects. Developed business and compliance processes to meet CMS Medicare-Medicaid regulatory mandates. Previously, Business Manager, 2007-2008, Regional Project Mgr., 2004-2006, Consultant, 2001-2004. Earlier: Sr. Manager at Health Capital Consultants. Intern at Northern Arizona Healthcare during graduate school.