Aktualny profil najmodszych internaut坦w (7-15 lat) na podstawie wynik坦w badania Megapanel PBI/Gemius. Jak czsto dzieci korzystaj z internetu, jakich temat坦w poszukuj, kt坦re witryny s wr坦d nich najpopularniejsze, a na kt坦rych spdzaj najwicej czasu. Prezentacja wygoszona na konferencji "Ochrona maoletnich w internecie zorganizowanej przez IAB Polska w dniu 26 listopada 2014 r. w Warszawie.
Prezentacja Anny Sakowicz (Mindshare) o rynku reklamy wideo w Internecie, serialu internetowym Citylajf.pl i product placement Mazdy oraz LG. Wystpienie odbyo si 19 maja 2009 podczas pierwszego spotkania VIDEOADcamp .
This document provides information about the CRIWG 2010 conference, including:
- It will take place in Maastricht, Netherlands from September 13-15, 2010.
- The venue will be Castle Vaeshartelt and activities include a river cruise dinner and wine tasting.
- There will be 47 submissions presented over the 3 day period covering collaboration and decision support topics.
- Keynote speakers include a founder of the Information Systems field and GSS pioneers who will present on a new generation of GSS technologies.
This resume is for Ezeifedi Obinna, a procurement and project management professional with over 10 years of experience. He currently works as a Manager, Project/Engineering at Wilkriss Nigeria Limited, where he is responsible for project planning, cost control, and ensuring project objectives are met. Prior to his current role, he worked as a Project Engineer and Safety Engineer at Wilkriss Nigeria Limited, and as a Relationship Officer at Intercontinental Bank PLC. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering and several professional certificates in project management, welding inspection, HSE, and software like Primavera and AutoCAD.
The document provides a biography and literary analysis of Japanese author Taeko Kono and her short story "Toddler Hunting" published in 1961. It summarizes that Kono was born in 1926 in Japan and explored themes of sexuality, identity, and the struggle of women in a patriarchal society through characters that reject traditional gender roles. Specifically, "Toddler Hunting" features a character named Hayashi Akiko who engages in sadomasochistic acts and has an obsession with young boys while rejecting traditional femininity.
Celery is an asynchronous task queue that allows tasks to be handled outside of HTTP requests. For example, a web application could use Celery to poll an API every 10 minutes and store the results in a database without blocking the HTTP response. Celery distributes tasks by passing messages, allowing tasks to run across multiple worker processes. It uses brokers like Redis to manage queues and tasks. Developers define tasks as functions that are executed asynchronously by Celery workers.
The consulting company proposes a three-part strategy to determine information requirements for a new system for MCMDU:
1. Analyze artifacts like past documents and procedures to understand past issues and organizational needs.
2. Observe current operations and employee tasks to examine processes and inefficiencies.
3. Conduct interviews with inventory, sales, and retailer staff to understand perspectives and information needs.
This approach combines document review, observation, and stakeholder input to comprehensively define requirements.
Pivotal Digital Transformation Forum: Cloud and Devops - The RealityVMware Tanzu
The document discusses the challenges of implementing cloud-native applications and processes in real-world environments compared to the ideal cloud vision. It describes how real customers have varied requirements like security, isolation, and separated teams. It also outlines how real-world factors like people in different locations, dependencies on things outside systems, and the need for thorough testing add complexity. The document advocates for pragmatic approaches like flexibility, continual improvement, automation, and architecting for change to balance cloud visions with real-world constraints.
Basic concepts of React, Flux, Redux and the most important ES2015 (ES6) features.
Presentation on Github pages: http://lingvokot.github.io/React-Redux-ES6-presentation/
Prezentacja Anny Sakowicz (Mindshare) o rynku reklamy wideo w Internecie, serialu internetowym Citylajf.pl i product placement Mazdy oraz LG. Wystpienie odbyo si 19 maja 2009 podczas pierwszego spotkania VIDEOADcamp .
This document provides information about the CRIWG 2010 conference, including:
- It will take place in Maastricht, Netherlands from September 13-15, 2010.
- The venue will be Castle Vaeshartelt and activities include a river cruise dinner and wine tasting.
- There will be 47 submissions presented over the 3 day period covering collaboration and decision support topics.
- Keynote speakers include a founder of the Information Systems field and GSS pioneers who will present on a new generation of GSS technologies.
This resume is for Ezeifedi Obinna, a procurement and project management professional with over 10 years of experience. He currently works as a Manager, Project/Engineering at Wilkriss Nigeria Limited, where he is responsible for project planning, cost control, and ensuring project objectives are met. Prior to his current role, he worked as a Project Engineer and Safety Engineer at Wilkriss Nigeria Limited, and as a Relationship Officer at Intercontinental Bank PLC. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering and several professional certificates in project management, welding inspection, HSE, and software like Primavera and AutoCAD.
The document provides a biography and literary analysis of Japanese author Taeko Kono and her short story "Toddler Hunting" published in 1961. It summarizes that Kono was born in 1926 in Japan and explored themes of sexuality, identity, and the struggle of women in a patriarchal society through characters that reject traditional gender roles. Specifically, "Toddler Hunting" features a character named Hayashi Akiko who engages in sadomasochistic acts and has an obsession with young boys while rejecting traditional femininity.
Celery is an asynchronous task queue that allows tasks to be handled outside of HTTP requests. For example, a web application could use Celery to poll an API every 10 minutes and store the results in a database without blocking the HTTP response. Celery distributes tasks by passing messages, allowing tasks to run across multiple worker processes. It uses brokers like Redis to manage queues and tasks. Developers define tasks as functions that are executed asynchronously by Celery workers.
The consulting company proposes a three-part strategy to determine information requirements for a new system for MCMDU:
1. Analyze artifacts like past documents and procedures to understand past issues and organizational needs.
2. Observe current operations and employee tasks to examine processes and inefficiencies.
3. Conduct interviews with inventory, sales, and retailer staff to understand perspectives and information needs.
This approach combines document review, observation, and stakeholder input to comprehensively define requirements.
Pivotal Digital Transformation Forum: Cloud and Devops - The RealityVMware Tanzu
The document discusses the challenges of implementing cloud-native applications and processes in real-world environments compared to the ideal cloud vision. It describes how real customers have varied requirements like security, isolation, and separated teams. It also outlines how real-world factors like people in different locations, dependencies on things outside systems, and the need for thorough testing add complexity. The document advocates for pragmatic approaches like flexibility, continual improvement, automation, and architecting for change to balance cloud visions with real-world constraints.
Basic concepts of React, Flux, Redux and the most important ES2015 (ES6) features.
Presentation on Github pages: http://lingvokot.github.io/React-Redux-ES6-presentation/
This document discusses reworking a monolithic architecture into a containerized Docker architecture. It begins by describing Docker and how it provides lightweight virtualization using containers. It then outlines the steps taken to rework an existing monolithic setup into a Docker container architecture by first creating data containers, then leaf service containers, and finally linked service containers. This provides benefits like improved configuration, isolation of services, and extensibility without downtime. The end result is 21 containers organized into sets for each environment (blessed, staging, external), following best practices of separating data from services. This allows the architecture to be treated as container-as-a-service (CaaS).
Lean Software Development: Values and PrinciplesBalaji Sathram
This document discusses Lean Software Development. It begins with a brief history of Lean, noting its origins in manufacturing and its application to software development starting in the 1990s. It then defines Lean according to the five pillars of Lean thinking: value, value stream, flow, pull, and perfection. The document outlines six Lean values related to accepting human factors and complexity while striving for better economic and social outcomes. It also lists seven Lean principles for software development, such as eliminating waste, building quality in, and respecting people. The document provides examples of Lean practices and concludes that Lean is a methodology for trimming non-value-added activities from the software development process while following any development methodology.
Conectores, Cables y Puertos de un ordenador (Tabla Resumen)Dani Lara
Este documento lista y describe varios tipos de cables y conectores utilizados en computadoras y perif辿ricos. Incluye cables de alimentaci坦n, IDE, SATA, SCSI, SAS, USB, FireWire, audio, video, red y comunicaciones seriales y paralelas, as鱈 como conectores como ATX, Molex, SATA, SCSI, SAS, USB, FireWire, audio, video, teclado, rat坦n y puertos seriales y paralelos.
Am辿liorer l'efficacit辿 辿nerg辿tique en utilisant les tours de refroidissement ...atgagnon
Dane pochodz z badania syndykatowego Multiscreening 2014, przeprowadzonego przez IRCenter i SW Research.
Celem tegorocznej edycji badania byo przyjrzenie si r坦甜nym zachowaniom multiscreeningowym w zale甜noci od formy ogldanego contentu (streaming czy VoD), poszczeg坦lnych kana坦w i operujcych w Polsce dostawc坦w contentu telewizyjnego.
Badanie zostao przeprowadzone wr坦d n=986 reprezentatywnej pr坦bie internaut坦w (uczestnik坦w panelu badawczego) w dniach 29.04 - 11.05 2014 (reprezentatywno pr坦by bya kontrolowana poprzez pe, wiek i miejsce zamieszkania). Wszelkich informacji na temat badania udziela IRCenter (kontakt: info@ircenter.com)
Zapraszamy r坦wnie甜 na stron powicon zagadnieniom multiscreeningu: http://www.ircenter.com/blog/multiscreening-2014
Popularno medi坦w spoecznociowych nie jest nieoczekiwana. W rzeczywistoci wiat online jest odbiciem wiata offline. W sieciach spoecznych istniejemy od zawsze - do tej pory byy to wizy niewidzialne, teraz wreszcie mo甜emy je zobaczy goym okiem.
Ponad poowa internaut坦w nie boi si paci w internecie - wynika z badania Internetowy Barometr ING" sporzdzonego na zlecenie ING Banku lskiego. Tak甜e poowa u甜ytkownik坦w internetu korzysta z bankowoci internetowej, a 41% jest zainteresowanych korzystaniem z bankowoci mobilnej, za pomoc telefonu kom坦rkowego.