Helm was used to deploy Prometheus and the Prometheus stack on an EKS cluster for monitoring purposes. This included deploying Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager and associated pods and services. Some key steps taken were adding the Prometheus chart repository, configuring storage classes, and accessing the deployed applications. Potential issues with default storage configurations were also discussed.
The document provides instructions for deploying Prometheus and the Kube Prometheus Stack on NKS. Key steps include:
1. Deploying Prometheus using Helm with custom storage class and service type settings.
2. Verifying successful deployment by checking pods, services, and accessing the Prometheus UI.
3. Deploying the Kube Prometheus Stack using Helm, again with custom storage class and service type settings.
4. Verifying successful deployment including checking pods, services, and accessing the Grafana UI with default credentials to view pre-configured dashboards importing from Prometheus data.
The document provides instructions for deploying and managing an EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster on AWS using eksctl. It outlines the steps to install eksctl and kubectl, deploy an EKS cluster called "eks-122" using eksctl with default settings, verify the cluster is active with 2 nodes, and finally delete the cluster when it is no longer needed.
The document discusses how to set up a CDN on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). It involves:
1. Creating a deployment and exposing it via a LoadBalancer to test performance without CDN. Tests from Japan and Oregon VMs show response times from Japan are higher.
2. Creating an Ingress resource and exposing it, then enabling Cloud CDN on the Ingress backend.
3. Testing performance from the Oregon VM to the Ingress IP, which now benefits from the CDN, shows improved response times compared to testing the LoadBalancer without CDN.
The myths of deprecating docker in kubernetesJo Hoon
Dont be surprise. It is very natural movement from monolithic style to MSA. And it is not sooner issue. Just happen to late 2021 as a plan. And most of customer doesnt impact your system. Due to many of service provider (GCP, AWS, AZURE, OpenShift, RKE and so on) already change their Container Runtime from (a little noisy?) old version of docker to light Container Runtime. I.e. new version of docker or others. And also it is no no no impact to your current image because you already use containerD monstly and what if you use old version of docker and also k8s said support old dockershim with there supportive method.
This document discusses using Ansible to configure Dell EMC networking devices running OS10. It includes examples of using Ansible ad-hoc commands to ping devices and retrieve information using the dellos10_command module. It also provides a YAML playbook that creates VLAN 11 on different devices and interfaces and configures BFD between spine switches and the access switch.
[Fs8600] nas session validation test_by_hoon_joJo Hoon
The document describes a PowerShell script that maps and unmaps network drives on remote machines to test session validation. It provides the source code, runs the code twice with different sleep times, and checks the job status and NAS session statistics after running the code. The script maps drives, sleeps, then unmaps them on multiple remote machines using jobs and verifies the jobs complete as expected while monitoring NAS session activity.
Ansible part for_po_c(w dellos9 dellos10)_ext_v1.0Jo Hoon
This document describes a proof of concept for using Ansible to configure Dell networking devices running Dell OS9 and Dell OS10. It includes examples of using the dellos9_command and dellos10_command modules to run show commands and examples of using the dellos9_config and dellos10_config modules to create a VLAN configuration. The playbooks are run successfully against devices running each operating system.
This document provides a quick start guide for using Python on the Dell OS10 switch. It discusses accessing the Bash shell, checking hardware information using commands like fdisk and df, backing up logs to the home directory using a Python script, and running commands with sudo to copy files without permissions issues. The goal is to explore the OS10 environment and demonstrate how to run commands and access files typically restricted to the root user.
Helm was used to deploy Prometheus and the Prometheus stack on an EKS cluster for monitoring purposes. This included deploying Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager and associated pods and services. Some key steps taken were adding the Prometheus chart repository, configuring storage classes, and accessing the deployed applications. Potential issues with default storage configurations were also discussed.
The document provides instructions for deploying Prometheus and the Kube Prometheus Stack on NKS. Key steps include:
1. Deploying Prometheus using Helm with custom storage class and service type settings.
2. Verifying successful deployment by checking pods, services, and accessing the Prometheus UI.
3. Deploying the Kube Prometheus Stack using Helm, again with custom storage class and service type settings.
4. Verifying successful deployment including checking pods, services, and accessing the Grafana UI with default credentials to view pre-configured dashboards importing from Prometheus data.
The document provides instructions for deploying and managing an EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster on AWS using eksctl. It outlines the steps to install eksctl and kubectl, deploy an EKS cluster called "eks-122" using eksctl with default settings, verify the cluster is active with 2 nodes, and finally delete the cluster when it is no longer needed.
The document discusses how to set up a CDN on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). It involves:
1. Creating a deployment and exposing it via a LoadBalancer to test performance without CDN. Tests from Japan and Oregon VMs show response times from Japan are higher.
2. Creating an Ingress resource and exposing it, then enabling Cloud CDN on the Ingress backend.
3. Testing performance from the Oregon VM to the Ingress IP, which now benefits from the CDN, shows improved response times compared to testing the LoadBalancer without CDN.
The myths of deprecating docker in kubernetesJo Hoon
Dont be surprise. It is very natural movement from monolithic style to MSA. And it is not sooner issue. Just happen to late 2021 as a plan. And most of customer doesnt impact your system. Due to many of service provider (GCP, AWS, AZURE, OpenShift, RKE and so on) already change their Container Runtime from (a little noisy?) old version of docker to light Container Runtime. I.e. new version of docker or others. And also it is no no no impact to your current image because you already use containerD monstly and what if you use old version of docker and also k8s said support old dockershim with there supportive method.
This document discusses using Ansible to configure Dell EMC networking devices running OS10. It includes examples of using Ansible ad-hoc commands to ping devices and retrieve information using the dellos10_command module. It also provides a YAML playbook that creates VLAN 11 on different devices and interfaces and configures BFD between spine switches and the access switch.
[Fs8600] nas session validation test_by_hoon_joJo Hoon
The document describes a PowerShell script that maps and unmaps network drives on remote machines to test session validation. It provides the source code, runs the code twice with different sleep times, and checks the job status and NAS session statistics after running the code. The script maps drives, sleeps, then unmaps them on multiple remote machines using jobs and verifies the jobs complete as expected while monitoring NAS session activity.
Ansible part for_po_c(w dellos9 dellos10)_ext_v1.0Jo Hoon
This document describes a proof of concept for using Ansible to configure Dell networking devices running Dell OS9 and Dell OS10. It includes examples of using the dellos9_command and dellos10_command modules to run show commands and examples of using the dellos9_config and dellos10_config modules to create a VLAN configuration. The playbooks are run successfully against devices running each operating system.
This document provides a quick start guide for using Python on the Dell OS10 switch. It discusses accessing the Bash shell, checking hardware information using commands like fdisk and df, backing up logs to the home directory using a Python script, and running commands with sudo to copy files without permissions issues. The goal is to explore the OS10 environment and demonstrate how to run commands and access files typically restricted to the root user.