Toate organiza?iile trebuie s? ?tie de ce fac ceea ce fac ?i s? se defineasc? conform viziunii lor, nu a activit??ilor. Care reprezint? doar un rezultate, unul din mul?ii pa?i pe care ?i faci pentru a ??i ?ndeplini viziunea.
Noi vrem s? avem un impact pozitiv ?n societate prin formarea unor lideri profesioni?ti ?i cu principii solide.
ASER a organizat in cadrul Changemakers o zi de conferin?e dedicate antreprenoriatului social.
Am sus?inut aici o prezentare despre antreprenoriatul social
Stii care este diferenta intre bogati si saraci? Si cum cateva lucruri simple (cum sunt obiceiurile zilnice) te pot aseza intr-o categorie sau alta la fel de usor? Poti afla toate acestea in aceasta prezentare de la Lorand Soares Szasz | Business Coach | Trainer | Antreprenor | Autor | Speaker-ul anului 2013 la Business Days | LOVE TO EDUCATE! | E-mail: | | Site: | | skype: lorand.soares.szasz | S.C. SOARES CONSULTING S.R.L. | Cap. Social. 200 Ron | RO24778914 | J12/4654/2008
Role of social worker in environmental development and improvementArul Actovin
The document discusses the role of social workers in environmental protection and development. It outlines that social workers can take on several roles, including communicator, enabler, animator, guide, innovator, advocate, counselor, model, motivator, felicitator, mediator, educator, leader, and catalyst. As communicators, social workers transfer information to empower people with knowledge about the environment. As enablers, they initiate processes for environmental protection that communities can continue. Overall, the document argues that social workers play an important role in raising awareness, educating, and mobilizing communities towards environmental sustainability.
This document lists and briefly describes 10 common roles of social workers: advocate, counselor, mediator, researcher, educator, case manager, community change agent, facilitator, broker, and manager. As advocates, social workers fight for clients' rights and empower those disempowered by society. As counselors, social workers help clients address problems and develop skills to deal with issues more effectively. Overall, the roles aim to help and empower vulnerable groups through services, education, research, and community involvement.
The document provides suggestions for improving the homepage of a website called SKYNEWS. It recommends adding a subscription ad banner, dropdown options under the subscribe button for different subscription types, and making the search box clearer. It also suggests adding an email newsletter signup and standard footer to articles promoting subscriptions. Additional footer links and a contact us tab are proposed.
Golf originated in Scotland in the 15th century. It is a game where players use various clubs to hit a ball into a series of holes in as few strokes as possible. Golf is traditionally seen as a game for the elite and is associated with business deals and social status due to the expense of clubs, clothing, and green fees. There are over 32,000 golf courses worldwide and the game continues to grow in popularity and sophistication with equipment, tournaments, and techniques evolving over time.
The document discusses the meaning of civics and what it means to be a U.S. citizen. It states that civics is the study of citizenship and that government exercises authority over people as a political unit. It also discusses that rights and freedoms are protected by laws in America as long as those laws are followed. Finally, it mentions that in the U.S., people rule through elected officials and that voting is an important responsibility of citizens.
The document provides an overview for a Sigma Kappa Foundation trustee orientation. It discusses the foundation's mission to support Sigma Kappa members through educational programming and philanthropic endeavors. It outlines the organizational structure, board expectations, strategic plan goals, and ways the foundation communicates and fundraises to support its mission.
This document discusses an interdisciplinary project about creating a soap called Mr. Wipe that is made of water, alcohol, coconut, and honey. The soap called Mr. Wipe is intended to be distributed in supermarkets in Acapulco and Chilpancingo.
The document contains summaries of several news stories:
1. SEBI clears smart order routing for all investors, which will help buyers and sellers get the best price on stock exchanges. Regulators have ended a battle between NSE and BSE.
2. The revised Direct Tax Code keeps the taxable basis as actual rent received and aims to simplify existing tax laws.
3. The Indian economy grew by 8.8% in the April-June quarter driven by strong manufacturing and agriculture growth.
4. Reliance Industries acquired a 14.12% stake in East India Hotels.
This document discusses interfaces and how they are evolving. It talks about how interfaces for ordering coffee can be overly complex, and how future interfaces may be based on touchscreens and gestures rather than keyboards and buttons. It also discusses how the iPod popularized the jog wheel interface for music players and how future music consumption interfaces for touchscreen devices will need to change how users interact with and experience media.
This document summarizes an interdisciplinary school project about creating a fictional soup factory. The project incorporates lessons from various subjects including psychology, ethics, values, calculus, economy, computing, administration, accounting, law, and English. It discusses how each subject contributes to understanding the business. It also provides details about a soap product called "Mr. Wipe" which is meant for children and made from water, alcohol, coconut, and honey. The soap will be distributed in supermarkets in two Mexican cities. The project involved researching advertising for the product.
Global Research & Data Services is publishing new market analyses on the pasta market in over 50 countries. The analyses provide key data on the size, growth, and trends in each country's pasta market. They also include macroeconomic indicators and metrics for doing business in that market. The analyses can be purchased individually for 490 EUR each and cover topics such as market value, volume, price, type of pasta, and forecasts. They are intended to help decision-makers evaluate opportunities in the global pasta industry.
O documento descreve o Princ¨ªpio da Invers?o de Depend¨ºncia e como ele pode ser implementado usando os padr?es Template Method e Strategy. Antes as classes de alto n¨ªvel dependiam diretamente das classes de baixo n¨ªvel, agora elas dependem de abstra??es que n?o dependem de detalhes implementados.
The document contains summaries of several news stories:
1. SEBI clears smart order routing for all investors, which will help buyers and sellers get the best price on stock exchanges. Regulators have ended a battle between NSE and BSE.
2. The revised Direct Tax Code keeps the taxable basis as actual rent received and aims to simplify existing tax laws.
3. The Indian economy grew by 8.8% in the April-June quarter driven by strong manufacturing and agriculture growth.
4. Reliance Industries acquired a 14.12% stake in East India Hotels.
Business Days 2010 - Tirgu Mures (Prezentare Romana)Business Days
Suita de evenimente de business pentru antreprenori si manageri.
2010 - Tirgu Mures (2 editii)
2011 - Timisoara (03.2011), Brasov (06.2011), Bucuresti (09.2011), Iasi (12.2011) .
Evenimentele sunt organizate cu scopul de a dinamiza mediul de afaceri si sunt centrate pe subiecte de interes legate de antreprenoriat si
management, oferind antreprenorilor si managerilor din companiile romanesti idei inspirationale, exemple motivationale, analize pertinente, estimari ale trendurilor viitoare din diverse domenii, business networking de calitate, posibilitatea de a invata de la cei mai buni specialisti, de a identifica noi oportunitati, de a gasi noi potentiali parteneri de afaceri si colaboratori.
The document provides suggestions for improving the homepage of a website called SKYNEWS. It recommends adding a subscription ad banner, dropdown options under the subscribe button for different subscription types, and making the search box clearer. It also suggests adding an email newsletter signup and standard footer to articles promoting subscriptions. Additional footer links and a contact us tab are proposed.
Golf originated in Scotland in the 15th century. It is a game where players use various clubs to hit a ball into a series of holes in as few strokes as possible. Golf is traditionally seen as a game for the elite and is associated with business deals and social status due to the expense of clubs, clothing, and green fees. There are over 32,000 golf courses worldwide and the game continues to grow in popularity and sophistication with equipment, tournaments, and techniques evolving over time.
The document discusses the meaning of civics and what it means to be a U.S. citizen. It states that civics is the study of citizenship and that government exercises authority over people as a political unit. It also discusses that rights and freedoms are protected by laws in America as long as those laws are followed. Finally, it mentions that in the U.S., people rule through elected officials and that voting is an important responsibility of citizens.
The document provides an overview for a Sigma Kappa Foundation trustee orientation. It discusses the foundation's mission to support Sigma Kappa members through educational programming and philanthropic endeavors. It outlines the organizational structure, board expectations, strategic plan goals, and ways the foundation communicates and fundraises to support its mission.
This document discusses an interdisciplinary project about creating a soap called Mr. Wipe that is made of water, alcohol, coconut, and honey. The soap called Mr. Wipe is intended to be distributed in supermarkets in Acapulco and Chilpancingo.
The document contains summaries of several news stories:
1. SEBI clears smart order routing for all investors, which will help buyers and sellers get the best price on stock exchanges. Regulators have ended a battle between NSE and BSE.
2. The revised Direct Tax Code keeps the taxable basis as actual rent received and aims to simplify existing tax laws.
3. The Indian economy grew by 8.8% in the April-June quarter driven by strong manufacturing and agriculture growth.
4. Reliance Industries acquired a 14.12% stake in East India Hotels.
This document discusses interfaces and how they are evolving. It talks about how interfaces for ordering coffee can be overly complex, and how future interfaces may be based on touchscreens and gestures rather than keyboards and buttons. It also discusses how the iPod popularized the jog wheel interface for music players and how future music consumption interfaces for touchscreen devices will need to change how users interact with and experience media.
This document summarizes an interdisciplinary school project about creating a fictional soup factory. The project incorporates lessons from various subjects including psychology, ethics, values, calculus, economy, computing, administration, accounting, law, and English. It discusses how each subject contributes to understanding the business. It also provides details about a soap product called "Mr. Wipe" which is meant for children and made from water, alcohol, coconut, and honey. The soap will be distributed in supermarkets in two Mexican cities. The project involved researching advertising for the product.
Global Research & Data Services is publishing new market analyses on the pasta market in over 50 countries. The analyses provide key data on the size, growth, and trends in each country's pasta market. They also include macroeconomic indicators and metrics for doing business in that market. The analyses can be purchased individually for 490 EUR each and cover topics such as market value, volume, price, type of pasta, and forecasts. They are intended to help decision-makers evaluate opportunities in the global pasta industry.
O documento descreve o Princ¨ªpio da Invers?o de Depend¨ºncia e como ele pode ser implementado usando os padr?es Template Method e Strategy. Antes as classes de alto n¨ªvel dependiam diretamente das classes de baixo n¨ªvel, agora elas dependem de abstra??es que n?o dependem de detalhes implementados.
The document contains summaries of several news stories:
1. SEBI clears smart order routing for all investors, which will help buyers and sellers get the best price on stock exchanges. Regulators have ended a battle between NSE and BSE.
2. The revised Direct Tax Code keeps the taxable basis as actual rent received and aims to simplify existing tax laws.
3. The Indian economy grew by 8.8% in the April-June quarter driven by strong manufacturing and agriculture growth.
4. Reliance Industries acquired a 14.12% stake in East India Hotels.
Business Days 2010 - Tirgu Mures (Prezentare Romana)Business Days
Suita de evenimente de business pentru antreprenori si manageri.
2010 - Tirgu Mures (2 editii)
2011 - Timisoara (03.2011), Brasov (06.2011), Bucuresti (09.2011), Iasi (12.2011) .
Evenimentele sunt organizate cu scopul de a dinamiza mediul de afaceri si sunt centrate pe subiecte de interes legate de antreprenoriat si
management, oferind antreprenorilor si managerilor din companiile romanesti idei inspirationale, exemple motivationale, analize pertinente, estimari ale trendurilor viitoare din diverse domenii, business networking de calitate, posibilitatea de a invata de la cei mai buni specialisti, de a identifica noi oportunitati, de a gasi noi potentiali parteneri de afaceri si colaboratori.
Suntem agen?ie de comunicare ?i furniz?m servicii de rela?ii cu presa, PR online ?i evenimente de PR pentru clien?i interesa?i de reputa?ia companiei lor ?i care vor rezultate clare ?i m?surabile.
?n perioada 26-27 februarie 2014 a avut loc ce de-a VIII a edi?ie a evenimentului Digital Marketing Forum, la Hotel Crowne Plaza Bucure?ti. Participan?ii au avut ocazia s? ?nt?lneasc? unii dintre cei mai buni vorbitori locali ?i interna?ionali din domeniu, care au prezentat cele mai noi tendin?e, solu?ii de optimizare a campaniilor online ?i studii de caz relevante.
Detalii despre prima zi a evenimentului:
Incubatorul de afaceri virtual inovativ platforma E-Learning Business NetworkSt@rtUp
Website Custom E-Learning Business NetworkSt@rtUp
BLOG-ul NetworkSt@rtUp
BLOG-ul NetworkSt@rtUp ?
Pagina?E-Learning Business NetworkSt@rtUp Facebook?
GRUP?E-Learning Business NetworkSt@rtUp Facebook
Pagina?E-Learning Business NetworkSt@rtUp LinkedIn
Cursul este destinat ?ncep?torilor care doresc s? ?nve?e despre promovarea online ?n general, cu aspecte practice pentru muzicieni, produc?tori ?i c?nt?re?i.
Principalele subiecte ale cursului sunt:
- Ce este marketingul;
- Comunicarea ?n munca noastr?;
- Des?gn web;
- Reiele de soc?al?zare;
- Planificarea continutului;
- Aplicatii specializate;
- Intr? ?n direct;
- Analiza web;
- F?naniare part?c?pat?v?;
- Patru gre?eli comune.
Acest curs a fost elaborat ?n cadrul programului Erasmus+, ?n t?mpul proiectului #SoundBeatsTime.
3. Cine este Whizz Communication? O agentie mica formata din oameni mari ¨C maturi si prietenosi, cu experienta, dar receptivi. Am ucenicit, am invatat meserie prin multinationale si prin agentii romanesti, in ultimii sapte ani, timp in care am acumulat experienta pe conturi internationale sau locale. Am invatat sa abordam cu acceasi seriozitate si deschidere orice tip de proiect, fie ca este vorba de o campanie integrata sau de un eveniment, de o brosura corporate sau un website. Acum a venit momentul sa pornim pe un drum propriu, in care sa coroboram experienta acumulata in timp cu atitudinea noastra deschisa si prietenoasa. Si suntem oricand gata sa dovedim cele sustinute, pliindu-ne si gasind solutiile cele mai potrivite nevoilor specifice oricarui client.
4. De ce Whizz ?? Sensul primar al cuvantului, acela de suierat produs de o miscare care capteaza rapid atentia, ne defineste modul pragmatic de lucru. Sensul informal si mai putin cunoscut al cuvantului, acela de expert si specialist intr-un anumit domeniu, ne defineste pe noi ca profesionisti. O agentie mica formata din oameni mari ¨C maturi si prietenosi, cu experienta, dar receptivi.
5. Cum a aparut Whizz Communication? Intr-o zi, un gentleman intra pe usa unei croitorii si se uita imprejur. Un tanar il intampina cu amabilitate si il intreba cu ce ar putea sa il ajute. Domnul nostru ii spuse ca ar dori sa i se faca o redingota deosebita, dar tanarul dadu neputincios din umeri. Mesterul este plecat pentru cateva zile din oras, iar el - ucenicul executa numai dupa tiparele deja stabilite si nu are voie sa iasa din cuvantul mesterului, singurul in masura sa ia initiative. Gentlemanul nostru nu paru prea multumit, dar nu se dadu batut. Ii explica tanarului ca are nevoie de haina in cel mai scurt timp si ca nu accepta sa fie refuzat.
6. Cum a aparut Whizz Communication? Cu riscul de a fi pedepsit de mester, tanarul ucenic se apuca de treaba. Peste doua zile domnul veni sa isi vada haina. Proba decurse excelent, iar intalnirea fu pe placul amandurora. Peste inca o zi, domnul isi lua marfa si ii multumi tanarului. Dar la o saptamana reveni in croitorie si ii ceru sa ii faca o pereche de pantaloni care sa nu semene cu nimic din ceea ce este pe piata. Numai ca de data asta mesterul revenise in oras si crezu ca este cazul sa preia el comanda. Gentlemanul insa dori sa lucreze pe viitor numai cu tanarul pentru ca fusese foarte multumit de serviciile sale. In prezenta clientului mesterul nu comenta nimic, dar dupa ce ce domnul pleca il mustrului penru ca a indraznit sa faca lucruri dupa capul lui, de ucenic.
7. Cum a aparut Whizz Communication? In cateva luni de zile croitoria ajunse neincapatoare. Zi de zi se umplea de oameni veniti la recomandarea gentlemanului nostru si lumea cerea sa lucreze cu tanarul ucenic. Nu mica fu uimirea acestuia cand peste un an de zile nu primi nicio recompensa sau nici macar nu a fost avansat calfa. Dupa acel an, pleca de la mesterul sau si se duse la altul. Acolo, a luat-o de la inceput pe aceeasi treapta si a avut parte de acelasi tratament. Dupa un timp, tanarul se hotari ca a venit momentul sa isi faca meseria in stilul lui original si receptiv si isi deschise o mica pravalie. Se duse prima oara la domnul caruia ii facuse redingota si ii spuse ca daca ar dori sa mai lucreze cu el il gaseste la noua lui adresa. Apoi treptat, treptat castiga din ce in ce mai multi clienti datorita lucrurilor creative iesite din mana lui si reusi sa ii pastreze vreme indelungata prin atitudinea lui adecvata nevoilor fiecaruia.
8. Ce ne-a unit pe noi, cei de la Whizz?? ...Dorinta fiecaruia de a ne lua zborul si de a ne dezvolta indemanarea pe cont propriu. Si, in al doilea rand, un lucru extrem de simplu, dar extraordinar de important: placerea si darul de a povesti. Unora dintre noi ne place sa spunem povesti mestesugite din vorbe, altora ne place sa ne exprimam prin imagini si culoare, iar altora prin cifre si bugete. Cu alte cuvinte, fiecare cu ce stie mai bine, dar toti servind acelasi scop: sa creem cele mai puternice si memorabile brandstories , indiferent ca este vorba de un flyer sau de o campanie online, de un spot radio sau de o campanie integrata.
9. De ce sunt importante povestile in publicitate? Probabil multa lume stie ca A fost odata¡ un cersetor orb care isi ducea existenta pe unul dintre podurile Senei. Nu se deosebea cu nimic de colegii sai de breasla. Toti cautau un castig, purtand cu dansii mesaje de genul: Ajutati-ma! Banii veneau cum si cand. Intr-o zi, cersetorul nostru avu insa o idee geniala, i-au zis unii, de marketing, i-am zice noi. Pe cartonul care il insotea in fiecare zi la munca ruga pe cineva sa ii scrie: Afara este primavara, dar eu nu pot sa o vad?! Nu e greu de ghicit ce s-a intamplat dupa aceea. Strategia s-a dovedit a fi eficienta, iar beneficiile pe masura.
10. Our beliefs ¨C In ce credem 1. Un brand fara o poveste nu capteaza atentia publicului. 2. In publicitate premisa succesului este sa fii diferit, iar a esecului este sa fii la fel.
80. Creatie publicitara si strategie de comunicare (ex. TVC, radio, presa, outdoor, campanii promotionale si online, organizare de evenimente, innovative media) Consultanta si expertiza de brand Analiza tendintelor pietei si a comportamentului consumatorului
81. WHIZZ COMMUNICATION Calea Mosilor nr. 138, sector2, Bucuresti Corina Ochea Client Service Director 0721271405 [email_address]