Dasar Automotif Nasional bertujuan untuk mentransformasikan industri automotif Malaysia menjadi lebih berdaya saing dan berdaya tahan melalui skala operasi yang lebih besar, integrasi rantai nilai global, dan peningkatan aktiviti bernilai tambah. Dasar ini akan memberi sokongan kepada peserta industri berasaskan sumbangan ekonomi mereka, seperti skala pengeluaran dan ekspot. Ia juga akan menggalakkan rasionalisasi untuk meningkatkan day
Recursos educativos para el aprendizaje en grado segundopaulakarinalopez
Este documento presenta recursos educativos para la ense?anza del ingl¨¦s en segundo grado de primaria. Incluye medios did¨¢cticos tradicionales como libros, laminas y tableros, as¨ª como recursos tecnol¨®gicos como video beam, material audiovisual y computadoras. Propone dos sesiones de clase enfocadas en los n¨²meros del 1 al 100 y el valor monetario, utilizando canciones, lecturas e historietas en ingl¨¦s, as¨ª como actividades pr¨¢cticas de colorear, simulacros de tiendas y evaluaciones or
How to improve english oral skill (Ó¢Îĺ†ˆó°à)Jasmine Tung
This document provides tips for improving English oral skills, including watching English language series dramas like Sherlock Holmes and Gossip Girl which have sexy British and American accents respectively, listening to TED talks, English songs on the radio, and practicing speaking English aloud and during lunch with friends. It recommends series dramas like Sherlock Holmes which has 6 episodes and stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, and Gossip Girl which has 3 seasons and is about the upper society of NY.
Este documento proporciona una introducci¨®n a las consultas SQL y la instrucci¨®n SELECT. Explica las cl¨¢usulas principales de SELECT como lista_cols, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY y ORDER BY. Tambi¨¦n incluye ejemplos de consultas SQL que ilustran el uso de estas cl¨¢usulas y funciones agregadas como AVG.
Lomba menulis puisi, cerpen, dan novel yang diselenggarakan oleh Terbit Media dengan tema "Love The Reason" 2014. Peserta wajib mengirimkan karya asli dalam bahasa Indonesia yang sesuai EYD dengan batasan usia 14-35 tahun dan deadline 17 Juni 2014. Ada syarat khusus mengenai format penulisan dan pengiriman berkas untuk masing-masing kategori serta sistem penilaian berdasarkan orisinalitas, kreativitas, estetika, dan ide yang dis
Este documento presenta las principales teor¨ªas sociol¨®gicas de la educaci¨®n desde cinco perspectivas: funcionalista, marxista, weberiana, interpretativa y la obra de Bourdieu. Se centra en explicar la perspectiva funcionalista, destacando las contribuciones de Durkheim y Parsons. Durkheim ve la educaci¨®n como una instituci¨®n social que cumple funciones para la sociedad como transmitir cultura y valores. Parsons argumenta que la educaci¨®n legitima las desigualdades sociales a trav¨¦s de la socializaci¨®n e ideolog¨ªa de igualdad de o
El documento trata sobre teor¨ªas human¨ªsticas de autorrelaci¨®n. Menciona los nombres Abraham Maslow y teor¨ªas en un lenguaje poco convencional con letras repetidas y acentos.
1. Dokumen menjelaskan berbagai amalan bid'ah yang sering dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan seperti punggahan, pesta ru'yah, hisab, dan lainnya. Beberapa contoh bid'ah lainnya adalah shalat tarawih setelah maghrib, shalat al-qadar, dan perayaan-perayaan seperti nuzul al-Quran.
2. Syaitan senang menyebarkan amalan bid'ah karena dapat menghalangi kebaikan bul
This document discusses designs and accessories by Damani Khari. It mentions Damani Khari and their designs multiple times but does not provide any other details about the designs, accessories, or Damani Khari.
El documento repite la palabra "Test1" 17 veces, lo que indica que la informaci¨®n principal es la repetici¨®n constante del t¨¦rmino "Test1" a lo largo del texto.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang tugas pembuatan desain halaman website menggunakan CSS. Tugas tersebut meliputi mengubah font pada list agar sama dengan paragraf pertama, mengubah teks menu jadi link yang warnanya berubah saat di-hover, mengisi bagian kanan dengan konten dan menambahkan teks pada header.
Recursos educativos para el aprendizaje en grado segundopaulakarinalopez
Este documento presenta recursos educativos para la ense?anza del ingl¨¦s en segundo grado de primaria. Incluye medios did¨¢cticos tradicionales como libros, laminas y tableros, as¨ª como recursos tecnol¨®gicos como video beam, material audiovisual y computadoras. Propone dos sesiones de clase enfocadas en los n¨²meros del 1 al 100 y el valor monetario, utilizando canciones, lecturas e historietas en ingl¨¦s, as¨ª como actividades pr¨¢cticas de colorear, simulacros de tiendas y evaluaciones or
How to improve english oral skill (Ó¢Îĺ†ˆó°à)Jasmine Tung
This document provides tips for improving English oral skills, including watching English language series dramas like Sherlock Holmes and Gossip Girl which have sexy British and American accents respectively, listening to TED talks, English songs on the radio, and practicing speaking English aloud and during lunch with friends. It recommends series dramas like Sherlock Holmes which has 6 episodes and stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, and Gossip Girl which has 3 seasons and is about the upper society of NY.
Este documento proporciona una introducci¨®n a las consultas SQL y la instrucci¨®n SELECT. Explica las cl¨¢usulas principales de SELECT como lista_cols, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY y ORDER BY. Tambi¨¦n incluye ejemplos de consultas SQL que ilustran el uso de estas cl¨¢usulas y funciones agregadas como AVG.
Lomba menulis puisi, cerpen, dan novel yang diselenggarakan oleh Terbit Media dengan tema "Love The Reason" 2014. Peserta wajib mengirimkan karya asli dalam bahasa Indonesia yang sesuai EYD dengan batasan usia 14-35 tahun dan deadline 17 Juni 2014. Ada syarat khusus mengenai format penulisan dan pengiriman berkas untuk masing-masing kategori serta sistem penilaian berdasarkan orisinalitas, kreativitas, estetika, dan ide yang dis
Este documento presenta las principales teor¨ªas sociol¨®gicas de la educaci¨®n desde cinco perspectivas: funcionalista, marxista, weberiana, interpretativa y la obra de Bourdieu. Se centra en explicar la perspectiva funcionalista, destacando las contribuciones de Durkheim y Parsons. Durkheim ve la educaci¨®n como una instituci¨®n social que cumple funciones para la sociedad como transmitir cultura y valores. Parsons argumenta que la educaci¨®n legitima las desigualdades sociales a trav¨¦s de la socializaci¨®n e ideolog¨ªa de igualdad de o
El documento trata sobre teor¨ªas human¨ªsticas de autorrelaci¨®n. Menciona los nombres Abraham Maslow y teor¨ªas en un lenguaje poco convencional con letras repetidas y acentos.
1. Dokumen menjelaskan berbagai amalan bid'ah yang sering dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan seperti punggahan, pesta ru'yah, hisab, dan lainnya. Beberapa contoh bid'ah lainnya adalah shalat tarawih setelah maghrib, shalat al-qadar, dan perayaan-perayaan seperti nuzul al-Quran.
2. Syaitan senang menyebarkan amalan bid'ah karena dapat menghalangi kebaikan bul
This document discusses designs and accessories by Damani Khari. It mentions Damani Khari and their designs multiple times but does not provide any other details about the designs, accessories, or Damani Khari.
El documento repite la palabra "Test1" 17 veces, lo que indica que la informaci¨®n principal es la repetici¨®n constante del t¨¦rmino "Test1" a lo largo del texto.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang tugas pembuatan desain halaman website menggunakan CSS. Tugas tersebut meliputi mengubah font pada list agar sama dengan paragraf pertama, mengubah teks menu jadi link yang warnanya berubah saat di-hover, mengisi bagian kanan dengan konten dan menambahkan teks pada header.
Mobil reklam? tercih etmek i?in nedenlerinizi g?rebilece?iniz "Neden Mobil Reklam" sunumunu inceleyebilirsiniz!
T¨¹rkiye'nin ilk mobil sekt?r dergisi madreport Q3 2013'¨¹ linke t?klayaraka okuyabilirsiniz!
Mobil Uygulamalar? Kullanarak ??inizi B¨¹y¨¹t¨¹nErol KABADAYI
Mobil uygulamalar? kullanarak i?inizi nas?l b¨¹y¨¹tebilirsiniz?
Bug¨¹ne kadar e?ine rastlanmayan bir h?zla b¨¹y¨¹yen mobil cihaz pazar?n?n ?irketler taraf?ndan dikkatle takip edilmesi gerekir. M¨¹?teriye ula?man?n en pratik ve h?zl? yollar?ndan biri de mobil cihazlarda ?al??an mobil uygulamalara sahip olmaktan ge?er.
?yi planlanm?? bir mobil pazarlama operasyonu di?er konvansiyonel pazarlama mecralar?n?n yan?nda y?ld?z gibi parlayacakt?r.
MobiRoller Nedir?
MobiRoller; kendi iPhone, iPad ve Android uygulaman?z? -hi? kod yazmadan- dakikalar i?inde geli?tirmenizi sa?lar. Geli?mi? kontrol paneli sayesinde uygulaman?z?n i?eri?ini ve tasar?m?n? istedi?iniz anda, h?zl? ve kolay bir ?ekilde de?i?tirebilirsiniz.
Mobil uygulama yapmak veya yapt?rmak istiyorum diyorsan?z MobiRoller tam size g?re.
Daha fazla bilgi i?in:
http://www.mobiroller.com - http://blog.mobiroller.com
madreport¡¯un bu say?s?nda farkl? konseptlerle haz?rlad?g??m?z o?du?llu? projelerimiz ve du?nyan?n en prestijli o?du?llerine aday is?lerimizi sizlerle paylas?t?k. Gec?tig?imiz S?ubat ay?nda Barselona¡¯da gerc?ekles?en, mobil gelis?melerin o?ncu?su? nitelig?indeki World Mobile Congress 2016¡¯n?n dikkat c?eken noktalar?n? ve sahip olunas? son teknoloji u?ru?nu? cihazlar? listeledik.
Ezeli rakipler olarak nitelendirebileceg?imiz iOS ve Android¡¯i farkl? bir bak?s? ac??s?yla kars??las?t?rd?k. Sadece kullan?m detaylar?na ilis?kin verilere deg?il ayn? zamanda mobil reklam yetenekleri bak?m?ndan ve bu is?letim sistemleri ic?in uygulama gelis?tirenlerin go?zu?nden farkl?l?klar?n? aktard?g??m?z iOS vs Android analizini kac??rmay?n.
The document provides statistics on gender and age distributions of users on dating apps. 64% of dating app users are male while 36% are female. When broken down by operating system, 55% of users on Android are male compared to 45% female, while 66% of users on iOS are male versus 34% female. Most dating app users on both Android and iOS are between the ages of 25-34, representing 38% and 42% respectively.
Apps have come to dominate mobile usage, accounting for 80-86% of the average user's time on mobile devices between 2013 and 2014. The most popular app categories are gaming, social media, and entertainment/utility apps. Google receives a disproportionately large share of mobile advertising revenue compared to the time users spend on its platforms and browsers, representing an opportunity for other apps to better monetize users' time through advertising.
1) Mobile devices have become addictive with the average user checking their phone 150 times per day while mobile addicts check over 60 times per day.
2) The segment of "mobile addicts" who check their phone over 60 times per day is growing the fastest, increasing 123% between 2013 and 2014.
3) Women are overrepresented as "mobile addicts" compared to average users, making up 52% of addicts but only 48% of average users.
The document shows the percentage of total US digital ad revenue by format from 2012 to 2013. In 2012, search accounted for 46% of revenue, display/banner ads were 21%, and digital video was 9%. By 2013, search decreased to 43% while revenue from mobile and digital video grew, with mobile reaching 17% and digital video growing to 15% of total digital ad revenue.
According to analytics from Flurry and ComScore, time spent on mobile apps has grown considerably from 2013 to 2014, increasing from 80% to 86% of total time spent on iOS and Android devices, while mobile web usage has declined from 20% to 14%. Gaming accounts for the largest share of app usage time at 32%, followed by Facebook at 17% and social messaging apps at 9.5%. The data suggests that mobile apps have become the dominant way users are spending their time on connected mobile devices.
Wonk & Nielsen Mobile Media Research 2014 Turkey Wonk Mobile
This document summarizes Nielsen's mobile brand effect (MBE) framework for measuring the effectiveness of mobile advertising campaigns. MBE helps clients measure how exposure to mobile display ads influences brand metrics like awareness, purchase intent, and preference. It works by surveying people about brands, then analyzing differences between responses from those exposed to ads versus an unexposed control group. The document presents MBE study results for Gillette, iGaranti, and Shell mobile ad campaigns, showing increases in awareness, recall, and purchase intent attributable to ad exposure.
The document discusses trends in the mobile industry from 2009 to 2018. It shows that global shipments of devices like smartphones, tablets, and wearables increased dramatically from 2009 to 2013. Smartphone shipments grew significantly year-over-year, with Android capturing the largest share of the market followed by Apple iOS. Tablet shipments also increased rapidly driven initially by the iPad, then by Android and Kindle Fire devices. Mobile internet traffic surpassed desktop traffic by 2013, fueled by growth in mobile video and apps. Key mobile apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Pandora saw major shifts to mobile usage over time.
2. Mobil uygulama gelirleri
6 6
9 9,6
PC online arama
PC online display
Di?er PC reklamlar? Mobil display
Mobil arama
Mobil uygulama i?i
Mobil uygulama
ma?azas? reklam
2012 2013
1.5X 1.5X 1.6X
PC Mobil
Browser ¨¹zerinden reklamlar Uygulama ¨¹zerinden reklamlar
Kaynak: IDC &
3. Uygulama ma?azalar? reklam gelirleri
2012 2013
2012 2013
Milyar dolar
Kaynak: IDC &
4. Mobil uygulama ?e?itleri
? Freemium
? Paid
? Paidmium
? Uygulama i?i reklam
? Dinamik
Bedava uygulama, uygulama i?i
sat?n al?m
?cretli uygulama, uygulama i?i sat?n
al?m yok
?cretli uygulama, uygulama i?i sat?n
al?m var
Uygulama i?i
banner, video etc.
E?er kullan?c? uygulama i?i sat?n al?m
yapm?yorsa, uygulama reklam
destekleyen uygulama modeline shift
Kaynak: IDC &
9. 2014¡¯de uygulamalarda g?r¨¹lecek reklam
Intersitial video reklam
Interstitial - video olmayan reklam
Native reklam
Pre-Mid-Post Roll reklam
Banner reklam
2013'den daha az 2013 ile ayn? 2013'den daha fazla
Kaynak: IDC &