A slideshow of covers from Words & Pictures, the newsletter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators in the British Isles. 1996 to 2009. It is now an online magazine http://wordsandpics.org
Thinking Outside the Book: Tall Story by St Anthony in Quezon CityCandy Gourlay
Sixth Graders from Section Mapagmahal of St Anthony in Quezon City sent me these reimaginings of Tall Story's cover. Absolutely amazing! Thank you, children!
Electromyographic activity of selected trunk muscles in subjectsJuan Aguirre Vargas
This study evaluated electromyographic activity in trunk muscles of hemiparetic subjects and healthy controls during therapeutic exercises. The following were found:
1) The rectus abdominis muscle on the paretic side of hemiparetic subjects showed greater activation than the corresponding side in controls during several exercises, indicating compensatory strategies.
2) The non-paretic obliquus externus abdominis in hemiparetic subjects showed greater activation during leg elevation compared to other exercises.
3) No differences were found between groups in erector spinae activity or contraction onset times.
This is a Photo Story about the Chichester Literary Quiz for Year 7 and 8 children on 10 March 2016. It was held at Chichester College. Featured authors were Ali Sparkes (Carjacked), Jamie Thomson (Dark Lord: Teenage Years), Kathryn Evans (More of Me) and me, Candy Gourlay (Shine). It was a delicious experience. Congratulations to overall winner Chichester High School. Thank you to Peter Bone, School Library Service Manager of Portsmouth, Colin Telford of the Hayling Island Bookshop, and the teachers and librarians who made it wonderful event.
Photos by Candy Gourlay (unless otherwise indicated)
State of Mic (SOM) is a creative production company established in 2007 in Gambia, West Africa to provide audiovisual education and media training. SOM has trained over 40 Gambian media professionals who now work for companies like Africell and Qcell or as freelancers. As a result of its training, SOM has produced several media programs for Gambian television covering topics like entertainment, culture, and traditions. SOM's future aims are to continue raising standards of multimedia production in Gambia through promoting freedom of expression and creating cultural and historical productions to deliver high quality Gambian and West African media content.
Flyer prepared by the ASU Small Business and Technology Development Center for Arkansas Sales and Use Tax workshop to be held in Jonesboro, AR Tuesday, April 9th at the ASU Delta Center. Instructors are sales tax professionals from Arkansas Tax Associates.
This document lists over 375 high page rank directory sites that could be submitted to in order to gain backlinks. The list includes a variety of general and niche directory sites across many top level domains.
This certificate recognizes Team Hexponent for their excellence and dedication as finalists in the Unilever Overall Opinion Score Prediction Challenge. It was presented to Sriram Sampathraman of Team Hexponent by Daryl Arnold, CEO of Newton Circus, Samantha Fok of Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, and Vijay Raj, VP of CMI Research Innovation at Unilever.
This is a Photo Story about the Portsmouth Literary Quiz of 28 January 2016. It was held at Fratton Park for Year 7s and 8s of Portsmouth. Featured authors were Ali Sparkes (Carjacked), Jamie Thomson (Dark Lord: Teenage Years), Jeff Norton (Metawars) and me, Candy Gourlay (Shine). Our books were part of the quiz -- hilariously we were not very good at answering multiple choice questions about our own books! Much fun was had by all - congratulations to the amazing school children who participated. Thanks to Peter Bone, School Library Service Manager of Portsmouth, Colin Telford of the Hayling Island Bookshop, and the teachers and librarians who made the day work like clockwork! http://www.candygourlay.com/2016/03/portsmouth-lit-quiz-2016.html
Photos by Candy Gourlay (unless otherwise indicated)
Candy Gourlay's Teaching Resources: SHINE - Is the Calm real?Candy Gourlay
This is a teaching resource for SHINE, a teen novel by Candy Gourlay. In Shine, the heroine Rosa suffers from a condition called the Calm and must hide in a tower because of the stigma. This resource begins a discussion of whether the Calm is a real medical condition then goes on to encourage reflection on maladiess that suffer from stigma and the state of being 'Other'.
A Comic: An Affair to Almost Remember by Candy GourlayCandy Gourlay
This was my final project for Graphic Novel 1, taught by Emily Haworth Booth at the Prince's Drawing School. I wanted to tell the story of how I met my husband during the 1986 People Power Revolution but how memory (and my excitable storytelling) has added a lot of colour to the story. By story I mean the part where I met my husband. The revolution itself was pretty much as exciting as it sounds. This is my first completed comic story (thought I've done a lot of strip comics before). Storytelling through sequential art is a fantastic challenge. I loved it.
Discussion Guide: Shine by Candy GourlayCandy Gourlay
Hello readers! I created this discussion guide for readers of SHINE, my young adult / teen novel. I hope teachers, librarians and readers of my book will find it useful. You can let me know what you think by messaging me on the contact form of my website http://candygourlay.com. If you have suggestions for more reference materials for SHINE, I would love to hear from you! (Watch out for the Philippine edition of Shine, out in September 2014)
Candy Gourlay
With thanks to:
David Dean for the rain background art on the slides. David also created the cover art for Shine.
Nasser Alzhrani for his photo of a boy in silhouette https://www.flickr.com/photos/n9oori/5720095485/
Amancay Maahs for her photo of a keyboard https://www.flickr.com/photos/amanky/2219631791/in/photolist-4YmVRS-4o9ccD-51snbC-5KRQqA-6zSGuF-5z1A7y
James Blann for his photo of rain lashed Aberystwyth https://www.flickr.com/photos/meblob/2327687240/in/set-72157605196444233
Premnath Thirumalaisamy for his photo of light streaming through an open door https://www.flickr.com/photos/premnath/8074766295/in/photolist-6VgLWc-biWysF-7WuZNd-4zz4mL-cRCVYs-ewQ9DL-8zqLbn-dQVDLs-2sA5yQ-74PBgm-bQkHbv-821cbU-9vY7so-4xKQ2K-6eThju-5tWu3y-a7DC6C-jAHzeE-dWpsLF-dixhGx-b1naNM-6v2sSa-6jY7Le-9mcFii-mNbLn-dSvntQ-6SF22c-c2zEqo-69DwHL-9KxQjj-9ami2w-3Z7cA-cADP2U-7J9Yw-gYD58d-eLKE4-cqBQLW-cqBhgW-6dAeqx-ft2y4m-bD2RWD-Q5i9u-kRZGvo-afniEU-cEfoYd-58FMiU-6swv6S-6ssj2r-6oiegx-813ht6
Thanks to you all for making your images available on CC Attribution.
What I Do On School Visits by Candy GourlayCandy Gourlay
What schools can expect from a visit from children's author Candy Gourlay. Please get in touch via the contact form on Candy's website www.candygourlay.com
What would a Netflix for books be like? There are booky start-ups that have adopted Netflix's subscription based all-you-can-consume model but what interests me is the power of its recommendation and search - and its potential to save sectors of the book industry under pressure from the mighty Amazon. This is just a fantasy. What if ... what if ... Here's the blog post this slideshare appeared in: http://www.notesfromtheslushpile.com/2014/01/what-if-there-was-netflix-for-books.html
Thinking Outside the Book: Great Ideas for book-based teachingCandy Gourlay
I recently visited Ellis Guilford School where Year Seven students have been reading my book, TALL STORY as part of the Learn-to-Learn Programme. The objective is to develop not just literacy but a love for reading by exploring the book via different themes. I was amazed by the work that they produced and the energy and imagination of the children and the staff. Thank you so much for reading Tall Story. I learned a lot from you all!
Seminar: How to Build An Effective Online PresenceCandy Gourlay
This one-day seminar teaches freelancers and independent professionals how to build an effective online presence. The seminar covers how to create a global, integrated, and strategic web presence using free and affordable tools. It also discusses how to maximize social media effectiveness through infographics, slideshares, and video. The seminar is presented by Candy Gourlay, an award-winning author and web designer, and will provide step-by-step demonstrations on domains, hosting, websites, search engine optimization, and integrating social media.
A Discussion Guide for Tall Story by Candy GourlayCandy Gourlay
The document provides a discussion guide for the book "Tall Story" by Candy Gourlay. It introduces the main characters of Bernardo, who grows up in the Philippines and suffers from gigantism, and his sister Andi, who is short but talented at basketball. It explores their cultural differences growing up in the Philippines and London, respectively, and how that influences them. It prompts questions about how people might react to someone different like Bernardo and how the cultural differences impact their relationship. The story alternates perspectives between Bernardo and Andi and incorporates Filipino legends. It recommends some other books with similar themes of being different.
Words & Pictures - rebooting on 25 March 2013Candy Gourlay
This document outlines the evolution of Words & Pictures, a newsletter that began in 1996 and transformed over time, moving from print to online formats. Most recently, in 2013 the newsletter rebranded and relaunched its website as www.wordsandpics.org, encouraging readers to get involved.
Benjamin Scott received an Outstanding Contribution Award. Helen Peters was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize and Dave Cousins was shortlisted for the Branford Boase award and nominated for the Carnegie Medal. Teri Terry was also shortlisted for the Branford Boase award and nominated for the Carnegie Medal.
ONE NIGHT STAND OR PARTNERS FOR LIFE? The State of the (Children's Book) NationCandy Gourlay
Every year the Society of Chldren's Book Writers and Illustrators in the British Isles stages a panel focused on gauging the State of the Nation - the children's book industry. This year I was honoured to compere the panel at our yearly conference in Winchester.
It seems the Children's Book Nation has become a world of huge commercial debuts. But are we kidding ourselves? Will publishers continue to support the authors if the books do not succeed as wildly as they hope? The bottom line features largely in decision making - no longer can an author or artist expect nurturing from their publishers and editors, in the name of enriching literature and culture. And this is the year libraries and booksellers are under siege as never before. The dominance of Amazon threatens the structures that hold up our book culture. What to do? What does the future hold?
Hodder Senior Commissioning Editor Beverley Birch
Waterstone's Children's New Titles Buyer Melissa Cox
Carnegie Panel member and Chair of Youth Library Group Matt Imrie
Literary agent Claire Wilson from Rogers, Coleridge and White
US Author and founder of SCBWI Lin Oliver
Compere: Candy Gourlay, author of Tall Story
Thanks to Digital Book World and artists who created Penguin/Random House Logos
Thanks to photographers of UK Library Closures and Demonstrations
Quotes from Nathan Bransford, Sara Odedina, Chris Riddell, Rachelle Gardner, Marjorie Scardino and the New York Times. Screen grab from The Guardian article by Alison Flood
International Day of the Girl at the South Bank Centre 2012Candy Gourlay
I took part in the Speed Mentoring Event for International Day of the Girl at the South Bank Centre on 11 October 2012. Women from all sectors convened to meet and mentor girls from schools all over London. I came as a mentor and left an advocate. Here is my blog post about the day http://www.candygourlay.com/2012/10/international-day-of-girl.html
A photo report on the SLA School Librarian of the Year Award Ceremony at Dexter House, Tower Hill, London, 1 October 2012. The award was won by Adam Lancaster of Monk's Walk School in Welwyn Garden City.
Also awarded was the School Library Design Award, on its second year. Winner was The Duston School in Northampton. The school library, known as "The Hub" was praised by the judges for giving students "ownership of their own space and their own place. Funky furnishings, a bold colour scheme, creative space planning, natural and artificial lighting, effective acoustics and ever changing, motivating signage and graphics make The Hub a destination like no other."
Kevin Crossley Holland, author and chair of the SLA, in praising the finalists for the awards said: "Make no mistake about it! School libraries and school librarians are under real pressure C political apathy, cuts in their budgets, threats of redundancy, status within their schools. But all over the country, individual librarians are doing imaginative and valiant and, frankly, quite crucial work, inspiring a love of reading within their schools and communities. They¨re not only custodians of the storyhoard, the river of poems and the building blocks of information but brokers of the relationship between books as physical artefacts and the Digital Age. Now, the very best of them have been shortlisted to be the SLA School Librarian of the Year. It¨s an award that matters, and it should be recognised by each and every one of us. ̄
Sponsored by Scholastic Children's Books, Raintree Publishing, and Demco Interiors.
Photographs/Report by Candy Gourlay www.candygourlay.com
State of Mic (SOM) is a creative production company established in 2007 in Gambia, West Africa to provide audiovisual education and media training. SOM has trained over 40 Gambian media professionals who now work for companies like Africell and Qcell or as freelancers. As a result of its training, SOM has produced several media programs for Gambian television covering topics like entertainment, culture, and traditions. SOM's future aims are to continue raising standards of multimedia production in Gambia through promoting freedom of expression and creating cultural and historical productions to deliver high quality Gambian and West African media content.
Flyer prepared by the ASU Small Business and Technology Development Center for Arkansas Sales and Use Tax workshop to be held in Jonesboro, AR Tuesday, April 9th at the ASU Delta Center. Instructors are sales tax professionals from Arkansas Tax Associates.
This document lists over 375 high page rank directory sites that could be submitted to in order to gain backlinks. The list includes a variety of general and niche directory sites across many top level domains.
This certificate recognizes Team Hexponent for their excellence and dedication as finalists in the Unilever Overall Opinion Score Prediction Challenge. It was presented to Sriram Sampathraman of Team Hexponent by Daryl Arnold, CEO of Newton Circus, Samantha Fok of Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, and Vijay Raj, VP of CMI Research Innovation at Unilever.
This is a Photo Story about the Portsmouth Literary Quiz of 28 January 2016. It was held at Fratton Park for Year 7s and 8s of Portsmouth. Featured authors were Ali Sparkes (Carjacked), Jamie Thomson (Dark Lord: Teenage Years), Jeff Norton (Metawars) and me, Candy Gourlay (Shine). Our books were part of the quiz -- hilariously we were not very good at answering multiple choice questions about our own books! Much fun was had by all - congratulations to the amazing school children who participated. Thanks to Peter Bone, School Library Service Manager of Portsmouth, Colin Telford of the Hayling Island Bookshop, and the teachers and librarians who made the day work like clockwork! http://www.candygourlay.com/2016/03/portsmouth-lit-quiz-2016.html
Photos by Candy Gourlay (unless otherwise indicated)
Candy Gourlay's Teaching Resources: SHINE - Is the Calm real?Candy Gourlay
This is a teaching resource for SHINE, a teen novel by Candy Gourlay. In Shine, the heroine Rosa suffers from a condition called the Calm and must hide in a tower because of the stigma. This resource begins a discussion of whether the Calm is a real medical condition then goes on to encourage reflection on maladiess that suffer from stigma and the state of being 'Other'.
A Comic: An Affair to Almost Remember by Candy GourlayCandy Gourlay
This was my final project for Graphic Novel 1, taught by Emily Haworth Booth at the Prince's Drawing School. I wanted to tell the story of how I met my husband during the 1986 People Power Revolution but how memory (and my excitable storytelling) has added a lot of colour to the story. By story I mean the part where I met my husband. The revolution itself was pretty much as exciting as it sounds. This is my first completed comic story (thought I've done a lot of strip comics before). Storytelling through sequential art is a fantastic challenge. I loved it.
Discussion Guide: Shine by Candy GourlayCandy Gourlay
Hello readers! I created this discussion guide for readers of SHINE, my young adult / teen novel. I hope teachers, librarians and readers of my book will find it useful. You can let me know what you think by messaging me on the contact form of my website http://candygourlay.com. If you have suggestions for more reference materials for SHINE, I would love to hear from you! (Watch out for the Philippine edition of Shine, out in September 2014)
Candy Gourlay
With thanks to:
David Dean for the rain background art on the slides. David also created the cover art for Shine.
Nasser Alzhrani for his photo of a boy in silhouette https://www.flickr.com/photos/n9oori/5720095485/
Amancay Maahs for her photo of a keyboard https://www.flickr.com/photos/amanky/2219631791/in/photolist-4YmVRS-4o9ccD-51snbC-5KRQqA-6zSGuF-5z1A7y
James Blann for his photo of rain lashed Aberystwyth https://www.flickr.com/photos/meblob/2327687240/in/set-72157605196444233
Premnath Thirumalaisamy for his photo of light streaming through an open door https://www.flickr.com/photos/premnath/8074766295/in/photolist-6VgLWc-biWysF-7WuZNd-4zz4mL-cRCVYs-ewQ9DL-8zqLbn-dQVDLs-2sA5yQ-74PBgm-bQkHbv-821cbU-9vY7so-4xKQ2K-6eThju-5tWu3y-a7DC6C-jAHzeE-dWpsLF-dixhGx-b1naNM-6v2sSa-6jY7Le-9mcFii-mNbLn-dSvntQ-6SF22c-c2zEqo-69DwHL-9KxQjj-9ami2w-3Z7cA-cADP2U-7J9Yw-gYD58d-eLKE4-cqBQLW-cqBhgW-6dAeqx-ft2y4m-bD2RWD-Q5i9u-kRZGvo-afniEU-cEfoYd-58FMiU-6swv6S-6ssj2r-6oiegx-813ht6
Thanks to you all for making your images available on CC Attribution.
What I Do On School Visits by Candy GourlayCandy Gourlay
What schools can expect from a visit from children's author Candy Gourlay. Please get in touch via the contact form on Candy's website www.candygourlay.com
What would a Netflix for books be like? There are booky start-ups that have adopted Netflix's subscription based all-you-can-consume model but what interests me is the power of its recommendation and search - and its potential to save sectors of the book industry under pressure from the mighty Amazon. This is just a fantasy. What if ... what if ... Here's the blog post this slideshare appeared in: http://www.notesfromtheslushpile.com/2014/01/what-if-there-was-netflix-for-books.html
Thinking Outside the Book: Great Ideas for book-based teachingCandy Gourlay
I recently visited Ellis Guilford School where Year Seven students have been reading my book, TALL STORY as part of the Learn-to-Learn Programme. The objective is to develop not just literacy but a love for reading by exploring the book via different themes. I was amazed by the work that they produced and the energy and imagination of the children and the staff. Thank you so much for reading Tall Story. I learned a lot from you all!
Seminar: How to Build An Effective Online PresenceCandy Gourlay
This one-day seminar teaches freelancers and independent professionals how to build an effective online presence. The seminar covers how to create a global, integrated, and strategic web presence using free and affordable tools. It also discusses how to maximize social media effectiveness through infographics, slideshares, and video. The seminar is presented by Candy Gourlay, an award-winning author and web designer, and will provide step-by-step demonstrations on domains, hosting, websites, search engine optimization, and integrating social media.
A Discussion Guide for Tall Story by Candy GourlayCandy Gourlay
The document provides a discussion guide for the book "Tall Story" by Candy Gourlay. It introduces the main characters of Bernardo, who grows up in the Philippines and suffers from gigantism, and his sister Andi, who is short but talented at basketball. It explores their cultural differences growing up in the Philippines and London, respectively, and how that influences them. It prompts questions about how people might react to someone different like Bernardo and how the cultural differences impact their relationship. The story alternates perspectives between Bernardo and Andi and incorporates Filipino legends. It recommends some other books with similar themes of being different.
Words & Pictures - rebooting on 25 March 2013Candy Gourlay
This document outlines the evolution of Words & Pictures, a newsletter that began in 1996 and transformed over time, moving from print to online formats. Most recently, in 2013 the newsletter rebranded and relaunched its website as www.wordsandpics.org, encouraging readers to get involved.
Benjamin Scott received an Outstanding Contribution Award. Helen Peters was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize and Dave Cousins was shortlisted for the Branford Boase award and nominated for the Carnegie Medal. Teri Terry was also shortlisted for the Branford Boase award and nominated for the Carnegie Medal.
ONE NIGHT STAND OR PARTNERS FOR LIFE? The State of the (Children's Book) NationCandy Gourlay
Every year the Society of Chldren's Book Writers and Illustrators in the British Isles stages a panel focused on gauging the State of the Nation - the children's book industry. This year I was honoured to compere the panel at our yearly conference in Winchester.
It seems the Children's Book Nation has become a world of huge commercial debuts. But are we kidding ourselves? Will publishers continue to support the authors if the books do not succeed as wildly as they hope? The bottom line features largely in decision making - no longer can an author or artist expect nurturing from their publishers and editors, in the name of enriching literature and culture. And this is the year libraries and booksellers are under siege as never before. The dominance of Amazon threatens the structures that hold up our book culture. What to do? What does the future hold?
Hodder Senior Commissioning Editor Beverley Birch
Waterstone's Children's New Titles Buyer Melissa Cox
Carnegie Panel member and Chair of Youth Library Group Matt Imrie
Literary agent Claire Wilson from Rogers, Coleridge and White
US Author and founder of SCBWI Lin Oliver
Compere: Candy Gourlay, author of Tall Story
Thanks to Digital Book World and artists who created Penguin/Random House Logos
Thanks to photographers of UK Library Closures and Demonstrations
Quotes from Nathan Bransford, Sara Odedina, Chris Riddell, Rachelle Gardner, Marjorie Scardino and the New York Times. Screen grab from The Guardian article by Alison Flood
International Day of the Girl at the South Bank Centre 2012Candy Gourlay
I took part in the Speed Mentoring Event for International Day of the Girl at the South Bank Centre on 11 October 2012. Women from all sectors convened to meet and mentor girls from schools all over London. I came as a mentor and left an advocate. Here is my blog post about the day http://www.candygourlay.com/2012/10/international-day-of-girl.html
A photo report on the SLA School Librarian of the Year Award Ceremony at Dexter House, Tower Hill, London, 1 October 2012. The award was won by Adam Lancaster of Monk's Walk School in Welwyn Garden City.
Also awarded was the School Library Design Award, on its second year. Winner was The Duston School in Northampton. The school library, known as "The Hub" was praised by the judges for giving students "ownership of their own space and their own place. Funky furnishings, a bold colour scheme, creative space planning, natural and artificial lighting, effective acoustics and ever changing, motivating signage and graphics make The Hub a destination like no other."
Kevin Crossley Holland, author and chair of the SLA, in praising the finalists for the awards said: "Make no mistake about it! School libraries and school librarians are under real pressure C political apathy, cuts in their budgets, threats of redundancy, status within their schools. But all over the country, individual librarians are doing imaginative and valiant and, frankly, quite crucial work, inspiring a love of reading within their schools and communities. They¨re not only custodians of the storyhoard, the river of poems and the building blocks of information but brokers of the relationship between books as physical artefacts and the Digital Age. Now, the very best of them have been shortlisted to be the SLA School Librarian of the Year. It¨s an award that matters, and it should be recognised by each and every one of us. ̄
Sponsored by Scholastic Children's Books, Raintree Publishing, and Demco Interiors.
Photographs/Report by Candy Gourlay www.candygourlay.com