Aquest treball ens presenta una mera informació sobre el que son les xarxes socials i per a que serveixen. Espere que us ajude per a saber un poc més sobre aquest tema.
The first mission of Venus Colombiana was to commercialize in Colombia the products that Plasticaucho Industrial S.A produced in Ecuador.
Nowadays, the company commercializes and produces most of the products for the Plasticaucho Group who recently changed its trading name to Plasticaucho Colombia, seeking greater alignment with the other corporate companies.
For over 80 years growing Latin American families have put their trust in Plasticaucho and all their brands. Their solid background and growing manufacturing capabilities has allowed them the opportunity to search for new horizons... The U.S. market! Plasticaucho came to XDS Marketing to create a collaborative partnership for the development of their new brand SKEEPER.
SKEEPER comes to our company as a brand without history, without a surname .... without positioning. Just as a name.
By its name and impact, a project was born. The intent, to develop a children’s brand with an international profile for the United States market. XDS Marketing took the lead role in developing its brand concept, identity, image, logo, structure, and product collections to name a few. Our ongoing efforts to create and develop a brand that is picture perfect and ready for the U.S. market has been our goal since the initiation of this project.
This brand creates a new story for Plasticaucho Colombia and we welcome you to join us in this exciting journey as we launch SKEEPER in 2015.
Aquest treball ens presenta una mera informació sobre el que son les xarxes socials i per a que serveixen. Espere que us ajude per a saber un poc més sobre aquest tema.
The first mission of Venus Colombiana was to commercialize in Colombia the products that Plasticaucho Industrial S.A produced in Ecuador.
Nowadays, the company commercializes and produces most of the products for the Plasticaucho Group who recently changed its trading name to Plasticaucho Colombia, seeking greater alignment with the other corporate companies.
For over 80 years growing Latin American families have put their trust in Plasticaucho and all their brands. Their solid background and growing manufacturing capabilities has allowed them the opportunity to search for new horizons... The U.S. market! Plasticaucho came to XDS Marketing to create a collaborative partnership for the development of their new brand SKEEPER.
SKEEPER comes to our company as a brand without history, without a surname .... without positioning. Just as a name.
By its name and impact, a project was born. The intent, to develop a children’s brand with an international profile for the United States market. XDS Marketing took the lead role in developing its brand concept, identity, image, logo, structure, and product collections to name a few. Our ongoing efforts to create and develop a brand that is picture perfect and ready for the U.S. market has been our goal since the initiation of this project.
This brand creates a new story for Plasticaucho Colombia and we welcome you to join us in this exciting journey as we launch SKEEPER in 2015.
Appscore Presentation at the Napa App Retreat 2013 - appbackrappbackr
The document discusses Appbackr's appscore algorithm which analyzes apps and assigns them a success score (SSa) based on various features. It compares the SSa to a market success score (SSm) based on industry metrics like downloads and revenue. The algorithm is constantly improved using millions of data points over time. Appbackr believes its algorithm can help app stores and platforms effectively curate and recruit high quality apps.
This document summarizes a company's compensation plan. It outlines various commission structures including PowerStart commissions paid on new distributors' initial orders, uni-level commissions paid monthly, and bonuses for meeting sales and sponsorship requirements to reach different distributor ranks from Representative to X1. Requirements include personal and group sales volumes as well as sponsoring other distributors. The plan provides commission percentages paid to upline sponsors for initial orders and details two payment structures for PowerStart commissions.
The document discusses alternative financing options when a bank denies a loan. It compares secured financing, which requires collateral, to unsecured financing. It then outlines specific secured financing options like accounts receivable financing, inventory financing, equipment financing, and real estate financing. It also discusses unsecured options like cash reserves or CDs. The document provides criteria for qualifying for different outside the box financing options like factoring, asset-based lending, collateral lenders, equipment leasing, and secured debt instruments. It provides brief descriptions of each option.
The document discusses opportunities presented by women, baby boomers, and seniors as consumer groups. It notes the enormous spending power and influence of women in particular, who control over half of total wealth and make the majority of consumer purchases. It emphasizes that this is not just a program but a huge strategic opportunity and cultural change for companies that fail to recognize and cater to these groups.
Mariela Hernandez
Phone- 502-4145-8992
Xela AID
PO Box 2924
Xela, Guatemala
Facebook: XelaAID
Instagram: @xelaaid
XamáCka AsociacióN Juvenil (Irene, Lidia, Engracia Y Lauraciudadania0910
Xamácka es una asociación juvenil en un pueblo que organiza campamentos, actividades y eventos para ni?os de 3 a 18 a?os, como teatros y mercadillos, para proporcionar entretenimiento y educar a través de valores. La asociación está dirigida por Jonathan Jiménez y Antonia Isabel Fernández y tiene entre 30 y 40 socios.
Este documento describe un proyecto de colaboración entre más de 3,000 estudiantes de la región de Garraf en Barcelona para crear 25 historias colectivas. Cada historia fue trabajada por cinco grupos de estudiantes de manera secuencial, donde un grupo iniciaba la historia y luego otro la continuaba, con el objetivo de fomentar la lectura, la creatividad y la colaboración entre los estudiantes a través de la plataforma Wikispaces.
The document discusses nth roots of unity. It states that the solutions to equations of the form zn = ±1 are the nth roots of unity. When placed on an Argand diagram, they form a regular n-sided polygon with vertices on the unit circle. It provides an example of the 5th roots of unity for the equation z5 = 1. The solutions are expressed as cis(2πk/5) for k = 0, ±1, ±2. It also shows that if ω is a root of z5 - 1 = 0, then ω2, ω3, ω4, and ω5 are also roots.
2. Què és una xarxa social
● Una xarxa social és una estructura social
composta per individus (o organitzacions) que
estan lligats (connectats) per un o més tipus
d'interdependència com ara amistat, parentesc,
interessos comuns, intercanvis financers,
relacions sexuals, creences, coneixements o
3. característiques
● Permet intercanviar activitats, interessos,
● Afavoreix la participacio y el treball
col·laboratius entre les persones
● Es comparteixen recursos virtuals
● Permet emmagatzemar i descarregar fotos,
videos adreces,musica..
5. avantatges
● Beneficis psicosocils que proporciona la
vinculacio de xarxes socials: trenca a?llament
de moltes persones.
● Permet l’establiment de relacions amb
persones que comparteixen els mateixos
interessos, preocupacions i necesitats
● Moviments massius de solidaritat
6. inconvenients
● La invasio de privacitat es un gran problema
que es presenta en les xarxes socials
● Les xarxes socials tambe tenen un gran
incovenient, i es que són molt vulnerables a
softwares maliciosos
● La quantitat de misstgeria SPAM que s’arriba a
rebre en les xarxes socials
7. inconvenients
● La invasio de privacitat es un gran problema
que es presenta en les xarxes socials
● Les xarxes socials tambe tenen un gran
incovenient, i es que són molt vulnerables a
softwares maliciosos
● La quantitat de misstgeria SPAM que s’arriba a
rebre en les xarxes socials